Sony PlayStation 3

45€ one dual shock 3 white
45€ one dual shock 3 black
Total 90€ (0€ shippig cost)

from Japan in 5 days
PS Store is getting an overhaul in April that'll make it look like the Singstore, very nice.
It is in the UK, should be receiving it on either Friday or Monday.

Is UT3 multi-platform? I still stick by what I said earlier, anything that's multi-platform I will get on the 360. I far prefer the pad and I far prefer the achievements - I will love the exclusives and I will love getting some games before they're released in Europe, but that's all I will be using it for!

EDIT: I see UT3 isn't out on 360 until next month... I'll probably get it then, just to give me something to play. :mryellow:
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Think I'm gonna be picking up the 80GB PS3 with MGS4 and DS3 in June then, getting a bit bored with my 360, no AAA games on the horizon for it apart from Alan Wake :(

Looking forward to playing MGS4, FFXIII, LittleBigPlanet and Killzone 2 later this year :mrgreen:
Can I just confirm that if you set up a US account (to download content for US games), you have to make a seperate gamertag (or whatever the PlayStation people call it)? There's no way to join it with your UK one? Bit confusing having two gamertags to give out!

And can I also ask, if you have someone on the guitar, someone on the drums and someone singing in Rock Band, do they all log in as seperate users or are you recognised as one entity (or "band")?
Well you all have my UK gamertag, if I wanted to play you on Rock Band I'd have to tell you my US gamertag. If I had 100 people on my friends list... That's a lot of people to tell.
UT3 on the 360 doesn't have a release date yet, Epic are still devloping the game and begging MS to allow mods.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You just download it from the US account but then use your UK one to play it? That's excellent.
Rockstar Going PS3 Exclusive After IV?

Jordan and I here at Planet GTA are always out to getting you the full story when it comes to rumors, or even when major gaming websites misinterpret things - as our long time readers would know.

The latest is that apparently Rockstar Games will exclusively cross over to PlayStation 3 development after the release of GTA IV, well, at least for the GTA titles. After backtracking about three sources (and having to rewrite this article after Firefox crashed!), I ended up at a forum topic over at Cheap Ass Gamer, where a 4-year-long member posted a quote from the February issue of Play magazine:

"The game [GTA IV] is both PS3 and 360, but Rockstar has suggested that all further game development is going to be PS3 exclusive."
While the PlayStation 3 install base has stepped out of a poor figure, and still growing, that of the Xbox 360 is even bigger - and still growing strong. GTA IV is proving that a big game, with a big story, and probably the best detailed city in a game ever, can fit onto the limited amount of disk space offered - of course compared to that of the PS3.

I don't see why they would just suddenly want stop with a 360 version of the series, especially given the PS3 somewhat contributed to the delay of GTA IV, in addition to the fact that it almost looks like they support the 360 MORE than they do PlayStation 3 (exclusive episodic content for 360 ONLY). Rockstar Games are not flip floppers. Leave that to politicians.

Incidentally, for your interest, Rockstar Games is developing a new franchise that is exclusive to the PlayStation 3, reason given that the system allows for a game that could not be achieved otherwise on the 360.

It's also worth noting that only a few weeks ago there were talks over Rockstar's contract with Take-Two expiring in 2009, and that negotiations are still going on. It's a possibility that, just like Halo maker Bungie, Rockstar can pull out from their parent company and go independent. That would come at a price, as Take-Two owns the GTA brand. It might be the end of GTA as we know it, and a new franchise is started independently by Rockstar. You're probably going "d'oh, Adriaan!" right now...

Jordan's Thoughts: GTA will not "end" anytime soon. That's my take on this.
Think I'm gonna be picking up the 80GB PS3 with MGS4 and DS3 in June then, getting a bit bored with my 360, no AAA games on the horizon for it apart from Alan Wake :(

Looking forward to playing MGS4, FFXIII, LittleBigPlanet and Killzone 2 later this year :mrgreen:

Come on Nick.
Yes there are no mainstream in your face games for the kiddies like the games you mentioned apart from GTA, and now Gears of War 2 etc

But what about:
Fallout 3
APB mmo
Star Wars
BattleField: Bad company
Huxley mmo
Tom Clancys: End War
Just to name a small few
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You just download it from the US account but then use your UK one to play it? That's excellent.

