PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

People can post whatever videos they like if it adds to the 'discussion' comparisons are bound to be made especially when someone is asking why the company that makes both games can't make the modern 10 years later version with the variety of shots it once had on a weaker console 10 years ago.

I hadn't seen those videos and don't play the old games now, so it was interesting to see how it isn't just nostalgia with some exact things and mechanics in the game really did have more variety back then.

But those comparison videos are moot. We cannot see how he is pressing the left analog stick, NO stick movement is the same... like i said on the 3rd shot he is at a different angle!!
yeah i totally wasted a whole afternoon to make PES 2015's basic shooting crap and PES 6's amazing just because thats the way i am :D

2016's is a bit better but still overpowered probably because of the moaning at E3 where many complained about it was ..underpowered. now almost everyone on twitter finds it perfect. hm sure if you are an exploiter. but thats just a conspiracy theory :P
i may solved the defending part for myself. semi-assisted switching+nba2k defending(i select a player and i mark his area, if i need to be there where the ball is ill switch with the stick and intercept but otherwise i'll let the cpu do his thing and i dont drag out defenders for no reason)

how do you guys do?
yeah i totally wasted a whole afternoon to make PES 2015's basic shooting crap and PES 6's amazing just because thats the way i am :D

I never said you did it on purpose did i? no, what i said is you may have applied different amounts of pressure to the sticks!

you may not have noticed you applied a tad more or less degree on the left stick each shot, you implied that i meant it as you did it on purpose... is that guilty conscience? (sp)

and you cannot argue that on the 3rd shot you WERE infact at a different angle! :)
Refs are a joke in this game. My son hacks me and then super cancels so he doesnt get the ball. The ref gives advantage and if i super cancel as well to get the free kick nothing actually happens! Works every time for him. So crap

Ref never goes back and gives the foul if i lose possession
Refs are a joke in this game. My son hacks me and then super cancels so he doesnt get the ball. The ref gives advantage and if i super cancel as well to get the free kick nothing actually happens! Works every time for him. So crap

Ref never goes back and gives the foul if i lose possession

I used to do that on the PS2 a lot :LOL: Hack my friend, let the ball roll for a few seconds then get it ;) Them days.
Just read the list of leagues included in pes2016 in wikipedia and there's no mention of the Argentinean league. Have they lost this license??
I used to do that on the PS2 a lot :LOL: Hack my friend, let the ball roll for a few seconds then get it ;) Them days.

He tries to do the same in fifa but in fifa if i super cancel as well the ref is smart enough to give me the free kick. Plus he gets a booking. In PES 16 the refs suffer from chronic amnesia
*sigh* Konami...
But wikipedia is omniscent!;)

When are they planning to announce leagues, modes, stadiums, etc? Less than a month to release and no details is not very encouraging. I dare say itll be the same as last year. Which means we'll be paying full price for some updated kits, faces, a collision system an a bunch of new animations....
Lami is right, Wiki is community driven therefore the guys who actually contribute to it will only know as much as us at this stage.
I was on this forum when PES6 was released. It got plenty of stick. Plenty.

PES 6 on the Xbox 360 (the first 'next gen' PES) was pretty bad. That was the first time I went back to FIFA (FIFA 07 if I recall correctly - that was a pretty bad game too but showed promise.)

PES 5 was the last amazing PES, in my opinion. PES 2013 was also an extremely good game.
I can smell some really weak minded people in here. Pes 5/6 great back then? Yes. Still good games that get's basics right compared to the games we get nowadays? Yes. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NOSTALGIA. My god.
Take a deep breath and say it slowly. FIFA. There you go, nothing bad has happened. It's okay, you're allowed to call it by it's name and not "other" and you'll still be alive.

Lol. I know Dags but people are quick to jump in your arse if you mention Fifa in Pes thread, but you get what i'm saying? Anyone notice that it's still a struggle to get your player to run onto a through ball. They seem to be steered away from it no matter how hard i try to make him run to the ball.:CURSE:
I can smell some really weak minded people in here. Pes 5/6 great back then? Yes. Still good games that get's basics right compared to the games we get nowadays? Yes. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NOSTALGIA. My god.

Pretty much this.

With PES 15 I feel some elements were taken to another level (passing), when other were left behind hopelessly (goalkeepers, etc.). That's where all problems begin, with things not matching together and breaking the immersion.

