- 4 May 2010
Dear fellow soccer gamers,
For me, playing a game always has to do with imagination. Imagination is what lies between a realistic showcase and the fact that in the end everything you see is not real. You always have to put your mind at work when playing a game, at least - that is what I think. Games that defy that just don't do it for me. The thing I like in PES is the way you can use your imagination: I have played soccer games for god knows how long (Emlyn Hughes Soccer), and I always played them with a fantasy league consisting of teams that are inhabited by my friends, acquaintessens, relatives and heroes (I also have a team with famous writers, for instance). Each team has his own playing style, key players, jersey etc. There has been no other game where I could do just that as good as I can do it in PES2012. That is not only because of the great editor, but also for the way everything you edit works out on the pitch. For instance: I created a team called 'Twin Peaks' (remember the series?) and I want them to play an extreme attacking play. Well, they exactly do that, switching positions, and midfielder Cooper pacing the game. Exactly the way I imagine they would play. So I am really, really enjoying this edition.
Is there anyone out there who plays the game in this way? Or is everyone just trying to emulate the real world?
People from are generation had to have a big imagination back in the day because games were a little on the basic side...that said the less is more approach or easy to pick up,hard to master is generally what the better games have in abundance.
Good games do things to your brain,they release endorphins and pander to to the hunter gatherer in us all,and thats what provides the hook or addictive quality,not cosmetics.
Pes used to be about taming the un-predictable,stacking the odds in your favour and learning when to best exploit a bad bobble or deflection,you might not of always been guaranteed success but time and experience would teach you how to maximise the odds in your favour,and thats footie.
Its alchemy,pure accident and when code takes on a life of its own and becomes free from its binery roots.Pes on the ps2 had this and its something konami have struggled to capture since.I felt it in the first and second demos,and now my hearts broken now its gone.
Even the weaker players felt great.