PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Had another great 30 min match this morning, I love the gameplay of PES 2014!

Imho it's really a flawed masterpiece, it needs lots of polish and finetuning and especially better AI all around, but the gameplay itself feels so awesome.

But I fear that because of the backlash Konami will change the gameplay again too much making it way more accessible and more shallow in the next version.

I can't dribble with any player,they feel too heavy in 1vs1 situations. Can you help me?
I can't dribble with any player,they feel too heavy in 1vs1 situations. Can you help me?

When dribbling you need to think like when you are really on the pitch. These are the principles that I derived from me playing football in reallife:

1. When you know you are considerably faster than the opponent defender, you can push the ball around him and outpace him.

2. Reading the movements of your opponent defender: When you see he is too fast in approaching you, you can keep your cool and let him run into empty space by slightly changing direction into the opposide of his direction.

3. Don't run with the ball and you have way more control over the ball.

In the game: When you have a good player on hand you can use his good close control to your advantage and outdance opponent defenders when you read their movements well. Of course it won't always work.

The other aspect is to fight for the ball, shielding it, using the body to win time and think about the next pass or to give other players the needed time to move into good positions.

On top of that there are two things which I don't use at all but which can be useful:

1. The right stick for managing the body's mass. I don't use it but heard from others that it adds another layer of technicality.

2. Tricks. I don't like to use tricks, cause in real life football I don't use tricks either...
Agreed dribbling in PES2014 is AWESOME

Yes, I just played Fifa 2014 and PES 2014 on my PC, I own both games, I purchased Fifa because I originally did not like PES 2014, but have to say that PES feels really better, much more fluid and dribbling is really great.

I play with Long camera but customized with following settings:

Zoom 6
Height 0
Angle 8

+1 Speed.

Game feels great!!
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I think they should have left the new engines to be only on the PC and next-gen consoles.

The fact that they've introduced them now on 360/PS3 means that they will have to fix and maintain them for a while on those platforms - they will probably continue to release on current gen for quite a few more years... PES 2014 even released on PS2!

I hope they just fix up the main issues for the last-gen versions and then make it clear that the versions will diverge and become very different. It is puzzling as to why they made such an overhaul so close to the end of the console's lifecycle. Why not just do what they did on PS2? A continued tweaking and database update to PES 2013 would have been more than sufficient, they then would have had time to further develop the new engines and not have them held back by the 7/8 year old PS3/360.

As it is, I can kind of see the two versions being roughly the same gameplay-wise but the "next gen" ones being in a higher resolution without stuttering and slightly shinier graphics...
Agreed dribbling in PES2014 is AWESOME

I know it gets boring but i have to say that dribbling is only good on PC. It's way to unresponsive on ps3 (don't know about xbox360)and i think for example wrong footing a defender is terrible on the ps3. Dribbling is about fast moving and fast reactions but that is not possible on the ps3.

On PC it is much more fluid and responsive and i like the way you have to dribble. I like the new sprint mechanics and i think it is very good that you have so much less control if you are using r1 sprint. Best way to dribble fast is to tap r1 and don't push the button for longer then just a tap. Move your body, wrong foot a defender and tap r1, this way you can beat more then one defender with a good dribbler. But it has to be responsive and ps3 is missing that badly.
I know it gets boring but i have to say that dribbling is only good on PC. It's way to unresponsive on ps3 (don't know about xbox360)and i think for example wrong footing a defender is terrible on the ps3. Dribbling is about fast moving and fast reactions but that is not possible on the ps3.

On PC it is much more fluid and responsive and i like the way you have to dribble. I like the new sprint mechanics and i think it is very good that you have so much less control if you are using r1 sprint. Best way to dribble fast is to tap r1 and don't push the button for longer then just a tap. Move your body, wrong foot a defender and tap r1, this way you can beat more then one defender with a good dribbler. But it has to be responsive and ps3 is missing that badly.

