Sony PlayStation 3

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

tbh, it doesn't matter what we say about it.

some people are going to doubt and doubt even more.

i say, try the full version when its released. if you like it then well done. if you don't then tough.

i am buying PES and FIFA.

i prefer the way PES plays, but i am giving FIFA a go this year as they deserve it. i am not going to sit here and bash fifa because i like PES. they are both good football games and should both be given a chance.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

Whats happened to the firmware details?

Also Djdoc shows that you arent that good at the game, well in that aspect, I can control the ball as well as the computer, even better using super cancel, position myself better etc, and recieve it beautifully, computer mess up a lot under pressure I find to, I dont understand why you are saying PES5 though as thats a later game, we are advancing on PES6 not PES5 :D Awful attemps to put PES own, trying to scoop as much crap as you can!

Dammit I took it off-topic too!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

Question people, I have a wireless adaptor connected to my PC, when I get my PS3 i'm thinking of buying a router how do I connect it?

PC is downstairs, PS3 will be upstairs.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

Question people, I have a wireless adaptor connected to my PC, when I get my PS3 i'm thinking of buying a router how do I connect it?

PC is downstairs, PS3 will be upstairs.

piece of cake tobi. just fire up the ps3, enter the wireless details - SSID, network key (i set up as WPA PSK, TKIP) and the ps3 does the rest!

Wireless range al depends on how thick your walls and floors are, if solid brick concrete, you migh find the signal a bit patchy and migh need a booster.
Official sales Chart:


Hey, fanboys. You talk too much. You're over-reliant on words, and this being the internet, a word-based community/medium, you're cluttering up the place. What you need is a picture, one that can summarise 17 thread pages worth of round-n-round wrangling in a single snap-shot. A picture like this, handily provided by Gamasutra. They've taken the latest NPD figures, compared them to a whole bunch of previous NPD figures, and have charted the lifetime American sales of the Wii, 360 and PS3. So enjoy, and rest easy in the knowledge this just saved you a thousand words.
NPD For July 2007: The Gamasutra Analysis [Gamasutra]
1up Warhawk review - 8.5

In fact, Warhawk is an impressive job all around. We can run down a "competent game design" checklist, if you want: Sharp graphics? Check. Smooth framerate? Oh yeah, check. Low latency? Big check: I have yet to encounter one single moment of lag. Easy-to-use online interface and solid community support? Check and check. User-friendly control? A slightly reserved check, only because the novel -- and entirely optional -- motion controls take an awful lot of getting used to. (True, getting used to them is arguably worth the effort if you plan to focus on flight, since it frees up the analog sticks for more precise aiming in the air. But this is counterbalanced by the fact that motion control is an all-or-nothing affair: Enable it for aircraft and it's enabled for tanks and 4x4s as well, which is quite simply a pain.)

I cant wait!

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I have that Bluetooth headset, and well I dont know if its worth the price of the game etc, maybe better DownLoading WarHawk if you already have a headset, its certainly not the best but then it's being released as an add-on I suppose. Why didnt Sony put a SE one in the box?
Hmm I think I'm gonna purchase Warhawk when I get home from work. Getting very good reviews off people which has made me check out videos etc. I thought it was just aircrafts, didn't realise it had land fighting as well! Looks pretty cool, I'll leave reviews after some playing time.
The Pricecut or Clearence sale is almost over.

Sony has no more 60GB PS3s in its warehouses

It seems the unnecessary confusion surrounding the future of Sony's 60GB PlayStation 3 is finally ceasing, as Sony has now stated that it "no longer has any inventory in SCEA warehouses." Moreover, it was noted that all of the 60GB units "had been purchased and shipped to retailers," and while Sony doesn't know how many of those are on store shelves or waiting somewhere else in the supply channel, the firm estimates that there is still "ample supply left." So, we guess that settles it (hopefully for good, this time).
Hmm I think I'm gonna purchase Warhawk when I get home from work. Getting very good reviews off people which has made me check out videos etc. I thought it was just aircrafts, didn't realise it had land fighting as well! Looks pretty cool, I'll leave reviews after some playing time.

Really dunno if to get it or not? Let us know what its like.
Damnit, thought I had the money in my bank account but I dont :( I get paid tomorrow so if I'm home tomorrow, I'll grab it then. Gutted.

If only PSN took PayPal as a payment option :(
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@ snoop, it might be better to get the disc version.

Eurogamer review / comments:
Buy the Blu-ray Version
WarHawk is an excellent online game and the option to play it here and now via download, as an alternative to buying it from retail, is a great move. There's just something intrinsically cool about the whole concept and this game should've been the standard bearer for online delivery.

But in this case, downloading the game comes with a disappointing DRM penalty. Essentially, if you buy the game from the PlayStation Store, only the account that made the purchase has rights to play the game. And if you port that account to another PS3, there's a 24-hour delay before you can play again. The message here is clear - Sony has had enough of gamers sharing their accounts and giving away their games to other people for free. Fine.

While it is completely understandable for Sony to protect their investment in such an important game, the restrictions are overly prohibitive. Sony itself has set up a system for multiple users to play on the same PS3, with their own friends lists, game stats etc. But even sub-accounts connected to the main user profile are banned from playing WarHawk, so the message from Sony is obviously that only the person who buys the game - and him alone, nobody else in the household - should be able to play it. To me, that's a line that should not have been crossed.

