Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

It was over nothing really, he didn't make much contact but it was a stupid thing to do and his attitude was really bad just sitting there when the ref was telling to get up.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

pretty much sums up the player at the moment though, in the same game scores a brilliant goal and gets sent off for a moment of stupidity.

maybe he gets sent off a couple more times and he'll learn something from it, i dont mind seeing that at all. im happier with this than him getting away with it, its probably better for him in the end.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

You Italians sure have the best youth team in the world right now, i have no doubt about it, your more then done for the next 4 years. But Balotelli needs to be sorted out, his ego is almost as big as Ronaldos and he is yet to prove anything or win anything. I saw in a newspaper this statement by Balo "This year i asked for Ronaldos shirt. 2 years from now its going to be him asking for mine" like O M G how many 18 year old buys say something like this? im 18 and i would never say a thing like that. Mourinho is either not doing anything to control this ego or improving it with his.
Excellent player, but with a super hard attitude. Needs to be sorted out.
Btw that was a clear dive, he barely touched the kid. Shame on diving.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

it was the kick out afterwards not the tackle itself, its not all bad though his attitude. as long as he gets along with his teammates and doesnt get sent off its almost an asset. a strong character isnt bad, even if he does seem cocky.

edit: do you just mean dive as feigning injury? he was already on the ground when he 'dove' so i might have misunderstood you if thats what you meant.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Good work by Wernbloom getting Balotelli off the pitch. I don't think he would have been red-carded if it wasn't for Wernblooms acting.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I think people get arrogance mixed up with confidence sometimes, Balotelli knows he's got the tools to be one the top strikers in the world. As long as he channels it like Ronaldo has then theirs not much stopping him from reaching the top of the game.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

i think u guys (neo and younggun) are both right. the treshold between confedence and "overconfidence" isn't easy to spot and when an exagerate ego brings to an unprofessional attitude, then that's not good. (on this concern, neoexodus, mourinho had an hard time this season, dealing with mario's attitude as he "punished" him very often. jose himself said that the only reason why mario hasn't been a regular starter this season was his attitude... and that's a shame, coz if he would have played just a little bit more, then lippi would have brought him in southafrica for this confederations cup, along with the other wonderkid Santon). :))

but to be honest, if i had to choose between a potential world class cunt who has the "guts" to handle the pressure and the skill to meet the expectations (a la balotelli)... and a potential world class cutie, nice, polite, classy, who "melts" under pressure (like, let's say montolivo).... well i'd go for the cunt every day.

of course the best thing would be a potential world class with confidence and a professional attitude (that'd be giovinco).
speaking of that little monster, did u see the "hook & turn" he did on balotelli's goal action? (it's at the beginning of that video stef posted). Holy crap!! :CONFUSE: i remember ribery did the same thing with bayern 1 season ago (it was against werder if i remember well).

we could really use some of theese kids in the Big national team... balotelli, giovinco and motta could already be there... marchisio too (but the competition in that role is really huge)... and de ceglie, cigarini, bocchetti, abate, santacroce, dessena and rossi (i mean marco rossi, not giuseppe) seem to be on their way to the top.

there's hope :))
but while for some positions we have no hurry (marchisio, cigarini and dessena can keep growing until pirlo, de rossi, palombo and d'agostino will get old)... in some other roles we really need help as soon as possible... wich means that santacroce, de ceglie, balotelli and giovinco must meet the expectations quick :))

that was the other goal scored by acquafresca.... another nice display by giovinco
YouTube - UEFA U-21 Championship Italy v. Sweden - Robert Acquafresca Goal
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

this one instead has nothing to do with what we were talking about... i just found it while i was looking for the acquafresca goal video......
however it's just to beautiful not to post it.
great song too!
YouTube - "One" - Clip di Notti Mondiali dedicata agli Azzurri

oooh sweet memories....
i've got opposite feelings for tonite.
a part of me hopes we will be completely humiliated by brazil, coz i know this would be the best thing for us, long term...
but another part of me would like to see our "heroes" to stand up once again and show the world they're not finished yet... just not yet.

sorry for double posting :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Im not even going to bother watching Italy tonight. Ben... try watching Italia-Germania commento Bergomi/Caressa... makes me want to cry.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Italy were absolutely dire. Time for Santon, Balotelli etc me thinks.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Seeing that Cannavaro/Chiellini defense makes me wonder what will happen this season in Juventus.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Actually Dossena might also join Juve :D So we have a clearer view.