Good to know, I was not aware dribbling on PS3 was unresponsive, the weird thing here is that Konami said that Fox Engine was specially made for PS3 generation an that it is fully scalable to NG consoles, maybe that info was not actually right and Fox Engine was made really to run on next generation consoles.

I have a feeling that PES 2015 will be similar as PES 2014 on PC, with easier and more accurate gameplay and with minor graphic adjustments, such as better menus, overall game presentation, better player skin tones, etc
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On xbox360 dribbling is responsive as well with patch 1.04. And after I deleted all dlcs the teams started to play more varied.

But there is still (lots of) room for the AI to improve on PS4/xboxone this year.
Konami milked the PS2 for all it was worth:)) Last PS2 PES I bought was PES 2012 and it played almost exactly the same as PES 6 with new kits. I imagine PES 2014 does too.
The last one I played on PS2 was PES 2009 I think, maybe 2010, that was at a friend's house as I never owned a PS2 - we used to play PES4, 5 and 6 co-op Master League for countless hours after school, and 2v2/2v1 in PES6 online either from the same screen or online because PES6 had PCvPS2 cross-platform multiplayer, that was fantastic. Good times.

I had PES 2009 on the PSP, and that was just PES6 really - it was fun, but I also had my old favourite PES5 on the PSP which I played much more often, and although it lacked the features (think it had no ML), the gameplay was great fun. A bit more fast paced and "arcadey" than the PS2/PC equivalent, but that perfectly suited the nature of it being on a handheld.
Would that make your life better?

This thread is fucking pathetic to read. Everyone's entitled to their opinions but for the love of GOD do you need to repeat it fifteen times a week?

You know what, I think Skyrim is a disaster of a game and I DON'T hang around a Skyrim forum making sure everyone knows and you know why? BECAUSE NOBODY FUCKING CARES!

Agreed that it's unproductive (assuming you mean that) but I think there's something about which mirrors being football fan that rubs off on whichever football game you support too. There's a certain, unexplainable attachment to the series which people possess.

It's weird but definitely true, judging both by myself and other people who browse this forum. I don't like PES 2014 much and I haven't much loved any PES since 2010 in truth but unlike other games which I don't care much for I still check up on this series.
Yes, I just played Fifa 2014 and PES 2014 on my PC, I own both games, I purchased Fifa because I originally did not like PES 2014, but have to say that PES feels really better, much more fluid and dribbling is really great.

I play with Long camera but customized with following settings:

Zoom 6
Height 0
Angle 8

+1 Speed.

Game feels great!!

Interesting. This is the same camera angle I use. It's almost identical to the FIFA 14 dynamic camera angle that I use when playing that game. When using this camera angle, I feel much more connected to the gameplay/action and in my opinion, both games excel this year using the closer perspective. The gameplay is fluid and lag free, the animations really stand out and the ball along with the players seem to carry a more realistic and satisfying weight. Scoring a goal in both games with this camera angle can be a treat. Using the radar is a must though.
Interesting. This is the same camera angle I use. It's almost identical to the FIFA 14 dynamic camera angle that I use when playing that game. When using this camera angle, I feel much more connected to the gameplay/action and in my opinion, both games excel this year using the closer perspective. The gameplay is fluid and lag free, the animations really stand out and the ball along with the players seem to carry a more realistic and satisfying weight. Scoring a goal in both games with this camera angle can be a treat. Using the radar is a must though.

Yeah game feels fine with such settings,not sure why but I feel game is easier to play with such settings at least on PES, I understand PES 2014 is not a perfect game, but at least it feels much more fluid than Fifa, and the most important thing at least for me, is that game does not feel scripted.

What I believe it was kind of unfair this year, is that Konami was not really credited over Fifa for releasing a new gameplay engine, Fifa released the PS3 and PS4 versions, using the same old 2007 engine.

