Sony PlayStation 3

Still having no luck Dags?

Interesting news out today though. PS3 Trophies (achievements) are coming - rumoured to be in the 2.4 update in June(ish).

These will be a 2D trophy (and score) feature added to XMB and the first game to support them looks to be PixelJunk Eden.

Be a massive step into 360s territory if done right and could be something that tips alot of 360 GamerScoreWhores to the PS3...

Hmmmm.... cool!

Still looking. I need one for £220 which leaves me with £160, enough to buy Rock Band from Scan for £158 :)

Saying that, HUKD hasn't got a code for free delivery and the delivery added on comes to £169.22 :(
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its worth the extra mate - best 'game' as a whole package I've ever experienced.

If you like that kind of thing too - then Singstar is great too. Got the PS3 version on Saturday and I'm totally addicted! Spent £20 extra in the SingStore already :(
Haven't got the extra to spend unfortunately :(

I'll keep my eyes peeled but finding Rock Band is difficult. AVF doesn't have any and not many on eBay either.
Jack i never knew you had a ps3. what games u got on it mate?
Rock Band, Everybody's Golf, GT5 Prologue, Loco Roco Cocorecho.

If you like that kind of thing too - then Singstar is great too. Got the PS3 version on Saturday and I'm totally addicted! Spent £20 extra in the SingStore already :(
I went to my local newsagents this week to put £20 on one of those disposable credit cards that you can use on the US store, purely for new Rock Band songs - the missus and/or the nephew are on it every weekend.

Anyway, the bint couldn't even understand me, never mind the fucking Paypoint machine. She was asking me if I knew how you put money on it for God's sake!

She said "you want £20 yes, that's £23, £3 for card", I said "yeah that's great". Ten minutes later she's served everyone else in the shop, possibly everyone else in the fucking street, while I'm sitting there staring out the window like a tit and thinking "maybe I should end it all in this shop, slit wrists, blood flying everywhere", and she interrupts this daydream with "okay you want £18, it's £3 for card, that's £21".

I knew that whatever I said was going to be misinterpreted anyway so I just said, "yeah, whatever". Five minutes later she's pressed every button on the machine and she says "£15 on card, £18 please"!!!!!

So I thought, stuff it, Rock Band is a great game. I went to a different shop and had £15 put on another card. Took the guy ten minutes to figure out how to use the machine but at least I don't have to put myself through it again for another month or two.

But out of £30 total ($60, only $55 of which could be put into the wallet, because of exchange rate fluctuations I presume), I've only left myself with £5 ($10). The songs are so cheap, especially compared to what they will cost in the UK I bet. It's easy to get carried away.
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Haven't got the extra to spend unfortunately :(

I'll keep my eyes peeled but finding Rock Band is difficult. AVF doesn't have any and not many on eBay either.

Even with the GH's you've got left to sell etc..? They should shift no probs on ebay...
Yep. I got £190 for my console and the other bits and bobs sell for the extra money.

Can't be bothered even attempting to package GH up so I'll take it to CEX and get £48 for it (£32 for the GH bundle and £16 for the GH 3 Solus). Only gonna get £9 cash for the official wireless controller too, £5 for the official VGA cable. So if anybody near Liverpool wants to offer me a little bit more for them, I'll be happy to sell to them ;))
Going back to Achievements i dont see the point in em

I just play the game and try to finish it and dont go looking for achievements they just come about when im playing
The European Playstation Store has updated and the following has been added:-


Command on Conquer Red Alert (PS1 game for PS3/PSP)
Dark Mist
WipeEout Pure (PSP)


Overlord Demo


Everybody's Golf Characters
Pixeljunk Monsters Encore


Brothers in Arms trailer
Burnout Paradise trailer


The Eye Of Judgement


5 Overlord wallpapers
Cheers for the message, Jonney :)

Just found out I get free delivery from Scan for being an AVForums member :DANCE:
The European Playstation Store has updated and the following has been added:-


Command on Conquer Red Alert (PS1 game for PS3/PSP)
Dark Mist
WipeEout Pure (PSP)


Overlord Demo


Everybody's Golf Characters
Pixeljunk Monsters Encore


Brothers in Arms trailer
Burnout Paradise trailer


The Eye Of Judgement


5 Overlord wallpapers

Yuk :( Any news on the US Store? And SINGSTAR SONGS!!!! :LOL:
I have to say since selling my XBOX and putting all my eggs into the PS3 basket I am 100% sure I did the right thing.

I hate Achievements, and the whole mentality of getting them.

Yhe PS3 is clean slick, and you don't have that constant fear of Red rings hanging over you, after long periods of play.
Just been offered Rock Band for £140 and they live 40 miles away from me so I can pick it up :D
wow awesome stuff!

No idea about tha US store - ive totally forgotten my usa login details so i cant check --- anyone know any way of finding out what they where?

I cant even remember the email i used to login - doh
Nah, wanna try again sometime really as it kept saying 'Cannot Connect to Session' - might go on RB later tonight and see if it works after the recent patches etc.
I always assumed it was me with the problem Paul but I played Radiation flawlessly and other people as well. I think we narrowed it down to being a HomeHub thing because Grim was having similar problems? Or something. I forget.
Talking about dodgy machines from before, I've had a total of 6 PS2s due to dodgy lasers. My 360 has only RROD once, and I'm still using that once since launch day. *touch wood*. So I think its down to luck and how you use your product.
It is luck of the draw when you get your console definitely, but the failure rate is astonishing really. I know people locally with 360s, I've had 3, the others have had 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1 and 2. So I'm in the minority.
PS3 horizontal, on wood, with radiator behind it which is dodgy but nowhere else to put it. 360 vertical, on wood, with curtain behind it which I'm sure doesn't help with dust but again, nowhere else to put it.
I keep on planning to make some "legs" for my 360 to stand on to increase airflow, I'll do it one day. It is currently on my TV stand which is plastic.
I had the 360 on a wooden table with the wall about 2-3 inches away behind it - it was also about 2 inches away either side from the tv and stereo.

The ps3 is horizontally sat on a glass tv cabinet with the wii next to it - loads of space around it to breath
Mine is on a small peice of wood and its on the floor, I need to buy a proper TV stand.

Further PS3 YouTube Support Possible -- Sony
Future games could let you upload gameplay videos directly to YouTube.


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Sounds good :) shame you cant upload anything at times, i scored a goal on FIFA last night yet it wouldnt let me upload it? do you need to be logged in your EAsportsworld account for it to work?
RROD's aint an issue with the newer consoles anyway

people have only have 5,6,7 repairs because there getting old refrubs back
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