Sony PlayStation 3

Thomas stop with your absolute 100% bias towards anything Sony says or does. I am sure if Sony said that PS3 owners can now take a shit in 1080p you would believe it.

As it currently stands there is absolutely NOTHING between the PS3 and the 360. Burnout will not look better on the PS3, infact from the videos I have seen the PS3 version had more jaggies. EA sports games are 30fps on the PS3 and 60fps on the PS3. I don't care whether that is because "it is harder to develop for", it is a difference which puts the 360 versions ahead.

I don't own a PS3 (yet) but I see games on the system which look phenomenal and really excite me. All of those are first party titles. Almost all 3rd party titles look identical, or better on the 360.

Remember, you were the one who criticised the 360 version of PES6 because Konami will release the "true" next-gen version for Sony. You were wrong, just like many things.
Thomas stop with your absolute 100% bias towards anything Sony says or does. I am sure if Sony said that PS3 owners can now take a shit in 1080p you would believe it.

As it currently stands there is absolutely NOTHING between the PS3 and the 360. Burnout will not look better on the PS3, infact from the videos I have seen the PS3 version had more jaggies. EA sports games are 30fps on the PS3 and 60fps on the PS3. I don't care whether that is because "it is harder to develop for", it is a difference which puts the 360 versions ahead.

I don't own a PS3 (yet) but I see games on the system which look phenomenal and really excite me. All of those are first party titles. Almost all 3rd party titles look identical, or better on the 360.

Remember, you were the one who criticised the 360 version of PES6 because Konami will release the "true" next-gen version for Sony. You were wrong, just like many things.
Stop what ? i speak about Propaganda ? come on LemonJelly
when a game is better on PS3 i'm under attack by djdoc and familly.
when a game is better on PS3 i'm under attack by djdoc and familly.

It is the way you report the information, it is pure bollocks. DiRT is already out on PC and 360, given that Codemasters have had a few more months to develop the PS3 version, it better damn be improved on those already out.
matrix said:
People that own a PS3 are gonna be biased towards that console.
People that own a 360 are gonna be biased towards that console.

And the people that own both, like djdoc?!

Tbh i dont care which is the better "console", just which has the best games. And atm the 360 is leading the head-to-head multiplatform games contest aswell as the 1st party content. Time will tell which console will turn out to be better [supported] but atm its either pr bullshit for either console or just actually looking yourself at which is the best.

And yeah thomasgoal is always posting pro ps3 reports and has a negative slant when refering to 360 news. But it doesnt bother me as i couldnt really care less which console he prefers, as long as he reports the latest pes news :lol:
It is the way you report the information, it is pure bollocks. DiRT is already out on PC and 360, given that Codemasters have had a few more months to develop the PS3 version, it better damn be improved on those already out.
The information it's pure bollocks ??? :roll:
But you confirm it's better :roll:

ok ok i see...
At the end of the day Thomas has been championing the PS3 years before it's arrival and is known to be one of the staunchest PS3 / Sony Fanboys around. I have both machines and anyone who says the PS3 is better is deluded. They are capable of virtually the same things and both have strengths and weaknesses. At the moment anyone who has a PS3 and not a 360 is simply missing out. My PS3 is used to play movies at the moment and my 360 for games,yes that may change and I don't care which one is better, but really Thomas to say the PS3 is better, when many experts disagree really makes you sound like a childish arse.
What the Fuck are Sony Doing LOL

Heres the reason your not getting the imaginary price cut in Europe.


SCEE says no more 60GB PlayStation 3 in US after July

It's one step forward and a giant lurch back as Sony is poised to pull the plug on their 60GB PlayStation 3. You know, the same PlayStation 3 that they generously shaved $100 dollars from earlier this week.

In an interview with, SCEE president David Reeves casually mentioned the end of the 60GB model when asked if they would offer the European market a lower priced model, as SCEA did here in the States.

"Well, they're not really are they, because what the US are offering from the 1st of August is a USD $599 version with one game."

Reeves goes on to say that SCEA marked it down to move and that once it's gone, it's gone. When asked for the dreaded confirmation as to if this was the end of the 60GB model, Reeves replied "In America, yes."

Now don't you feel silly for quitting that second job.
Its the Retailers that will be pulling their hair out.
I loved when he mentioned Target in the E3 press conference saying one company was so excited about the price drop they started selling it early.
No they were just desperate to get rid of the things that noone was buying now they are back to square one again.
Its the Retailers that will be pulling their hair out.
I loved when he mentioned Target in the E3 press conference saying one company was so excited about the price drop they started selling it early.
No they were just desperate to get rid of the things that noone was buying now they are back to square one again.


Thats so true. Afer July Sony will be back to square one in the US. Just when you think they are realising their faults they go mess up again.

Regarding all this console talk, hasnt the PS3 already been proven to be more powerful? I REALLY dont mean to add to the argument, but Ive heard many developers (EA, Konami, Sega) say the PS3 has 'more under the hood'. The problem is ofcourse developing for the console is a pain in the ass.

