PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

How does that work then? Does that mean for teams on the lower end of the table will always be there seeing as they always play bad? And vice-versa for top tier teams?

Team spirit is like team momentum. If you start winning games in a row your team spirit will be high, that doesn't mean it will keep high for the whole seasin, it depends on your performance. If youstart loosing games the team spirit will go lower too, so it kind of reflect each team momentum at the moment.

what platform are you playing on and is there an AI fouls in the ML

I'm on PS4. Fouls seems to be kind of random... i had a game with 7 fouls by the AI, including 3 yellow cards, while other games the CPU makes zero fouls... I think it can be something related with the strategies because it seems that they foul mych more when they are loosing and have to be more aggressive.
I was waiting for someone to mention fifas woman, as I agree it is an amazing game and very sim like. Simulation because of the much slower pace as well as the slower heavier touches by the players. It really is a joy to play and I prefer it over playing with the men's teams. There is also a lot of space, so when u say ultimate football simulator, I'd say yes, but more towards simulating a womans game of football - not men's.

Which game, pes2016 or FIFA 16, is the ultimate football sim? Which one do i like better? I've been playing both these demos (on full manual passing and shooting) since they have been released and love them both and for the first time will buy them both, simply because each has something fantastic to offer that the other game is missing. I've been playing both these demos exclusively vs CPU, but finally last night I got a chance to play both games human v human. I think this is where both games really shine n show their true colours, particularly pes2016. Holy shit we had an amazing night of football. We had the ps4 hooked up to my 100" projector set up. Amazing!!! Basically I had 4 hours playing 2humans v 1human (a friend piked it last minute so we only had 3), ie myself and another mate (both seasoned pes players) playing against a mate whos a seasoned FIFA player. We obviously changed up the 2v1 scenario and it's important to note we played everything on full manual passing and shooting. We spent about 2hrs on PES and 2hrs on FIFA. The human v human scenario gave us an opportunity to learn so much about each game and I'll summarise some of the important points I took from the session:

-with pes2016, 2humans on one team makes this game so realistic in terms of teamwork (n hence more sim-like), where the passing human really needs to communicate with human making runs n vice a versa. BIG KEY POINT: ensure u have both players on the same team on UNASSISTED. This is a game changer as SEMI- ASSISTED seems to screw both players over and confuses things. Semiassist is fine (and what I consistently use) for 1human v 1 human or 1human v CPU. Unassisted gives u much more control when 2+ humans are on the one team. Fifa16 seems to work fine with 2human control by simply choosing the AIRBALLS, hence didn't try the other settings.

-with pes2016, fouls are not an issue when playing 2human v 1human - ie, anything foul worthy is given.

-with pes2016, speed on default (0) is no longer too fast , ie seems quite a bit slower, when playing 2human v1human.

-pes2016 is definitely smoother than FIFA16 in terms of flow and the way the ball moves. Really has a nice momentum about it. I'm absolutely convinced pes2016 has a greater framerate than fifa16....making things like shooting look smoother.
Maybe this is a way that helps FIFA make things more responsive aswell as including all the variety in its animations, ie by lowering frame rate.

-both games have awesome ball physics, and relating to the previous point, pes16 seems to have smoother ball movement, while FIFA has so much more variation in what can happen to the ball. I think the weight of FIFAs ball is enhanced by the high volume of the ball sounds (kicking, whack against the ad boards etc). When pes2016 retail version is out, Ill purposely lower the volume of everything (eg. Commentary, crowd etc) to around 3, while leaving pitch sound (ball sounds) at 10. This seems to add weight to the ball..did this in pes 2015 n 14 to great effect.

-FIFA 16s penalty systems is way more realistic an hence a more suspenseful and satisfying experience than pes2016's (obviously there is no penalty shootouts in pes2016 - so just comparing to in game penalty). Also In FIFA u can now control the celebration of the final winning kick

-FIFA 16 is more simlike than pes 2016 in terms of the greater variety of what can actually happen animation wise as well as what u can actually do control-wise. Dribbling looks more natural in FIFA because of this, and the number of passing and shooting animations are phenomenal compared to pes. The right stick is amazing with's not just easier and more natural to pull off tricks but also enables u to perform more variety with your first touch, as well as sprinting and knocking the ball forward. It has to be said that pes2016 is a lot simpler than FIFA animation wise as well as what u can actually pull off, but in saying that, pes2016 makes the most of what it's got and does it incredibly well.