Fifa players criticize PES 2014 but they do not criticize EA's poor and mediocre gameplay engine, which simply does not feel like a soccer game, it has good animations, but game is not fluid, passing the ball feels much much better on PES,etc

I have high hopes for PES 2015, UK studio is involved full time according to Konami, and in about 6 months I bet we will be able to play the demo for PES 2015 to convince PES and Fifa players that PES is the best choice at least from a gameplay perspective.
I have high hopes for PES 2015, UK studio is involved full time according to Konami, and in about 6 months I bet we will be able to play the demo for PES 2015 to convince PES and Fifa players that PES is the best choice at least from a gameplay perspective.

Hope so.
I'd have thought tho that the gameplay would be left to Japan to tweak and tighten to death, whereas the UK team will be more focused on off the pitch stuff.
Like a more authentic ML.
Maybe also things like player stats/attributes for better individuality, and transfer updates.
Wanted to make a montage of the videos I have saved so far but it's a tedious task getting 50 clips off my ps3 and editing a video.

Started lastnight but have 36 more to go
go. I will still get it out before Konami gets 1.06 out for ps3 lol
Don't know if this has been posted?

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 developer Konami has confirmed that the sports sim is being created in conjunction with a new UK studio.

It follows confirmation that PES 2015 is coming to PS4. There’s currently no word on an Xbox One release.

Now, speaking with MCV, Konami European executive Shinji Hirano said of the project, “I can’t say certain things about PES 2015, but we are ready to make a comeback.

“I cannot give details on exactly what we are doing with the UK studio, but they are working on the next project and looking at the needs of the European people. It’s about globalising the franchise, so it is not just being developed by Japanese people.

“We know what’s been going wrong with PES, we are working on that. The next version is totally changed. 2014 is a transitional year for the franchise, so expect big things.”

Are you keen on the first next-gen PES? Let us know below.
Yes, it is very puzzling and i really don't understand it. Maybe they have underestimated the problems that comes with a new engine on this old consoles. Maybe they got caught by it and it was to late to change this decision. Maybe we are seeing the old engine next year on the PS3 and xbox360 again because they have to realize that they can't run the new engine fluid and with enough power on this old systems.

If you compare the PC version with the PS3 version it is not just response missing, it's AI too.

Firstly, the new engine was originally hoped to be used in PES 2013. Adam hinted at it in tweets way before 2013 was revealed. Turns out they didn't, which you'd have thought would mean the end result would be a lot more polished... Nope.

Secondly, Konami will still make far more money from the PS3/360 versions of PES 2015, so it's in their interests to upgrade the current gen version and keep that money coming in for a few more years.

Thirdly, it means that when they work on the NG title (e.g. now), they will have already had a year of working with (some of) the Fox engine. And when it comes to working on the current and next gen titles at the same time, well, they've already built the current gen engine, so they don't need to build the current and next gen engines at the same time.
Konami European executive Shinji Hirano said of the project..."We know what’s been going wrong with PES, we are working on that. The next version is totally changed. 2014 is a transitional year for the franchise, so expect big things.”

The reason why PES2014 is generally unresponsive on PS3 is because the massive amounts of scripts that runs in the background. Players no longer run just up and down on rails, they move around and find space or alternatively mark targets that also move more freely around.

An average PC can handle that on top of physics engine with physics enabled shorts, facial expressions and what not... a console not so much. I doubt the newest consoles can handle that satisfactory either. If either FIFA or PES were actually made for PC we could have a really good game on our hands by now, and a dumbed down version could be released for the lesser capable consoles. Console gamers are actually the reason why games have been dumbed down in the first place so that would be fitting.

Not saying console gamers are dumb, but they generally prefer a casual approach to gaming and their gaming medium of choice is less capable than a PC. A typical PC RPG before consoles completely polluted the gaming scene is Morrowind and look what Skyrim turned into... Dumbing down equals "fitted for casual gamers and simplified to run on consoles".

YouTube - The Elder Scrolls : The Dumbing Down

This is equivalent for all types of games, including football games. Sad but true...

Think about that before you buy another console and support the dumbing down.

