Sony PlayStation 3

ok Im not saying it ISNT decent for other gamers.. im saying the vast MAJORITY of PS3 owners that I have spoken to and read posts on forums WANT XMB Access and access to the Friends list in game etc etc above most other ModCons that Sony are throwing at us.... MS has provided Guide Access in 360 games since Day 1!!

Its swings and roundabouts though M$ provided flaky consoles to its customers from day 1!

Sony has missed it out but I would rather they get it right rather than throw in game XMB in now and balls it up. Its definately coming so just be patient.
I think Home will be great - i really cant see how they could balls it up - the idea is just sooo damn simple only a monkey could screw it up.

Let say they do get it right - i cant see then how XBL would be seen as a better option. You'd have a 3d world vs a menu based world.

I dont see how you think a 3D world is better than a simple Menu. The 3D world is just a cosmetic thing that people will get bored of very quickly. Maybe the extra features will be good like the arcade games and stuff but when it comes to simple features like having a chat with a mate, I dont need to see our characters standing in front of each other while we talk. Whats the point of that?
Xbox Live is simple. You just press the guide button, you invite a friend to a chat, and then press the guide button again to go back to the game while you're still chatting using the headset. Its like having a free telephone connection to go with your game session.
Personally I think the only major thing that the Xbox Guide is lacking is the ability to have a chat session with more than one person at the same time.
I dont see how you think a 3D world is better than a simple Menu. The 3D world is just a cosmetic thing that people will get bored of very quickly. Maybe the extra features will be good like the arcade games and stuff but when it comes to simple features like having a chat with a mate, I dont need to see our characters standing in front of each other while we talk. Whats the point of that?
Xbox Live is simple. You just press the guide button, you invite a friend to a chat, and then press the guide button again to go back to the game while you're still chatting using the headset. Its like having a free telephone connection to go with your game session.
Personally I think the only major thing that the Xbox Guide is lacking is the ability to have a chat session with more than one person at the same time.

Home is free and optional.

Winner for me!
People will get bored - that's just your assumption though that people WILL get bored.

Chat rooms are really addictive for many people and this 3D world is more then just 4 walls and some characters.... you can share videos music show off your gaming moments set up group parties or join up with a group of people and find another group to challenge for a 5 vs 5 online game. Then you have the sony section for online competitions and tournaments.

Then you have the sims style customisation for your own home - you can change the layout, pick a cool background and then invite people over for a game and a lobby to fall back on and continue the talk when the game ends instead of just a menu.

but when it comes to simple features like having a chat with a mate, I dont need to see our characters standing in front of each other while we talk. Whats the point of that?

You could equally say that if you only want to chat - why bother with a ps3 or a xbox - just pick up the phone - or if you only want to chat while on your ps3 then you can use the ps3 chat function.

And if in game XMB does come around the PS3 will (or should if we get what people are expecting) be able to chat with a friend during a game.

Yeah its optional but its either that or nothing. Not much of a choice if you ask me.

How do you mean 'nothing'

If we dont want to use home then we cant chat in games? thats what the update for the in game XMB is for.
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thanks tobi also do you know how to install custom themes on ps3?

also please give me a rating out of ten on this pic

Settings > go down until you see Themes > Install > a screen will come up, if you have themes on a USB stick then select the USB stick then select the theme and it'll install. Also if you have DL themes from the store they'll automatically be installed.

8.5 for the pic, who is it?
On the ps3 update i have a problem when i put my memory stick into the ps3 go to [setting][network update][media storage] it scans and then say "no applicable update data was found" please help me....
Thanks TEEDA and sfc_tsubasa

PS3 ousting Xbox as lead development platform

Developers are increasingly using the PlayStation 3 (PS3) over Microsoft's Xbox 360 as the primary development platform for games, according to a Sony executive .

"We are now starting to see developers creating games on PS3 and then porting them to other platforms such as EA's Burnout," said PlayStation boss Jack Tretton in an interview with IGN.
"We are seeing tremendous progress from the third-party community in terms of what they are able to do with our development kits."

When developers first create games on PS3, they take advantage of the PS3's unique hardware capabilities, maintains the chief executive, before adding, "you will see some very nice things in 2008 coming from our third party partners in addition to what you will see this holiday".

The Xbox 360 has typically been used as the lead development console for multiplatform games having launched a full year before PS3 and Wii and given its larger US installed base.

In October, Midway developer Mike Bilder said developing first on PS3 allows for faster porting between PS3 and Xbox 360 without compromising the game experience
Does anyone else get signed out of PSN whenever they watch a DVD or BD?
Oh Thomas, here we go again.

Is this actually news? I mean its a sony pr guy saying how the ps3 is getting "more important" with the only example being burnout. A possible big issue is that because they develop on the ps3 with the thought to port over to the 360, with its 3 cores, means most of the games on the ps3 will only ever use 3 cores anyway. While the graphics chip is said to be superior and deliver a sharper picture between the two on the 360. From that point of view the only positive is that you wont be getting shoddy ports anymore.....not actually get better games between the two. Meaning, besides the exclusives, the ps3 (like the original xbox) will never be able to forfill its potential.
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In regards to the PS3 news, I don't take anything seriously these days. What does it change for us as gamers? It always is going to come down to the final product regardless. Hopefully the new games for 2008 start making leaps and bounds if developers are really harnessing the power and potential of the PS3 (showing me even more how much I suck at video games now). We can only hope for now. Plus, as mentioned, it was from a freakin' PS3 PR. Oh well.
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