The defence was a disaster. Pepe and Pirlo were the only ones that had some soul in the game and still can't believe USA made it :S.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Seeing that Cannavaro/Chiellini defense makes me wonder what will happen this season in Juventus.

i understand your concerns (if i'm not mistaking u have a soft spot for juve, haven't u? :) ).
but i believe it's not a matter of individual skills. chiellini has done an outstanding job in juventus defence in the last 2 seasons, and proved himself as a top cb. and cannavaro (despite the age issues) has been by far the best defender in real madrid this season (even though that's not really a great achievement :D ).

the problem is the defensive line (as a whole) doesn't work. there's no coordination neither discipline. i mean, take a look at zambrotta. he had an awful performance yesterday... often screwed up the offside trap with his bad reaction. Bergomi (who was commenting the match) remarked that the fullbacks MUST always be ahead of the cb couple, in order to allow the 2 cbs to move the defensive line, activating the offside.
now, sure zambrotta isn't an unexperienced newbie (who is more likely to committ such mistakes).... it's mostly a matter of coordination and comunication between the defenders.

however, even though it's never nice to see your team destroyed by the opponent, i feel this is the best thing that could possibly happen to us. if we would have lost by 1 or 2 goals, with a decent performance, lippi could have justified himself with some "conditioning issues"and kept going with his project.
after this debacle, instead, he will be forced to leave some of the senators (like zambrotta and probably toni), adjust the formation and continue that rejuvination process donadoni began.

we should have known lippi would have been too "tied" to those senators that gave him the world cup to just let them go. now he won't have any other choice.

and u can be sure from this season on, the pressure on lippi to bring cassano in the team will be immense.
in 4 years, we will look back at this moment, and say "that confederation cup was the keystone in our new italy project". :)
at least i hope.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

soon after the match Carlo Paris (you are italian so you know him :P ) asked Lippi if he will join some youngs, and Lippi escaped away, as a thief -_-"
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

u know actually u're probably right. zambro became a fullback in 2001, now that i think about it.
my mistake. as soon as i thought about zambro, i immediately placed him as a fullback :D

however pessotto did play at midfield as an internal-left once. it was the first or the 2nd match of the competition, if i remember well. he turned out to be pretty poor there and so zoff moved him back on the defensive line.

man, u have quite a memory! :)

I think it might have been only as soon as 2002 or even 2003 when Zambrotta was converted to Leftback (where he gave his best performances). I think he only started playing rightback somewhere in 2005, when Capello started giving Chiellini a few shots at leftback.

Anyway how would your italy side look right now, with the current crop?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

soon after the match Carlo Paris (you are italian so you know him :P ) asked Lippi if he will join some youngs, and Lippi escaped away, as a thief -_-"

yeah, but afterall he had to justify his choices and defend his project.. otherwise he should have admitted his faults (wich would have compromised his position as italy's coach).

however he's already starting to react to the criticizes. take a look at here
for non italian speakers, he's basically saying "i never said theese players are the ones who will play the world cup next year. this confederation cup was just a test, the first step of a process. and it gave me an idea of the things i'll have to do in the next year."

Dominic said:
Anyway how would your italy side look right now, with the current crop?
that's the team i would have brought in southafrica for this confederations cup. the players into () are the backups.


-------------palombo----------------------------------de rossi



no toni, as he honestly didn't deserve the call this season (i'd rather call pazzini or floccari right now)
no gattuso, coz he just recovered from a long injury (and his performances proved me right).
no montolivo, as he didn't really deserve the call either... and since there are plenty of other options....
no zambrotta, because motta has been simply outstanding this season. marco is young and this confederation cup would have been the perfect chance to blend him into the team
no dossena..... need to explain why?

however this team too would have been some sort of a first step of a transition phase, as there are many other players who might well get into the team next season like balotelli, pazzini, giovinco, cigarini, marco rossi, pepe, nocerino, dessena, maggio, de ceglie, criscito, pisano, bocchetti, santacroce...

some of them might already be national team material (like maggio, who would have been in my formation if he wouldn't have been injured, or criscito who had a great season or like nocerino and pepe, who had a very good season too.

then there are the kids who will probably become part of this team next season (balotelli, santacroce) and those who will probably join in 2 years (bocchetti, criscito, de ceglie, marco rossi, giovinco, bocchetti, cigarini).

and let's not forget aquilani. he's an outsider at the moment, coz this season he almost didn't play, coz of his injuries.... but a fit aquilani would be a starter right away.

so it's pretty much impossible to tell how the team will look in 1 year... too many question marks... sure we have an unbelievable amount of options for every role (except the defence), so we'll have to see who will step up, and who will have a disappointing season next year.... who knows, maybe montolivo will eventually meet the expectations and deserve the callup for next year.

however the most important thing is not the players. it's the mentality. the guys must move the possession ball as much as they can to protect our defensive line (and, with any of those players i mentioned above, i can already see this happening).

and most important, we must accept the fact that it will take 4 years to turn this experimental young team into a world class team.... wich means no high expectations for next season's world cup... neither for the following euro championship.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Hmm, I like your team but I'd play Rossi, Quaglia or Pazzini instead of Foggia. I'd also start Gamberini or Barzagli ahead of Ferrari. I have a feeling that Santon will shine a lot if he started for Italy. I think he should play more.