-Without a doubt, pes2016 has better player individuality than fifa16. Robbed is the perfect example in pes as he is so much easier to dribble with. But this individuality also extends to powerplayers like progba who is an absolute beast. Really highlights pes's new improved physical system. We didn't quite get this feeling with FIFA..most of the players felt the same..

-Finally, when it comes to actual gameplay (2human v 1human), me n my mates unanimously agree that pes 2016 is more simlike than FIFA - being a more gripping, lower number of goals type of game. Why?.. Well it's all to do with the defence and the space available. Now we didn't play around with tactics too much (so our views may change during the retail versions), but in pes there is not nearly as much space as in FIFA. Defence ai in pes seems way more intelligent in closing down space...also, more importantly, it's easier to control a defender in pes than in FIFA when compared to an attacking player. Just seems that the response of controlling a defending player in Pes is so much better than in FIFA. Attacking, particularly dribbling, felt too easy in FIFA. What does this mean? The balance is definitely better in pes2016 compared to fifa16. This evidently resulted in two outcomes. Firstly, we had closer, more suspenseful games, and what I considered more realistic matches while playing pes, with more realistic match stats. Secondly, although FIFA has definitely slowed down its gameplay, and I love the increased weighty feeling etc, the lack of balance between defence and attack makes the game appear quicker and more hectic than it should be. It's a tough one to explain...I'm hoping someone out there gets what I'm saying. The hectic pace and openness seems to be created by the lack of compactiveness (defence ai) as well as the difficulty defending when compared to attacking.

Whoa I've written a lot ... It's obvious I'm outta town, having no access to my ps4...
Anyways both games are brilliant, best pes ever made, n best FIFA ever made.. Gotta get em both..

Great post, mate
Very appreciated
Team spirit is like team momentum. If you start winning games in a row your team spirit will be high, that doesn't mean it will keep high for the whole seasin, it depends on your performance. If youstart loosing games the team spirit will go lower too, so it kind of reflect each team momentum at the moment.

Well that's what I mean. If a team has constant low momentum, their chances of winning are always slim, how are they going to start winning if they constantly play bad?

So unless AI teams vary their formations and tweak according to their statistics, it seems unlikely that lower end teams will get any better.

At least, that's what I can deduce.
Since you guys mentioned Fifa 16, I particularly find manual passing in Fifa 16 horrible,'wich is ironic since manual passing started to get popular in Fifa series.

Making lateral passes between defenders on manual is so bad, passes are weak, it requires an uncessary extra miles lf secound holding the pass button, and I feel like theres no consistency, Im never sure If I held the pass button long enough to make a strong pass. But worse than the passing itself is players reactions to manual passes, they are always making some backwards steps, they wait far too much for the ball loose speed so they can controll without problem, the game just not flow well.

I also dislike the movement on the ball despite the animations being great overall and nothing could be more unrealistic than the use of r3 to put the ball ahead, the pace is too damn unrealistic.

I honestoy had a better impression of fifa 15 demo despite the pace being a bit too fast.

I wont say Fifa 16 seems to b a big letdown for me since I was not expecting much, but I thought it would play better after reading some impressions here.
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coming from an editing background it still should be possible to make all teams kits if default branded kits pngs are made for the international kits

eg. you could make 100 kits for adidas teams with one adidas png , could get around the slot restrictions quite easily

5 pngs for adidas, nike, puma, umbro and lotto for example would could cover all international teams

you're welcome
Clown shoe. Never heard that one before! I guess youre right. Im too old to be getting anoyed at shit like this over a game, but it is annoying nonetheless. Its muppets like you who just conform with what they're given that breeds complacency from konami. But oh well different strokes for diffeeent folks i guess, i mean there are pwople in here who were almost in tears cos the nets dont behave realistically ffs


I have played since the first ISS Pro on PS1, until 2008 when I switched to FIFA because PES was terrible. I bought FIFA 09-13, then I switched back last year. If the game is poor I will not buy it, I won't go on a massive rant and sling insults around because I didn't get everything exactly as I wanted it.

How is introducing a feature not previously available on PS4 "complacency"? A feature that transforms the way the game looks?
coming from an editing background it still should be possible to make all teams kits if default branded kits pngs are made for the international kits

eg. you could make 100 kits for adidas teams with one adidas png , could get around the slot restrictions quite easily

5 pngs for adidas, nike, puma, umbro and lotto for example would could cover all international teams

you're welcome

Team sponsors could be a problem.
Team sponsors could be a problem.

not with international kits, they've none


1 adidas logo could make 3 argentina kits
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Saying something is "gay" is also horrendous. You are intimating that gay = bad, which will offend lots and lots of people. So far you've used "gay" and "retarded" as insults, but I'm not sure that's as bad as actually thinking that "gay" is "common parlance".

