PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Professional is waaaaay too easy in my opinion.
Superstar is also easy if you know how to exploit the cpu ... But the cpu act like footballing gods.

I don't know how to explain it.. In cricket it's like batting against a human bowler vs batting against a bowling machine.

The bowling machine perform as per the instructions feeded. No deviations, too perfect. But you know we enjoy playing against humans. Mistakes made by our opponent and opportunities to exploit those mistakes makes a game realistic n fun to play.

I'm not saying professional is perfect. But playing full manual (including teammate controls) in professional difficulty provides the best experience and fair challenge.

But compare the superstar difficulty of pes 4/5/6 to that of modern pes games.
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So, the PC demo then, any news?

*kramar* @ Gerd, don't be mean to the younguns fella ;)
I guess pc demo will come out after the game release just like last year. I bought a ps4 just coz I know pc version is gonna suck. I was disappointed with pc version last year
I tried out almost 100 matches in various difficulties. I have got to admit I enjoyed the game most at professional difficulty.

I have to agree. I start enjoying the game since change the difficulty on professional. Cpu play more human like.
Still the game needs some major adjustments, like more fouls, more ways of attacking from cpu, less laser passing, more variety on shooting, but in general is a decent game and at times has great moments.
I have to agree. I start enjoying the game since change the difficulty on professional. Cpu play more human like.
Still the game needs some major adjustments, like more fouls, more ways of attacking from cpu, less laser passing, more variety on shooting, but in general is a decent game and at times has great moments.
True that. Top player and superstar is not realism. It is just there to create a false sense in users mind that this game is soo realistic and provides a perfect simulation of the sport. People think more tough = realism. It's not so.

Me too sometimes think I'm not good enough in this game if I don't play at maximum difficulty. So I forget fun factor and I force myself to like that level(superstar) and grind out wins but according to me that's not how football is played (both user & cpu wise.)

Like I said earlier, winning on superstar feels like I have studied a boring, useless subject which I absolutely hate and acquired pass mark in it. But who would want that in long run? :p
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i feel with top player i can play the "beautiful game"

Superstar as you say feels like a bit of a grind.. HOWEVER when i play as Roma its a different ball game.
Someone just can't get enough ;) It's seasonal.

@Placebo no news still.

Shame, thanks anyways :(

I guess pc demo will come out after the game release just like last year. I bought a ps4 just coz I know pc version is gonna suck. I was disappointed with pc version last year

I have a PS4 but really don't want to download the demo on that because 1. their treatment of PC gamers completely and utterly stinks and 2. if I buy PES it will be the PC version for the mods so pointless to try a demo of a different version.
i feel with top player i can play the "beautiful game"

Superstar as you say feels like a bit of a grind.. HOWEVER when i play as Roma its a different ball game.
Pal, it's like this. If you play with a top team vs a weak team in TP/SS, the cpu strikers plays like 5 year olds. They miss most of the open chances and their defenders perform like grannies.

But if you play against the same team with an equally rated or a little weaker team then the cpu strikers and defense miraculously become too perfect.

I don't think unnatural performance boost is the way to make a match challenging.

For eg. Why can't a weaker team park the bus like in real life and obtain a clean sheet? It's impossible to maintain a clean sheet with teams like Notting ham forest against a mid level team in pes 2015 master league. It's like cpu is destined to score every single time.(I restarted a particular match against a higher rated Middlesbrough about 10 consequtive times, but I couldn't keep a clean sheet, it is not because I don't know how to defend , but cpu won't allow NOT IN THIS MATCH).

If the game is realistic, when I play vs a top team and I have got a decent mid level team, I should be able to obtain a clean sheet if I want by parking bus. But the game won't allow that. CPU MUST SCORE in whatever WEIRD way possible. Hence the stupid unnatural super human cpu.

Certain teams eg: (Barca, Real) are coded in such a way that whenever we play with them, the opposition somehow become paralysed in every aspects.
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yeah have to agree, have been playing superstar alot and trying to create a thru ball is near impossible cause of the superstar AI, constantly running back perfectly each time, but iv noticed dropping the difficulty to top player, holes at the back appear at times, top player or even professional are better modes to play on..
This feeling that "cpu must score no matter what" is a staple of the series since forever, though...
Pal, it's like this. If you play with a top team vs a weak team in TP/SS, the cpu strikers plays like 5 year olds. They miss most of the open chances and their defenders perform like grannies.