I'd get these guys out of our current squad:
Toni, Cannavaro, Camoranesi, Gattuso and Dossena.

Cassano can add the creativity and chances that many other top countries have these days. Pirlo can only do so much from deep, but Cassano can tear a whole defense apart by dribbling or by incredible passes.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Does Amauri still have a chance of joining the NT?

And is Balotelli going to get in the team that easy? I mean Cassano has been around for a long time now and Lippi doesn't call him. Personality problems.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

the fact is Lippi (but in my opinion FIGC) hates now Lippi hasn't matters with Balotelli, so a call-up in future will be possible

about Amauri, we have some promising strikers and IMO we don't need a player who some months ago said to prefer his homeland Brazil (and accepted a call-up) but now say to love our country
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I agree, no Amauri please. He only wants to play for Italy because he can't make Brazil. I really hope Cassano gets a call up - this guy has too much talent to waste.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

infact i can't think of 1 star who was able to "shoulder the burden of the entire team".
u think without ibra inter would be screwed.... well ibra is a world class player and is departure would be a huge blow, but as gerd said ibra is the icey on the cake. the core of the team is not ibra.... is cambiasso, is zanetti, is chivu. u could do without ibra.... not so well sure, but i'm confident that would be the perfect chance for balotelli to get some starter playtime and become world class....but without those 3 guys.... then u would be screwed.
Chivu?! Get outta here:P Interesting that you had to name three players to contrast with Ibra... I don't like the term 'icing on the cake', its as if Inter could make do without Ibra. That is not true. We forget just how blunt Inter is at the moment, creatively, at times Ibra is reduced to creating something out of nothing.

the same way, i can tell u the great thing about man utd is not ronaldo. he's a fantastic player, no doubt.... but the real core of man utd can't be found in ronaldo. it can be found in carrick, in rooney, in vidic, in rio, in evra, in park, in tevez.
C'mon man, Tevez doens't even play. And Rooney doesn't even have a position sorted yet. And who said anything about core? CR7 is the difference maker, or closer (a term used in basketball to refer to a player who closes games, garnering a win, on a consistant basis). When players such as these don't perform, the team really suffers. For example, Ibra last season, was out for 3 months, during this period, Roma were able to claw their way back until they were just a 1pt or so away from Inter. And no one can deny the difference Ibra made when he came on against Parma in the final game of the season. Now contrast with when Cambiasso, Samuel and Maicon were out this season. Similarly, how badly did Man U miss CR7 when he was injured at the start of the season? Not to mention he was lacking in fitness and motivation (clearly he wanted to move to Real Madrid) yet he dragged the team along.
spain has been the most boring team in europe for about 20 years... and they've always played for possession (here in italy we used to say "if football were played without goals and nets, spain would always win the world cup"). u need a more fresh example? what about last season's barcelona? probably the most annoying football in the last 5 years.... and it was all about possession.
its boring in the sense that we see that same style of play, week in week out, and that there's no tactical variation. But it remains entertaining because its attack football, filled with scoring opportunities. Then you get games like the one versus Chelsea where Barcelona were out muscled, and me personally, I can hardly wait for the Spain-Brazil Confed Cup final, I suspect Spain will put up more of a fight than say Italy :D

u think it could have been more offensive than this??? how? swapping conte for another foward?? u realise that would mean having just 2 midfielders and 4 attackers???!!
Maybe Conte wasn't the best of examples, but Fiore hardly counts as an attacker. He's not even trequartista, more of an attacking central midfielder like Pizarro. What about Fiore, Conte and Albertini in a 3-man midfield, Totti sitting in the 'hole' and then Inzaghi with Delvecchio... why not? In fact what's the point of 3 playmakers, Albertini, Fiore and Totti? My point is with Italy, there are always too many players behind the ball, even when they're in possession. Maybe this is an incorrect assessment, but for as long as I have watched Italy, their game revolves around a strong defensive base, first and foremost. This is not necessarily negative, just playing to your strengths. In Euro 2000, italy's game was based on 3-man, water tight defence (forget how many different players scored in the tournament, how many goals did they concede from open play?), and then have the likes of Albertini and Fiore distribute the ball quickly to the forwards playing on the shoulder of the last defender. It's not catenaccio but it is defensive, certainly not offensive (you need to be in possession of the ball to play offensive, it's that simple). Problem with italy is that even though they have creative players among thier ranks, they succumb to the fear of losing (perhaps they believe their creative imagination isn't at a sufficient level or playing to offensive will leave them with too many gaps at the back and at the mercy of their pacier opponents) which is why they favor keeping the opposition out rather than risk taking, attacking football. It isn't always the case, but more so than not.