And I don't get all fierce responses against PES 5/6. There is a reason why people keep going back to them. They might be simple, but maybe it's for the better since everything is done more or less right.

I prefer simple, organized gameplay of PS2 PES compared to a myriad of things not working together at all like in PES 15. Funny enough, I keep coming back to 15 just because of unbelievable manual passing. It beats anything, totally.

But then two random guys get stuck in each other in a lovely manner, the other one runs past the ball and my goalkeeper gets stuck on a goal line, and somehow I feel like I had enough...:(
Pretty much this.

With PES 15 I feel some elements were taken to another level (passing), when other were left behind hopelessly (goalkeepers, etc.). That's where all problems begin, with things not matching together and breaking the immersion.

And I don't get all fierce responses against PES 5/6. There is a reason why people keep going back to them. They might be simple, but maybe it's for the better since everything is done more or less right.

I prefer simple, organized gameplay of PS2 PES compared to a myriad of things not working together at all like in PES 15. Funny enough, I keep coming back to 15 just because of unbelievable manual passing. It beats anything, totally.

But then two random guys get stuck in each other in a lovely manner, the other one runs past the ball and my goalkeeper gets stuck on a goal line, and somehow I feel like I had enough...:(

Very well summed up, excellent post.
I happen to disagree.

Played every ISS/PES there has been. Loved many, hated many.

Though the feeling of awe I got back in the WE6:International and WE7 times is a memory I hold very dear, I appreciate that, with its flaws, PES 2014/15 allowed me to build plays and dictate the tempo of the match like no game before.

Progress has been made. The game has a greater depth. I have not tried 16 yet, but am very much looking forward to it. PES 6 hit a sweet spot of gaming dynamics, but is much further from the real footy than these latest games are. And it was too with its exploits and bugs.

I remember back in the time we would be happy if the next PES brought a handful more animations, a couple new mechanics and some licenses. Now we put every inch of the game under the microscope to nitpick it's flaws. And honestly I believe we sometimes drive the Nokami guys crazy with our feedback. I happen to love PES2014 for its realism, yet it was panned by most for its depiction of player weight and inertia. I wish we had been more patient and let Konami explore that direction further, yet the community screamed "bring PES 6 back" and we got arcadey PES2015.

I don't know what to expect anymore...
This is where I stand on the PES 5 talk...

I saw a goalkeeper on the PES 2016 demo perform one of the best saves I've ever seen in a football game, and I was properly stunned. I hit a bending shot through a crowd of players from a half-cleared corner, and he saw it very late, but dived, and got half a palm on it to divert it JUST wide of the post.

I was in awe of this, so I went into the replay mode to save it and upload it with a caption along the lines of "okay, maybe this game has potential".

When I zoomed in, what ACTUALLY happened was this - the ball actually rocketed PAST his hand, towards the bottom corner, and then hit an invisible wall and shot out of play...

So. Point one. When you have that happen, how are you supposed to feel anything other than "well that's scripted bullshit, I got the ball past him and so the game had to put an invisible wall there"? At that point, what incentive do you have to play the game if it can "cheat" its way out of trouble?

But in regards to PES 5... I saw the same thing happen in that game, and the ball go through people's heads, gloves, goalposts... At the time, it was acceptable, because it was a great game otherwise. The fundamentals were brilliant. But seeing that today - whether you're playing PES 5 or PES 2016 - it's not really on, is it.

I think that there was more variation in the shooting because of the lack of 360 degree control - so when you point towards the goal at a 45 degree angle from the centre of the field and press the shoot button, the game created its own "story" about exactly where the shot ended up. Yes, with the help of the player's attributes, but A) not entirely, sometimes the difficulty level seemed to slow up your player and throw your shot off, and B) now we're into a whole new discussion... What's more important in a football game? That the user doesn't feel their input is pointless (I vote for this), or that the player is disallowed from hitting the perfect shot because of the player's attributes and a bit of "random chance"?

They're different games with different merits, but I personally prefer the modern angle. But this DOES subtract some of the famous PES individuality - and to be blunt (and possibly look like a troll, but I promise I'm not), there is very little in the PES 2016 demo. Purely my opinion, but playing as Palmeiras against Roma, for example, it A) feels the same to me as when I'm using any other demo team and B) ends in the same result as using any other demo team, usually, via fast, counter-attacking, Barcelona-passing.

