Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread

Hahahah yeh what a GOAL!! :eek:

That is SOooooooooooo hard to hit well let alone perfect enough to score!! Especially as a left-footed volley from a tight angle!!!! :shock:

But then again, Totti scoring magnificent goals is something we've all gotten used to. :mrgreen:

I'm still a little baffled by that celebration he did afterwards and sometimes does and so does Luis Garcia (Liverpool one)! :rolleyes: :p

It seems so silly but I don't mind cuz I find that celebration very funny!! :lmao:

once again i totally agree with u, mate :)
actually i didn't think u consider roma performance against catania "perfect". i was just trying to compare 2 different ways of playing football..... but reading your post, i see u know (really well) what i was talking about ;) ........ nice comparison between roma and arsenal.... i love arsenal football and they're quite similar actually ;)

i agree with u even when u say that to talk about a perfect performace by inter we should have seen palermo playing at his best level (what didn't happened). actually inter wasn't that "perfect", as they werent badly tested by palermo... you're right.... but they still impressed me, cause they still showed good awareness and coolness, comparing with last year's inter ..... i mean, sunday's palermo (without key players like simplicio and di michele) would still have create problems to last year's inter (what didn't happened sunday), as inter players were use to make a lot of mistakes during 90 minutes (due to lack of concentration) since last year. i mean, since last year, inter didn't need great pressure to make mistakes :mrgreen:

btw, nice chat mate. it was a pleasure to talk with u :D
I'm glad now you properly got what I was talking about and we're understanding each other well. :thumbup:

p.s. The pleasure was mine. ;)
Re: Serie A Thread

yeah, great goal.... it reminded me another similar goal bonazzoli scored last year (or maybe 2 years ago... i can't remember :roll: ).

about the "after goal celebration", he used to do it to celebrate his son's birth...... and as it seems, his wife is now waiting another baby, so he's doing it again ........ what a great scorer he is :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

EDIT: i just found bonazzoli's goal on utube.... and, after seeing it again, i have to say that they're not similar at all :lol: .... but they're still both nice.... btw here they are:


and bonazzoli
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Re: Serie A Thread

PLF, Totti does that as he is a father now with Ilary expecting another on the way, as for Luis Garcia, god only knows.
Re: Serie A Thread

PLF, Totti does that as he is a father now with Ilary expecting another on the way, as for Luis Garcia, god only knows.
:mrgreen: :lol:

Yeah if Totti is doing it cuz he has another child on the way it makes sense I guess.

But judging by how often Luis Garcia has that celebration... I guess his wife spends all her time being pregnant. :p :lmao:
Re: Serie A Thread

What is unbelievable is the fact that they still don't understand why they are sent off..this deserves more than 5 matches...perhaps the first foul deserved a card too (the image went black, could not see it), maybe even a red...but what Nedved did is pure revenge...serious offense IMHO...
Re: Serie A Thread

Well, Nedved disagrees with you there Gerd :mrgreen:.
The ref claims Nedved stood on his foot on purpose,while Nedved claims it was accidentally. Also since the happenings of last summer the refs, to be on the safe side, are extra harsh against Juventus. Nedved argues that the punishment is excessive, when you consider Zidane only got 3 matches for his headbutt. Nedved's agent, if the appeals result isn't satisfactory, threatens to go to the human rights court. He claims they can't disallow a player from doing his job for 1,5 month for this.
Nedved in his anger saying, he might as well retire if things are going to be like this.

Gerd said:
perhaps the first foul deserved a card too (the image went black, could not see it),
Nedved got tackled there, as he was kicked around the entire match. It's no justification, but that's why Nedved lashed out like he did.
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Re: Serie A Thread

Hahahaa... yeh "accidental" for sure!!! :mrgreen: :roll: :lol:

Whether Nedved was kicked around the whole match and ref didn't even call half the fouls is irrelevant although obviously frustrating for Nedved.

The fact is what he did wasn't accidental at all despite what he may try to say to defend his actions. It was like gerd said an act of PURE revenge! You could even see how he was pi$$ed off after the first foul on him wasn't called and SPRINTED almost towards the guy when ball was played to that guy so he can return the favour.

For me that's called: "Act of Revenge" and since these sorta acts (which I have to admit I've committed myself at times when playing :p) are usually controlled highly by your emotions rather than logical part of your brain, they can be extremely dangerous.

For me this could and maybe should have him banned for even more than 5 matches. But then again, I'm not gonna argue that since I'd have to argue other bans too like Zidane's 3 match for a violent intentional headbutt. :rolleyes:
Re: Serie A Thread

Poor Milan. Our bad form continues and its clear morale is low. I fear Kaka will leave this summer.

