Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread

Yes Juventus and a well running Milan would make all the difference. Serie A is in a bleak state right now, admittedly it has been in a decline for some seasons now (ninjabreakz where are you? :mrgreen:.)Hopefully next year things will start to improve ; Juventus back, Milan in shape, Napoli and Genoa back. If Fiorentina, Palermo and Roma could continue to do well, Serie A would be very competitive again. It would be a step into the right direction at least.

Other issues need mending too of course; Serie A's image(credibility), crowd problems, stadiums falling apart, lousy Italian FA, distribution of TV rights, foreigner- and youth policy.
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Re: Serie A Thread

Serie A is in full strength...
Milan's team is getting older and that is not new...the replacements for Sheva are not up to the mark.
As for Juventus...the fact that they are in Serie B is their own fault.
With Moggiopoli (and with the Epo scandal) there will always be doubts concerning "the great achievements" of Juventus...
I think it's great that teams like Palermo, Roma and Fiorentina are "emerging"..
It would be great however to see teams like Genoa and Napoli back..
Re: Serie A Thread

Serie A without Juventus is not full strength, regardless of whose fault the demotion is. Milan's poor season, adds to my point of Inter having no competition. A Milan of the past seasons, would've made for a completely different table and picture. Juventus won many many titles before Moggi and will do so afterwards. Besides there was no evidence found against season 05/06, evidence that was illegaly obtained and used anyway. Bergamo admitted that only the phonecalls of Moggi had been lighted out, he had (similar) coversations with other heads of other clubs as well.

Roma has always been sub-top and will never be more, interesting team though. Fiorentina's situation is similar to that of Genoa and Napoli, only a few years ahead. I hope Genoa and Napoli will do just as well, they are already stronger(now in Serie B) than a lot of the Serie A teams are now.
Re: Serie A Thread

What would you class "full strength" IMO all that the league is missing is Juventus. Milan should be at the top but even when you add the points that were taken off they still fall short.

well, that's true, according to the numbers, but i think that if milan would have started this season without penalty, they wouldn't have play so bad.
i mean, it's hard to play at your best when when u start from -8 pts. it's hard to find motivations when u know that your season has been compromised yet before u start to play. Especially if u're used to be on top of the world.
About fiorentina, instead, well, they went trought the hell (serie b :( ) in last years, so they're used this kind of battle.
the same for lazio.... thay had big financial trouble in the past few years.... they sold they're best players (veron, crespo, nedved, nesta, and many others) so they're used to keep this "low profile"
about Palermo, well, we got no chances against clubs like inter. we got a great team this year, and in a single match we could beat them.... but to win a league like serie a u need a better "depth chart"... i mean, if ibra is injured, there are adriano, crespo, cruz and recoba..... if amauri get injured, well, there is Caracciolo. :mrgreen:

btw i agree with Don. serie a is not at his best right now. we still got loads of problems, but we're on our way to top, again. Next year...... with a brand new juve, a brand new milan (maldini, serginho, costacurta, cafu are not immortals, so i see a lot of new changes for the rossoneri), great historic teams, with an amazing tradition (bologna and genoa)..... and a new great management (napoli), comin' up from serie b...... well then serie a will be at his top :D

btw, amazing match by Palermo last week. 90 minutes of pure pleasure for any football addict \\:o/

@ Tuta: i took a look at the palermo's official site store, but it looks like they sell just the 06\07 collection... sorry mate :)
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Re: Serie A Thread

I agree with what's been said here.

Serie A has the potential to be much more exciting and competitive than it currently is and is in no way at "Full Strength" right now.

With Genoa and Napoli hopefully coming up and Juve back in Serie A, that's a huge boost itself!

Then you think of the fact that Fiorentina has a lot of quality players and just weren't gonna be able to do that well this year due to deductions, and that's another bonus since next year that won't be the case.

