Sony PlayStation 3

I don't know if I can afford it in December, I've got enough money for Uncharted.

Hopefully I'll get a job then I'll have no issues.
PS3 version of Orange Box might be 'downright unplayable'

We feel for you, PlayStation 3 owners. We really do. No, we're not knocking the scrappy, gargantuan console - we literally feel bad about the system's history with game delays. Not just delays on PS3 exclusives, like MGS4, Haze and Home, but the games that other platforms have been enjoying the company of for a while. When we PC and 360 owners sit down to enjoy the frivolous exploits of Gordon Freeman in The Orange Box, we feel pangs of guilt for enjoying the bounties which you have not yet received, like we're eating a 40 oz. rib-eye in the middle of a welfare soup line.

To add insult to injury, and then to pour a salt and lemon juice cocktail into said injury, the PS3 version of Orange Box has received the developmental shaft, according to a recent preview on 1UP. While the PC and 360 versions of the game were largely managed by Valve, the PS3 version was apparently the responsibility of a team at EA. This has led to a number of framerate hiccups and other technical issues which "at best merely hinder game play and at worst make the experience downright unplayable."

Gabe Newell, Valve's co-founder, has never been a huge fan of the PS3, calling the system "a waste of everybody's time." Let's hope that the issues facing Orange Box are just small oversights, and not the results of a software tycoon's maniacal personal vendetta. (We think it's the first one, for what it's worth.)
EA Shafting PS3 owners again? in the past I would have laughed my socks off but this is plain stupid.... why cant they get games to run great on all 3 Platforms? Is it that the PS3's architecture is just too DAMN hard to work with?

Its funny before everyone was saying dont blame EA its the PS3. Infinity Ward & almost EVeRY other developer has proven otherwise.


Its funny before everyone was saying dont blame EA its the PS3. Infinity Ward & almost EVeRY other developer has proven otherwise.



throw konami and capcom into that mix too, capcom is nixing games on the ps3 cause of the difficulty... also i heard there are issues with 2k games on the ps3 as well
There are no issues with NBA or NHL 2K8 on the PS3, I think its only APF that had issues.

Are there any PS3 CoD4 players here?
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Bought a 40gb PS3, bought COD4 and FIFA 2008. Going to give it a whirl since I have always been happy with SONY. It's been a good year and a half since my last gaming experiences and I am pleased to say, so far, so good. I have only been playing offline needless to say. If I don't get too into the system though, I might just return it to Best Buy if I seem to lose interest like I used to. That system was EXPENSIVE! But keep in mind, I think the XBOX 360 is even expensive.
Just wondering, are most of you guys that are anti-PS3 based out of europe? Just trying to figure out what the gripe is all about...
I finally invested in my machine because, 1. the price cut 2. sony seems to be doing pretty well now.
Bought a 40gb PS3, bought COD4 and FIFA 2008. Going to give it a whirl since I have always been happy with SONY. It's been a good year and a half since my last gaming experiences and I am pleased to say, so far, so good. I have only been playing offline needless to say. If I don't get too into the system though, I might just return it to Best Buy if I seem to lose interest like I used to. That system was EXPENSIVE! But keep in mind, I think the XBOX 360 is even expensive.
Not trying to cause a flame war or anything but... As I have discovered the Online on PS Network is awful! I tried to play some 5 on 5 on FIFA the other week and it lagged like Fuck! When I played it at a mates house on his 360 on Live it was 10 times better... as is COD4 online on the 360. For me the 360 is "Reasonably" Priced and the PS3 is just a bridge too far for the Average gamer. But its getting better! even if Sony are having to Cut the Size of the Hard Drive down and remove all the Memory Card readers....
Not trying to cause a flame war or anything but... As I have discovered the Online on PS Network is awful! I tried to play some 5 on 5 on FIFA the other week and it lagged like Fuck! When I played it at a mates house on his 360 on Live it was 10 times better... as is COD4 online on the 360. For me the 360 is "Reasonably" Priced and the PS3 is just a bridge too far for the Average gamer. But its getting better! even if Sony are having to Cut the Size of the Hard Drive down and remove all the Memory Card readers....

Fifa at my brothers lags online on his 360 and his ps3 - so are you sure its not just your connection?
That's weird? I have friend here in the states that mentioned no issues with online playing Warhawk... I need to give FIFA a go at his place when I get the chance.

PS. Is the hard drive space used to load the games directly onto the system?
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8MB connection doesnt actually mean 8mb - its probably more like half that so maybe it was during a low speed time?

I've had no problems at all online on the PS3 and the only lag i ever suffered on the 360 was Saints Row and occasionally in Splinter Cell
Velocity5;1182560PS. Is the hard drive space used to load the games directly onto the system?[/quote said:
You can install some games onto the HDD (Ridge Racer), and you can partially install some games to the HDD.

Its like caching on a PC.

I only get lag online when I play PES and on 4 occasions when I've played CoD4 (Domination on the The Bog map each time). Everything else is lag free, I have a 4mb connection.
You can install some games onto the HDD (Ridge Racer), and you can partially install some games to the HDD.

Its like caching on a PC.

I only get lag online when I play PES and on 4 occasions when I've played CoD4 (Domination on the The Bog map each time). Everything else is lag free, I have a 4mb connection.

Okay. I guess it comes more into play if I plan to download demos, patches, music, etc?

I really could care less about those items except for the patches of course. As long as the PS3 pops out well designed games that keep our attention to the gameplay and not the flaws, continuing this improved trend in their game production, I will be one happy pig in the pen!

This is becoming very redundant for me now, but, PLEASE, let my investment in the PS3 be worth it! Hopefully the gaming gods and my financial gods will stand by my side on this one!
It's not even been a year yet in the uk since the PS3 was released.

The 360 had shit all for almost a full year as well so its not like the ps3 is lagging behind in that respect.
Producer: Metal Gear Solid 4 must sell a million copies day one

Metal Gear Solid 4 is turning into a third-party anomaly on the PS3. For Sony's sake it continues to be an officially non-timed PS3 exclusive even when others have left for greener pastures, but on the other hand its production costs are extreme for publisher Konami, and the big question is: How are they going to make that money back? Ryan Payton, assistant producer for MGS4, told Reuters that the game needs to sell one million units on its first day due to its production costs. We don't know if Payton is expecting a global launch, but just for a point of reference, in the US that would require 50% of PS3 owners to buy the game on the first day.

One million units on day one is a Reed Richards stretch; we're certainly curious to know how Konami is going to justify the exclusivity of MGS4 financially. If an efficiently produced game like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune cost $20 million, we can only wonder what a game with the production levels of MGS4 cost. There's a much deeper story here about the cost of MGS4 and Konami, but those answers probably won't shake out until long after MGS4 releases.
MGS4. Yeah, I read that as well!
BUT if you look at the vids of the game, it is coming together rather well actually. I am interested to see if the game will capture me though. The last game I played was MGS2. 3 never kept me going... no clue why?
MGS4 seems to have a lot of potential though.

Don't forget to bring up Killzone 2 exclusive for the PS3. That game is beginning to look amazing as well!
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MGS4 will have no problems selling 1 million copies on its first day.

I've been thinking of ordering a white ps3 40gb pes2008 bundle from but i wanted to see first if anyone has any experiense from that site?
my main consern is if you pay any import tax when you order from them into the EU (Sweden) or do they sort that like videogamesplus
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