Sony PlayStation 3

...I downloaded the Super Stardust HD add on and I cant see it anywhere in the game.:MAD:

Heard that from a few people...

I can only see about 5% of the game thumbnails too. Typical Sony, will they ever release anything that works first time! They get there in the end, but christ its a nail-pulling journey...
Everything is the same as Singstar except for normal differences.

New Super Stardust HD Modes,

Endless - Play endlessly with random attack waves

Survival - Survive as long as you can in an endless shower of indestructible space probes

Bomber - Armed only with bombs, try to score as many points as you can

Time Attack - Play only one planet as fast as you can

Options -> Audio Options -> Soundtrack

New 'Retro' and 'Custom' soundtracks, with edit custom soundtrack option.

Cant wait to try them out, also the multi player add on better be free!
how much do they charge for repairing it and sending it back?

Who knows what they are doing with it, but to answer your question, as long as your PS3 is under warranty, then all of that will be free. As mentioned though, let's say this is a chronic problem where the PS3 40GB models always poop out by the 4/5th month of use, if this replacement I receive in, who knows how long it will be apparently, again and it's out of warranty, then what will happen? Sony only provides a year warranty, but the replacements are for 90 days only. If you still have a longer warranty from the original period left over, then that takes precedence. Let's say I have to go through two more systems for the same problem with the 4/5 month window, then what?!? That thought just sucks! BAH. I am just hella frustrated, don't mind me.
I've always been able to take the 360 back to the gamestation i bought mine in and they swap there and then for a new one which comes with another year warranty

I'm assuming the ps3 would be the same - that sucks that they don't cover their own replacements for longer than 90 days --- doesn't speak volumes of confidence in their own repairing skills
I'm assuming the ps3 would be the same - that sucks that they don't cover their own replacements for longer than 90 days --- doesn't speak volumes of confidence in their own repairing skills

Exactly what I was thinking.

Regretfully I purchased my system from Best Buy, but they only offer a 30day warranty unless you dished out the extra cash for their extended warranty plans. Who would have thought you would need it when the failure rate was only around one percent at the time and you are getting an updated model (the 40GB model was just being released). Live and learn, or simply, sometimes, you just get the shaft.
The servers are a lot faster now, I downloaded a 330MB HD video from the gametrailers site and it only took 7 minutes.
DL to the HDD, the Super Stardust add on is awesome!
As long as it a WMV file or any other compatible files. I DL podcasts all the time using the browser.

What the hell could this be counting down to?

there is a 60 hour countdown

You can see a red puddle and you can hear and see the rain

Then you hear some voices talking in English


"Err that don't look right!"

"What is that!"

Woman speaks but its too hard to hear clearly

(Noises in the distance - someone shouting/screaming)

"Man... thats some fucked up shit... "

"Shhhh... Quiet they'll .. (i think) hear us"

(Noises in the distance)

"We've got to do something"

(Voices from the distance - sounds like 'Please don't kill me)

"We've got to stop them!"

noises again

"That guys in deep shit, we've got to call the cops"
The new PS Store is very nice to use, only gripe would be the slow loading times for items, you can still see what they are in the info box, but its hard selecting things without being able to see them.
PS3 Siren Game Confirmed Early

Yup, just like we and pretty much everyone else thought, that blood red countdown clock was counting down to a PS3 Siren game. The upcoming issue of Japanese game magazine Famitsu confirms it. Dubbed Siren New Translation, the PLAYSTATION 3 survival horror title is currently 90 percent done and apparently a reworking of the first game. It will go on sale this summer on July 24th, and a demo will be released on April 24th. There's still 45 hours left on the blood red clock. So... Not much of a countdown, huh?

Forbidden Siren eh

I could never take the first 2 seriously with the cockney voice overs

Theres nothing that can ruin a game quite like the image of a frail old japanese lady... stumbling out of her house and then saying 'Eeee Arrrr .. Wot's all this yer yappin about?'

Though thanks to the PS3 i could always import the US version - that's as long as sony USA aren't as crap as sony europe and end up getting a bunch of rednecks to voice the game
Inside PLAYSTATION Network

It has been a while since I last wrote on the blog. I’ve been looking to take the opportunity to talk about PLAYSTATION Network and thought today’s availability of the redesigned PLAYSTATION Store would be the perfect entry point to outline what we have planned for the broader PLAYSTATION Network this year.

First off, we’re excited about the new look and feel of the PLAYSTATION Store. Personally, I’ve been looking forward to this update for a long time as, in my view, the previous PLAYSTATION Store experience wasn’t one that lived up to our brand. But this new UI is much more dynamic and allows us to elegantly display and merchandise a lot more content, which is very important today, but will be critical going forward with so much great new content coming onto the Store. We look forward to hearing your input and reaction now that you’ve gotten your hands on it.

2008 is being called “the year of PlayStation 3” by a lot of press and analysts these days, and for good reason — there’s lots of momentum behind PS3 and we have a ton of great new exclusive games coming. This week’s launch of GT5 Prologue is one great example, and gamers are already in countdown mode for Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, SOCOM, Resistance 2, and on and on. But another big reason 2008 will be a great year for PS3 fans is due to the big things we have in store this year for the PLAYSTATION Network. The PLAYSTATION Store redesign is the first step but it’s only one example. Our primary goal with PLAYSTATION Network is to form an evolving entertainment network where the PlayStation community can gather and discover new forms of entertainment. Some of the key pillars that will make this an experience a success are:

The PlayStation community; Free online gaming; Digital media download services; and Original content Of course, entertainment comes in the form of content, so I’ll dive in and discuss what we are bringing to PLAYSTATION Network that will help us achieve this goal.

