Sony PlayStation 3

PS3 could get downloadable Sony Pictures Television content in DivX format

DivX and Sony Pictures Television have locked arms in a deal to enable online retailers to offer Sony Pictures content for download-to-own on DivX Certified devices. Engadget HD has confirmed that PlayStation 3 is one such 'certified' device, but not Xbox 360 (we're guessing Microsoft passed on paying the licensing fee). Though specific platforms have yet to be named, the agreement could see any number of Sony Pictures' ginormous catalog of past and present television shows being sold through PSN in high-quality DivX format. But, seeing as how Sony can barely manage to deliver a single, unenhanced PS1 game on the network at snail's pace, we're cautious to put our faith in the dubious service ever taking on the competition.
PS3s Now Made For Half The Price

Yeah, a lot's been made of the PS3 losing Sony money. As impressive a machine as it is, it costs a ton to manufacture, and the more Sony sell, the more money they're losing. Or are they? We know the 40GB model was - at least partly - an exercise in cost-cutting on Sony's part, and now we've got an idea on just how much they've cut. A BusinessWeek report on the recent Blu-Ray news claims a PS3 now costs Sony $400 to manufacture, which while still being a lot, is down from the $800 they were costing at launch. Those are some handy savings. As a result, Japanese analysts predict the machine may actually start breaking even in...late 2009, which is a little later than Kaz was hoping.
Sony's Blu-Ray Breakthrough [BusinessWeek]
PlayTV DVR gets priced, dated

UK retailer has placed a listing for the upcoming PlayTV peripheral on its website. This Europe-exclusive add-on for the PS3 will allow PS3 owners to do a number of cool things, such as:

* Record and view your favourite programmes at the same time - Play TV enables you to record both Standard Definition as well as High Definition
* Personal Video Recorder functionality - watch live TV, pause, fast forward and rewind
* Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) to show what's on, now and next - up to 7 days in advance in certain countries
* Mobile TV functionality - export content easily from PS3 HDD to PSP - watch TV on the go! Thanks to live streaming, you can watch your favourite show whilst abroad
* Channel surf with either your BD remote or your Sixaxis

The site has a March 28th release date and a £99.99 price point.
I'll be getting Play TV, I'll buy a bigger HDD 1st though.
New Official Bundles Ahoy!

Though I think tis not as good as the deal when shifting the last 60Gb's sure there is a few newer games, but the system doesnt have as many features, but for someone who dont want or need BC etc, thats not bad to pick up WarHawk and Uncharted etc.
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Shhh, Sony Has +20 Unannounced Exclusives

"Yesterday in a heated IM discussion about which of the three console makers is going to have the strongest line-up this year, a friend of mine who works at Sony Computer Entertainment Japan blurted out that Sony's internal studios have up their sleeves more than 20 yet-to-be-revealed projects for PlayStation 3.

Intrigued by this I asked if he could give me some examples. Project Siren (makers of the Forbidden Siren franchise), Team Saru (creators of the Ape Escape series) and Team ICO are three of the studios who're getting ready to reveal their new projects this year. After some more pushing, he told me that all he knows about Team ICO is that the team is working on two games, both for PS3."
Does there have to be ten comments about Thomas every time he posts PS3 news?

He doesn't like the 360, he likes the PS3. Therefore he's never going to post 360 news.

I don't like tea, I like coffee. I'm never going to post on here about tea.

Which is the bigger disaster? Get over it lads.

This is the PS3 thread after all...
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Does there have to be ten comments about Thomas every time he posts PS3 news?

He doesn't like the 360, he likes the PS3. Therefore he's never going to post 360 news.

I don't like tea, I like coffee. I'm never going to post on here about tea.

Which is the bigger disaster? Get over it lads.

You don't like tea ;)
Does there have to be ten comments about Thomas every time he posts PS3 news?

He doesn't like the 360, he likes the PS3. Therefore he's never going to post 360 news.

I don't like tea, I like coffee. I'm never going to post on here about tea.

Which is the bigger disaster? Get over it lads.

This is the PS3 thread after all...
I am ummm only joking JB.... calm down.
DJ, picture yourself as Thomas. He comes on here, he posts the news, and every time there's 3-5 posts saying "omg ur in luv with ur ps3 lolz". It was funny two years ago, it's not funny any more.

If every time you posted about the physics in GT you had 3-5 posts saying you should marry your copy of Forza 2 I think you'd start sending the admins PMs about how you're getting bullied again, you'd leave and then you'd come back as "hargreaves2008".

It's beyond a "joke" now. On-topic posts only from this point on please.
DJ, picture yourself as Thomas. He comes on here, he posts the news, and every time there's 3-5 posts saying "omg ur in luv with ur ps3 lolz". It was funny two years ago, it's not funny any more.

If every time you posted about the physics in GT you had 3-5 posts saying you should marry your copy of Forza 2 I think you'd start sending the admins PMs about how you're getting bullied again, you'd leave and then you'd come back as "hargreaves2008".

It's beyond a "joke" now. On-topic posts only from this point on please.
Right point taken... I see we have the ThomasGoal Protection Agency still here! the amount of Bullshit he posts in here about the PS3 being amazing and shitting all over the 360 (which isnt true)...

Id laugh off any suggestion that I should marry my copy of Forza 2 :)

Also JB you KNOW one of the main reasons why I left here.... it wasnt due to being picked on... it was due to real life at the time.
Ah c'mon JB, DJ was only having a laugh - a bit of banter like.

Anyway, back on-topic:

What is the best PS3 game on the market at the moment? Should I have sold my PS3 (it was free anyway)? What's in the pipeline?
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Ah c'mon JB, DJ was only having a laugh - a bit of banter like.

Anyway, back on-topic:

What is the best PS3 game on the market at the moment? Should I have sold my PS3 (it was free anyway)? What's in the pipeline?

Definitely Uncharted.
Fifa 08 definitely, if you don't have it already. Uncharted starts very very well but the ending third of it is simply pathetic, story and gameplay wise. Well, at least tha'ts my opinion. Considering I also get bored with bioshock, maybe you don't have to listen to me.
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