Yea, its quite cool to be able to jump around the accounts. As Jay says above, you log onto your US account, start downloading whatever you want, then you just choose your UK account from the XMB - you still see active downloads and can install from your UK account.

I forget most of the time and as soon as I finish a download, I rush to jump on Rockband and wonder why my settings have defaulted - then realise I am still in my US PSN...
Come on Nick.
Yes there are no mainstream in your face games for the kiddies like the games you mentioned apart from GTA, and now Gears of War 2 etc

But what about:
Fallout 3
APB mmo
Star Wars
BattleField: Bad company
Huxley mmo
Tom Clancys: End War
Just to name a small few
Embrace I wouldnt bother mate, you will only get accused of being on a "360 campaign" :applaud:

Any more news on the Getaway or was that just a pre rendered sequence with no substance?
Intel: 8 Days Looks Better Than Killzone 2. Will Be Awesome

Ever wonder what happened to 8 days? We sent our PS3informer spy out to infiltrate Sony's studios to see what they could uncover. Turns out the game is going to be far better than any of us imagined. (And no, this isn't a 'rumor').

The trailer and gameplay demo was shown in private by someone at the Sony London Team and was not the Tears of Blood game the BBC reporter saw. (Oh, by the way, the game the BBC reporter saw was the new Magna Carta game ‘Tears of Blood’.) Most importantly: the game is still in development. So far, it looks better than any game so far shown or in existence (even killzone 2)

Next thing, is the title. The name is changed. I can't say to what--but here's a hint for the people "Passes." The storyline follows through an episodic almost which is not limited in its depth. The story involves 2 men looking to get revenge on a mob for reasons unknown. What’s so beautiful about the game is that it’s entirely everlasting through gameplay mechanics. Through the journey, they have to face off with some mob members looking to stop them and in even one series and random occurrences you might have to outrace them to the destination to get to a witness. If they get ahead of you—you need to make haste to save the victim. If the witness is killed—you can have a shootout and figure out where to head next by stealing items from the mob, or looking into their vehicle. Expect to be doing a lot of driving across the U.S. and looking for clues wherever you are. The game map is unparalleled and expect any and every location to have clues and mob right around the corner, or not.

As for gameplay immersion, the concepts of cut-snaps are included. Showing intense immersion between short cg (what appears to be CG) "cut-snaps" and realtime gameplay, the game revolutionizes events.” Imagine this, you get to the Grainyard Gas station and see mob members ready to block you up ahead (similar to the E3 trailer in 06’). Soon after, a shootout commences and you run into a diner window (everything in the environment can be initialized including doors, etc.). As you crash through, you are given an IMMEDIATE short snap of what appears to be CG. The genius is you can’t tell that it’s CG because the action is severely intense and manages to blend in well with the short sequences. The seamless transition between the two concepts of gameplay is brilliant and there are no load times. In terms to how it compares back to the E3 06' trailer, the only things one can express is no shock. The gameplay and sheer real time visuals and methods used to render the games assets far surpass the E3 06' trailer. As for anyone wanting to know the release of the game, it is scheduled for October 2008, but most likely will be delayed to Spring of 2009.
And me, it was 1 game I was looking forward to. Just played F1 CE again and toned down the Assistance and fuck me its great fun! you really have to work hard to keep it on the track! Shame about the rubbish crash damage and physics..... I think I expect too much from these games.
Certain ebay stores have them for cheaper than the sixaxis. I'd recommend importing.
Cheapest I can find is £31, but that's for a white one (and being a Tranmere fan I want the white one :mryellow:).

