Sony PlayStation 3

My favourite five on the PS3:

* Uncharted
* Rachet and Clank
* Warhawk
* Burnout Paradise
* Motorstorm

Oh and not to mention MGS4 out by the end of April. Add to that HOME, Little Big Planet and Blue Ray Playback, I am more than happy to keep hold of my PS3.
Motorstorm is PS3 exclusive and must buy IMO.
Motorstorm... HA HA HA HA dont make me laugh! the game is awful! its ok to start with (if a bit too easy) but then it talks the biggest load of bollocks going! like how CPU Cars that are the same as you can go faster than you even though you have got Maximum boost available to you and your using it!!

Or that a MX Bike can push you (in a big rig of all things!) out of the way!!!??? Thats not what I call the ingredients of a must buy game!! no where near it!

@ The other guy, some of those games you have mentioned I have played on BOTH platforms and for me they look rough round the edges on the PS3 and suffer frame rate issues. FIFA in particular didnt impress me on the PS3 one bit, so I got the 360 version.

1 Saving grace is Gran Turismo.... it looks incredible! I cant deny that! Wont mention other things though!
Motorstorm... HA HA HA HA dont make me laugh! the game is awful! its ok to start with (if a bit too easy) but then it talks the biggest load of bollocks going! like how CPU Cars that are the same as you can go faster than you even though you have got Maximum boost available to you and your using it!!

Thats YOUR opinion though mate, personally I enjoy it and think its great.
I had a PS2 i wouldn,t touch the xbox with a shitty stick. I also said i would never buy a 360 until i saw it in action then got two about a week after they came out. I sold one and that paid for the other.
Xbox 360 doesn´t have God of War 3 (addicted to this one), Uncharted, Gran Turismo 5 (addicted), Killzone 2, Final Fantasy 13 (completly addicted), a F1 game, Bluray (most HD movies here in Portugal are bluray discs).

Main reasons why I got a PS3. You can say that xbox has Halo, more fps bla bla bla bla I just don´t care, because it´s not what I was looking for on a console.
F1 (the best F1 simulations were on the PC!! Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix Series were brilliant) The game is rubbish, so arcadey and not realistic.... utter shite.ALSO Sony have NOT got the license for F1 games anymore ;). God Of War well if you like that kind of game then fair enough... I personally dont like that sort of title. Unchartered is good but TOO SHORT and doesnt justify buying a console. Gran Turismo 5 (um no I wont say anything) except its a PS1 game in High Definition!, Killzone 2 if its anything like Killzone 1 (which was utter bollocks and the worst First Person Shooter ive ever played) then again no point in buying a console for this. Final Fantasy... ok a matter of taste.. I CANNOT stand RPG games.... I have x amount of energy and magical spells... im going to attack this strange thing and take 30 points of energy off of it.. BOR FUCKING RING!! :)

Blu Ray is a reason to buy a PS3, Its a cheap blu ray player compared to the others and there are MORE decent Blu Rays than HD DVD's.

PS Network and Store are SHITE compared to Xbox Live. Like Plan M said face facts mate, there is NOTHING out there to say "Yep im going to buy a PS3 because this game ISNT coming out on 360 and is seriously amazing!!" Also I know people have mentioned controller issues (I had some too) but when you get used to the 360 controller its brilliant!
Maybe the worst post ever on EvoWeb ?

What's wrong with someone's OPINION? DJ has BOTH consoles, just as I did, he is more than entitled to say what he thinks after spending £450 on a piece of hardware. Some people don't blindly support a multi-billion dollar company like others do mate. ;)

Like I always say though, each to their own. :)
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Maybe the worst post ever on EvoWeb ?
Why? because im posting an opinion? Seriously mate I get barracked by admins and mods everytime I take a shot at you and I think for once you should be warned for having a shot at me and Mike for having an opinion.....

Ill tell you what my worst Evo Web nightmare would be you becoming a Mod or worst still an Admin!! this place would turn into "You must love PES Arcade and PlayStation... if you like Xbox or FIFA your banned!".
Right I have had enough with the constant bitching about how piss poor the PS3 is in comparison to the 360 in one certain persons opinion.

I know that everyone is allowed their own personal opinion on the matter but to come into a thread and constantly have a go at people who own and prefer the PS3 is just not on and the next person to do so will be dealt with in the only way I know how
Right lads, enough shite, if someone was only upgrading now, and didnt have an XB before, but had mates on the PSN, why would they go XB, they go PS3 as it has FIFA, Call of Duty, Assassins' Creed, PES, NHL, NBA, Madden etc like the XB and a few exclusive titles like MotorStorm, Resistance, Ratchett and Uncharted; and its a blu ray player, sure some of the games are more expensive, or have been out ages on the XB, but to alot of people they don't really know that or care.

Lets just let is lie, you have YOUR opinion, but YOU dont have to ram it down other peoples throats, or come into a thread and say, why you buying this......... repeat till fade. We have decent banter in the other game threads about why some people like a game or rate it, and others say, not to my taste, but best of all, if they aint interested in the game, they dont post. So no more of this school yard shite. Go do something with your fucking Saturday..............
Right I have had enough with the constant bitching about how piss poor the PS3 is in comparison to the 360 in one certain persons opinion.

I know that everyone is allowed their own personal opinion on the matter but to come into a thread and constantly have a go at people who own and prefer the PS3 is just not on and the next person to do so will be dealt with in the only way I know how
That person obviously is me.....
never read this thread before but it seems to just be ps3 v xbox boring chat.

I'm a ps3 owner but dont give a toss how about which console is better etc so long as I enjoy my games. However, I;ve been at the pub so I will throw my tuppence in just to wind everyone up and say-

Blue Ray Drive included (which has all but won the hd format war)
Gran Turismo/Metal Gear Solid/Final Fantasy to come soon
Free net play
More powerful and will be around in years time Period.

However, for christ sake, they're only about £300 each so buy both if you want!!!! cheap as chips!
why do people feel the need to connect so closely with consoles? it's not your fight to fight!

exactly, i can't understand why people should like XBOX360...oops....oh dear...oh dear...that was naughty...

Seriously, i don't give a shit about consoles, i bought a PS3 but i could have bought an XBOX360 (or rather 2) or 23.000 Mars bars (although people who eat Mars bars are wankers, real hardcore candy bar eaters eat Bounty and anyway Bounty live is better than the Mars Store).
Fraid not, never a UT or Quake type fan.

Played Uncharted last night, tis a truly outstanding looking game, Naughty Dog have done incredibly well. Good colour palette, and so far the story seems good too. Shooting and hit detections seems a little hit and miss at times, but if you have a PS3, you really need to play it.
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