I think what Thomas said is half right. In the future the 3rd party multiplatform titles will look better on PS3, thats because everyones putting the format as lead sku as its so difficult to port from 360. There was an article on a few site, but I remember CVG having an interview with EA and the guy saying in few years PS3 EA titles will look better than EA 360 titles.

Whatever your quarrels might be, surely the above counts for something?
Contuing the my console is bigger then your console debate,

I partly agree with adonis, the 8 cores having the potential to process more then the 3 cores of the 360, however that it was also crippled by the fact that the bandwitdh/ram (cant remember which one) is also a lot smaller reducing the actual ability to easily make use of the console. Meaning in the multiplatform setting most developers will aim to make the games as equal as possible, with atm a lot of developers having trouble / being too lazy to make ps3 versions equal to the 360 versions. Eurogamer has an ongoing vs rating of the multiplatform games and the 360 is winning atm, and quite easily aswell.

Another, none my console has better specs then yours argument is the number of consoles around from each make, 360 vs ps3. If they are fairly balanced, or even if either has enough to warrent a release the developers will need to make the games reasonably equel just to make sure they get the best sales possible. For example say in 3 years time the 360 has 20mil consoles, the ps3 has 30mil consoles. A game that is multiplatform, but far superoir on a ps3 doesnt make sense as the 360 owners wont want to buy an inferior product, while at the same time the developer wont be able to make the game a console seller of the proportion thats needed to make it financially viable to have such a big difference in quality/vs sales number. Meaning the best way forward for the developer is to keep the games as equal as possible across both platform. First party games will possibly be where the games will have to most difference in the future, but then it will be down to the actual quality of the game/franchise and how much people are willing to buy a console for them.

A comment in the eurogamer "Reeves: 3rd party should do better" page:

As a dev I can tell Tretton that his graphics chip simply isn't as good as the 360 one. Maybe he should have focused as much money on that as on the hard to program cell.

Luckily for PS3, there are standard shaders on both platforms and these largely level the playing field to about 90%. i.e. not noticable differences to most people. Sadly the memory model is a little crap on PS3 too so you end up with un-necessary bottlenecks and hastle.

What you will notice or fail to notice on most cross platform games.


1. Less geometry detail due to memory model restrictions.
2. Slower frame rates. This is purely a graphics chip issue and nothing to do with the Cells abilities.


1. Physics limitations. The dashboard actually takes up some cycles and means that we never really get to use the full 6 threads. The 360 is worse at math stuff too.
2. Less varied level design. DVD is starting to get cramped. Still got a few years in it for most types of games but, eventually the 360 will require some kind of HD-DVD format.

One major thing I will say is that there are NO games that can't be done on both platforms. The only on cell or only on 360 stuff is crap. A good programmer can make both sing the same tunes.

Buy both if you can, though waiting for the PS3 to go down in price is the best bet for any sane person.

Just a comment by somebody, but seems to back up whats been said by the experts. One thing about the dvd comment, you could just have a 2 disc game to help solve the whole blu-ray vs dvd issue.
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is it a risk? i know that i would have to buy american blu ray movies etc but thats not difficult.

The ONLY risk is if it breaks down obviously. Other than that no its not. You order Friday you will get Monday.

They are great mate. I would say go for it, i am gonna get it.
Saying all that though, it really wont make a difference to blind believe the likes of thomasgoal has in sony and its console. Its ignorance like that that causes wars, hopefully he's a bit more open to the rest of the inputs in his life.
The ONLY risk is if it breaks down obviously. Other than that no its not. You order Friday you will get Monday.

They are great mate. I would say go for it, i am gonna get it.

thanks for that, its sony hardware so i know that unless something ridiculous happens i wont have any problems with it. when i'm ready to get one (which hopefully is soon) i'll think long n hard about ordering it from them.
Isn't there some kind of issue with running games in high definition in the UK on the NTSC machines, or something? I forget the issue exactly but I've seen a few posts on here saying "I have an NTSC system and a PS2 game, can I run it at high-def on my television" and the answer has always been "no".

Or am I completely losing the plot?
Isn't there some kind of issue with running games in high definition in the UK on the NTSC machines, or something? I forget the issue exactly but I've seen a few posts on here saying "I have an NTSC system and a PS2 game, can I run it at high-def on my television" and the answer has always been "no".

Or am I completely losing the plot?

Nah there is no problm mate trust me. The only problem is if some idiot puts a PAL game in the US PS3.

US machine also has a universal power supply so no need for a step down converter.

At the end of the day the more Sony Europe screw us the more likely people are gonna import the console.

videogamesplus is the site too use.
Nah there is no problm mate trust me. The only problem is if some idiot puts a PAL game in the US PS3.

US machine also has a universal power supply so no need for a step down converter.

At the end of the day the more Sony Europe screw us the more likely people are gonna import the console.

videogamesplus is the site too use.

won't you get stung by customs buying from them?
statement from Sony:

Sony Spokesperson said:
Those quotes from David Reeves are not accurate. He said that if they had lowered the price in Europe, that territory would have run out of their current inventory by the end of July... As announced this week, SCEA's product offering in North America consists of a 80GB PS3 available in August at $599 and a 60GB PS3 available now for $499. We have will have ample supplies of both models to meet the needs of our consumers for the foreseeable future.