If anybody finds it cheaper anywhere else, I want to know. :thumbup:
GamePro examines four recent multi-platform titles (Assassin's Creed, Burnout Paradise, Call of Duty4, Devil May Cry 4) to determine which console has the better games--PS3 or Xbox 360. What we discovered challenges the common wisdom that "Xbox 360 is better."

While we can't definitively name one console as having better multi-platform releases across the board, there's a clear winner among these four games: PlayStation 3 beats the Xbox 360 handily. Call of Duty 4 plays nearly the same on both systems, differing only in superior online integration on PlayStation 3. With Devil May Cry 4, the game is all-around better on PlayStation 3 (despite the horrendous installation process). Burnout Paradise emerges as decidedly better on Sony's system thanks to EA Criterion's decision to make it the leading version of the game. The exact opposite is true for Assassin's Creed where Xbox 360 beats out its PlayStation 3 counterpart visually.

Judging by what we've seen with these recent games, you may be better off picking up PlayStation 3 versions of high-profile multi-platform games for the time being. The notion that PlayStation 3 ports are inherently inferior to Xbox 360 simply doesn't hold water these days. Some games do perform worse on Sony's console--Blacksite: Area 51 has been plagued with performance issues, for instance, and The Orange Box suffers from groan-inducing load times and chugging framerates.

These issues are slowly being addressed, though, as many publishers are starting to churn out multi-platform releases with an eye for the PlayStation 3. LucasArts recently announced an initiative to make the PS3 their leading platform for development, joining a growing wave of developers seeking to improve multi-platform games heading to Sony's console. With any luck, this movement will result in better performance for all gamers, Xbox 360 and PS3 alike. For now though, just enjoy fragging terrorists, crashing cars, and slicing demons in half on your PlayStation 3.
Hmmm... very interesting Dags! Good find.

My big(gest) problem with PS3 at the moment is the lack of multiplayer chat. They made a big fuck up not bundling in a microphone/headset with the PS3 and I think until they do that, people will still prefer the 360.

I'm not a big talker on Live, unless i am playing with people I feel comfortable with - but they do need to sort the online comms out. If they DID, then there is a good chance I would ditch the 360 and stay solely PS3.
I think that's a bit unfair (and that's a bit of an understatement). Gameplay is the same across both formats so why is the PS3 a clear winner? And choosing games like Devil May Cry 4 - come on. I don't know a single person who's bought that game, and I have a 13-year-old nephew.

It sounds like something cooked up to generate interest in the PS3, I could use equally crappy journalism and do the same for the 360.

FIFA 08 is the same game on both formats but Xbox Live has twice the number of FIFA players, so 360 wins. PES2008 suffers more slowdown on the PS3 and has more online issues, so 360 wins hands-down. Virtua Tennis 3 on the 360 has online play and the PS3 version doesn't, 360 wins again. Burnout Paradise [in an attempt to throw the moronic readers off the scent of how biased this is] was made for PS3 and so the PS3 wins this round. Result, 360 3-1 PS3.

Journalism is hard work. Cheap flimsy journalism is like taking a piss.
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I'll just copy what I said in the 360 thread about this article:

"What a nonsense article.

I don't care which is better as long as the games I want are good, however saying: "The notion that PlayStation 3 ports are inherently inferior to Xbox 360 simply doesn't hold water these days."

Which means they, the ps3 games, are ports meaning the 360 is lead development. Yet to state this argument they have used 2 games that are originally ps3 (burnout/DMC3) and one which got the extra backing / finance to be equal (COD4). The one that had "equal" development is better on the 360 (AC).

It's likely that future games will be far closer too each other but disregarding the whole back catalog based on 4 games, of which BP is hardly any different across the consoles, makes this a pointless article. Doesnt prove anything, other then gamepro's bullsh%t.

This is amusing: "For now though, just enjoy fragging terrorists, crashing cars, and slicing demons in half on your PlayStation 3."

Jee, great, so for these 3 games you have a "point". Tnx Gamepro for such valuable insight!"
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