But if you play against the same team with an equally rated or a little weaker team then the cpu strikers and defense miraculously become too perfect.

I don't think unnatural performance boost is the way to make a match challenging.

For eg. Why can't a weaker team park the bus like in real life and obtain a clean sheet? It's impossible to maintain a clean sheet with teams like Notting ham forest against a mid level team in pes 2015 master league. It's like cpu is destined to score every single time.(I restarted a particular match against a higher rated Middlesbrough about 10 consequtive times, but I couldn't keep a clean sheet, it is not because I don't know how to defend , but cpu won't allow NOT IN THIS MATCH).

If the game is realistic, when I play vs a top team and I have got a decent mind level team, I should be able to obtain a clean sheet if I want by parking bus. But the game won't allow that. CPU MUST SCORE in whatever WEIRD way possible. Hence the stupid unnatural super human cpu.

Certain teams eg: (Barca, Real) are coded in such a way that whenever we play with them, the opposition somehow become paralysed in every aspects.

I agree, there MUST SCORE REGARDLESS has ALWAYS been there. And i agree that TP/SS dont need a boost but need to play to their tactics.

@Jimi Zuko

thats strange, my mate was complaining that the through balls on superstar are too good and he was winning 3 and 4 nil.
This feeling that "cpu must score no matter what" is a staple of the series since forever, though...

Exactly, this isn't new to the series. Also, I think the CPU AI is very good in this.

Really enjoying the demo again today, it's strange. Still not too happy with scoring goals though.
There's a real solid game in this demo but it's got some shortcomings that I'm worried if they aren't fixed/improved will significantly hurt the long term value of the game. I do remember last year liking the retail version more than the demo, so I'm hopeful, but for me substantial improvements are necessary between this version and the 2016 retail code.

Issues that need to be addressed:

- lack of CPU fouls is a major problem;

- the game is very open and counter-attack oriented, and it doesn't take much to break down the AI defense;

- R2 shooting is too clinical;

- regarding shooting in general, I seem to be seeing a quite high conversion rate on goal scoring opportunities (i.e. if an attacker is open within decent range, it's almost automatic);

- not seeing a great variety in goal scoring opportunities (most goals come from counter-attacks, 1-on-1s, and wing-play);

- not in love with the dribbling system (though this may change with more experience) while pace abuse is a worry;

-while I love the sliding tackle system, really not a fan of the standing tackle defensive mechanics, and I'm sick of seeing that one lunging tackle animation;

- player awareness, especially defenders, can be lacking in critical moments.

If they can add CPU fouls, improve the shooting, and make the game a little less open and less counter-attack oriented, I think it'd be a pretty solid game and maybe something special. If any one of those three issues aren't addressed, I'm worried the game won't have lasting appeal. At the moment it's kinda reminding me of FIFA in terms of open-ness and counter-attacking, but with better player models and movement physics.
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The high conversion rate is something that forced me to learn manual shooting on last years game. Doesn't help that advanced shooting is arse
There's a real solid game in this demo but it's got some shortcomings that I'm worried if they aren't fixed/improved will significantly hurt the long term value of the game. I do remember last year liking the retail version more than the demo, so I'm hopeful, but for me substantial improvements are necessary between this version and the 2016 retail code.

Issues that need to be addressed:

- lack of CPU fouls is a major problem;

- the game is very open and counter-attack oriented, and it doesn't take much to break down the AI defense;

- R2 shooting is too clinical;

- regarding shooting in general, I seem to be seeing a quite high conversion rate on goal scoring opportunities (i.e. if an attacker is open within decent range, it's almost automatic);

- not seeing a great variety in goal scoring opportunities (most goals come from counter-attacks, 1-on-1s, and wing-play);

- not in love with the dribbling system (though this may change with more experience) while pace abuse is a worry;

-while I love the sliding tackle system, really not a fan of the standing tackle defensive mechanics, and I'm sick of seeing that one lunging tackle animation;

- player awareness, especially defenders, can be lacking in critical moments.

