Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I don't want Adebayor at all.... I really want Borriello to be our starting center forward. ... Adebayor isn't worth the money or trouble.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Well we definitely need a striker, we can't rely on Inzaghi forever. Especially a big guy that can head balls in and not many names com to mind.

and keep your hands away from kjaer! :RANT:

I think it was Ancelotti who started this whole Kjaer thing. :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

2 questions:

Hows the Juventus manager situation being handled? Is Ferrara staying? or is Blanc (saw something in Gazzeta a couple days ago) the new one?

Are there any more names besides Diego for Juve?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

2 questions:

Hows the Juventus manager situation being handled? Is Ferrara staying? or is Blanc (saw something in Gazzeta a couple days ago) the new one?

Are there any more names besides Diego for Juve?

juventus general manager said blanc isn't on top of their list. and since conte just renewed with bari, it's gonna be either ferrara or spalletti. they say next week they'll take the decision. next week spalletti is also supposed to meet Rosella Sensi to talk about roma's projects for the future.
i believe spalletti and roma are gonna end their relationship by mutual agreement... and then juve is gonna start talking with spalletti.

as for the market, juve's very close (they say the deal is almost done) to d'agostino. this will probably turn out to be juve's best signing in the last few years. once the d'agostino deal will be done, they'll probably wait for spalletti to step in, before making any other moves on the market.

sad day for milan fans today. odds are tomorrow kakà won't be a milan player anymore. i realised he was on his way out of milan, when i heard that interview 2 days ago ("if it was just up to me, i would stay here in milano").... he was clearely trying to send a message.

what really gets on my nerves however is berlusconi's attitude.
for God sake, for once in your life, be a man and take responsability for your actions.
everybody knows kakà would pay to stay in milano (even though i really can't understand why, to be honest... i mean this is not man city anymore, that's madrid we're talking about!). galliani would give his wife to florentino rather than kakà. Leonardo of course would like him to stay. kakà has been extremely clear on the matter... usually football players are quite evasive on theese kind of questions, but that's not the case. just to weeks ago he said "what more should i say to persade u i don't wanna leave this club!? my wife even bought a home here in milan in april! i wanna stay here, no matter who will be the coach".

it is so obvious berlusconi is the only one who wanna sell kakà. we all know it. and yet he keeps going with that pathetic hypocrite sentence "i don't know if we can hold kakà, they're offering him so much money.. and we cannot hold him against his will".....
money? against his will? ricardo just spent 2 million euros to buy a house in milan!
that's what really makes me sick about this man.

2 days ago "The Times" came out with a pretty poor article about berlusconi. even though i'm far from being a berlusconi fan (i mean very far.....) i got to admit that article was rubbish (and it just goes to show the sad decline of this newspaper).
however there was a sentence wich was absolutely correct.
The Times said:
"The most distasteful aspect of Silvio Berlusconi’s behaviour is not that he is a chauvinist buffoon. Nor is it that he cavorts with women more than 50 years younger than himself, abusing his position to offer them jobs as models, personal assistants or even, absurdly, candidates for the European Parliament. What is most shocking is the utter contempt with which he treats the Italian public."

that's just spot on. everytime this man lies, he insults us. and it doesn't matter wich is the background... politics, economics, sport... his lies are so blatantly evident that it's like he's saying "u italians are nothing but a bunch of idiots, and that's why i have no shame every time i lie to u.... coz u're gonna buy everything i sell u.... so i'm gonna tell u i have to sell kakà coz i can't hold him against his will (wich implies kaka actually wants to leave)... and u're gonna buy it. and it doesn't matter if his wife said he would never leave italy, it doesn't matter if he grabs every mike he sees just to repeat "i'm don't wanna leave"... nothing matters. i'm telling u this and u're gonna buy it.... coz u're stupids"

and u know what? i'm actually starting to believe we really deserve this treatment. as macchiavelli and de tocqueville said "in every democracy the people get the government they deserve"...
sorry for the little off topic but it's kinda frustrating to be italian theese days.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

D'Agostino would be a perfect signing for Juventus. He's the regista they need. A midfield of Momo, D'Agostino and Diego would be really good.

That also means they'll stay away from Xabi :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

sad day for milan fans today. odds are tomorrow kakà won't be a milan player anymore. i realised he was on his way out of milan, when i heard that interview 2 days ago ("if it was just up to me, i would stay here in milano").... he was clearely trying to send a message.

We lost Kaka. :CONFUSE: Didn't se that coming, specially this soon.

Milan are really going downhill. I thought we sold Gourcuff to keep Kaka, but after that, we lost Gourcuff to get 15 mill. :RANT: Pato is also linked with a move away.