Milan will get some serious changes this summer as well and will be once again a force to be reckoned with next year hopefully and assuming Roma, Lazio and Palermo don't get weaker (which I don't expect them to), we'll have one hell of a league next year.

I'm already looking forward to Serie A 2007/2008 season to be honest. :8):

It won't necessarily be great but it has the potential to be and as long as the potential is there, the hope is there. :)
Re: Serie A Thread

Serie A without Juventus is not full strength, regardless of whose fault the demotion is. Milan's poor season, adds to my point of Inter having no competition.

Inter having no competition = saying Inter are the best and deserve to be the best.
Ajax had no competition between roughly 1966 and 1974 (although Feyenoord won ECI in that period).
Real Madrid had no competition in the fifties.
AC Milan had no competiotion between roughly 1988 and 1994.

But i admit all those teams are stronger than present day Inter. What i want to say is that you guys give not enough credit to Inter (unless Inter cheated too which is implied by Milanista).

I don't agree with the Juventus fans here. Juventus is only a big team in Italy not in Europe. They won ECI only twice and both victories are tainted (Heysel and drugs). If you read the excellent "A season with Verona" or any other good book on Calcio you know that there are allegations for years now that Milan, Inter and Juve were systematically "helped" by referees and the Italian FA. You only have to look at the way the television money is divided...that is not fair...there is no real fair competition.

I personally would prefer a "fair" competition with teams like Palermo, Atalanta (to name my favourite teams, but also) Catania, Reggina, Livorno and the likes of Sampdoria to a serie A dominated by the same " teams amidst allegations of fraud.
Re: Serie A Thread

Inter having no competition = saying Inter are the best and deserve to be the best.
Ajax had no competition between roughly 1966 and 1974 (although Feyenoord won ECI in that period).
Real Madrid had no competition in the fifties.
AC Milan had no competiotion between roughly 1988 and 1994.

Man, i understand what you're saying, but, even when "ajax" had no competition, Feyenoord still was there, playing with them, trying to take the leadership. I mean, in those years, Ajax was the best..... but how can u say they where the best? quite clear, coz' they were better than their rivals in the title challenge (feyenoord, i assume).
the same can be said for milan, barca, liverpool, juve, and even for "la grande inter" of mazzola, suarez, facchetti....
What people blame now is that inter is winning a title that just them could win. Juventus is in serie b, milan and fiorentina started their championship from - o points, Lazio is starting to regain his place among the biggest (but they still need a few years), Rome is doing really well, but they haven't the depth chart that u need to win serie a (as long as they got no injured players, they can stay beside inter, but it's impossible, to avoid injuries, especially when u play 3 competitions - champions, serie a and coppa italia -).

To say that u're the best you have to prove yourself, u have to challenge the greatest, what is not happening to inter this year. Of course is not their fault; it's juventus fault, it's fiorentina and milan's fault..... but this doesn't change the situation; this year inter is playing a "one team league". As long as Rome doesn't have injuries trouble we can have the illusion of a competitive league, but when totti, or chivu, or mexes, or de rossi will get hurt (i REALLY hope it doesn't happen :( ) we will se the difference betweeen inter and roma: their subs.

Take a look to lyon. They're a great team; they got very good players, some great players, and (most important) a great football organization and a wise management. everyone will agree that they're a great team. But how much "great" are they??? I mean they carry some kind of prejudice, coz' they play in a league with no competition...... and that's why they aim so much the champions league. Because that is the only "battlefield" where they can prove they really deserve to be named among the greatest of europe.
Imo that's what Inter has to do this year. They have to aim for the champions, to shut the mouth to everybody who criticize them now. But if they will fail, they will be remebered like the team who win a league without opponents.

They won ECI only twice and both victories are tainted (Heysel and drugs).

