Sony PlayStation 3

there are MORE decent Blu Rays than HD DVD's.

First mistake there, it's unfortunately not the case at the moment. Blu-Ray might have far more coverage in stores, but the films are shite, HD-DVD has a much better quality-quantity ratio (but that will change shortly)

PS Network and Store are SHITE compared to Xbox Live.

Second mistake? Whats SO bad about PSN/Store versus Xbox Live. As far as I can remember, the only thing good about Xbox Live over PSN was the in-game messaging and generally talking to friends. The UK Live store was fucking terrible, and at least Sony give us the option to create more accounts for the other stores.

And I've never once had lag on PSN. Gears was laggy like mad, as was PGR3 and FIFA when I had my 360.
Oh crikey this again! We all like different things for a reason. I guess I just dont like the PSN and its lack of decent content. I have suffered with lag on a few 360 games but not to the extent of the lag I suffered on F1, Resistance and Motorstorm.....

Also mate Sony ARENT happy about us creating fake jap and us accounts to see their stores... IMO Xbox Live's Store is decent and gives us a fair chunk of good content. PS Store gives you crap like calling all cars and Sky diving!

And in most stores ive been to ive seen a lot more Blu Rays (good ones at that) than I have HD DVD's (which is now officially dead anyway)
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Tobe, how's UT3?

Its great, the SP story is a joke, the missions are essentially MP maps, its basically teaching the game for when you go online. I've only played a few games online and thankfully there is no lag.

Its also very fast, pick up and play.

I'm going to DL some custom maps and experiment with them.

Epic need to find a simpler way to get mods onto the PS3 though.
Right, a certain member (you know who you are you cretin) has almost convinced me to buy a PS3. I've just read something on an eBay auction though and I've realised I don't know nearly enough about this, so I have a few questions.

1) If I bought an NTSC console, can you still play games online here in the UK? I've just read on an eBay auction for an NTSC console that you can't, which I've never heard of before. If it doesn't prevent you playing online, does it impede it in any way compared to a UK console?

2) If I bought a UK console and an NTSC game, could I still play that particular game online? A game such as Rock Band, for instance.

3) Anything else I should be wary of (or look out for)?
I'm only getting one for Rock Band and Everybody's Golf World Tour, I am a complete idiot. I'm on the 360 every night.

But I just love the look of Rock Band.
Right got my PS3 yesterday, came with PES2008, much quicker than my PC version and looks good on the big screen, been out and bought assasins creed this morning also looks pretty good, not sure about the storyline though!! Impressed with the PSnetwork store though have downloaded a lot of the demos, loving unchartered and the club and motorstorm is the bollocks and i dont even like driving games.what other games
should i be looking out for?
Pick Motorstorm up cheap now, it's good, Uncharted is good too. Other titles of note, prob Heavenly Sword and Resistance and/or Unreal Tourny 3(if you like FPS). Ratchett and Clank if you like those type of games. That is prob the best of the exclusives out atm. Burnout Paradise, COD4, FIFA etc are all decent titles too. What kind of games do you like mate?
What are the best PS3 exclusives? Anything that's on both formats I'll get for the 360 due to there being gamerscore (sad I know) and plenty of mates to play with, so what exclusives are there on the PS3 that are a must-buy?
Uncharted is beautiful, has a great storyline, and pretty decent gameplay.

Motorstorm is also beautfiul, and is either good fun, or incredibly frustrating, so you'd have to try it for yourself.

Ratchet and Clank is good if you like the series.

Haze is an exclusive I think and coming soon, looks pretty promising.

MGS4, GT5 (not a word Dave), FF and the rest are coming.
I will want MGS4 and Killzone 2 eventually, plus I want Rock Band NOW (I refuse to wait six months for the European release, get bent) and I want Everybody's Golf World Tour NOW (well, when it's released next month).

I've got a deal lined up here, a brand new PS3 with Ratchet & Clank (a series I used to like) and a crappy film (Stealth, I don't know) for £250. The seller lives a few miles away so I can pay on the doorstep, no need for delivery fees, and I'd be quite happy with that. Then I can get Rock Band ordered and this time next week I'll be in heaven...
Then that's all you need, dont buy any other games, just get Rock Band and be happy then. When you have finished Ratchett or dont want it anymore, then trade it for Uncharted or some of the other PS3 Exclusives like MotorStorm, Resistance or Heavenly Sword.
You should be able to pick up Motorstorm pretty reasonable now. It is a great game IMO and one I do keep going back to every now and again. First game that made me realise HD gaming had arrived! Big, loud environments, lots of vehicles on screen, big maps etc... tilt controls are fun as well.

Uncharted is ok - TBH I got a bit bored with it, but that prob harsh as there were loads of games out at the time, so traded it in. F1 is good if you like racing games - again, tilt controls stand this apart from other racers.

Warhawk is a good exclusive - and you dont have to go out to buy it! £20 download from PSN. Had great fun with that for a few months.

Some quite good games on the PSN - be sure to check the demos out where you can.

But Rockbands where its out - thats the next quest!
Pick Motorstorm up cheap now, it's good, Uncharted is good too. Other titles of note, prob Heavenly Sword and Resistance and/or Unreal Tourny 3(if you like FPS). Ratchett and Clank if you like those type of games. That is prob the best of the exclusives out atm. Burnout Paradise, COD4, FIFA etc are all decent titles too. What kind of games do you like mate?

I'm well into my Football games, got PES tried the FIFA demo and think that may be worth a punt,is Fight Night any good? I loved the old series and its not bad on the PSP either.Where do you boys get your games? any cheap online places,and what's the lowdown on Rock Band?, seen that mentioned a lot on here.
What are the best PS3 exclusives?

Uncharted is brilliant mate. Apart from that I can't think of a game that's worth forking out £300+ for the PS3. FIFA 08 is brilliant - you have it on 360. MGS? Isn't that coming out on the 360 aswell though? GTAIV? Again, this will be on the 360 too. I sold mine because the 360 had/has better games in the pipeline but I'm sure things will pick for the PS3.

PES 2008 is better on the PS3. My contacts Frank, Steve & Smeg Head told me.
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I might get Uncharted tomorrow, I've got a few games to trade in. MGS is a PS3 exclusive looking at all official statements. And Rock Band, mad as it is, is worth the PS3 cost alone IMO. Plus I'm a golf fan, Tiger Woods is genuinely one of the shittest golf games I've ever played (complete the Challenge Tiger mode and you can hit the ball 450yds every time, get eagles on every par 5 etc. - it is disgraceful frankly, it's the equivalent of completing a World Cup and then scoring 60-yard goals every ten minutes in FIFA). Everybody's Golf World Tour is out next month and I know from playing it on the PSP that it's a great great game.

I mangaged to get the PS3 for just a smidge over £200 if you take off the RRP of Ratchet & Clank and the Stealth bluray (both bundled with it), so I'm quite happy with that. But if I end up selling it within a month I will be after pboreham's head...!!

(Have to admit I'm beaming with excitement for Rock Band though, I'm like a fat kid in a sweet shop.)
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