Sony PlayStation 3

Guys, this thread has too many pages for me to search for a specific answer so it would be helpful and really appreciated if some of you could answer the following questions for me. I've been working 12 hour shift for few weeks and don't have time for a damn thing but since I just got a nice LCD HDTV I'm thinking of purchasing PS3. I had 360 and I had 4 different ones all..were defective so I finally decided to get my money back. My questions are:

Comparing PS3 to XBOX 360 which system has more problems .. 360 is known for 3 rings of death, freezing, scratching discs, overheating ..but I don't know anything about PS3 since I never owned one. Is 80GB PS3 available in the US or only 60GB - I heard the 20GB got discontinued. Those are my questions. Thanks.
It finished after a while. I just had to keep pausing and continuing it. The servers were weird yesterday.

Anyway, the game is nothing special. The graphics are pretty good and stuff, but that means nothing when you have to do exactly the same for 10 minutes. Click L1 to dive and shoot a dozen of assholes in the face. It's fun for a minute, then you just get bored and hope for the demo to end.

On the other hand, NBA Live '08 improved a lot. Well, in certain aspects. Graphically the game is better but I don't seem to notice any anti-aliasing at all and the game runs like a slideshow when there's a foul or the ball goes out of the bounds. This is not good. In terms of gameplay, I think it's better though I've only played like four matches.
Microsoft is rapidly losing its year long head start to Nintendo and Sony
>> From
Nintendo's Wii, while nearly impossible to find in retail stores, sold slightly above the company's second quarter June 2007 goal of 9 million units, reaching sales of 9,270,000.
Sony's PlayStation 3 also edged slightly above its 6 million goal for Q2 by shipping 6,210,000 units to stores. There is still significant inventory left unsold in stores, which prompted Sony to cut the PS3's price in July by $100, to $499 and $599 for the two PS3 models.
Microsoft had originally set a target of 15 million Xbox 360s by the middle of 2007, but dropped that target down to 12 million. Even with lowered expectations, the company was still unable to meet its goal, having only shipped 11,600,000 units by the end of June.
For the first half of 2007, while Nintendo sold 6 million units a quarter and Sony shipped 2 million per quarter, Microsoft was only about to push out 600,000 units a quarter, in large part because the retail channel is already full of unsold Xbox 360s.

When looking at actual worldwide sales reported by manufacturers, 360 unit sales are flattening out dramatically.
Microsoft has now had two quarters of sales well behind last year's sales.
In its second year, the Xbox 360 is slipping behind every quarter in year over year sales, and not by a little. This years' Xbox 360 sales are less than half those of 2006's.
While Windows Enthusiasts like to deride PS3 sales as low, Sony's relatively high priced console is selling at identical levels to Microsoft's 360 figures from last year after its initial stumble out of the gate.
In other words, the PS3 is matching the Xbox 360's first year sales while 360 itself isn't, allowing Sony to incrementally catch up while Microsoft languishes with static sales.
In just half a year, Sony is at half of Microsoft's sales, despite the Xbox 360 having been on sale for over a year and a half. Nintendo's Wii, however, is taking off in a way that leaves both of the HD consoles behind. It appears poised to pass total sales of the 360 next month at the end of the third quarter.
Anyone want to add me too feel free. ;)

I have two names and haven't decided which I want to keep so you can add both if you like.

Not sure whether to get FIFA on the PS3 or 360, though more likely the 360 due to the amount of people on here who have 360's. I'll add you to my PSN Cowden :)
People i'm looking for some 720p wallpapers, will 1900x1200 look good, what resolution am i looking for?
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Not sure whether to get FIFA on the PS3 or 360, though more likely the 360 due to the amount of people on here who have 360's. I'll add you to my PSN Cowden :)

PS3 for me tbh. Me and 360 footy games dont agree no matter how many players are on Live as i dont use it that much anyway.
Actually I have noticed I havent been using XBOX Live as much, I actually use it mostly for Halo 2... Still, probs be Halo 3 when it comes out, even though that doesnt look all that great compared to Halo 2.

