Sony PlayStation 3

Something will come through mate. I just noticed that this is on the 360 aswell! Is it crap on the 360 or summit?
Something will come through mate. I just noticed that this is on the 360 aswell! Is it crap on the 360 or summit?
It's the same on both, but the 360 Rock Band games are region-locked so you can't import it. And the UK release date is rumoured to be Q3 2008... Not waiting that long for a game I've already been waiting for since last year. Fucking ridiculous situation, apparently it's because of legal issues with some of the songs. Outrageous.

I am not much into Guitar Hero and Rock Band type of games, but I have e-mailed my friend in New York to see if he can get it and post it for you.
I would appreciate that very very much - not sure how paying him would work unless he has Paypal, and I'd be a bit worried about him running off with my money, but thank you regardless! :mryellow:

Jack just wanted an excuse to get a PS3 ;)
Believe me, I'm wondering if I've done the right thing at the minute. I don't like the controller so I'd rather play the games on the 360. But if it means playing Rock Band this month (and Everybody's Golf which is so much better than Tiger "You Can't Really Differ The Power In Your Shots Properly" Woods) then I don't mind keeping it!
Not sure I see your point! 8 outta 10 (for what reviews are worth) - and this game is pulling 8s, 9s and some 10s in various online and magazine reviews.

I've had the game since release and its worth every single penny. I love the single player game and play a few times every week since purchase, using a mic stand so I can play guitar and sing - plus playing online is really cool.

But for me, yesterday summed up Rockband. A front room full of family, 8 people begging to 'go next', rotating the instruments, cheering and clapping as my mum, dad and young cousin (she is a wizz on the drums!) make it through their first song etc.

So whether alone, online or with friends/family - this game is more an experience than a video game. If you love music, you shouldnt have a doubt in your mind about getting this...

I was thinking that it was gonna be mind-blowingly good Jack but just checked out the review on Eurogamer:

Don't fork out £200 on that!
There is no doubt in my mind but at £200 I'm going to be eating dust for the next month. :|

I've been watching three auctions, first one went for £205, second one has just gone up to £190, third one is still £100 but when the previous one goes it will shoot up to full price and I know it. I might as well get the £200 Buy It Now one but Christ almighty my insides are tearing up, £500 within 24hrs is ridiculous for the sake of a game...
Hell yea, we tried that time, but no dice. Hopefully JB will come through with it and we've almost got the full Evo-Web beat combo!
Phil Harrison is today announcing plans to leave Sony. Harrison is the company’s head of worldwide studios and has been instrumental in PlayStation’s development for 15 years.

PlayStation bounces back

It was hard not to spot the optimism beaming from both Sony execs and developers about the future at the Game Developers Conference last week.

The concerns and hushed whispers at last year's GDC about whether Sony had made fatal errors with the platform's launch have given way to positivity.

Sony's Phil Harrison, head of worldwide studios, looked relaxed when I spoke with him on Thursday, although that may have been more to do with the fact he was not giving a keynote this year and was able to enjoy some of the sessions.

I had spoken to Mark Rein, of Epic, earlier in the week and he told me he had never doubted that PlayStation 3 would be anything other than a success. Of course Epic did release Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 this week so his comments have to be seen in that light.

UT is the kind of franchise PlayStation has been crying out for - a hard core first person shooter with credibility. The Xbox has long been seen as the platform of choice for FPS fans who don't play on PC.

The 360 of course has Halo 3 and many feel that game set the benchmark for onine FPS play.

Mark Rein told me: "We've surpassed what Halo 3 offered."

I'll let you - the readers - argue over that one.

Epic are one of the finest exponents of hard core action titles and UT's availability on the PS3 before the Xbox 360 will delight Sony.

In term of what's to come for the PS3 I was given a sneak peek at titles in the works in London two weeks ago.

Unsurprisingly, sequels for the platform's biggest launch titles are in the works. Cynics will say that studios are merely fixing problems in the original versions, the result perhaps of having to rush the titles out in time for launch.

Here's what I was shown:

Motorstorm 2 is due out in time for Christmas and moves the action away from the desert locale of the original. Gamers will be able to race around a lush island environment, full of interactive vegetation.

The game will feature four-player split-screen action, righting one of the obvious failings of the first game.

The title is some months away from completion but the game's engine looked rock solid and the graphics were as impressive as one would expect from one of the best-looking racing franchises.

Resistance Fall of Man was a bit of a disappointment when it was released. The game promised much but suffered from a lack of originality and flat game design. The world the designers had created was interesting but playing in it felt dull.

So what will Resistance 2 offer? I was shown only a trailer but it's clear developers Insomniac want to make a statement. Online the game will host 60 players simultaneously. It screams epic and tellingly it concludes with the line: "You haven't seen what we are truly capable of."

So what else was I shown? Well, I was shown a trailer for a game not due out till 2009 but was sworn to absolute secrecy. Apparently, Sony just wanted to give a glimpse of what the console will be capable of.

In fact, the game is such a secret that when I mentioned the game to Phil Harrison last week he was unsure at first whether even to admit the title existed. When I explained I had been shown it under strict Non Disclosure Agreement terms he looked relieved.

