Sony PlayStation 3

why are you always blaming sony dj?

did you know you can create JAP, HK & USA accounts on your ps3 and download content from the foreign stores?

p.s. grabbing DIRT now.
Kenny, I blame sony because give me 1 good reason why we cant get the same content at the same time? the machine is region free! I am fed up with us getting shafted and receiving content and games last... and being charged more for it!
Do you ask Microsoft the same questions? Instad of "For Fuck Sake SONY!!" ? Like releasing the TV/movies over in the US? The games always out over there before here? The Elite coming out there first? XBL Marketplace North America getting demos and extras restricted only to their region?

It's not just Sony mate, "For Fuck Sake SONY!!" should be directed at Sony, MS and Nintendo for their treatment of anywhere other than North America.
Do Sony ban you if you use an account for a different region to that which you're located in? I believe MS are supposed to ban people for the same thing, I'm in Singapore obviously and have a Singapore live account and a UK one because there's hardly any decent demos released on Singapore marketplace, real pisser that I apparently risk my 360 being perm banned from Live just for doing that........
I don't think they do ban you no, at least I've not read of anyone being banned (and I've read about LOADS of people using foreign accounts)
I just got a job so I can now start to see the PS3 at the end of the tunnel and £20 or £40 Warhawk will be my 1st game.

Congrats on the new job mate :) Also don't forget the PS3 is multi-region and you can import games from abroad. I get mine from VideoGamesPlus which sells for approx £36 delivered, which is cheaper than most UK stores whilst saving the need to wait weeks/months for a European release of the game :D
Regarding the multi-location question, they can't be banning people on psn as there are even threads about how to do it on Sony's official EU forums so surely they'd stop that first!

And I second Snoop's advice for Videogamesplus - I got MLB 2k7 (not avilable in UK) for £26 inc postage and they put "toy" on the package (without me asking) in order to skip the import duty! Top guys!
I've played a bit of DiRT and overall the game looks awesome. Though I haven't played the Xbox 360 version, I've read there aren't major differences between the two versions, just minor fixes.

The game is amazing graphically, it's a shame I still don't have an HDTV though, it would look miles better on it. :| The lightning effects are superb, it looks really good. Graphically it's the best game I've played so far.

The damages are awesome too, they look quite realistic. The only thing I'm not sure of are the brakes, they seem too effective for my taste. The car stops too quickly and easily. It might be just my first impression though. :|

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the game, it looks quite good. It's a shame the online mode is crap though. :cry:
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Don't think so. I think people said it was taken down when the full release came out, people who had the demo then got unlocked extras.
GRAW engine creator says developing games for PS3 is not harder

Developing games is not harder for the PlayStation 3 compared to the Xbox 360 according to Yann Le Tensorer in an interview with

He has the credentials to back up his statement considering he is the co-founder of Ubisoft's Tiwak studio as well as the co-creator of the Yeti engine which was used for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and the up-and-coming Beowulf.

Le Tensorer justified the statements of other developers who said that it was harder to develop on the PS3 by saying that the console is still in the early phase of its life cycle. As more and more studios learn how to harness the power of the unit, we can assume that better and more high-quality game will be coming out.

Ubisoft International Brand Manager Adrian Lacey cited God of War as a prime example of fine development. He said, " If you take the PS2 for example, when God of War come out people saw it was tremendous. But it wasn't until the end of the PS2 cycle that we've seen the machine being pushed to its fullest."

The future looks bright for the PS3 as long as developers keep that mindset and persevere to learn the ins-and-outs of the next -gen consoles. Hopefully, we'll be seeing better games in the future.


EA you need to move your big fat ass...
I thought it was an interesting post really. It's about time developers got used to the PS3 and how to work with it, tho I don't believe Sony particularly went out of their way to help developers either. Still, it will get easier and the power will come out.

Like any console really, the best games always come as the system gets on and developers get used to it. Look at Bioshock on the 360.
That interview is bad timing then because if it isn't difficult to develop for then why does it take nearly 6 months to come out on the PS3.
ha ha good one tobi. The thing is the PS2 was difficult to program for to START with but then as developers crack the code it gets easier. I am convinced it will be the same for the PS3 once they work out all the cells etc etc....
Just continuing from a discussion in the Wii thread :)

There's also rumours that Sony will do away with the XMB (if that's what it's called?) and use Home as the ... well, home! Instead of a dashboard really. Home sounds like a really nice idea, I'm very much looking forward to it, and seeing the trophys in your cabinet will be sweet. But loading Home everytime you want to boot your PS3/quit a game to dashboard/Home will be a pain in the backside with having to load all the graphics etc.
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