Still Milan deny Galliani is in Madrid to discuss but to congratulate Perez, and what better present is there to give. :D
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Lippi has all but confirmed Ferrara as our manager for next season. :APPLAUD:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I would love him to remain with the rosseneri however his departure seems immanent, if it's not Real, he will reunite with Ancio at Chelsea.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

"We still have Ronaldinho if Kaka leaves" - Berlusconi


I always said he bought him as a replacement.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I think he'll join Madrid tommorrow, I hope they invest that money back into the team
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Sulla mia lapide ci sarà scritto "L'uomo che tenne Kakà" - A. Galliani
On my grave they'll write " the man who didn't sell kakà"

"Comunque ribadisco: dovranno tagliarmi la mano, ma non firmerò mai per la sua cessione” - A. Galliani

I repeat it again: they'll have to cut my hand,but i'll never sign kakà's transfer

"Kakà e il Milan hanno già risposto al Real Madrid in passato. Non vedo alcuna ragione per cambiare questo atteggiamento. E poi la prova di attaccamento ai colori rossoneri data in questi giorni mi sembra eloquente..." - S. Berlusconi
Kakà & Milan have already answered to Real Madrid in the past years: I can't see any reason to change our attitude. And the proof of his attachment to our colours during these days is eloquent....

Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Sulla mia lapide ci sarà scritto "L'uomo che tenne Kakà" - A. Galliani
On my grave they'll write " the man who didn't sell kakà"

i guess he can still figure this out by going for cremation :THINK:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Not really. He said he would release him IF.. I reckon it's going to be Spaletti.

Ciro Ferrara has put pen to paper on a one year deal with Juventus and is set to be the Bianconeri boss next season:P

Former Bianconeri goalkeeper Angelo Peruzzi should be the first member of the staff to be unveiled.:D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

i guess he can still figure this out by going for cremation :THINK:

yes:) ,and i'd like to see him burning with the dwarf who owns milan....

by the way zio,re you happy for Zenga in Palermo?
i think ballardini made a great work this year and that walter and zamparini toghether are more dangerous than chuck norris and a nuclear bomb in the same room....
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

I thnk Uomoragno will be a success! He will be fired within 2 weeks from the season start due to disagreements with Zamparini :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

by the way zio,re you happy for Zenga in Palermo?
I like how Catania President Antonino Pulvirenti said "Didn’t he say he (Zenga) wanted an ambitious club?" :APPLAUD: "I am surprised, above all because Zenga said he was leaving us to join a more ambitious and prestigious club. Instead he went to Palermo" :LMAO: "It is disappointing that he considers the Rosanero a better club than us." Can't wait for the Derby di Sicilia next season :DD.

Lo Zio, I have a question for you, do you consider De Melo a "trequartista", because I hear there are rumors of him coming to Inter to play in that particular position. He's a physical player but his passing is average and he doesn't seem a playmaker. What do you think?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Jumbo said:
He sometimes does nice dances when he scores though.
:DD fair enough
Gigi said:
and that walter and zamparini toghether are more dangerous than chuck norris and a nuclear bomb in the same room....
and the funniest thing is they signed a 3 years deal!! i mean com on! 3 years? are you kidding me?! this is not gonna last 3 months!

i do like zenga as a person, i really do. he's an honest hardworker, he went through a lot to get to this stage, and he's the "what u see is what u get" kinda guy, wich is something i admire (especially when u think we're talking about a former world class player).
as a coach, i think he's done pretty well so far, even though i believe he's a bit "overpraised".

but to be honest, ballardini is just on a different class. i've been raving about ballardini since more than a year now. after his first 2 months in cagliari it was already evident he's something special.
his job at palermo speaks for itself; this season the rosanero had the weakest squad since we're back in serie a... and yet i've never seen my team playing such a good football (and mind u, it's not like we played poor football during the guidolin era).

besides God himself labelled ballardini as the next best thing in the whole european coaches scenario (by saying "God", i'm referring to Sacchi).

his departure is a huge blow for palermo... and once again, it goes to show how impossible it is to build any sort of "project" with zamparini in charge.

delio rossi would have been a much better choice than zenga imo. not only he's a great coach, but he also knows sabatini (our new team director) very well (rossi and sabatini together built that nice team lazio is today).

zenga has a very strong temper. it can't work with zamparini. i believe he might break colantuono's guinness (colantuono was fired after just 1 match last season).
the only good thing about zenga coming here is that the catanesi must be soo pissed off right now :P

rfu said:
Lo Zio, I have a question for you, do you consider De Melo a "trequartista", because I hear there are rumors of him coming to Inter to play in that particular position. He's a physical player but his passing is average and he doesn't seem a playmaker. What do you think?

indeed he's not a trequartista. to be precise, at this moment of his carreer, Melo is nothing; he has an enourmous potential, but still didn't find his real nature.
he's not a deep-lying playmaker (and i don't think he will ever be).
he's not a trequartista. he might become a trequartista, though not a fantasista, not a tipycal italian "nr. 10". if he will work on his passing game and on his timing, he might become a trequartista a la perrotta.

he's not (yet) a metodista, neither a pure defensive midfielder. but i feel this (the metodista) is the role that suits most his skills. his positioning is still pretty poor however... he has really a lot to learn on this aspect.
at a certain point of the season, prandelli was so annoyed by his lack of sense of position, he even tried jorgensen in that role.