I expected a bad season for you Milanista but not this bad. :shock:

Next season will be a very interesting one in Italy, Juve look good for promotion but will still be a shadow of the team that went down. If you lose Kaka I think your team could brake up, already a few oldies in your side. Inter may actually have a good period again, though I would still love to see the Giallorossi win something in this oppertunity that they have. I honestly am not a fan of Inter, so to see them win would annoy me. Don't get me wrong they have spent money, had some great players at the club but they have still to prove they are worthy. It could also be a good time for the clubs that are 'nearly' teams, Palermo, Fiorentina, Sampdoria. Teams that I really love to watch, the lesser sides yet they have some talent through the ranks. I have only really started to learn more about Palermo after they had a good season last year, but Sampdoria and Fiorentina are teasm that I have respected since Gazza went to Italy and we in the UK got to see some quality football.

I think your CL was saved by the draw you ended up with, two middle of the road teams helped with that.
Re: Serie A Thread

Hahahaa... yeh "accidental" for sure!!! :mrgreen: :roll: :lol:

Whether Nedved was kicked around the whole match and ref didn't even call half the fouls is irrelevant although obviously frustrating for Nedved.

The fact is what he did wasn't accidental at all despite what he may try to say to defend his actions. It was like gerd said an act of PURE revenge! You could even see how he was pi$$ed off after the first foul on him wasn't called and SPRINTED almost towards the guy when ball was played to that guy so he can return the favour.

For me that's called: "Act of Revenge" and since these sorta acts (which I have to admit I've committed myself at times when playing :p) are usually controlled highly by your emotions rather than logical part of your brain, they can be extremely dangerous.

For me this could and maybe should have him banned for even more than 5 matches. But then again, I'm not gonna argue that since I'd have to argue other bans too like Zidane's 3 match for a violent intentional headbutt. :rolleyes:

Oh sorry PLF, I wasn't clear. The ref argued that Nedved stood on the ref's foot on puropose, after the red card.
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Re: Serie A Thread

I expected a bad season for you Milanista but not this bad. :shock:

Next season will be a very interesting one in Italy, Juve look good for promotion but will still be a shadow of the team that went down. If you lose Kaka I think your team could brake up, already a few oldies in your side. Inter may actually have a good period again, though I would still love to see the Giallorossi win something in this oppertunity that they have. I honestly am not a fan of Inter, so to see them win would annoy me. Don't get me wrong they have spent money, had some great players at the club but they have still to prove they are worthy. It could also be a good time for the clubs that are 'nearly' teams, Palermo, Fiorentina, Sampdoria. Teams that I really love to watch, the lesser sides yet they have some talent through the ranks. I have only really started to learn more about Palermo after they had a good season last year, but Sampdoria and Fiorentina are teasm that I have respected since Gazza went to Italy and we in the UK got to see some quality football.

I think your CL was saved by the draw you ended up with, two middle of the road teams helped with that.

I really wish I still lived in Milan this year so I could go to the stadium more often. Our attendences are dropping and the team needs a morale boost. I dont seem to be annoyed at the team, but I keep feeling sorry for them. We try too hard to play our regular game, but I think its time to change. Gourcuff has shown us how talented he is, but we can't keep relying on young ones like him and Kaka. Our strikers cant score, and luck is low - we've hit the bar more than once in almost every game.

Bonera, Simic, Nesta and Cafu seem as if theyre scared... Dida - ever since the flare season hes been playing differently from what I knew of him.

The last thing we need is Sheva returning. That guy's excuse for leaving us is pathetic.... he wanted his kid to learn english... well the school I attended was the best british school in Northern Italy.....loads of famous people going there.... He cant expect to come crying back because he cant fit his pay cheque in the bank.

I really hope Roma and Palermo catch Inter and show them whos boss;)
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Re: Serie A Thread

Oh sorry PLF, I wasn't clear. The ref argued that Nedved stood on the ref's foot on puropose, after the red card.


Hahahahaha I see.

Damn the ref's little crazy then. Does he honestly think Pawel did that intentionally? Sure he was pi$$ed off at him for sending him off but all he meant to do probably was get in the ref's face as players so often do. Not actually STEP on his toes... :mrgreen: :lol:
Re: Serie A Thread

Didn't this guy use to ref Serie A matches by the way?

What happened? They relegated him too. :lol: :mrgreen:
Re: Serie A Thread

Didn't this guy use to ref Serie A matches by the way?

What happened? They relegated him too. :lol: :mrgreen:

unfortunately not :(
here in italy first class referees (..... first class? :roll: ) do both serie a and b
when the make big mistakes, usually they have a "forced rest" for a couple of weeks...
Re: Serie A Thread


That's a little weird I think about how those top refs in Italy officiate both Serie A and Serie B matches! :shock: :-s
Re: Serie A Thread

Bad result for Roma and the usual from Milan, a long way to go but it looks like Inter have the chance to get into a really strong position over the coming weeks. A few more wins and droped points for Roma and Palermo could make the lead a bit too much to pull back. Although a great man (well great perm anyway(well maybe just a great big perm)) once had a lead over Man U that was chipped away over the second half of the season.
Re: Serie A Thread

Serie A is over, no competition for Inter. In a 'full strength' Serie A, Palermo and Roma would still only have been sub-top. The gap between Inter and the rest is too big.
Re: Serie A Thread

What would you class "full strength" IMO all that the league is missing is Juventus. Milan should be at the top but even when you add the points that were taken off they still fall short.
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