Sony PlayStation 3

Managed to rent Uncharted and Unreal III today, I shall be on them for most of the night. I know I love Uncharted, I have no idea if I'll like Unreal, but there's only one way to find out... If the discs will play, that is.

Do people who rent from Blockbuster purposefully drag the discs over gravel and then stamp on them before they take them back to the store? I could honestly knock out the people who take games back in this condition.
2 good bundles announced by SCEE but why no DS3 in the GT5 bundle.
Got to say, I was expecting to hate Unreal, I've hated all of the others. But I haven't even stopped playing this one to put Uncharted in yet. Very very impressive.
Got to say, I was expecting to hate Unreal, I've hated all of the others. But I haven't even stopped playing this one to put Uncharted in yet. Very very impressive.

:D Told ya! Its proper addictive and loads of fun. I'm not great at FPS games but you have a great chance of racking up kills quickly in this. Love the BOOMING voice - really spurs you on "DOUBLE-KILL...MULTI-KILL...MEGA-KILL!!!"

I'll be on it later, so I'll keep an eye out and join ya if you are on :D
Got to say, I was expecting to hate Unreal, I've hated all of the others. But I haven't even stopped playing this one to put Uncharted in yet. Very very impressive.

Told you this was good mate - the visuals blew me away (and I'm usually NOT a graphics whore). Apparantly it's too short but sometimes that's a good thing.
Hey guys im now all set to get a PS3 but with the latest news of a 80GB PS3 coming out should i hold back and buy that one or should i get the 40GB one and just when needed later buy a new HD...will the new one be better in anyway?
Two questions...

1) I got a £10 HDMI cable for the PS3 from GAME, as I've heard over and over that all HDMI cables are the same no matter what. It's a digital signal so it either works or it doesn't. But I've noticed that if I change the background of the XMB to black, and move through the icons all the way over to the right, a perfect shadow of what was just on the left side of the screen is still there.

Say I go to "Settings", the "User" icon is on the left. If I then go over to "User", the space on the left where the icon was originally shows a perfectly shaped sillouete of the "User" icon. Is this normal HDMI behaviour or if I spent another £20 on a cable would that fix it? Anybody know?

2) I've just attempted to join pboreham for a game of Unreal and I get "connection failed" every time. Is there some list of tricks somewhere to try and get the NAT fully open, like with the 360?
i'll post the link that tells you how to get NAT Type 2 tomorrow.
It says "NAT Type 2" already, but I don't think it's as open as it could be for some reason.

So it doesn't do that shadowing thing via HDMI for everyone else then? :( Also, is there any way I can do a check of the hard drive or of the PS3 itself (something like a scandisk)? The PS3 has crashed several times since I've got it, today the D-PAD totally locked up while I was looking at photos but I could still use the PS Button, I'm quite worried...
It says "NAT Type 2" already, but I don't think it's as open as it could be for some reason.

So it doesn't do that shadowing thing via HDMI for everyone else then? :( Also, is there any way I can do a check of the hard drive or of the PS3 itself (something like a scandisk)? The PS3 has crashed several times since I've got it, today the D-PAD totally locked up while I was looking at photos but I could still use the PS Button, I'm quite worried...

they do lockup a fair bit ....
Jack I would get your PS changed if it keeps on crashing. I have the 60GB version and not had any problems but one of my friends bought the 40GB version and it was crashing a few times a week, he ignored and eventually there was a "drive shaft" failure. Apparently the crash is caused by the drive shaft locking up which causes games/software to lock up and it will eventually fail.
Might just be server issues Jack. My NAT is open too, yet I still have issues. I'm pretty sure my router is causing a lot of issues but servers do have a part too.
It says "NAT Type 2" already, but I don't think it's as open as it could be for some reason.

So it doesn't do that shadowing thing via HDMI for everyone else then? :( Also, is there any way I can do a check of the hard drive or of the PS3 itself (something like a scandisk)? The PS3 has crashed several times since I've got it, today the D-PAD totally locked up while I was looking at photos but I could still use the PS Button, I'm quite worried...

Maybe its a faulty cable.
I was just in the PlayStation Store, saw nothing of interest, so quit. The text that says "Information Board" then changed to "%仮". It was stuck like that for about 30 seconds, after going into system settings looking for some kind of "check PS3 is alright or if it needs a lie down" feature, it changed back to normal.

Be straight with me, my PS3 is fucked isn't it. :(
I was just in the PlayStation Store, saw nothing of interest, so quit. The text that says "Information Board" then changed to "%仮". It was stuck like that for about 30 seconds, after going into system settings looking for some kind of "check PS3 is alright or if it needs a lie down" feature, it changed back to normal.

Be straight with me, my PS3 is fucked isn't it. :(

Go round to the Guy who sold it to you and bash him up!!
It was brand new mate, everything was sealed, it was obvious it had never been touched before. If there is something wrong with it, I'm just unlucky. It plays games fine!
Be straight with me, my PS3 is fucked isn't it. :(

Can't comment on your HDMI issue, but my PS3 is a right little Miss when trying to get online. It claims no ethernet cable is connected, or that my network is down usually - but after some rebooting (usually just the router) it all finally works.

Mine never crashes though, which would lead me to believe that, if not fooked, then yours is certainly not very healthy.
Think they are just very tempremental (or just mental). Mine locks-up quite often - least once a night at the mo on UT3.

Not great, but think alot of it is the games - Rockband has never crashed.

When it locks up, hold down the power button on the front for like 10 seconds, it will beep after 5 and then after 10 and shut off for a reboot...
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