I'm sorry mods, but this is worth going off topic for. This guy is an absolute disgrace and allowing this kind of shit to slide is not on. If you're not standing up to it you're saying it's ok.

That commentary sounds kinda....

... gay ? . :SMUG:

Anyway, heres another video (retail version)

Tell me thats not a high difficulty level?

The defending on that last goal was absolutely horrific... the AI players not just then but also at other times, seem to like wandering straight into your tackles?

Thats a step back from the demo if that crap happens in the game. Id feel cheap if goals were coming to me that way.

I mean last minute of the game, lets just stroll into the opponent and give up possession in front of our own box :RANT:

EDIT - infact the more I watch it, the more annoying that winning goal gets. Smalling runs into your player, then Valencia and someone win it back, for Valencia to play an OK ball, for Di Maria to then take too many touches and give it up easily again. IDK, im not blaming you at all here btw, but if thats Top Player/Superstar, I dont want that to be the game im playing :(

EDIT AGAIN - even your first goal I can accept just, but just look at how lazy the defenders look, standing off, not one player wanted to get tight to you in the middle of the park. Balotelli making the run I can understand, but 2 centre backs leaving that sort of hole for what reason?
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That commentary sounds kinda....

... gay ? . :SMUG:

Anyway, heres another video (retail version)

To be honest this video shows all the flaws of the game, gameplay feels like players are on some drugs, they react in weird way to keep the ball, look at barcelona, they try to keep possesion and even buskets makes instant moves in changing direction fast like suarez or messi. I am afraid pes have moved from its roots and became fast arcade game like fifa and on the opposite side fifa is becoming simulation. Played both demos, of course I played more pes becouse was released earlier and I start to experience the game become boring slowly, same patterns for through balls, same ways to score, no fouls, lack of stadiums etc. I play pes from the beggining on ps1 and I think this is the most arcade game in the series, konami made very big mistake trying to make the game for everyone, pick up and play style, i will say it again that was what ea doing all these years. To be honest I never play fifa becouse of fast paced gameplay and lack of individualism but I have to say I am impressed with their demo just becouse of that, so much variety in attacking and defending also. Of course fifa struggles in some areas too but when I see the bigger picture I think fifa will keep me more occupied than pes. Every year three steps in right direction two steps back, and again, why they move away from their roots, why making the game so fast just to make everyone satisfied, i know its markenting etc, but in july when they shoe us faces of neymar and other players they better doing something smart, like imolementing new animations, balancing the game etc. I don't know which game is for me this year but never pes lets me down this early. Sorry for long post in the pes thread but I post here all the time just becouse love of pes...
To be honest this video shows all the flaws of the game, gameplay feels like players are on some drugs, they react in weird way to keep the ball, look at barcelona, they try to keep possesion and even buskets makes instant moves in changing direction fast like suarez or messi. I am afraid pes have moved from its roots and became fast arcade game like fifa and on the opposite side fifa is becoming simulation. Played both demos, of course I played more pes becouse was released earlier and I start to experience the game become boring slowly, same patterns for through balls, same ways to score, no fouls, lack of stadiums etc. I play pes from the beggining on ps1 and I think this is the most arcade game in the series, konami made very big mistake trying to make the game for everyone, pick up and play style, i will say it again that was what ea doing all these years. To be honest I never play fifa becouse of fast paced gameplay and lack of individualism but I have to say I am impressed with their demo just becouse of that, so much variety in attacking and defending also. Of course fifa struggles in some areas too but when I see the bigger picture I think fifa will keep me more occupied than pes. Every year three steps in right direction two steps back, and again, why they move away from their roots, why making the game so fast just to make everyone satisfied, i know its markenting etc, but in july when they shoe us faces of neymar and other players they better doing something smart, like imolementing new animations, balancing the game etc. I don't know which game is for me this year but never pes lets me down this early. Sorry for long post in the pes thread but I post here all the time just becouse love of pes...

Don't judge the game on those few minutes of shite play, that chap had a video up earlier and it was totally different to this.

Who knows how he tampered with the settings or why.
No, I am not judging the game on that video, i just said that all these movements from the ai are present in the game, on pro, top player and superstar. I play the game on full manualand also find these situations very annoying.I haven't made my decision yet but the more news and gameplay video goes up the more I prefer fifa, tragic for me honestly becouse I take pes as part of my life becouse I play this game for 15+ years...
No, I am not judging the game on that video, i just said that all these movements from the ai are present in the game, on pro, top player and superstar. I play the game on full manualand also find these situations very annoying.I haven't made my decision yet but the more news and gameplay video goes up the more I prefer fifa, tragic for me honestly becouse I take pes as part of my life becouse I play this game for 15+ years...

