Sony PlayStation 3

Its nice to know twats come on here every now and again...... Yep he is always on here.
In-Game XMB Overlay Coming In The Next Update

It seems that Sony is always listening to us, and that their "we are listening to the consumers and we care for them" is a true sentence indeed, spoken by Ericl Lempel. Today, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. confirmed that an In-Game XMB Overlay is coming in the Next Major Update (you all know what I'm getting at). Yes everyone, you heard it at PSU first. In-Game XMB Overlay will be in the next update, but we don't know to what extent.

In a rather exhausting and relieving way, Ericl Lempel said, "Also, I noticed a lot of your comments were directly related to accessing XMB features in-game. We understand this is something you want and we are working on it. For the sake of keeping all the comments below on topic, please understand that we hear this request and are working toward a solution. When I have some more info to share on this, know that I will do so here on this blog."

The response came shortly after a user named "DarkKing" Spammed about 255 topics all consisting of a repetition of the following from top to bottom:


Looks like Sony promised, and they have half-way delivered with Wallpapers. Coming next major update, PlayStation 3 owners will glee with happiness everyday when they can finally access their Foo Fighters / Children of Bodom albums in Motorstorm. I sure as heck know, I will.

Source: Official PlayStation Blog
Rockstar rep says 'complete experience' only on 360 - plus new screens and details

It's no secret that the long-ago announced downloadable episodes for Grand Theft Auto IV will be exclusive to the Xbox 360 version of the game. According to Rockstar Games spokesman Hosi Simon, however, there won't be any consolation prizes for those who choose to buy the PlayStation 3 edition instead. When asked during a preview of the game (which you can read about here, if you haven't already) whether there would be any advantage to owning the PS3 version that could rival the 360's exclusives, Simon said, "not that I can think of."
Rockstar rep says 'complete experience' only on 360 - plus new screens and details

It's no secret that the long-ago announced downloadable episodes for Grand Theft Auto IV will be exclusive to the Xbox 360 version of the game. According to Rockstar Games spokesman Hosi Simon, however, there won't be any consolation prizes for those who choose to buy the PlayStation 3 edition instead. When asked during a preview of the game (which you can read about here, if you haven't already) whether there would be any advantage to owning the PS3 version that could rival the 360's exclusives, Simon said, "not that I can think of."

Very interesting.

Have to wait nearly 6 months to start part one of the 'complete' experience.

No thanks. 1000+ MS points i see them charging, how else are they gonna get there money back?

PS3 vers for me.
Heavely Sword Demo is out on PSN UK.

996 mb download and 10 minutes of gameplay. You get 2 levels of fighting and its pretty good. The graphics are very nice!\\:o/
its quite a small demo. Its actually not my sort of game, hack and slash type of affair. There are combos, but I always tend to just mash the buttons like an idiot!!! I am sure I will enjoy ot more when i learn the combos!;)

BUt the graphics are very very nice and has some superb looking timed buttons action sequences.

What I saw from some trailers on gametrailers really got me more exicited however, there were stages with crossbows and cannons, and those looked even better!

All in all looking goood.:mrgreen:
Quick question. To play the PS3 in HD, do you HAVE to have a HDMI port? Or does it use VGA / Component?

component work if your tv accept 720p or 1080i

you can also use an hdcp remover in vga , like hd fury, but if your sceen is not compatible with hd, you loose one part of image in left
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Target targets Blu-ray as the way

According to Reuters, retail mega-chain Target announced today it will only carry Blu-ray disc players. This comes a month after Blockbuster, the U.S.' largest brick-and-mortar video rental chain, said they would be going Blu-ray exclusively too. Heavens to Murgatroyd, is Sony actually going to win a format war? Blu-ray shall avenge its cousins Betamax and MiniDisc if it emerges victorious against HD-DVD.

The contested Target declaration probably shouldn't be taken too lightly -- although, when Wal-Mart declares Blu-ray, it's all over. So, even with the HD-DVD attachment price drop for your Xbox 360, plus five movies, is it worth getting? Umm, might want to put that money aside for now. It's a nice $179 dent in the cost of the PS3, which comes with Blu-ray playback built in. The holiday season is approaching and that's a pretty big indicator of what's to come.
The holiday season is approaching and that's a pretty big indicator of what's to come.

