Sony PlayStation 3

Would any of you lot recommend getting a PS3 of Ebay? and how much should a reasonable one cost? i saw a offer which had FIFA 08, Uncharted, Burnout Paradise and 40GB PS3 for 350? anygood? or should i be looking cheaper and where?
I thought I was alone in my anger at Motorstorm and its bullshit AI and physics (sounds like im talking about a Certain Polyphony Digital game!)... then I found this little article!

wiki said:
A further common criticism revolves around the AI of the computer-controlled drivers, which some reviewers and players have denounced as being unfair and "cheating", and causing frustration and aggravation in later stages of the game. The AI seems to based on a "rubber-band" principle that allows computer drivers to easily catch up with the player regardless of the player's performance (According to GameTrailers' review, the reviewer finished in both first and sixth place in a race with the exact same time), and also makes them crash into the player deliberately on higher difficulty levels to throw the player off their course
Future games obviously, but a lot of games have had patches released to add Dualshock in - Ratchet & Clank was the first, but Motorstorm was patched - I think F1 was and Resistance was too I believe...
There are decent number if games that support the Dualshock and there are also a lot of other games that were supposed to support it but patches haven't been offered yet.

I've got one and I reckon its definately worth plus it costs more or less the same as a regular sixaxis does now.
Starting to think that myself, only got it for Rock Band and it seems impossible to get for any less than £200 now. :|

Stay strong - get the Everybodys Golf demo, get Uncharted - you should be able to pick up Motorstorm, RFoM, Warhawk pretty cheaply now and the Bowling game from PSN is as good as Wii bowling with full motion control - thats a reasonable library for now.

EG out soon, you WILL get a good Rockband deal - then look forward too Littlebig Planet, the surprises Home will bring, UT3 and Haze.

Dont panic :D (no, I'm not worried about you 'coming after me'!)
I've spent the day downloading demos, my impressions so far (not that anybody cares, I'm 169 pages behind everybody else)...

Ratchet & Clank (full game came with the PS3), wow. I've always believed that the PS3 and 360 graphics were supposed to be exactly the same but when I saw Ratchet & Clank moving, for the first few minutes, I thought I was looking at FMVs when I was actually looking at the game. Blew me away - gameplay-wise I don't think it's up to much to be honest, but the graphics alone will keep me playing it until the end. Just beautiful to look at.

Motorstorm, rubbish. Not my kind of game at all, don't think it handles well either.

Formula 1 CE (was looking forward to it, seeing as you can't get any F1 games on the 360), utter rubbish. You bounce off the cars for God's sake, and that's on the simulation settings!!

Uncharted, I will have to get. Looks good.

Resistance, demo downloading - will edit this when I've played it.

Everybody's Golf World Tour, love it, love love love love it. It pains me to like a game with made-up courses and stupid little manga characters but honestly, it's just great. Pisses over Tiger Woods from a great great height. You really don't know how much I wish it didn't.

It seems a bargain for £250 including Ratchet & Clank, it just kills me that the game I bought it for (Rock Band) is £200 on eBay. Gutted isn't the word mate, you have no idea. Don't know what I'm going to do, I don't want to wait any longer but if I spend £200 that means I'll have spent £500 in a day (had to spend £50 on a HDMI cable, an optical-to-coax converter, an optical cable and a coax cable to get everything connected up).
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Why is Rock Band £200 mate?!?!?! (I know nothing about them sort of games, they really don't interest me. I played one over my mate's flat last year, you press different colours in time with the song. I got bored within minutes, it was just like a souped-up "Parapa The Rapper" which was crap even when it first came out. In my opinion, if you wanna play the guitar, buy a guitar, not a game.)

Apart from that, £250 for a PS3 and Ratchet & Clank is a fucking bargain mate. Well worth it for Blu Ray alone.
The RRP in the US is £80 but none of the importers that I can find are prepared to ship it to the UK, for some reason. They did six months ago but now they're not interested - so the guys selling it on eBay are making a KILLING. The cheapest I've seen one go in the last few days is £195 and there's a guy selling them Buy It Now for £200.
So is it like the game I played (Guitar Hero I think it was called)?
Rock Band is the sequel to Guitar Hero. You get a guitar, drums and microphone. Buy another guitar and you can have a bass player as well. The missus is creaming herself over it. As am I.

Jesus! a game is NOT worth that! Rip OFF!
Unfortunately I will pay it if I don't find it any cheaper within 24hrs... Desperate isn't the word.

Jack the company below ships to the UK:

They are very reliable I have used them may times.
Yep, tried them today, the shipping cost is... Over £100. No joke, do a Google search for " Rock Band import". Total cost including shipping is nearly £200. Christ knows why it's that high.

EDIT: CLICK HERE, look at the last post. It's true. I signed up today thinking it would have been changed, but no, it's true.
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It's all I've bought the PS3 for mate, it's like buying a good PC for FM or a 360 for FIFA and Gears Of War. No review will put me off.
That's fair enough mate. Good luck with your hunt for it, I'll keep my eyes & ears out for you too. :)
Aw, I appreciate that you little softy. ;)

I've put adverts out on a few sites as well, I'm hoping something comes through.
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