I don't mean to be a tease - all I can say is that I was left speechless. If the footage I was shown truly is "in game", as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion.

And there I'll leave it. Feel free to speculate on what I was shown. I cannot, of course, confirm or deny what it was....
When are these "trophies" being added to the PS3 (their equivalent of achievements)? I'm really not impressed so far.
The PS3 will bounce back due to Blu Ray thats for certain. As for games to play on it.. again ive run out of games!
Movie-wise I'd prefer to either watch a DVD or download a movie on the 360. For a start I watch from 10ft away from the TV, where DVDs and Blurays look the same.

I'm in the same boat mate.

Just got a PS3 and I don't see any reason to play on it just yet.
The controller is horrible, whoever designed the triggers should die a slow painful death. In FPS games and racing games you can't use triggers to shoot/brake/accelerate, you have to use :x: and :square: - which is ridiculous, frankly. The graphics are great, but the games aren't appealing to me at all. All I wanted it for was Rock Band and Everybody's Golf - Rock Band is now £200 minimum, and Everybody's Golf is great but £250 for one game?

I've got an eBay listing ready but I'm going to give myself until the weekend to start loving it...
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Apart from Uncharted, I'm not missing my PS3 at all.

I'm sure the PS3 will be a better console than the 360 in the future when they use more of its power, but right now it's not worth the money in my opinion.
For me JB Blu Rays are HUGELY different from normal DVD's. the difference in detail and quality is massive!
It is when you sit on-top of the screen mate. I walk in to the living room where someone's watching a high-def film and it blows me away, first thing you think is "bloody hell she's old, look at all them wrinkles". But when you sit down it's not a massive massive leap. Plus, a movie's a movie. Just how much does it matter how clear someone's wrinkles are? Saying that, I'm not a big movie fan at all.
It is when you sit on-top of the screen mate. I walk in to the living room where someone's watching a high-def film and it blows me away, first thing you think is "bloody hell she's old, look at all them wrinkles". But when you sit down it's not a massive massive leap. Plus, a movie's a movie. Just how much does it matter how clear someone's wrinkles are? Saying that, I'm not a big movie fan at all.

blasphemy... not a massive leap? go to the eye doctor and get eye screening, you might need classes jack. I sit 10 feet from my tv and it looks stunning. What type of tv do you have jack?
I gotta say I agree with Jack. Blu-Ray looks mildly better but from where I'm sitting (maybe 6 foot away), it doesn't look hugely different and I'm happy with DVD for now.
I think if you're a HD/Blue Ray whore then it's great but I agree with Jack & Dags; normal DVDs do me just fine. £400 for a Blu Ray player? No thanks. I could buy a load of games and DVDs for that...

...and still have change for a limo ride home.

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lol @ Mike! fair enough my friend. My belief is moving forward with the times and Blu Ray is where its at. If only they werent so darn expensive!!! But a Blu Ray player that also plays the odd game or 2 is excellent!!

@ Gomito I have an LG 50" HD Plasma running at 1080P and blu rays look awesome on it... but like JB says if you sit too close then it looks a bit of a mess. I sit an adequate distance away from my TV so it looks good!
I both bought and sold a PS3 before Christmas, made a few quid on it too :DD
Had a PS3 since launch and love it. Personally I love the exclusive games such as Uncharted (worth having a PS3 for that reason only), Motorstorm, Warhawk, Rachet and Clank, Resistance and UT3. Plus looking forward to Everbodys Golf and MGS4 out in the next couple of months. Little Big Planet also interests me but no fixed release date for that yet. I also prefer the PS3 controller.

For the first time ever in my lifetime it is good to own 2 consoles, as the 360 also has some superb games. I have said many times if a games good then i'll play it no matter what console it is on.
I don't care what console a game is on Kamy but I really don't like the PS3 controller. The triggers are horrible, there's not nearly enough movement in them (they're way too short), and I find the sticks too close together (and far away from your thumb's normal resting position). The 360 pad is far more ergonomic. I would go as far as to say the graphics are better on PS3, Ratchet & Clank honestly blew me away graphically, but my thumbs are sore after two days of the pad.

I've demoed a ton of games, Uncharted looks okay, Motorstorm is pap, Warhawk isn't a CoD4 beater, Ratchet and Clank looks amazing but is boring to play, Resistance is average (not enough money to buy average games) and UT3 is as much for kids as Halo is. In my opinion, of course.

Never been interested in LittleBigPlanet, not my kind of game at all, Metal Gear Solid 4 I was looking forward to but after seeing some videos of it I think it's gone a bit mental. Everybody's Golf though I really like, and it is a wrench to let it go purely because of how great the control methods in this game are. It's lovely to play and the physics are spot on. It's the only game bar Rock Band I really really want to play, and after looking around for three days non-stop I've given up on getting Rock Band for less than £200 (even getting it for £200 is difficult enough now).

That Loco Roco game for £1.99 is fantastic as well, I've played that more than anything, but keeping a console for a mini-game is ludicrous.

I feel like a total tit after looking for one frantically but, I'm sad to say, it's going on eBay shortly I think.
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