One of the most critical elements to PLAYSTATION Network that we’ve focused on since day one is delivering quality games. We’ve always stressed quality over quantity (in other words, fewer arcade remakes and more original content) as well as games that show off PS3’s tech, and games like Everyday Shooter, Super Stardust HD and PixelJunk Monsters are proving that you can get a great experience for $10, or roughly the cost of a movie ticket. What’s equally exciting is what we have planned for you this year..of course one of those titles is available starting today- the world’s best-selling racing franchise, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. We also have coming this May the wildly imaginative puzzle-game echochrome, which frankly is a game I’ve been playing most lately. It’s as good as it looks in all the press you’ve been reading and is extremely addictive. We will also be bringing hugely popular franchises to PLAYSTATION Network for the first time, including SOCOM Confrontation and WipEout HD, as well as continue to deliver innovative indie games like flOwer, from the developers of flOw. So in short, content is what’s driving you, and we hear you loud and clear, and are delivering that quality that you want and deserve.

The strong lineup of games doesn’t stop there. Many of you have been hearing rumblings about a video service that will allow you to download full-length TV shows and movies via PLAYSTATION Network for North America. While I don’t have any new announcements here for the PlayStation Nation, it’s already been confirmed that we’ll be offering a video service for PS3 in a way that separates the service from others you’ve seen or used. Ultimately the goal of the PLAYSTATION Network service will be to break through the overwhelming clutter of digital media to give you the TV, movies and gaming content you want. More on this very soon …

Community-related services available via PlayStation Network have also been a big focus for enhancements here in 2008. We know you want in-game access to XMB features and we’re committed to bringing that, among other community-related services this year. They will be designed to allow more community development and collaborative gameplay, as well as recognize and reward you for your gameplay accomplishments across a broad portfolio of PS3 games. Of course, 2008 will also see the launch of PlayStation Home, and we’ll have more announcements on the expanding community functions within PLAYSTATION Network in the near future, so stay tuned.

Lastly, we feel your overall experience on PLAYSTATION Network should be rewarding. We hope the redesigned PLAYSTATION Store is a step in the right direction and delivers on your feedback, which is vital to some of the short and long term changes you’ll be seeing with PLAYSTATION Network. We understood from your comments on this very blog that you wanted the PLAYSTATION Store to have a more dynamic look and improved navigation. We want the PlayStation community to enjoy their experiences on PLAYSTATION Network and the online storefront is a key part of that experience.

And to wrap up with one of the many topics I know you ask about regularly, we are rolling out the PlayStation Cards to retailers nationwide as we speak. They will have the PlayStation Cards in denominations of $20 and $50 starting this spring. This will provide you with another option to get on board with the PLAYSTATION Store and enjoy the content that I’ve outlined above.

As you can tell, we’re extremely excited for what’s planned for PLAYSTATION Network. We believe the library of original and quality games and entertainment, combined with community services and continued enhancements to the overall experience, will deliver on our promise of an integrated content and community experiences. We look forward to sharing more updates with you in the near future.

Thanks and have fun!
wow is that our store update for today... MGS beta, warhawk pack and lair downloads!?!?

What happened to sony's big surprise?

Ahhh i get it... the big surprise is... there is no surprise for us... no wait... that's not a surprise... that's just the norm!
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wow is that our store update for today... MGS beta, warhawk pack and lair downloads!?!?

What happened to sony's big surprise?

Ahhh i get it... the big surprise is... there is no surprise for us... no wait... that's not a surprise... that's just the norm!

The surprise was the open Beta to Metal Gear Online - obviously not now though as everybody knows!
That can't be the surprise - they announced the beta ages ago well before sony announced a surprise!

That fucking stinks if sony are seriously trying to pass off someone elses content as their own idea

useless fucking shits... i hate sony

No doubt next week they'll raise the price of the PS3 up to £400 and then 2 days later reduce it to £350 and brag how they've just cut the price
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That can't be the surprise - they announced the beta ages ago well before sony announced a surprise!

That fucking stinks if sony are seriously trying to pass off someone elses content as their own idea

useless fucking shits... i hate sony

No doubt next they'll raise the price of the PS3 up to £400 and then 2 days later reduce it to £350 and brag how they've just cut the price

Hmmm... I didnt think the Beta was announced for the UK region and to be open as a free download?

Thats what I thought it was anyway...

Like your sales ideas too... do you have a newsletter I can subscribe too? ;)
Yeah - just email me your credit card details and ill subscribe you right up


So 2 weeks of the store going down - and when we return we have a usual tiny shitty store update... what happened to the 2 weeks of back log items?

Also our store is still behind the USA layout and makes no sense - like an idiot designed it... no wait... its like SCEE designed it... no wait that's the same thing.

It hurts my head how something so easy can become such a fk up!

For crap sake sony - you just copy the 360 but make it better!
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Yeah - just email me your credit card details and ill subscribe you right up


So 2 weeks of the store going down - and when we return we have a usual tiny shitty store update... what happened to the 2 weeks of back log items?

Also our store is still behind the USA layout and makes no sense - like an idiot designed it... no wait... its like SCEE designed it... no wait that's the same thing.

It hurts my head how something so easy can become such a fk up!

For crap sake sony - you just copy the 360 but make it better!

LOL... Radiations gone mental!

Our store normally gets updated in the evenings - there is more to come. Be the usual Sony toss, but more to toss to come.

On the US Store, we should be getting the 2 weeks of back DLC too.

I personally think the store is a massive improvement and is great to use now, very quick, easily laid out. To be honest, its the US one thats confusing, too many sub-sections.

Anyway, Sony can do no wrong :D
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