but to be honest, if i had to choose between a potential world class cunt who has the "guts" to handle the pressure and the skill to meet the expectations (a la balotelli)... and a potential world class cutie, nice, polite, classy, who "melts" under pressure (like, let's say montolivo).... well i'd go for the cunt every day.
Amen:TU: But the way he's carrying on, there won't be many left standing in his corner. It can't have been easy for Balotelli growing up, a black kid in sicily, himself and everyone knowing he was adopted, surely his stuborness and shitty attitude developed as a result of taunting and insults from his school mates when he was younger. I'm not condoning his behavior but I can understand it.

He has attitude problems, similar to many Inter players and managers

and most important, we must accept the fact that it will take 4 years to turn this experimental young team into a world class team.... wich means no high expectations for next season's world cup... neither for the following euro championship.
Agreed. Even with Amauri on board, Italy have NO chance of retaining their title as world champions. Especially after Lippi squandered your only chance to test out certain players in closely-contested tournament setting. Much could've been learned from the opportunity, what formation to play, a suitable back up to Buffon, Cannavaro, the defensive pairing, who from the old gaurd should go and who should remain, etc. But now we know next to nothing. One things for sure, the 4-3-3 formation needs to go. There's an interesting artcile on about this. It states that you need a pacy set of players in a 4-3-3 formation, in the midfield, the wingbacks and wingers/support strikers. Especially in midfield otherwise how else do you support the forwards, or cover those that have (Essien covering for Lampard, for example). THe article goes on to recommend the more compact, 4-3-1-2, which I completely agree with. This kind of formation would actually suit an aging team like Italy, the only danger being that it would forgo much of the creatvity and imagination. But all in all, it plays to Italy's strengths. One things for sure, Lippi needs to go. I lost respect for the guy when brought in Peruzzi to replace Pagiluca at Inter :R1. And now he's refusing to call up Cassano :CONF:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Foggia is great player, he has a lot of pace and a good touch. He's been very good for Lazio. My impression from watching Italy recently a few times (all Confederation matches, the match vs Ireland in Bari and the match vs Brazil in London) is that a lot of the players dont seem to have the desire any more, also maybe they are just a bit too old now for the absolute top level. I don't think Zambrotta and Cannavaro are up there any more. I think Lippi should have taken a youth team to the Confederations Cup.

I think there are a whole load of good young players in Italy like Foggia, Santon, De Silvestri, Santacroce, Maggio, Mannini, and many more who have the ability but just need the experience. I am sorry Lippi did not make this happen in his matches. To me it seems like Italy is like the France 98 team in Japan and Korea - football has moved on and now the squad is in danger of being left behind the times unless it is changed and rebuilt.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

It looks to me that too many of the experienced players think that their spot in the team is secure and are taking it for granted, the hunger and desire that the class of 06' had is nowhere to be seen in the current team.

I think Lippi will have to freshen things up by introducing new players to the team, which should also have the effect of keeping any established stars that stay in the team on their toes.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

very good points by edmundo and abou ;)

rfu, i didn't mean to say ibra is not important to inter. he's one of their major assets and no doubt inter would be weaker (a lot) without him. what i meant to say is that a single player, no matter how good he is, can't be the core of the team. he can't be more important than the spine of the team, as that's the real core.
and that's why i mentioned 3 players... not to contrast ibra's importance, but to make the point that inter's core is composed by many players (ibra being one of em)..the 2 cbs, maicon, zanetti, cambiasso..... and ibra.
and that's what makes inter a top team: the quality of their spine. there is where the gap between inter and milan\juve\roma lies. the other top teams too have their stars and world class players... but they don't have (at the moment) a "spine" as good as inter's one.