If they can add CPU fouls, improve the shooting, and make the game a little less open and less counter-attack oriented, I think it'd be a pretty solid game and maybe something special. If any one of those three issues aren't addressed, I'm worried the game won't have lasting appeal. At the moment it's kinda reminding me of FIFA in terms of open-ness and counter-attacking, but with better player models and movement physics.

Try having both your team and the CPU's defense high, with max compactness, aggressive and professional or top player or superstar (personally don't like superstar). You'll see a much tighter game then.

The defense awareness is actually quite the opposite for me. I'm really happy with what they've done as I'm yet to see a defensive blunder from my team, as opposed to seeing the same old every year with my defenders slowing down to allow a ball through or even let the ball through their legs. They're pretty solid now and intercept much more :)

CPU have scored from crosses and build up play in my experience so far, since my defenders rarely allow counters through.

The more I play this the more it grows on me. Even though this somewhat reminds me more of 2013, there's a certain vibe about it, the whole experience that reminds me of WE8. Maybe it's the ball physics coupled with player's nifty touches and variety.
I'on holiday on a hilltop in Pardailhan near Beziers in Southern France and nowhere near a PlayStation, so i haven't got a clue about the demo.
I remember an interview with Adam Bhatti last year where he told that the demo of games are made by another team than the development team and that these people sometimes have the tendency to put something "personal" in a demo. So demo's aten't always representative for the retail version of games...don't want to rain on any parades...but somehow fielt the need to add his here...

If it troubles people...sorry.
Why would Konami waste time and resources releasing a demo which is different from the final version? It doesn't make sense.

I have played another 6 or so matches of this today and it's a good game but way too many things let it down.

I won't buy it and will wait until I have read the feedback on various forums and Twitter. I just don't want to spend £80 on 2 football games again this year.

I think it will be FIFA again for me. From the videos that some have posted here, it looks more realistic, slower and more of a simulation than PES 2016. I never thought I would find myself writing that.

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There's a real solid game in this demo but it's got some shortcomings that I'm worried if they aren't fixed/improved will significantly hurt the long term value of the game. I do remember last year liking the retail version more than the demo, so I'm hopeful, but for me substantial improvements are necessary between this version and the 2016 retail code.

Issues that need to be addressed:

- lack of CPU fouls is a major problem;

- the game is very open and counter-attack oriented, and it doesn't take much to break down the AI defense;

- R2 shooting is too clinical;

- regarding shooting in general, I seem to be seeing a quite high conversion rate on goal scoring opportunities (i.e. if an attacker is open within decent range, it's almost automatic);

- not seeing a great variety in goal scoring opportunities (most goals come from counter-attacks, 1-on-1s, and wing-play);

- not in love with the dribbling system (though this may change with more experience) while pace abuse is a worry;

-while I love the sliding tackle system, really not a fan of the standing tackle defensive mechanics, and I'm sick of seeing that one lunging tackle animation;

- player awareness, especially defenders, can be lacking in critical moments.

If they can add CPU fouls, improve the shooting, and make the game a little less open and less counter-attack oriented, I think it'd be a pretty solid game and maybe something special. If any one of those three issues aren't addressed, I'm worried the game won't have lasting appeal. At the moment it's kinda reminding me of FIFA in terms of open-ness and counter-attacking, but with better player models and movement physics.

I believe the retail version will be better. That's what I thought last year. I have been playing the demo and in my opinion it's more challenging then last year's, not as open game play like it was. It requires some strategy and forces you to pass the ball and build up play. The mid field is more compact and I experience more pressure from the CPU.I disagree with those who say the the developer toned down sim elements to make the game more fun. I think that this versions resembles how the game is played in real live. The only thing is I that I feel the game can be a bit too fast. I'm actually more comfortable playing on a -2 game speed settings (professional dif and full manual)!! I am sure that the retail version will be even better. Finally, I was wondering if they done anything to the players models, they look different from last year's version...
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