(There's manual options available that would allow me to play on a lower difficulty and see a different game, I realise, but that's not the way I want to play the game. I'd rather feel like I was playing a simulation than making Bayern Munich pass like a pub team, and crippling the opponent's intelligence...)
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Most of you guys fail to understand this has less to do with KONAMI and more to do with Eastern Game Development culture.

PES 6 and prior to, was great simply because Game Development was simpler (relatively speaking). Dev teams where a lot smaller then. With the unveiling of NEXT GEN (Xbox360,PS3) game development was elevated thus requiring more man power and time. Most Eastern studios, KONAMI being one, didn't adapt as well as the Western Studios. This the sole reason why PES was terrible for the most of Xbox360,PS3 era.

Companies like EA relished in that era because they had the resources to and it is apparent with the evolution of FIFA starting from FIFA 07. The tables turned. THE SIMPLER DAYS WHERE NOW OVER.

AND I STRESS...The FOX ENGINE saved the PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER series. We absolutely need to understand this.

I have to agree about PES 2014. There was some great potential in it. I would not mind waiting even two years for revamped PES 14, but that's not how it works :/ Principle was amazing, but execution horrible.

As for PES 6 and realism, that's not exactly what I mean. Fully realistic football game would not be that much fun. It's like with "realistic" FPS: should we stay in hospital for few months after getting shot? Yeeah.

It's just environment it created that resembled a real football. Exploits - very valid point, I just refrain from using them for the sake of my own amusement. And game was not bug-free, true.

But for me none football game so far beaten the immersion PES 6 creates. I don't have to worry about anything. There are no bugs that break the illusion for me.

As for expectations, all I dream about is balance. Perfect balance between all elements, just like PES 5 & 6. And maybe older titles, pardon me I don't remember them that good (although I intend to go on a trip to the roots of WE/PES one day.).

And one more thing - we are in 2015 now. Forums like Evo-Web generated so much feedback and analysis it's unbelievable this game still has any problems. Alas, Conami refuses to listen.

@Chris Davies

What's more important in a football game? That the user doesn't feel their input is pointless (I vote for this), or that the player is disallowed from hitting the perfect shot because of the player's attributes and a bit of "random chance"?

This is a valid question. I am going to ask this way - what about player's attributes? I played some MLs in PES 2015, and whether my team was 2.5 stars or 4.5 stars overall, or if my main striker had overall of 65 or 85, it did not matter at all. Literally only meaningful difference in stats seem to be explosive power. Players with higher one seem to do everything quicker. It's only stat that actually means something, at least in Master League.

I decided to abandon assisted shooting and passing due to diabolical momentum issues in ML. There were games where I was literally banned from having a shot at goal, regardless of my position, distance and stats, same with passing. Manual saved the game for me. And what can I say, manual shooting is...too perfect. You can shoot without curling ball at all. This is where shooting becomes a rocket launching, but at least you have some control over it.

Overall, whole system is flawed to me. I would never dare to try basic shooting in PES 2015 again. This is precisely where I feel my input is pointless. And not even because of stats, but (in ML) a crappy momentums that often decide if you score or not. Manual shooting finally got rid of this feeling, but as I've said above, it seems to not be influenced by stats at all, hence in right hands it's just too perfect.

Yet again it is a matter of balance and proportions between elements of the game. Which is horrible in PES 2015 for the most part. PES 6 is balanced oldschool choice. This is actually the kind of handicap I would not mind - a random chance you are talking about, that depends on your player. Otherwise, what's the reason for stats? To me (subjectively), this is precisely when my input matter. Not only in making a decision where and when to shoot, but also picking a player who will take a shot, which should be important, since, I mean, players have stats in this game since like ever and they could serve a purpose.

Until attributes will actually become meaningful, impact of handicaps lowered AND goalkeepers reworked entirely, this element of the game will always be skewed. I imagine hundreds of solutions were proposed here.

Alas, this solutions were never to be listened :(
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Chris (Davies), i agree with you that there is less individuality in PES 2015, than in the PS2 games.
I know you are not a troll, i value your opinion even if i don't always agree, but you are more knowledgeable about games and their mechanics than me.

Did i already mentioned that it's good to have houtbak in here?
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