PS. This is a serious video and not intended to offend anyone.

- PES is only an average game because they try to actually make a good game but fails.
- FIFA is only an average game because that's exactly what EA is going for.
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Yeah game feels fine with such settings,not sure why but I feel game is easier to play with such settings at least on PES, I understand PES 2014 is not a perfect game, but at least it feels much more fluid than Fifa, and the most important thing at least for me, is that game does not feel scripted.

What I believe it was kind of unfair this year, is that Konami was not really credited over Fifa for releasing a new gameplay engine, Fifa released the PS3 and PS4 versions, using the same old 2007 engine.

Fifa players criticize PES 2014 but they do not criticize EA's poor and mediocre gameplay engine, which simply does not feel like a soccer game, it has good animations, but game is not fluid, passing the ball feels much much better on PES,etc

I have high hopes for PES 2015, UK studio is involved full time according to Konami, and in about 6 months I bet we will be able to play the demo for PES 2015 to convince PES and Fifa players that PES is the best choice at least from a gameplay perspective.

Just tried that angle, it's a lot of fun! Also trying Superstar, I've had enough of games ending 6-4 and 5-5
Just tried that angle, it's a lot of fun! Also trying Superstar, I've had enough of games ending 6-4 and 5-5

Yeah, game feels more intensive and gameplay speed is faster as well, I lowered speed to default setting.

PES 2014 is not that bad, is actually a good game, we have to blame ourselves for been so negative about PES 2014 when it launched, (yes I know, we were fooled by Konami in some key game aspects) but we need to be careful when PES 2015 launches, if it has the same negative vibe PES 2014 had, it might be a knockoff to the PES series.
The reason why PES2014 is generally unresponsive on PS3 is because the massive amounts of scripts that runs in the background. Players no longer run just up and down on rails, they move around and find space or alternatively mark targets that also move more freely around.

An average PC can handle that on top of physics engine with physics enabled shorts, facial expressions and what not... a console not so much. I doubt the newest consoles can handle that satisfactory either. If either FIFA or PES were actually made for PC we could have a really good game on our hands by now, and a dumbed down version could be released for the lesser capable consoles. Console gamers are actually the reason why games have been dumbed down in the first place so that would be fitting.

Not saying console gamers are dumb, but they generally prefer a casual approach to gaming and their gaming medium of choice is less capable than a PC. A typical PC RPG before consoles completely polluted the gaming scene is Morrowind and look what Skyrim turned into... Dumbing down equals "fitted for casual gamers and simplified to run on consoles".

YouTube - The Elder Scrolls : The Dumbing Down

This is equivalent for all types of games, including football games. Sad but true...

Think about that before you buy another console and support the dumbing down.

PS. This is a serious video and not intended to offend anyone.

- PES is only an average game because they try to actually make a good game but fails.
- FIFA is only an average game because that's exactly what EA is going for.

:) you make valid points but please remember gaming would not be what it is without us pesky console gamers
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The few hours I spend gaming each year hardly make me a gamer at all. I actually own a Nintendo wii, PS2, PS3 and XBOX360 myself so I've supported the dumbing down thoroughly to be honest. Most of the games and consoles were actually gifts but that's beside the point...

I've spent more money backing and buying PC games the last year than I've spent on consoles in my life but I only back games that A) Is stated that is PC exclusive or B) Is of a such a simple nature that multi-platform most likely won't harm the end product. It has nothing to do with "I'm better than you" it's more like "what's actually best in terms of end product for all consumers". That includes you! :P Ported games from <insert any console> to PC is a plague worse than cancer...

Still, I spend an average of four hours a month gaming but I would like to find games enough to fill at least two hours every day but sadly there aren't good enough games anymore. I'm obviously not in the target crowd and that pisses me off as my crowd is the one with the wallet and I'm going to use it more sensibly in the future and I wish more consumers did that to strangle the industry to at least attempt to create more than just graphical beauty in the future.
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The reason why PES2014 is generally unresponsive on PS3 is because the massive amounts of scripts that runs in the background. Players no longer run just up and down on rails, they move around and find space or alternatively mark targets that also move more freely around.

