Sony PlayStation 3

" However, Tanaka also stressed that MGS4 certainly won't be the last of Konami's big projects on the PS3. "We believe that the PlayStation 3 still has some undiscovered capabilities, and there's still many points where we can be more clever to take its full advantage," he teased. "We will continue to create more good products in the future."

Konami President
The journey to becoming a ps3 fan

Hi, I will put my thoughts in this wonderful thread. On May 06 I bought an Xbox 360 with ghost recon 1 after a couple of days playing it, it began to freeze randomly.

A couple of months past and I bough the saints row game. After playing that for a while. Fast forward to around feb/march of 07 and the game just didn’t work anymore. As soon as i load the actual game, it froze after a minute of gameplay ALL the time.

Note that all the above are warning signs of things to come: read below.
After buying forza 2, as soon as i put it in my 360 BAM 3 rrod for the first time(note when i say first time). I sent it back to MS and it took then 5 yes 5 weeks to send it back to me. So now i have a refurb and after i applied the spring update BAM 3 rrod AGAIN! Now fast forward another 5-6 weeks i receive yet another refurb(around July the time now) and as soon, and i repeat as soon as i switch it on BAM again 3 rrod.

I send it back again, got a free game and a free controller for compensation and waited another 5-6 weeks. I got it back in time for a big party I was hosting in September. Guess what? It worked wonders. Would I say that two weeks later after receiving it? Nope 3 rrod again LOL. Another 4-5 weeks past and its now October and whoa they send me actually fixed the refurb they sent me in September so let’s fast forward to 2 weeks ago when gta just came out. Guess what lads. Another 3 rrod LOL.

Have you counted how many times it’s messed up? I lost count at this stage but I think it’s between 4 and 5 times.
That is why as soon as I went out shopping I bought a brand new ps3 with gta4 and I am now a happy camper. I really wasn’t planning too but I got one anyway and after 2 weeks of playing it, I ask myself this question “why didn’t I get this instead of a 360?”

Besides Xbox live, the ps3 imo is better than the 360. It is more reliable, ALOT quieter , free online play blue ray, upgradable hdd that doesn’t void warranty, folding at home and teh ability to install Linux in it plus lots of exclusive games coming out this year shuch has MGS4, little big planet, socom, etc

No1 in their right mind would blame me for ditching the 360 and this story I just told you could happen to you. You got maybe a 30% chance of this happening to you and that’s a big figure. Half of my friends have had their 360’s die at least once and if you check my gamertag on LIVE I have over 40 mates there.
Jonney and Paul have been approached by the BBC to record a sitcom aimed at "The IT Crowd" audience - Laggy and Fanboy. ;) :lol:
cant blame me jack. almost anyone who went through the crap i went with the 360 would be the same including you jacko
You're not alone...

I had a launch 360 and it froze up a few times on the blade menus as i went from one to another but other than that it worked perfectly up until about 8 months later. Then it started to lock up a lot and i mean a lot... in some cases id barely get the console turned on and it would lock on the 360 logo

Took it to gamestation and they swapped it for a new console - that lasted a few months and then started locking up a lot - swapped that and a few months later it gave me the 3RLOD - swapped that and had locking up and the console powering itself down for no reason 2 days later --- Took that into the store and the manager ended up asking me if id like an elite as a replacement.

I asked if i traded in my 360 games how much would i get - we worked out i had enough to get a PS3, some games and an extra joypad so i bought that.

I loved the 360's games, in game chat, online store content and as you can tell from my gamerscore of 19281 i played on it a shit load --- But the SOLE reason i left it behind happily was because the 360 console kept crashing - if M$ had given us a console that hardly ever crashed like the first xbox i never ever would have got a PS3... not at least until the prices came right down.

It was such a huge relief to turn the PS3 on the day i got it and just play the hell out of it all day and all night long and not be in constant fear of it locking up and red lighting.
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Fed up of fanboy arguments, as is Holio who has had to intervene about three times in a month now, so all I'll say is that everybody's looking for different things from a console, and so some people would be fine with a console breaking down every now and then (unless you're really unlucky and it's happening every other week) if it plays the games they want.
well its not a fanboy argument. im just giving u a little insight on the shit i have been through jack. if i was such a loyfal fanboy why did i buy a ps3 then? why diddnt i stick with the 360?

the best person to ask about each console is a person like me who has actualy played on both machines. whats wrong with comparing? where not arguing here where just comparing the two in a adult manner way. forums are meant to be about discussions right?
well its not a fanboy argument. im just giving u a little insight on the shit i have been through jack. if i was such a loyfal fanboy why did i buy a ps3 then? why diddnt i stick with the 360?

the best person to ask about each console is a person like me who has actualy played on both machines. whats wrong with comparing? where not arguing here where just comparing the two in a adult manner way. forums are meant to be about discussions right?

I agree, nobody is acting like a fanboy here, people are just stating their reasons why they prefer their specific console(s).
well its not a fanboy argument. im just giving u a little insight on the shit i have been through jack. if i was such a loyfal fanboy why did i buy a ps3 then? why diddnt i stick with the 360?
I wasn't suggesting anything, I was just saying that I don't want to put my point of view forward because it will start something. I'd rather keep my gob shut and carry on playing what I want to play than say why and start off a war all over again.
My PS3 is my 4th Sony console and I have never had a problem with ANY of them. Sony build excellent consoles. FACT.

