Jimmy G-Force
Resident PES Fanman
what i found with the defaults was that i immediately thouyght they handled and played alot better than in previous games, but then as i settled in, you realise its all balanced out, the defaults are better but up against all the other teams, they are dogshit.
Its mainly the agility, turning and dribbling stats that you notice, some defaults have a cracking shot, in my first season Guiterrez scored 14 goals, but the sooner you can move them on the better.
It's everything, even down to things like rebounds and successful outcomes to 50/50 balls. They fall in favour at times of the stronger players. It's artistic licence, it's a way of portraying the end result of what happens on a football pitch in real-life for the most part. Gerrard is consistently stronger in winning balls in real-life, it's his consistency the defines him. That's mirrored here, even though it can look 'scripted'. It is what it is.
Good luck with that Tom by the way, I fear you'll still be trying by the time PES 2013 is launched. As will I.

Edit - I was given the Ultimatum last night from my Chairman, win my next game or I'm out. It was pre-season friendly as well, FFS. He wants someone else in before the new season even starts.

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