Sony PlayStation 3

Hey guys this may be a dumb question but i got my PS3 in my room upstairs but my PC is downstairs in the backroom with the internet cable in the front room downstairs how do i get my PS3 online ?

I'm in the same boat, like Jay says you need a wireless router, thats how I do it.
ow ok cool
:-k wont this make it alot more laggy tho online?
and also i had a PSP before with a router on the PC and it wouldnt connect from upstairs? is the PS3 got better connectios?
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It wont make it laggy, I've only experienced lag in PES (thats the games fault and not the internet) and on very few occasions in CoD4.

When I play Resistance or Warhawk they are super smooth and they are 40 and 32 players games.
Super Stardust HD gets secretly updated

It seems that the Super Stardust HD upgrade pack that is "coming soon" is already available, in one form or another. Delete and re-download the game from the EU PSN Store and you might notice a few new, exciting features. Unfortunately, the game seems to have disappeared from our download list so we had to buy it again. A separate pack will hopefully be made available soon. We've been exploring the new version (2.02, according to the credits) for a little while and are very pleased with what we've found.

The game now has full support for Dual Shock 3 rumble controllers, as well as a new online store section in the main menu. Currently this contains two add-on packs, a "Single Player expansion" and a "Multiplayer expansion", both of which are marked as "coming soon". The high score table now shows score, highest rank, session time and the time that the score was submitted. Along with the new game statistics section, you can keep a scarily accurate tally of how long you've played, how many of each enemy you've killed and how many times you've completed each level.

We've saved the best for last, though. The new version has full support for custom soundtracks. These can be edited from within the game utilising any music on your PS3's hard drive. Playing Super Stardust HD to Sufjan Stevens' "Songs for Christmas" is an amazingly cathartic experience. We currently have no idea if the US PSN Store has the upgraded version of the game yet, or when its official release is supposed to be. We will keep you informed.

I've just experienced Super Stardust HD with custom soundtracks, its awesome!

You do need to re download it from your download list.
Tomorrow Firmware 2.10

Heads up! Sony UK has announced that the next PlayStation 3 firmware update could be coming in tomorrow, a month after the last version came out. Version 2.10 will have a couple of new features, including the new Voice Changer function and DivX support.

For this new firmware update, you'll need 120 MB of free space on your unit. For now it seems we won't see the system go BD-Live yet, but the system is going up to Blu-Ray Profile v1.1 allowing picture-in-picture interactivity for certain Blu-ray discs.

Also, according to the Blu-ray website, the new Voice Changer function will be able to support in-game chat. Hopefully this indicates progress towards in-game access to the XMB.

Here are the reported updates from the UK PlayStation site:

Voice Changer feature:

You can change the tone of a voice that is input from an audio device such as a microphone. High and low-pitched tones can each be adjusted to five preset levels. You can vary the tone when using voice / video chat under Friends.


You can now select [Type 3] as an option under Settings > [Music Settings] > [Bitmapping]. This bitmapping process was developed specifically for the PS3 system to enhance audio playback.


DivX and VC-1 (WMV) have been added to the types of files that can be played.
Blu-ray Disc Profile 1.1 is now supported.
[BD Data Utility] has been added.
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Still NO XMB access in game? other than Divx and WMV this is a pretty pointless update! Sony for god sake INCLUDE XMB in game in the next update!!

I wish people would stop whinging about bloody in game xmb.

It will come when its perfected why rush it and then when its not what everyone wants they will moan?

It was half shown at E3 when Harrison showed off Home.

Great update Sony!!!!
I wish people would stop whinging about bloody in game xmb.

It will come when its perfected why rush it and then when its not what everyone wants they will moan?

It was half shown at E3 when Harrison showed off Home.

Great update Sony!!!!

They're moaning because it's a feature that should have been here on the consoles release.

The PS3 is a piece of shit console for online - after coming from the 360 to this its like a gigantic step backwards and it really pisses me off that sony failed to add the 360's features and continue to.

No XMB - no online chat through the XMB - no custom soundtracks on games - region locked servers on games... are sony still in 1997?

Yes online play is free - but that's because no one would pay for this crap
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The servers are not region locked and custom soundtracks are long overdue but they are starting to appear now.
They're moaning because it's a feature that should have been here on the consoles release.

The PS3 is a piece of shit console for online - after coming from the 360 to this its like a gigantic step backwards and it really pisses me off that sony failed to add the 360's features and continue to.

No XMB - no online chat through the XMB - no custom soundtracks on games - region locked servers on games... are sony still in 1997?

Yes online play is free - but that's because no one would pay for this crap

But its not so people need to get over it. Not all games have region locked servers.

Custom soundtracks apparently the game devs can implement. Plus i swear you can chat through the xmb?

I could be wrong.

Look i hear your point but its not the end of the world if you dont like dont buy or sell your machine it really is that simple if you think its shit online.

So what you gona say when Home has all this stuff? Why are we paying for it on Xbox Live?

Doubt it!
But its not so people need to get over it. Not all games have region locked servers.

Custom soundtracks apparently the game devs can implement. Plus i swear you can chat through the xmb?

I could be wrong.

Look i hear your point but its not the end of the world if you dont like dont buy or sell your machine it really is that simple if you think its shit online.