Why would someone post a couple of minutes of a game that has everyone running into each other like headless chickens?
:LOL: Thee last two posts have been so funny. the video is played on Beginner/regular level!

I know klashman, I speak from my experience. These fast movements ruin the gameplay, the ai have to keep the ball no matter what, they simply hide the ball in a strange way, this happens for the first time in the series, in pes 2015 they have some balance, last years game isn't responsive like this years, but to solve the problem easily they simply made the game faster, which make the game arcadish. For me the sweatest spot will be between -1 and -2 but with faster ball speed. I say again this is my opinion and taste for football game, I don't want to become troll of the game I love all these years :)
Anyone playing online can confirm it's not so fast as it appears?

It's like a sped up version of Pes 2016 offline mode
Why would someone post a couple of minutes of a game that has everyone running into each other like headless chickens?

PES 2016 DEMO was designed to be arcadey as the simulation aspect like last year will come not just on manual but with the formations and match length.

What interests me is how people think slow = realistic, which is a 10 year old PS2 PES concept.

formations dictate the realism and how well they are replicated. not a game being slow for the sake of being slow.
PES 2016 DEMO was designed to be arcadey as the simulation aspect like last year will come not just on manual but with the formations and match length.

What interests me is how people think slow = realistic, which is a 10 year old PS2 PES concept.

formations dictate the realism and how well they are replicated. not a game being slow for the sake of being slow.

What do you think of this?

To me it looks too fast. This is the full game on Ps4. They really need to lower pace of the game
PES 2016 DEMO was designed to be arcadey as the simulation aspect like last year will come not just on manual but with the formations and match length.

What interests me is how people think slow = realistic, which is a 10 year old PS2 PES concept.

formations dictate the realism and how well they are replicated. not a game being slow for the sake of being slow.

I'm well aware of that Klashman, the point I was making was why edit a match to show the negative aspects of the game. The defence looked like a load of blind people having a match for charity and I'm not being disrespectful to people with disabilities.

Judging by the demo I thought that the defending was really good this year.

What's your opinion on Fifa this year compared to Pes?
I know klashman, I speak from my experience. These fast movements ruin the gameplay, the ai have to keep the ball no matter what, they simply hide the ball in a strange way, this happens for the first time in the series, in pes 2015 they have some balance, last years game isn't responsive like this years, but to solve the problem easily they simply made the game faster, which make the game arcadish. For me the sweatest spot will be between -1 and -2 but with faster ball speed. I say again this is my opinion and taste for football game, I don't want to become troll of the game I love all these years :)

like i said. the demo itself was designed to be very arcadey.

last years demo was really arcadey then the full game was more complete.
I was waiting for someone to mention fifas woman, as I agree it is an amazing game and very sim like. Simulation because of the much slower pace as well as the slower heavier touches by the players. It really is a joy to play and I prefer it over playing with the men's teams. There is also a lot of space, so when u say ultimate football simulator, I'd say yes, but more towards simulating a womans game of football - not men's.

Which game, pes2016 or FIFA 16, is the ultimate football sim? Which one do i like better? I've been playing both these demos (on full manual passing and shooting) since they have been released and love them both and for the first time will buy them both, simply because each has something fantastic to offer that the other game is missing. I've been playing both these demos exclusively vs CPU, but finally last night I got a chance to play both games human v human. I think this is where both games really shine n show their true colours, particularly pes2016. Holy shit we had an amazing night of football. We had the ps4 hooked up to my 100" projector set up. Amazing!!! Basically I had 4 hours playing 2humans v 1human (a friend piked it last minute so we only had 3), ie myself and another mate (both seasoned pes players) playing against a mate whos a seasoned FIFA player. We obviously changed up the 2v1 scenario and it's important to note we played everything on full manual passing and shooting. We spent about 2hrs on PES and 2hrs on FIFA. The human v human scenario gave us an opportunity to learn so much about each game and I'll summarise some of the important points I took from the session:

-with pes2016, 2humans on one team makes this game so realistic in terms of teamwork (n hence more sim-like), where the passing human really needs to communicate with human making runs n vice a versa. BIG KEY POINT: ensure u have both players on the same team on UNASSISTED. This is a game changer as SEMI- ASSISTED seems to screw both players over and confuses things. Semiassist is fine (and what I consistently use) for 1human v 1 human or 1human v CPU. Unassisted gives u much more control when 2+ humans are on the one team. Fifa16 seems to work fine with 2human control by simply choosing the AIRBALLS, hence didn't try the other settings.