An average PC can handle that on top of physics engine with physics enabled shorts, facial expressions and what not... a console not so much. I doubt the newest consoles can handle that satisfactory either. If either FIFA or PES were actually made for PC we could have a really good game on our hands by now, and a dumbed down version could be released for the lesser capable consoles. Console gamers are actually the reason why games have been dumbed down in the first place so that would be fitting.

Not saying console gamers are dumb, but they generally prefer a casual approach to gaming and their gaming medium of choice is less capable than a PC. A typical PC RPG before consoles completely polluted the gaming scene is Morrowind and look what Skyrim turned into... Dumbing down equals "fitted for casual gamers and simplified to run on consoles".

YouTube - The Elder Scrolls : The Dumbing Down

This is equivalent for all types of games, including football games. Sad but true...

Think about that before you buy another console and support the dumbing down.

PS. This is a serious video and not intended to offend anyone.

- PES is only an average game because they try to actually make a good game but fails.
- FIFA is only an average game because that's exactly what EA is going for.
The few hours I spend gaming each year hardly make me a gamer at all. I actually own a Nintendo wii, PS2, PS3 and XBOX360 myself so I've supported the dumbing down thoroughly to be honest. Most of the games and consoles were actually gifts but that's beside the point...

I've spent more money backing and buying PC games the last year than I've spent on consoles in my life but I only back games that A) Is stated that is PC exclusive or B) Is of a such a simple nature that multi-platform most likely won't harm the end product. It has nothing to do with "I'm better than you" it's more like "what's actually best in terms of end product for all consumers". That includes you! :P Ported games from <insert any console> to PC is a plague worse than cancer...

Still, I spend an average of four hours a month gaming but I would like to find games enough to fill at least two hours every day but sadly there aren't good enough games anymore. I'm obviously not in the target crowd and that pisses me off as my crowd is the one with the wallet and I'm going to use it more sensibly in the future and I wish more consumers did that to strangle the industry to at least attempt to create more than just graphical beauty in the future.

We've had this discussion before, and I still don't agree with you I'm afraid. Games are more sophisticated now than they've ever been whether they're on console or PC. And if PC is the be all and end all of creativity then where are these magical PC exclusives that blow everything else out of the water? Why is it that consoles now have equal reputation for encouraging innovative indie games for example?

Console games aren't dumbed down at all, there had been a jump in recent times on storytelling and innovation IMO and I think it has never been a better time to be a gamer whether on PC or console. The facts are that, yes, an uber powerful PC probably could innovate in terms of creating deeper AI for example, no-one would dispute that, but companies generally don't bother because the market is so small in comparison. And that's not because console owners want a casual experience all the time, it's because of the fact that powerful PCs are expensive to assemble and maintain, and require a certain amount of almost hobbyist knowledge on the technical side of PCs, which a lot of people just aren't into. It's not always down to people dumbing down.

As for PES, I think PS4 and XB1 will be able to handle PES just fine, it's up to Konami to make good use of the technology.
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Now console players are responsible for PES current situation. I can't believe it...

Is that hard to just blame PES Team, as the responsible of developing underwhelming products for seven years? Come on, everyone else in the AAA industry is capable of developing good games, except these people (and some other Japanese studios). The whole Japan videogame industry fallout is worth a study.

The sooner PES Team recognizes they are just bad at programming, developing and managing, the better will be for Konami to fire them and hire other Japanese devs, or even better, move the entire development to Europe.
The reason why PES2014 is generally unresponsive on PS3 is because the massive amounts of scripts that runs in the background. Players no longer run just up and down on rails, they move around and find space or alternatively mark targets that also move more freely around.