So what you gona say when Home has all this stuff? Why are we paying for it on Xbox Live?

Doubt it!

You can chat on the XMB you just cant continue your chat into a game or access the XMB to start a chat or check messages during gameplay - hell if i lose my net connection while im in the middle of a game the ONLY way of getting back onto sony's sevrers is to quit my game and hit login again.

I didnt say its the end of the world that sonys XMB is shite compared to the 360's - its just a really big problem that shouldnt be here.

"So what you gona say when Home has all this stuff? Why are we paying for it on Xbox Live?"

I'm not following - will i say something along the lines of 'the 360's online service isn't worth the money when the PS3 is offering the same for free'

of course id say that - it would be true!
You can chat on the XMB you just cant continue your chat into a game or access the XMB to start a chat or check messages during gameplay - hell if i lose my net connection while im in the middle of a game the ONLY way of getting back onto sony's sevrers is to quit my game and hit login again.

I didnt say its the end of the world that sonys XMB is shite compared to the 360's - its just a really big problem that shouldnt be here.

"So what you gona say when Home has all this stuff? Why are we paying for it on Xbox Live?"

I'm not following - will i say something along the lines of 'the 360's online service isn't worth the money when the PS3 is offering the same for free'

of course id say that - it would be true!

Like i said i hear your point. In game xmb should be there but its not and its coming. Sony has said & they know they need it as EVERY PS3 owner wants it.

Sony have always been slow and will continue to be so. As long as each update has a good feature i dont mind.
It's not present 'in game' at the moment, that's what people are complaining about, in the 360 you can access your friends list at anytime, change certain things and do voice chat when the game is loading or when your playing it. XMB is there when you boot up to let you choose all the options it gives you, but once you boot your game you can no longer access it.
We still need a more friendly buddy list like XBL. My X360 hasnt been working for months and I've realised it something I've always taken for granted.
I was playing Unreal Tournament 3 (just imported it) and felt something was lacking when playing multiplayer. The game itself was perfect but it didnt have that "community" feel that X360 games have where I can chat to everyone (mainly because the X360 comes with a headset while the PS3 doesnt), look at people's gamertag, easily add people to my friends list, look up my previous opponents for rematches, get all my mates together for a multiplayer session with ease, etc.
I hope Playstation Home changes this but I still cant imagine it being better than Xbox Live.
We still need a more friendly buddy list like XBL. My X360 hasnt been working for months and I've realised it something I've always taken for granted.
I was playing Unreal Tournament 3 (just imported it) and felt something was lacking when playing multiplayer. The game itself was perfect but it didnt have that "community" feel that X360 games have where I can chat to everyone (mainly because the X360 comes with a headset while the PS3 doesnt), look at people's gamertag, easily add people to my friends list, look up my previous opponents for rematches, get all my mates together for a multiplayer session with ease, etc.
I hope Playstation Home changes this but I still cant imagine it being better than Xbox Live.

I couldn't agree more - up until the XBL part at the end.

Trying to set up a match online with the PS3 feels like a huge effort - first you'd have to all meet up in the XMB chat to sort out what your playing. On XBL you'd do more or less the same but there you can continue your chat into the game. With the PS3 everyone has to leave the chat room - load up the game and search around for you until hopefully they find your game.

And then lets say with something like Fifa 08 - once the match ends you are all disconnected and then will have to quit the game and arrange a new match in the XMB chat!

It really does feel like the devs are looking at the 360 and thinking of ways to help gamers play --- and then on the ps3 they just throw in the most basic online coding - where at best they give us the options of ranked games or unranked games and that's your lot.

Warhawk has the great option of letting you have a buddies list and you can join their game with a press of the X button but not all games offer such ease at getting to play with your friends.

And i still can't believe we have region locked online games in this day and age!

Add to that my other problem with sony is the delay between game releases - on the 360 i was amazed with the almost simultaneous releases. If the USA got the game on a monday we'd get it the friday following.

I had always assumed that the stories about 'oh it takes time to translate the game' were true - But clearly if they could do it on the 360 it was without a doubt a load of shite.
The real truth is they just didn't want to hire more staff or spend more time doing the boring translating work.

I think Home will be great - i really cant see how they could balls it up - the idea is just sooo damn simple only a monkey could screw it up.

Let say they do get it right - i cant see then how XBL would be seen as a better option. You'd have a 3d world vs a menu based world.

BUT sony have already proved they have no idea about what gamers need in a console (give us more ram you cheap shits) and if its taken them say the 2 years the 360 has been on sale (to copy it from them) and the development time before then... so 2-3 years of development time and they still cant get in game XMB to work?

Something isn't quite right about that!

so i can see home launching and then sony coming out and saying "we never expected such a high volume of traffic on the home servers and that's why its glitchy, crashes, games are failing to load for party plays.

Or they announce home as free... but then we'll all find out only the very basic version is free and that it will be region locked
Blu Ray theme




May not be decent for you but is for millions of other gamers.

Get over it!
ok Im not saying it ISNT decent for other gamers.. im saying the vast MAJORITY of PS3 owners that I have spoken to and read posts on forums WANT XMB Access and access to the Friends list in game etc etc above most other ModCons that Sony are throwing at us.... MS has provided Guide Access in 360 games since Day 1!!
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