What has Juventus to do with Heysel. :shock: It was not they're fault what happened. This is quite unfair :roll:

And about drugs mate, do you really think drug is just a juve problem? Do you really think that no one takes drugs in barca, milan, real, lyon, inter, arsenal, chelsea, palermo, saragozza, charlton, empoli.........?
do u wanna know what i think? the only difference between juventus and real madrid (just to make an example) is that here in italy we have serious controls (since a few years now).
Capello (who fight against drugs in football since 10 years) says that in spain drugs controls are ridiculous. he made a lot of interviews telling that each country in europe should use tha same standards italy uses in drugs controls, because right now the situation is absolutely out of control (his words).

Juventus is only a big team in Italy not in Europe. They won ECI only twice
Manchester utd and Barca won the champions league just twice. would u say that they're not great in europe??
Moreover, to win the champions u have to win the final match. It's a single match... everything can happen.... i don't think this is the right way to judge how good a team did.
It would be better if u take a look to the clubs that managed to PLAY the final match, not only the winner.
Well u'll discover that the club that played more finals in the last 10 years is not barca, not manchester utd, not real madrid...... is juventus. 4 finals played in the last 10 years. According to the numbers, they where a "big team" in italy and in europe"..... actually they were the greatest in europe in the last 10 years.

You only have to look at the way the television money is divided...that is not fair...there is no real fair competition.

totally agree with u :applause: :applause:

I personally would prefer a "fair" competition with teams like Palermo, Atalanta (to name my favourite teams, but also) Catania, Reggina, Livorno and the likes of Sampdoria to a serie A dominated by the same " teams amidst allegations of fraud.

once again :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
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Re: Serie A Thread

Lo zio,

I don't blame Juventus for Heysel. What i want to say that that match should never have been whatever way you look at it, that victory is tainted...

Do you know that i actually had tickets to see that match??? Tickets for the section of the stadium were the deaths fell (Z)???
I was at university and as it happened i found out that i had my main exam the day after that i decided not to take chances and watch the match on television with the guys who were supposed to accompany me (all students of the same year). When we saw the coverage we were very subdued...
Re: Serie A Thread

I don't blame Juventus for Heysel. What i want to say that that match should never have been whatever way you look at it, that victory is tainted...

well, that's for sure. that match should never have been played. And i'll tell u one more thing: as i said before i don't blame juve neither liverpool for what happened that day. i don't blame juve supporters (it's quite obvious, as they were the victims)..... and i don't even blame liverpool supporters (my criminal law teacher used to tell me "never judge anybody, never blame anybody, just listen").

But it's a shame that juve and liverpool played that match...... and it's a shame that uefa let them play. I saw a lot of sports documentaries on the italian tv about that match. The most disgusting thing is not seeing juve players celebrating their victory..... there's something even worst. It's that today those players (platini, brio and much others) say that they didn't realize what was happening :shock: ........ (i guess they were blind.... what a shame). Just Tacconi said that they knew exactly what happened, as a lot of italian injured fans went into juve locker room, looking for a doctor.

today there's an unbelievable discharge of responsabilities.... juve (players and society) say that they were "pushed to play" by uefa (i guess liverpool version is the same)...uefa says that they were "pushed to let the show go on" because belgian police was scared of "possibles disorders" by the fans of both teams....... what a shame.

Do you know that i actually had tickets to see that match??? Tickets for the section of the stadium were the deaths fell (Z)???
I was at university and as it happened i found out that i had my main exam the day after that i decided not to take chances and watch the match on television with the guys who were supposed to accompany me (all students of the same year). When we saw the coverage we were very subdued...

:shock: :shock: :shock: mate, i'm very sorry. I can't even imagine how u felt that day. :( I know there were 4 belgian victims. may them rest in peace.

btw, sorry for the off topic.
Re: Serie A Thread

Serie A isnt at the full potencial thats true. I am sure that inter were deeply involved in the Italian Investigations. And for so many people who say Juventus are rubbish because they're in the Serie B, and that they cheated. Juventus are not amazing and famous for how they play not, but for how they played in the past.