Thank goodness for that!
Unreal Tournament 3 - Mark Rein Interview

Other highlights

-Free mods definitely ("Dude, this is Unreal Tournament of course there will be and of course it´s free!")
-Possible cross platform play with PC but it´s still up in the air
-Possibility to create levels on the PS3 "eventually"
-The sky´s the limit for user created mods/content, entirely new games can be created (de facto for Unreal)
-Sixaxis supposedly works very well for hoverboard control
-Mark/Epic excited about the open nature of PSN and future content
I was told there would be no customs charge when buying a PSP from a similar site - I don't think there's much that they can do about it sometimes, I think I'm on some kind of blacklist. EVERY SINGLE THING (and I mean every single thing) I buy from outside of the EU I get charged customs money for, they bring it to the door and say "that's £50 please". It can be marked down as anything, even when it's marked down as a gift I get charged.

Just my luck though, really.
I was told there would be no customs charge when buying a PSP from a similar site - I don't think there's much that they can do about it sometimes, I think I'm on some kind of blacklist. EVERY SINGLE THING (and I mean every single thing) I buy from outside of the EU I get charged customs money for, they bring it to the door and say "that's £50 please". It can be marked down as anything, even when it's marked down as a gift I get charged.

Just my luck though, really.

I have never been charged by them at all for anything.
E3 impressions: PlayStation Home


From a technological standpoint, PlayStation 3's social MMO Home will differentiate the console from its competitors, but it's not a system seller. Nothing against the title, but its primary purpose is only to supplement and show off the hardware itself. We had a chance to run through the (here rather empty) areas of the game and try out what each offers.

We first started out in our apartment, which was pretty barren except for a few pieces of furniture and a picture frame. We first grabbed the highlighted the couch and moved it high up into the air, rotated a few times, and dropped it (none of this is actually done by your avatar, mind you). It didn't break, but it did bounce slightly and land on its side. We sat down on another couch, but there's nothing else you can really do with it. We can reportedly expand our apartment size later -- for a price, of course.

After we sifted through a library of images to put in the wall frame, we activated our in-game PSP and viewed the options. You can teleport to the popular locations -- lobby, game room, theater -- as well as any of your friend's apartments if they are home. Calling your friends is also available, as are invites to your place. At this point, the front door in the apartment was locked and unusable, so we instead teleported down to the lobby.
As previously discussed, each instance of the lobby is limited at 64 people. A Sony representative said that there you will be able to teleport to wherever your friends are to locate them. Since we were the only person in the lobby, the area ran smoothly. This lobby is not like what you've previously seen and has yet to be rolled out to the masses, but it looks good. The area is brightly lit and wide open. There's a few chess boards in the middle, and each of the three other areas (lobby, game room, theater) are easily accessible. We were told that frisbees could be brought here and thrown with other people, but we weren't given any elaboration on how (or why we'd want to, for that matter).

The rep told us we won't be able to add or alter anything to the lobby ourselves due to it being a public placement. The public theater we feel also suffers from this issue, as we can enter the theater to watch a film but have no option to join a chat room and talk to others. Sure, most of it will be garbage, but what about riffing with a fellow stranger on a crappy trailer we stumbled in on? Sony reminded us at this point that, should we want to have a Rocky Horror Picture Show party with crowd participation, we could do so in our apartments. But we won't have many costume choices, of course.

On a positive note, we were told that in our apartments, we will be able to watch anything we want that's on our console's hard drive. Yes, anything, since it's a private location. Public theaters will serve their purpose to watch the latest trailers, and there is discussion about have premium content, such as feature-length movies, in the future. If that's the case, we hope there's an option to remove the aesthetic movie curtain that takes up 20% of our television screen while in the theater.

The game room is modeled after a bowling alley. There was a trailer for God of War II streaming, which was a nice touch. We saw bowling an arcade machines, and two other avatars actually in the room. Wow, (virtual) life! We tested out a few of the arcade games, nothing special, and headed back out to the lobby.

What's missing from our impressions is interaction with other people, which is key to Home's success. From a technological standpoint it looks good, but we're going to have to reserve final judgment until we see what the community can do. Home is still planned for a launch later this year.
Don't get me wrong, I was saying nothing bad about the site. I'm recommended them by every person who's ever used them, so they must be great. I was just saying that sometimes, if you're really unlucky, even if they mark everything correctly you can still get stung with a customs charge. A mouse I ordered from the US arrived today (which is a nice coincidence), marked down as a gift. The postman didn't even knock on the door, he just put a piece of paper through saying "you need to go to your local Post Office and pay £14.60 in order to receive your parcel". EVERY SINGLE TIME I get stung - as I said, I'm sure I'm on some kind of blacklist.

The site is great, I'm sure.
I'll be ordering NCAA 08 and All-Pro Football 2k8 from there I reckon. £35 inc delivery or so is pretty good when you consider it's being imported and it's still cheaper than buying retail over here.
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