SixAxis support is also something of a mixed bag - quite surprising considering that early Warhawk demo code was used to showcase the controller's motion sensor a couple of E3s ago. It's certainly entertaining enough in the flight sections if you're intent on a scenic journey around the large game maps, but in the heat of hardcore combat, the motion sensor's lack of precision is frankly a liability. It gets worse when using the jeep and tank, where SixAxis is expected to double up as a steering wheel. The jeep in particular is almost uncontrollable and while the sensitivity can be adjusted, that only serves to balls-up the fairly well adjusted controls for the flight mode. The fact that SixAxis support is disabled by default speaks volumes, and I can only suggest that you leave it that way.

What is strange is that Sony seemingly has nothing to lose by allowing sub-accounts using the same console to play WarHawk. It still kills off the game-sharing, it wipes out the possibility of reselling it, but crucially it doesn't handicap any legitimate use of the game by people who choose to download rather than buy the disc version. But with things the way they are now, I think opting for the retail WarHawk is the best way forward, not least because the Bluetooth headset you get isn't bad value at all, plus you're free to play the game on as many PS3s and/or accounts as you desire. The headset itself is a standard mid-range Jabra effort, meaning it's good for your mobile too.

It's disappointing to end this review on a sour note and it's all the more frustrating because every other online component of this game (dodgy voice chat aside) works so well and serves the gamer brilliantly. I've not had this much fun with the PS3 since... well, since I played the WarHawk beta, actually. Download DRM issues aside, this is a game that begs to played and enjoyed.
Interesting. I wouldn't be using my account on anyone else's PS3 so that wouldn't be an issue, but then I'd rather not support any form of DRM.
Quick Q guys.

I'm going to trade my 360 which is locking up yet again for a PS3. But i want to know first - is it easy to get the damn thing connected online?

I can never get the Ps2 to connect - it always stops at a security check even though its a legit game and an un modded ps2.

My 360 connects perfectly and so does the wii

Console - plugged into modem - plugged into virgin set top box.

If i try the Ps2 the same way it stops at the security check - i cant remember what it was but it could be the dnas maybe?

Does the ps3 connect as easily as that or wil i have to mess around with ports and all sorts of stuff i have no idea about?
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All critic scores are converted to a 100-point scale. If a critic does not indicate a score, we assign a score based on the general impression given by the text of the review. Learn more...

Out of 100
90 Play Magazine
Lair has come together beautifully... With its stunning visuals and incredible soundtrack, Lair may well be the single most powerful experience that a man can share with his $5,000 home theatre system. [Aug 2007, p.64]
75 GamePro
I expect many fans will be disappointed thanks to all of the hype that's built up around the game, but the inevitable complaints about the control scheme will be warranted. [Sep 2007, p.79]
75 GameZone
There are some frustrations and the game lacks a general sense of excitement that propels you forward at a frantic pace.

60 GameDaily
It certainly looks amazing, and the epic soundtrack fits the game's fantasy theme, but Lair suffers from repetitive missions, cheesy voice acting and choppy animation. Fighting for ten minutes, dying and restarting from the beginning gets old real fast, and the cookie cutter story failed to hold our interests.

60 1UP
Lair is a game that you'll want for its eye-popping experience rather than its gameplay. So buy it if you want to justify all the thousands you spent on your PS3 and that 1080p HDTV you can see from the International Space Station. Don't buy it if you want a dragon that does what it's damn well told.

55 Electronic Gaming Monthly
Don't buy it if you want a dragon that does what it's told. [Sept 2007, p.82]
54 Cheat Code Central
Gameplay and storyline trump graphics and sounds everyday of the week. Unfortunately, the story is predictable and the gameplay is tedious. Lair is a classic example of form over function. What a major let down.

50 GamerNode
Lair is a bargain title in AAA clothing. Everything other than the gameplay itself is wonderful; unfortunately, the controls are frequently more frustrating than fun, and downright awful in most scenarios.

50 PSM Magazine
Strip away the graphics and novelty controls and Lair is exposed for what it is: an average shooter the likes of which we've all played before on two earlier PlayStation iterations. [Oct 2007, p.74]
49 IGN
At one point, Lair looked like one of the most promising titles coming to the PS3, but the final version -- even with its interesting story, occasionally impressive graphics and amazing score -- falls well short of anything you should be playing.

45 GameSpot
Great visuals and sound mean absolutely nothing in Lair. Factor 5 should have made a movie--not a game. This is the ultimate example of how gameplay suffers when all the work goes into making everything look pretty. There is nothing fun about it.

40 GameBrink
Shocking mistake number 3 is the framerate. Running in 1080p you’ll have several situations where the game chugs like no other. Massive amounts of enemies will make the game a slideshow and will ultimately lead to you breaking something.

I think this is to scare the dust away. It's the only reason I can think of why someone would make a case for the PS3 that looks this...creepy. Attaching on top of your existing case (instead of having to replace it), they apparently go for around $15, but why you'd want to spend one dollar, let alone fifteen on something to make your PS3 look like something from Doom 3 faceplanted on it is anyone's guess.
new update 1.92,more ps1-2 compability,better browser and something with trailers.
for better improvements waiting for update 2.0 .
1.92... why cant they just release 2.0 and give us the extra functionability? Same old Sony.. always holding back!
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