Sony PlayStation 3

Yo all ps3 freaks:D

was thinking about ordering a ps3 from the US or Japan to save some money so do you guys know any trusted online store from the us preferably or japan with good prices and that are willing to ship to Sweden
The 40GB has a matte finish instead of the piano black that the 60GB has, thats it I think.
Madness! CEX offer £276 trade-in value on a PS3 60Gb so I called Gamestation to ask what they'd give me ... £220 trade! That's a huge difference! And £180 cash, no way I'd consider letting it go for those prices. Might take it to CEX.
Is there anyway of renaming Player1 to whatever name you want?
For example, my username automatically displays as SJP76 but I'm buying Star Wars lego today for my son. I also like this game and we can play co-op online so I would like his name to appear above his player as he keeps asking for his own name to appear when playing other games.

I know you can setup seperate user profiles but that's not what I mean.

Another example I'm on about is if I play FIFA and I have my name above my player, I want his to be his name and not Player1.

Hope somebody can give me some advice on how to do what I want.

I don't HAVE to sell it really. It's just I haven't used it since I've had it, I don't really see myself using it as the games I want are on the 360 (my preferred machine) so it's just an expensive ornament it seems. And the value is only going to depreciate over time. Little Big Planet looks fun but there aren't many other PS3 exclusives which I'd be so eager to play.
About the DualShock 3 (thanks acekyoto)

"Yes, it is a lot heavier than the current controllers and feels much more solid. It doesn´t feel like you could snap it in two like the original Sixaxis. I just arrived at the office now so I won´t be able to take it home and test it for another 8 hours or so. What I noticed just by holding it is that the L2 and R2 buttons are a bit harder to push than before. I bet its going to be easier to control your speed in driving games. Also when when you push down to click on the analog controllers they feel a bit different than before; sharper somehow.

I also saw that someone was wondering if the Sixaxis functions worked with the rumble function and I can say for sure that they do. I have the game Toy Home (released last week on the Japanese store) and in that game you drive the car with the Sixaxis and when you crash into things or hit the brakes hard, can feel the vibration as well. As far as I can tell there is no problem with them working together.

I can confirm rumble works with the Uncharted demo and with at least the recently released Japanese localized version of the Ratchet and Clank demo.

Ok, I did quite a bit of gaming over the last 24-48 hours and I´ve come to some conclusions...This controller is MUCH better built than the original Sixaxis controller. To make an analogy...imagine you have one of those under $20 basketballs and played with it for months. Now you go out shopping and buy an official NBA ball..all leather. That´s the difference in this controller. All the buttons seem to have a slightly ´heavier´ clicking sensation but probably the most importantly both analog sticks and the R1 and R2 buttons have more ´weight´ to them. I found when playing Warhawk I could be much more accurate with this controller than I was with my old Sixaxis. If you take your games seriously and want to´ll definitely notice a difference...IMO.

The Sixaxis looks pretty much identical to the DualShock 3 but now that I´ve really played with it, I would never want to go back to the original Sixaxis."

I think I buy two dualshocks soon
Been offered £260 for my console alone, quite a good offer! :)

Haggled him up to £265 and accepted :lol:
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They are all readable and naturally will look better on a HDTV.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Review

9.5 Presentation

The whole thing has the polish of a major motion picture and goes out of its way to immerse you in the experience with amazing cutscenes, music and more.

9.0 Graphics

There's no doubt the game looks great and that the use of in-game assets for the movies is seamless transition, but there's still a fair amount of screen tearing and texture pop in.

9.5 Sound

From the low instrumental piece accompanying the opening screen to the sweeping score that runs throughout the whole game, this is what videogame music should be.

9.0 Gameplay

This game is flat-out fun to play. Leaping from ledges is awesome, shootouts are fun, and the occasional vehicle section is a nice change of pace. Still, the pirate battles can be a bit much.

8.5 Lasting Appeal

The game is short, but the medals, rewards and bonuses should be enough to bring you back at least once.


I'm looking forward to it.

Eurogamer Uncharted Review

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is, for my money, the first must-have PlayStation 3 title.


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