When we are back I bet you the Serie A will regain the great passion of football.
Re: Serie A Thread

Juventus' tragic year continues as two youth players drowned in a lake, trying to retrieve some balls, at the training centre on friday.

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Re: Serie A Thread

WTF!! :-s :eek: :shock: :(

Where are the ball-boys when you need 'em! :| :mrgreen: :lol:
Re: Serie A Thread

what a stupid way to die......... but i guess there's not a smart way to die...:(

may them rest in peace... i really feel fore their family :(

gettin' back to football, Giampaolo (cagliari) is the first coach fired this season..... once again Cellino (cagliari chairman) proved he's an idiot.
Re: Serie A Thread

Is it just me or does Quagliarella score the nicest goals ever?

:D yes, it's true. it seems this guy always scores nice goals.... and he's starting to score quite often too!:D
btw i really like this player. Apart his scoring ability i like the way he moves on the field..... great "of the ball movements" and nice sense of position. ;)
Re: Serie A Thread

Flachi has scored a LOT of great goals throughout his career too including bicycle kicks.
Re: Serie A Thread

well, that's true, according to the numbers, but i think that if milan would have started this season without penalty, they wouldn't have play so bad.
i mean, it's hard to play at your best when when u start from -8 pts. it's hard to find motivations when u know that your season has been compromised yet before u start to play. Especially if u're used to be on top of the world.

If that's the case, then they have no one to blame but themselves. That's a weak mentality. They finished more than 8 points above Inter, Roma, and the rest last year, so why would they think they couldn't do that this year as well?
Re: Serie A Thread

If that's the case, then they have no one to blame but themselves. That's a weak mentality. They finished more than 8 points above Inter, Roma, and the rest last year, so why would they think they couldn't do that this year as well?

that's true mate, and i partly agree with u. but i think that this isn't the only reason why milan is doing so bad this year.

first of all, this year milan is quite different from last year milan. they replaced stam with bonera, they lost sheva, and replaced him with oliveira (who isn't doing well, probably cause of his family trouble).

moreover some aged players, like cafu, serginho, maldini, are showing their real age (it's unbelievable what cafu and maldini did till last year..... they seemed to be youngsters). Milan-lab is an elite centre for players fitness, but it just can't stop the time.
even nesta had some big injury troubles
so, milan never played with his starting formation (at least in defence).

some other players almost had no vacation (gattuso, pirlo, gilardino, inzaghi, were preparing the champions league's preliminary, just a couple of weeks after the wc final match).
moreover it's always hard to find motivation after a world cup (this is a big factor imo).

the whole team couldn't do a normal preseason "atlethic preparation" coz' of the italian football scandal (they didn't know wich competition they would have joined - serie a or serie b - for a long time this summer), and a proper preseason preparation is very important (especially when your players are just coming from a world cup).

finally we have to consider their bad luck. honestly i don't believe theese kind of things, but, well, they hit the post 14 times in 13 consecutives matches...... that's really a guinness! :shock:

so, as u can see, it's not just talking about mentality. sure this is a factor, but not the only one :)
Re: Serie A Thread

i do agree with lo zio
all things this year are against milan
calciopoli scandal didn't give milan time to buy or replace with good players
very short break for all players
Preliminary qualifications
very old players damn Costacurta still play
milan need to replace all aged players
injured players during the season
bad luck
i wish that Stingy Berlusconi buy good players
or milan will not get the 4th place which means
the stars will leave like kaka
and they cant buy good players thats the only thing am scared of :(
Re: Serie A Thread

I agree with some of the things lo zio says (very fair of him, ebing a Palermo fan). Bit the fact that Milan has an "old team" his their own mistake...they should have bought younger players a couple of years ago.
Finally i'm not really impressed by their recent signings like Gilardino, Ricardo Oliveira, Bonera and even Gourcuff (who will be a fantastic player in a couple of years but who is now not good enough for an absolute top team like Milan...).
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