An average PC can handle that on top of physics engine with physics enabled shorts, facial expressions and what not... a console not so much. I doubt the newest consoles can handle that satisfactory either. If either FIFA or PES were actually made for PC we could have a really good game on our hands by now, and a dumbed down version could be released for the lesser capable consoles. Console gamers are actually the reason why games have been dumbed down in the first place so that would be fitting.

Not saying console gamers are dumb, but they generally prefer a casual approach to gaming and their gaming medium of choice is less capable than a PC. A typical PC RPG before consoles completely polluted the gaming scene is Morrowind and look what Skyrim turned into... Dumbing down equals "fitted for casual gamers and simplified to run on consoles".

YouTube - The Elder Scrolls : The Dumbing Down

This is equivalent for all types of games, including football games. Sad but true...

Think about that before you buy another console and support the dumbing down.

PS. This is a serious video and not intended to offend anyone.

- PES is only an average game because they try to actually make a good game but fails.
- FIFA is only an average game because that's exactly what EA is going for.

I don't have any issues with unresponsiveness on my PS3 version of the game, which rather debunks your wingnut theory. I also highly doubt EA is trying to make an "average game."
The reason why PES2014 is generally unresponsive on PS3 is because the massive amounts of scripts that runs in the background. Players no longer run just up and down on rails, they move around and find space or alternatively mark targets that also move more freely around.

An average PC can handle that on top of physics engine with physics enabled shorts, facial expressions and what not... a console not so much. I doubt the newest consoles can handle that satisfactory either. If either FIFA or PES were actually made for PC we could have a really good game on our hands by now, and a dumbed down version could be released for the lesser capable consoles. Console gamers are actually the reason why games have been dumbed down in the first place so that would be fitting.

Not saying console gamers are dumb, but they generally prefer a casual approach to gaming and their gaming medium of choice is less capable than a PC. A typical PC RPG before consoles completely polluted the gaming scene is Morrowind and look what Skyrim turned into... Dumbing down equals "fitted for casual gamers and simplified to run on consoles".

YouTube - The Elder Scrolls : The Dumbing Down

This is equivalent for all types of games, including football games. Sad but true...

Think about that before you buy another console and support the dumbing down.

PS. This is a serious video and not intended to offend anyone.

- PES is only an average game because they try to actually make a good game but fails.
- FIFA is only an average game because that's exactly what EA is going for.
Agreed mostly, the majority of multiplatform games are massively dumbed down these days to appeal to the lowest common denominator (console kiddies).

Everyone's got used to it though it seems... The amount of hand-holding in modern games is stupid.

I just recently went and played Sonic 2 again... This was a game I struggled to complete as a child (think I did it twice), thinking I could go back and easily play through it now, but it was hard as nails compared to most new games. 3 lives and maybe a few continues if you get the points. No saving so you can't just get to a checkpoint or the end of a level and just keep making mindless mistakes or you have to start over...

Now, there's no "Game Over" and games are littered with on-screen prompts/hints with regular autosaving so it's actually impossible to fail as well as generally easier level design/gameplay anyway. There's also the typical things now like health regeneration and third-person cover systems in FPS (Deus Ex:HR/Rainbow Six) to make things easier among many other things (watched that video for a bit and the guy makes many good points).

However, this is mostly just for console exclusive or console/PC multiplatform games, which is why a lot of them don't interest me. If you can't find deep/difficult enough games to enjoy on PC then I think that's just you being too cynical.

Regarding football games - yeah, EA have the perfect formula to appeal to that casual crowd who just want goals galore without a steep learning curve and they're rolling in money so they won't be changing course any time soon... Konami can't win on these grounds, so deeper gameplay is a must really.
A typical PC RPG before consoles completely polluted the gaming scene is Morrowind and look what Skyrim turned into... Dumbing down equals "fitted for casual gamers and simplified to run on consoles".

YouTube - The Elder Scrolls : The Dumbing Down

Ignorant post. Morrowind was the first Elder Scrolls developed for both Console and PC. And you know what ? It has sold much more on Xbox then PC. Try again.
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