Except for the PS1 with its dodgy laser that you either had to get repaired or flip the console upside down to force it to drop closer to the disc to read it

and the ps2 with its share of problems
but nothing like the 360 problems. every console is not 100% error free. some will mess up but when over 30% of 360's fail, that truely is unacceptable
Oh no - I've never heard of anything as bad as the 360 had - but i was just saying that sony haven't created flawless machines.
Except for the PS1 with its dodgy laser that you either had to get repaired or flip the console upside down to force it to drop closer to the disc to read it

and the ps2 with its share of problems

I seriously never had ANY problems with my PS2 but yes I remember having to play my PS1 upside down on a few occassions! You got me there! I had forgotten about that!
I had to get three PS2s within three years because of the laser getting knackered - but we all know why. We were all playing patched PES games and WE games, meaning CDRs\DVDRs, meaning the laser having to strain a bit more than usual. Plus now we can load data onto hard drives meaning less disc access, which helps.

The 360s have no such excuse, they are just poorly put together. But I don't mind, I'm playing the games that I want to play and I've got a three year warranty courtesy of MS. When that runs out and the 360 dies then fair enough, I probably wouldn't get another.
I'm loving the console-war truce thats sitting uneasily on here now. Feels a much less stressful place to visit :LOL:

Spot on JB, think most of us caned out PS1/PS2s with CDRs!!

My Dreamcast is the same, the laser is proper fried now. What sort of hardware company releases a console with no copy protection :D

Yea, lets stop hating on M$ and $ony and bash SEGA!!!! IDIOTS THEY ARE!!!
I never had any issues with my PS1 or PS2, hope the same from the PS3, its clearly where Microsoft have messed up, they could have really damaged the PS3 if the 360 was built properly, no doubt i would have got a 360 if that was the case. Im not one for getting a console and "hoping" it doesnt break down and then being cool about replacing 3 or 4 times, id rather buy something which is going to last and not need to be worried whether its going to crash or RROD. the next microsoft console can be a winner if they make it properly until then Sony will be the top dogs of gaming.:)
I can see the next xbox beating the next playstation if they do everything right

There's just no way they'll let another thing like this happen and i can see them releasing a new console before sony release a PS4 so they'll not only have the head start again but hopefully a solid console

But thats years away
it depends really, Sony know have a chance to see if Home will work know etc and all other features, the point is if the 360 was built properly Sony wouldnt have had the chance to release these since most people would have already be happy with their 360's.
I think the future of the next-next gen consoles will be content. Not only games, but features like a good solid online service, things like digital tv put through your console, video and games on demand and stuff like that, because hardware-wise, the war will be very very close.
2.35 update is out - it "This is a relatively minor update to improve stability of some PS3 titles." - with some i guess being mainly GTA4
Nope, you need to convert the file to VOB's apparantly. The audio needs to be AC3 as well as the PS3 doesn't like DTS (so I'm told).
Still having no luck Dags?

Interesting news out today though. PS3 Trophies (achievements) are coming - rumoured to be in the 2.4 update in June(ish).

These will be a 2D trophy (and score) feature added to XMB and the first game to support them looks to be PixelJunk Eden.

Be a massive step into 360s territory if done right and could be something that tips alot of 360 GamerScoreWhores to the PS3...

Hmmmm.... cool!
Hmmm i liked achievements for a long time but when i came over to the PS3 i was glad to be rid of them --- they forced me to play games on harder difficulties and aim for unattainable goals.

In the beginning they were fine - complete the game on easy/medium/hard - do this do that.

Then they decided to become stupid and have 'win 1000 online ranked games' 'defeat a developer' 'complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting without losing a life or saving' - And i'd end up finding myself not wanting to play for fun anymore but play for the achievements.

So lets say in GTA you have a 'run 10000 miles' achievement - usually id take a cab and enjoy it and keep playing... but if i wanted the achievement id end up boringly running everywhere.

That's my own fault for choosing to do that i know - but thats the only way you'd get that achievement and a lot of people love finishing a game 100% and achievement are just another part of that 100% completion

Another example is you'd get a game and just as you'd go to play it on normal you'd see there were no achievements for completing on normal - only on hard or harder - so not wanting to finish the game on normal and then have no interest in repeating everything again for hard id start the game on hard... get stuck... never complete it and not want to restart everything on normal for just an ending video i could get on youtube

Also achievements mess up the ability to share save files - so if they ever give us a decent PES game with the old editors and transfer ability and so on we would be unable to share that save file with each other as it would be locked to the profile.

I hope sony add them in for fun and keep them fun and steer clear of the 'play the game for 20 days without turning off' style geek achievements.
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I've always loved achievements, not because of the geeky side of it but simply because people can look at your account and see what games you've played, see how far you've got, what rankings you've got up to etc. - plus the gamerscore bit shows if you're casual, hardcore or ultra-never-left-the-house hardcore.

I'd like to be able to look at the guys on my friends list on PSN and see who has played Everybody's Golf, who has played Rock Band etc., so I know who I can invite to what without having to say on here (or send them individual messages), "do you have this game, do you have that game".

I've always loved the achievements, it adds a real sense of - well, achievement! It was a very clever addition by MS I think, it really adds to the addiction of the game, and even when Uncharted featured a cut-down version of them for in-game unlockables it gave me a little extra push to finish the game.

I don't ever go for the full thousand though. I like that it's there, so you can tell how much of a game you've seen and how much you haven't seen, but I'd never finish a game with a full thousand unless it was ridiculously easy or I really loved the game (I almost completed Burnout Revenge with the full thousand but the individual road lap-time bit did my nut).
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