Anyway you lot feel free to add me aswell, PSN and Live account names are the same Seraphs21 :D

Also anyone getting Warhawk, I already got a bluetooth headset, and usb keyboard. But I also want the headset that comes with Warhawk looks sleek haha :D

Probably be getting Fifa on PS3 aswell, dunno yet.
I got a 3 month Live subscription but left it on Silver when it ran out August 1st, don't play online so didn't see a point, will probably only buy Gold again for the Fifa08 roster update as presumably it will add some new players......
You need a gold to do downloads like that? I thought gold was only for online PLAY not downloads aswell. Bit of a rip off then, especially if its for one download and dont have a free trial...
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Silver gets you demos and game fixes/patches/updates whatever you want to call them ;) For a "roster" update you need gold, to use UCL's trading card game you also need gold but I got bored with that and don't play it anymore, still working on UCL's challenge mode :)
Ahh makes sense... I dunno I have always had a gold membership since the old XBOX so wouldnt no, what I could have and not etc.

And Snoop I accepted, was thinking who it was though, was playing FEAR with a mate :D
40GB PS3 With Spider-Man 3 For Christmas?

While I'm completely skeptical here, Ars Technica's mole, who previously tipped them off on HDMI for the 360 and wired Xbox 360 Rock Band controllers is now telling them that Sony will be releasing yet another version of the PS3 for the holidays. This time it is a 40GB system for only $400 with a possible Spider-Man 3 Blu-ray pack-in. Also in the cards is a supposed price drop to $99 for the PS2. Here's what the mole says the holiday season will look like for Sony consoles:

* 80GB PlayStation 3: $499.99
* 40GB PlayStation 3: $399.99
* Spider-Man 3 Blu-ray movie pack in with one, or both
* PlayStation 2: $99.99

While the 80GB price drop has been predicted by multiple analysts, I don't get why they would go to all the trouble to phase out two smaller hard drive versions of the system only to release a third. The PS2 is still selling strong, but the drop to $99 could very well make it the best-selling console of the holidays, especially if Wii shortages continue. Hopefully come TGS we'll have confirmation one way or the other. Until then, grain of salt people.
Haven't heard anything yet, people think it'll be out shortly as Sony will want the new features in place for the Christmas period (making the PS3 more attracrive)
PS3 named best 'media center' by European org.

The good news for Sony: The PlayStation 3 has won another prestigious award for hardware design. The bad news: It has little to nothing to do with it's capabilities as a video game system.

The European Imaging and Sound Association's convergence panel has named the PS3 the best European media center for 2007/2008. The award description cites the systems audio/video/photo playback capabilities, included 60GB hard drive, Wi-Fi, ethernet, bluetooth and surround sound support and, most importantly, the Blu-ray disc player. Oh, and they also mention, almost as an afterthought, that the system is "of course a very advanced game console and a worthy heir to the grand PlayStation heritage."

We have to wonder how well Sony's convergent set top box would have done without its game-playing capabilities. Would consumers have been interested in an all-in-one TV entertainment center on its own merits, or are all these multimedia features just nice additions to a unit that's primarily meant for games. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Like the brief article says shame its supposed to be a games console.
Ratchet & Clank PS3 demo on Oct 4


Sony has scheduled some preliminary Tool time, dating the Ratchet & Clank Future demo for October 4th, according to IGN. The demo will feature Tools of Destruction's opening level, as disclosed by Insomniac in an interview with "[Resistance taught us] the importance of opening the game with a bang -- and that's just what we do," Insomniac told, "Players will get a sneak peek of this level via a downloadable demo that should hit the PlayStation Network Store in the not-too-distant future." Not-too-distant being just 23 days away.

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is scheduled for retail release on October 23rd.
* 80GB PlayStation 3: $499.99
* 40GB PlayStation 3: $399.99
* Spider-Man 3 Blu-ray movie pack in with one, or both
* PlayStation 2: $99.99

That's still an extremely shitty deal. Why not pack it in with a decent game or something, instead of a crappy film.

and the prices are still bad, should be:

* 80GB PS3: $399.99
* 40GB PS3: $299.99

plus a game for half the price of a new one

then it might actually sell well.
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