-with pes2016, fouls are not an issue when playing 2human v 1human - ie, anything foul worthy is given.

-with pes2016, speed on default (0) is no longer too fast , ie seems quite a bit slower, when playing 2human v1human.

-pes2016 is definitely smoother than FIFA16 in terms of flow and the way the ball moves. Really has a nice momentum about it. I'm absolutely convinced pes2016 has a greater framerate than fifa16....making things like shooting look smoother.
Maybe this is a way that helps FIFA make things more responsive aswell as including all the variety in its animations, ie by lowering frame rate.

-both games have awesome ball physics, and relating to the previous point, pes16 seems to have smoother ball movement, while FIFA has so much more variation in what can happen to the ball. I think the weight of FIFAs ball is enhanced by the high volume of the ball sounds (kicking, whack against the ad boards etc). When pes2016 retail version is out, Ill purposely lower the volume of everything (eg. Commentary, crowd etc) to around 3, while leaving pitch sound (ball sounds) at 10. This seems to add weight to the ball..did this in pes 2015 n 14 to great effect.

-FIFA 16s penalty systems is way more realistic an hence a more suspenseful and satisfying experience than pes2016's (obviously there is no penalty shootouts in pes2016 - so just comparing to in game penalty). Also In FIFA u can now control the celebration of the final winning kick

-FIFA 16 is more simlike than pes 2016 in terms of the greater variety of what can actually happen animation wise as well as what u can actually do control-wise. Dribbling looks more natural in FIFA because of this, and the number of passing and shooting animations are phenomenal compared to pes. The right stick is amazing with's not just easier and more natural to pull off tricks but also enables u to perform more variety with your first touch, as well as sprinting and knocking the ball forward. It has to be said that pes2016 is a lot simpler than FIFA animation wise as well as what u can actually pull off, but in saying that, pes2016 makes the most of what it's got and does it incredibly well.

-Without a doubt, pes2016 has better player individuality than fifa16. Robbed is the perfect example in pes as he is so much easier to dribble with. But this individuality also extends to powerplayers like progba who is an absolute beast. Really highlights pes's new improved physical system. We didn't quite get this feeling with FIFA..most of the players felt the same..

-Finally, when it comes to actual gameplay (2human v 1human), me n my mates unanimously agree that pes 2016 is more simlike than FIFA - being a more gripping, lower number of goals type of game. Why?.. Well it's all to do with the defence and the space available. Now we didn't play around with tactics too much (so our views may change during the retail versions), but in pes there is not nearly as much space as in FIFA. Defence ai in pes seems way more intelligent in closing down space...also, more importantly, it's easier to control a defender in pes than in FIFA when compared to an attacking player. Just seems that the response of controlling a defending player in Pes is so much better than in FIFA. Attacking, particularly dribbling, felt too easy in FIFA. What does this mean? The balance is definitely better in pes2016 compared to fifa16. This evidently resulted in two outcomes. Firstly, we had closer, more suspenseful games, and what I considered more realistic matches while playing pes, with more realistic match stats. Secondly, although FIFA has definitely slowed down its gameplay, and I love the increased weighty feeling etc, the lack of balance between defence and attack makes the game appear quicker and more hectic than it should be. It's a tough one to explain...I'm hoping someone out there gets what I'm saying. The hectic pace and openness seems to be created by the lack of compactiveness (defence ai) as well as the difficulty defending when compared to attacking.

Whoa I've written a lot ... It's obvious I'm outta town, having no access to my ps4...
Anyways both games are brilliant, best pes ever made, n best FIFA ever made.. Gotta get em both..

great post! everything you said I just about agree with..

one thing specifically is the 2 v 2 or 2 v 1 human players. PES still wins in this regard hands down for the demos at least for me and it's not close. I dunno why but FIFA is just not as good compared to PES when it comes to this for some reason. we have a lot of fun playing PES multiplayer and also think it's more sim when playing like you said.. I also think the women's FIFA plays great.. I really think this is because the devs were around the women this summer in Vancouver up close and personal. You can tell they were able to capture some of the women specific animations which is what makes a lot different to me. they also even got the women player faces better and individual players likeliness better then the men. maybe this is because they don't have as many teams to deal with as the men.. but I bet it's bc the dev team were around them this summer and it made a difference being able to have access to a lot of the players up close.
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