Maybe Conte wasn't the best of examples, but Fiore hardly counts as an attacker. He's not even trequartista, more of an attacking central midfielder like Pizarro. What about Fiore, Conte and Albertini in a 3-man midfield, Totti sitting in the 'hole' and then Inzaghi with Delvecchio... why not? In fact what's the point of 3 playmakers, Albertini, Fiore and Totti? My point is with Italy, there are always too many players behind the ball, even when they're in possession
mate fiore was a pure trequartista those days. a constant offensive threat. infact, if i remember well, he was the one who had more shots on goal in that competition.

in the end, mate, there are some facts we just can't get away from. that team began every match with at least 3 attackers, and almost always ended with 4 attackers on the pitch. it scored with almost every player from the original starting 11, it played some delightful football and reached the final (wich we were also winning till 30 seconds from the final whistle).
the point u make about italy playing with too many players behind the ball line (even when we're in possession) is definitely true when referred to trapattoni's italy (wich was infact the only really defensive italy i ever watched) and to this current italy (wich isn't defensive.... it's just poor).
but all the other "italys" (zoff's one, donadoni's one, sacchi's one, vicini's one) used to play with 4 players above the ball line. :))

Problem with italy is that even though they have creative players among thier ranks, they succumb to the fear of losing
that could well be defined italy's trademark. this has always been our major weakness, and the reason why we lost so many finals (we're the second team in the world for world cup victories... but the first for finals played). this wasn't really a big problem until we could count on such a defence. but now the situation is different. when u look at the italian young players... if u pick those who will probably form our national team in a couple of years and put them together in the same squad, u realise that team will be much more similar to brazil than the "old italy".
but that amazing quality that we will have upfront won't be exploited at all, unless we solve our mentality issue (that fear of loosing u're talking about).
and i believe this will be the real challenge for italy's next coach.... hopefully it will be ancelotti (and that would help us a lot in this concern).

Especially after Lippi squandered your only chance to test out certain players in closely-contested tournament setting. Much could've been learned from the opportunity
yep, it was such a wasted chance.

One things for sure, the 4-3-3 formation needs to go. There's an interesting artcile on about this. It states that you need a pacy set of players in a 4-3-3 formation, in the midfield, the wingbacks and wingers/support strikers
i disagree on that. it's not about pace. it's about stamina, movement without the ball and spirit of sacrifice.
to play that system u need:
- 2 offensive wingacks (and with maggio, mannini, de ceglie, santon, motta and de silvestri, the upcoming italy will have plenty of them).
- 2 central midfielders with the personality, the skill, the tactical awareness and the stamina required to hold the midfield just by themselves..... to make it simple u need de rossi and palombo (no other national team could do better than that).
they should also have the spirit of sacrifice and the stamina required to go on double-marking on the flanks, helping the wingbacks..... and once again i can't imagine anyone better than de rossi and palombo for the job. and we also have 2 great young backups in dessena and marchisio.
- 1 central midfielder with creativity and vision to dictate the tempo and distribute the ball..... and that's the kind of player we definitely don't lack of (pirlo, the younger d'agostino and the even younger cigarini).
- and finally u need 2 offensive players on the flanks, with a high work ratio, with the guts and the skill to go on 1 on 1 situations. offensive players who could "attack the depth" like quagliarella iaquinta or balotelli..... or players who could provide a link between mdfield and attack, like foggia or giovinco or pepe. so i'd say we're damn well covered in that area too.

the real point is always the same; off the ball movement and spirit of sacrifice. u can't play a 4-3-3 without that. the current italy (that we saw in this confederations cup) badly lacks of both those features.... hopefully the upcoming italy will be different.

however the gaming system is not a major issue. we also have the right players to display a great (in theory) 4-3-1-2. infact the only system we just can't display is the 4-4-2.
what really counts now (much more than the gaming system) is our mental approach to the match. that's our major issue right now. and as i said before, if we wanna really exploit the weapons we will have in our "upcoming" arsenal, we need to change that mental approach.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

What's happening with Rosina? I think he's one of the most talented Italian players out there.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

What's happening with Rosina? I think he's one of the most talented Italian players out there.
he's a very talented player, but he plays for a terrible club and his performance are influenced by team's bad matches

I wish he will leave Torino this summer (he's not a Serie B player) and maybe go in a mid-level team (Lazio, Palermo, Udinese, Parma)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

What's happening with the boy Lavezzi ? He was great under Edoardo Reja, but it seems to have gone wrong with Donadoni in charge! It looks like De Laurentiis has had an arguement with him now and I guess he might leave Napoli now...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

De Laurentis threatened Lavezzi by saying that players have contracts and that if he wanted, Lavezzi could sit in the reserves for 3 seasons if he doesn't act like a professional.
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