WTF is "holiday season" supposed to mean anyways? I've seen a number of posts recently with people saying shit like "all these good games coming out in the holiday season", blah blah, when I grew up the seasons were Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, when was a fifth season added? :)
^^^ I am presuming the term is primarily used in the US, my interpretation of holiday season is from Thanksgiving through to the first week in Jan. It may well extend beyond that, I am sure one of our US members can correct me though.
So what's wrong with calling it Winter, or Autumn, or if you want to be stubbornly American "Fall"? Why invent some new nonsensical "Season"? Beggars belief it really does :(

Microsoft Predicts $399 PS3 News

A cut-down PS3 coming to the market to save Sony's skin, or so Microsoft claims...

Keeping up with the recent PlayStation3 SKU changes, price drops and added value packs has been hard enough, however it seems Microsoft believe another twist is on the cards by suggesting Sony will release a trimmed down PS3 later in the year.

Speaking to Newsweek's N'Gai Croal, Microsoft's director of technical strategies Andre Vrignaud claimed a single-model $599 strategy would be "untenable" and suggested that Sony would be "dead" if they failed to shift significant hardware numbers this Christmas.

Vrignaud moved onto claim: "My prediction is that you're going to see the creation of a new, low-end SKU this holiday. It'll likely remove integrated wi-fi, memory card reader, and most controversially, all backward compatibility.

"You'll see a new wi-fi dongle made available. And finally, this low-end SKU will likely come with a smaller 40 GB hard drive. The low-end price will be set at $399, with the higher-end 80 GB SKU dropping to $499."

Smart, if a bit underhand, move by MS. Just planting some seeds of doubt in potential ps3 buyers by predicting an actual price cut in the near future. Although on the otherhand, why would you get a premium 360 this xmas ($399 atm) when you are getting an arguably better deal with the 399 ps3 40gb sku. More hdd space, bluray player and enough good multi platform games being released.

However a technical flaw in his prediction is the total loss of BC, why would that happen when its all now software emulated?! Hasnt he noticed the ps3 has already removed the BC hardware chip?
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Woolworths is dropping HD DVD in favour of Blu Ray
Blu Ray seems to sell well in most of the local game shops. One of the main ones I goto doesnt have any HD-DVD's nor any 360 HD DVD Drives...
Sony: No PS3 price cut plans outside US "at this point"

Sony President Ryoji Chubachi told Bloomberg the company has no plans to cut the price of the PlayStation 3 outside the US "at this point." If this all sounds vaguely familiar, astute readers will recall a similar sentiment expressed by Mr. Chubachi, telling Bloomberg on July 6th that there were "no immediate plans" for a console price cut ...

... three days later, Sony confirmed a $100 "price cut" on the 60GB PlayStation 3 model. We can hardly blame European PS3 hopefuls from waiting a couple days before forking over their Euros, though we think he's serious this time.
Blu Ray seems to sell well in most of the local game shops. One of the main ones I goto doesnt have any HD-DVD's nor any 360 HD DVD Drives...

Its obvious Blu-ray will be the main sourse for next gen movies but its not gonna affect the console wars.
Ppl still but consoles for games and games alone.
Plus when blu ray takes off it will push the players down in price and therefore be less of a reason to but a PS3 for Blu ray movies.
And all the companies will be back to their main focus games.
Sony loves there BJ'S

BJ's Wholesale goes Blu-ray

Another blow to HD DVD came today as BJ's Wholesale Club will bounce the format from its shelves in the fourth quarter according to VB, a Variety company. Just like yesterday's news about Target going with Blu-ray players, if Wal-Mart's Sam's Club went Blu-ray it'd be a much bigger deal, but BJ's is a large company on the East Coast (particularly the North East). BJ's will continue to sell HD DVD format products on their website.

Although Microsoft previously stated they were standing by HD DVD, they may need to review their statements from January if they don't want "charge customers $200 extra for something that may be the next Betamax." If the domino effect continues it might be at least worth considering an affordable Blu-ray attachment to the Xbox 360 -- despite Blu-ray being a Sony format. It's pretty simple, give HDTV consumers the option of a Blu-ray attachment for their Xbox 360, or have them thinking the PS3 is a game machine and an HD movie player in one affordable package (you know, further down that 10 year line). Then again, if direct digital content gains a foothold, it may all be a moot point anyway.
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