anyhow the guy is quality, and if he'll improve some aspects of his game, he might well become a world class metodista.
having said this, another metodista sure isn't what inter needs now. :)
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Oh my god, Inter are just going to buy every physical player out there. Good for them. They will never win the CL this way. :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Oh my god, Inter are just going to buy every physical player out there. Good for them. They will never win the CL this way.
:R1This is why I enjoy beating Milan more so than Juve.
anyhow the guy is quality, and if he'll improve some aspects of his game, he might well become a world class metodista.
having said this, another metodista sure isn't what inter needs now.
Plus we just signed Motta, so it makes little sense to throw away 18 million Euro just like that for another defensive midfielder. Personally I'd rather bring in Montolivo and hope to God he realizes his potential. Surely he is being wasted as center/defensive midfielder or wherever Prandelli is playing him. What are your thoughts on Cassano filling in as Trequartista, Lo Zio? IMO it might back fire like the time Mancio tried out Ibra in that role two years back. But if Ibra is going (and its looking more and more likely) I think Cassano would me a very suitable replacement (forget Eto'o). But Cassano has yet to prove himself with a big team and I'm worried that he won't socre enough. Hence why I would like for Inter to use the Ibra money to also bring in Tevez, who, inspite of his modest goal scoring record, carries enough clout to worry any world class defence. So in sum, play Milito and Tevez as our striking pair, and Cassano sitting behind them, pulling the creative strings as the architect of the attack. Thoughts?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Very sad seeing the top two Serie A players on the verge of moving to Spain.

For the Inter attack, I think Tevez will probably head to Madrid, but you have Balotelli and Milito for now as Cruz is also most likely to leave. I think this pair is the most likely we will be seeing as the starting front 2 next season( That is if Ibra leaves ofcourse). Balotelli will surely earn a starting spot next season, and Milito has already proven himself.

Definitely backups will come, Eto'o is definitely great if he comes and will give Milito's starting spot a very very hard time and Cassano is surely a great add to the team. I see more as a second striker than a Trequartista.Plus, this young guy Marko Arnautovic who I hear is very good and you'll have a very dangerous attack if that happens.

In midfield, you are a Melo away from bing settled. I really like this guy. Very powerful and will settle well at Inter probably.

btw, what's up with Gazzetta linking us with Fabregas? :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Hey guys, any news on who Fiorentina are looking into? Really, really hoping for a challenge from them next season (and hopefully a great performance in CL too!)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Hey guys, any news on who Fiorentina are looking into? Really, really hoping for a challenge from them next season (and hopefully a great performance in CL too!)
I expect they will lose some players. Frey to Bayern, Melo to Inter, Pasqual to Juve... But they have Jovetic and Kuz coming through the ranks. And I like to see a raid on relegaed clubs. Surely the likes of Baretto, Carmona and Rosina are worth the investment.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

i don't think they're gonna sell anybody. everyone seems to be happy in firenze, plus they're gonna play in champions league next season.

i don't think inter will get melo. he's just too good and expensive to be a backup, and inter already has plenty of world class options in that role. probably branca was the one who wanted to sign him... but i'm sure mourinho will stop him (on this concern i heard elano might join the nerazzurri.... now that would be a good buy!).

as for pasqual, can't see him leaving either. juve already has 2 very good options in that role (molinaro and de ceglie) and if they'll sell de ceglie to udinese, they say dossena might take his spot as molinaro's backup.

as for frey to bayern..... i don't know. sebastian had other chances to join top clubs in the last few years... and always said no.

i believe fiorentina's transfer campaign will be pretty low profile this summer. they will focus their efforts on keeping their big players, and make just a few adjustments.
besides it's hard to find better players than the current viola ones... they should go picking them in top european clubs... and it's not very easy for a club like fiorentina to get, let's say man utd, chelsea, liverpool, barca, inter or juve players..

Corvino will probably come up with a couple of youngsters we never heard about.... who will become top class players in a few years.... as usual.

however apparently fiorentina is after campagnaro.... that would be a fantastic signing.

did any of u watch italia's game last week? i wasn't really looking foward to it, but i have to admit this "b-team" is really looking good. this palombo-d'agostino midfield is sooo nice to watch, santon was great, foggia and rossi were absolutely fantastic!

palermo just won the primavera scudetto! :APPLAUD:

2nd edit after italy's friendly vs new zealand:
can u believe what a player became dossena?? I've never seen a player having such a brutal involution.... not even adriano (besides we all know why adriano faced that downfall, while for dossena is a mistery). it is just embarassing.
i'll never understand why lippi didn't drop him yet. i'm afraid but he's no italia material right now... i hope he'll figure out what's going on and get back to his former self... but right now he wouldn't be good enough for a mid class national team, let alone italia.

i know i might sound biased, but what does balzaretti has to do to get some consideration from lippi?? given how he played in the last 2 seasons, he would be a starter in most national teams in the world.... even in some top national teams.... and he's not good enough to wear the azzurra jersey as grosso's backup????
and what about modesto, pasqual, molinaro.. there are so many better options....

i know this was like a training for italy, that lippi just wanted to bring all the players into the right condition for the upcoming confederation cup, and i know we won't see dossena as a starter anymore... but yet i can't understand the reason why lippi brought him in south africa.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2008/2009 Season

Hearing Dossena to Juventus rumors? What's the news there?
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