Sony PlayStation 3

Sony cant win really. People complain that there is no incentive to finish games o PS3 they do the trophy thing(which i think is great to compliment the points on 360) & people moan.

Looking forward to tis anyway & its good to see that some of the new game support it
PS3 Firmware 2.0 to reduce XMB usage from 96MB to 32MB

Currently Uses: 64MB from XDR RAM, and 32MB from GDDR3 RAM and 7th SPU
2.0: 32MB from XDR RAM, 0 from GDDR3 RAM, 7th SPU can be used (no longer reserved)

In-Game XMB

Firmware 2.0 will have in-game XMB.

Not all of the icons will be available on the XMB during a game.

Under ‘Friends’ there will be ‘Block List’, ‘Add a Freind’, ‘Players Met’, ‘Message Box’, and all of your friends. Your friends’ avatars will not show in-game in order to conserve memory.

Under ‘Network’ there will be ‘Download Management’.

Under ‘Game’ there will be the disk icon with the title under it. Seelecting this will prompt you for quitting the game.

The ‘Video’ column will not appear.

Under ‘Music’ there will be all of your sound files. You can play any of them and they will continue to play after you exit the in-game XMB. You will not be able to delete any of your songs in-game.

The ‘Photo’ column will not appear.

Under ‘Setteings’ there will be:

-’Game Settings’ wich will include ‘PS/PS2 Upscaler’ settings and ‘PS/PS2 Smoothing’ settings.

-’System Settings’ wich will include a new subsetting called ‘Turn Off the System’.

-’Date and Time Settings’ wich will include all the normal features.

-’Accessory Settings’ wich will include all the normal features.

-’Display Settings’ wich will include everything except ‘Video Output Settings’.

-’Sound Settings’ will unclude everything except ‘Audio Output Settings’.

The ‘Users’ column will not appear.
I hope this firmware 2.0 is true and comes soon. XMB access in game for the PSP would also be nice especially as we can store MP3's on our memorysticks why not let us use them in game.
Just continuing from a discussion in the Wii thread :)

There's also rumours that Sony will do away with the XMB (if that's what it's called?) and use Home as the ... well, home! Instead of a dashboard really. Home sounds like a really nice idea, I'm very much looking forward to it, and seeing the trophys in your cabinet will be sweet. But loading Home everytime you want to boot your PS3/quit a game to dashboard/Home will be a pain in the backside with having to load all the graphics etc.

I suspect it will be an option you can choose, on the 360 you can set it to boot the game up, or boot to dashboard in the options.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

This morning, the high definition format wars took another turn as Paramount announced they are going HD DVD exclusive.

According to Yahoo!, Paramount’s decision will mean such blockbusters as Transformers and Shrek the Third will only appear on HD DVD, as the exclusivity will stretch to all movies distributed by Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Nickelodeon Movies, MTV Films and DreamWorks Animation.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

That has totally screwed up my day, I recently saw Transformers and I was looking forward to watching it on Blu Ray this xmas. :(
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

This morning, the high definition format wars took another turn as Paramount announced they are going HD DVD exclusive.

According to Yahoo!, Paramount’s decision will mean such blockbusters as Transformers and Shrek the Third will only appear on HD DVD, as the exclusivity will stretch to all movies distributed by Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Nickelodeon Movies, MTV Films and DreamWorks Animation.

Bloody Transformers

Bugger it!!!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

What happens to Blades of Glory which is due out shortly?

Apart from the $150 million that Paramount got I don't understand it from a business sense, they can offer all the technical jargon they want but the proof is in the pudding and there films have consistently sold more on Blu Ray.

This will definitely be an anti-trust lawsuit. Paramount has had case art for Blades of Glory forevor. They've had encodes DONE, MADE, FINISHED. BD's don't get pressed 1 week in advance. There's prolly 150,000 copies of Blades of Glory on BD that won't get shipped to retailers, because Toshiba paid them not to.

This is gonna get ugly...

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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

This morning, the high definition format wars took another turn as Paramount announced they are going HD DVD exclusive.

According to Yahoo!, Paramount’s decision will mean such blockbusters as Transformers and Shrek the Third will only appear on HD DVD, as the exclusivity will stretch to all movies distributed by Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Nickelodeon Movies, MTV Films and DreamWorks Animation.

Interesting, both formats may now survive, which is annoying.

But at least HD DVD players will be dirt cheap soon.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

I think due to the fact Blu Ray is built into the PS3 that it will win us over. Most people will have PS3's and will buy Blu Rays.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

Hi guys,

Does anyone see the price of the Sony Playstation 3 dropping by late October, or will it be a while longer until will see a price drop?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

Japanese magazine Dengeki have revealed the Dual Shock controller for the PlayStation 3 and say that Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be compatible. :D

Maybe Polyphony are teasing us with this image on the Gran Turismo site...

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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

Watched the new GT5 trailer and it still has the bumper car issue. do PD not ever learn.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

Watched the new GT5 trailer and it still has the bumper car issue. do PD not ever learn.
ha ha lol obviously not then. Same old non existant physics then?

Also has this So Called Firmware 2.0 been confirmed? when is it likely to be released?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

I haven't seen any confirmation yet, but i don't doubt it's authenticity, it looks genuine. The last firmware that got released had a leaked feature list and then was officialy released not too many days later. I can see 2.0 coming out VERY shortly (thinking they'll announce this at Leipzig)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

There isn't a new Prologue trailer.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

BBC says Sony to unveil PS3 TV tuner at Leipzig

Either someone at the BBC has an inside source – replete with trench coat, fake mustache, and comically inverted newspaper – or they've been reading Joystiq and assembling the clues to paint a not altogether surprising portrait of Sony's Leipzig Game Convention keynote. The Beeb says Sony are on the cusp of unveiling a tuner "that will allow the recording and playback of digital TV." Of course, this is similar to remarks made by Sony's Warwick Light who said they're going "to release a digital tuner for the PS3, turning it into a programmable TV recorder."

The BBC also expects Sony to give more details about their PSP video download service developed with Sky in the UK, which we learned about last month and to deliver more details on the PSP's VoIP and instant messaging system being developed along with BT in the UK. Are these the fireworks David Reeves promised? Well, they didn't know about the DualShock 3 that's expected to unveiled today, so perhaps there are more fireworks in store
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

I'm sold on PlayTV
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 : Firmware 2.0 details

tis a very nice video, still no damage though.
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