PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Dear fellow soccer gamers,

For me, playing a game always has to do with imagination. Imagination is what lies between a realistic showcase and the fact that in the end everything you see is not real. You always have to put your mind at work when playing a game, at least - that is what I think. Games that defy that just don't do it for me. The thing I like in PES is the way you can use your imagination: I have played soccer games for god knows how long (Emlyn Hughes Soccer), and I always played them with a fantasy league consisting of teams that are inhabited by my friends, acquaintessens, relatives and heroes (I also have a team with famous writers, for instance). Each team has his own playing style, key players, jersey etc. There has been no other game where I could do just that as good as I can do it in PES2012. That is not only because of the great editor, but also for the way everything you edit works out on the pitch. For instance: I created a team called 'Twin Peaks' (remember the series?) and I want them to play an extreme attacking play. Well, they exactly do that, switching positions, and midfielder Cooper pacing the game. Exactly the way I imagine they would play. So I am really, really enjoying this edition.

Is there anyone out there who plays the game in this way? Or is everyone just trying to emulate the real world?

People from are generation had to have a big imagination back in the day because games were a little on the basic side...that said the less is more approach or easy to pick up,hard to master is generally what the better games have in abundance.

Good games do things to your brain,they release endorphins and pander to to the hunter gatherer in us all,and thats what provides the hook or addictive quality,not cosmetics.

Pes used to be about taming the un-predictable,stacking the odds in your favour and learning when to best exploit a bad bobble or deflection,you might not of always been guaranteed success but time and experience would teach you how to maximise the odds in your favour,and thats footie.

Its alchemy,pure accident and when code takes on a life of its own and becomes free from its binery roots.Pes on the ps2 had this and its something konami have struggled to capture since.I felt it in the first and second demos,and now my hearts broken now its gone.

Even the weaker players felt great.
While Fifa is more polished you never get that feeling that what just happened is exactly what happens in real life, Sure it moves realistically (animations, AI is awful) but that's about it.

Exactly, that why i install, uninstall and install again PES2012 like 8 times by now, because it keeps his soul that charmed me and i can´t leave it.

I put like this:

Fifa is a perfect Robot that emulates reality, but without a soul, so is boring. Instead PES this last years is a Human that he want to be perfect like the Robot, but how he has a soul, there is an incompatibility on the system.

That's is the story of PES Next-Gen, He wanna be perfect like Fifa, but is soul doesn´t let him to be. :SMUG:
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Huh 379 pages and PES hasn't been compared to a woman. That has to be some kind of record? well done evo web. I still don't get all this negativity.

Played a game against corinthians and had tears in my eyes watching how beautifully PES captured Ronaldo. Yeah I know his not even supposed to be there but bare with me.

1st goal he scores a damn bicycle kick getting his foot in ahead of my CBs head. Second he gets on the end of a cross and headers it hard into the ground past my keeper and third was just unbelieveable.
He does like 5 step overs form outside the box gets past one player the ball is on his left and he switches with quick feet to his right and ghosts past the second defender on the edge of the box as he wants to lift the trigger I body check him from the side just running straight into him and he goes to the ground winning the penalty, which he slams low and hard out of my keepers reach. Wow say what you want but when konami gets something right they get it very right. I was leading that game 1-0 on professional level but he just stole the show.
FIFA is hardly a perfect robot which emulates reality; it's a fairly polished game which doesn't get close to reality in technical, statistic, or emotional ways. PES is far less polished, but manages both more realistic and more emotional gameplay.
For all the complaints about individuality, no-one ever mentions where PES really excels, and that's movement off the ball that's relevant to a player's style and ability. For me that's where PES2012 really shines, along with PES2011 in this regard.

I noticed people were mentioning Pirlo's apparent lack of individuality but he plays exactly like I'd expect for an older playmaker. Whenever you have the ball in a tight spot you can see his superior positioning take place when he urgently drops back into an area of space so you can give him a simple pass backwards and get out of trouble. He then can regularly sweep the ball across the pitch and switch the play. But the number of times he is perfectly available for a pass is uncanny, and you can see him intentionally dropping back ready to take the ball and conduct the play from there.

As anyone knows who played football at any serious level, one of the major things that differentiates a player from being bad, to good, to great, is their natural positional sense, their sense of timing for making runs, and ability to shake a marker and create space for themselves. Xavi is the perfect example. He seems to have all the time in the world because he makes the space for himself, and I find the better playmakers in this game have more time than others. It's because PES has it hardcoded into them to have that better bit of positional sense.

I found this in PES2011 too when I had my crappy ML team and then bought Hargreaves as a DM. The difference was night and day. He was in the perfect position to intercept passes, and compared to my much lower rated DM he was able to plug gaps in the midfield. He was always up with the play, and available for the simple pass.

For me, this is what PES excels at in terms of player individuality. Just look at Rooney in the England team in PES. Constantly dropping back into midfield. Look at Pirlo, constantly dropping off and in space to direct a pass and dictate the play. Look at Drogba. Stays high on the defender and uses his power to pressure the defenders off the ball.

Unfortunately this stuff gets ignored in my opinion, and is a shame because it's still in PES2011 and PES2012 more than ever.
I was just about to say...Why are top of D1 Napoli coming to bottom of D2 me in a cup game and sitting their entire team behind the ball? It's not even to do with the strategies set-up in Game-Plan, as I refined all of them before I started my ML....

I actually think Top Player is easier than Professional for that reason. On Professional they organize themselves like a Non-league outfit up against a Premiership giant.

Ended up with 65% of possession, only for Cavani to score in the 110th minute. Grrrr

Again, as with the stumble animation, it just smacks of cheapness to make the game more difficult for the sake of it. It doesn't need to be, let 'Superstar' or whatever do that, but at least allow the other difficulty levels to play out the game in a realistic manner.
I've done it once, the cpu sent a through ball to their CF who got behind my defence, I've managed to catch up and then thought "Payback time!" Pressed from behind untill the attacker stumble. BUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ANIMATION he stood up and scored.
YouTube - defender error.mp4

im sorry this was my 1st game tonight,top player 15mins on -1 speed. look that defending is straight out of pes 2011,i know its a shamrock rovers defender but the ball was there for me to intercept but the player just didnt react and let it go by for an easy goal,im starting to think this game is alot closer to pes 2011 with all these little nuances rearing their ugly heads
YouTube - defender error.mp4

im sorry this was my 1st game tonight,top player 15mins on -1 speed. look that defending is straight out of pes 2011,i know its a shamrock rovers defender but the ball was there for me to intercept but the player just didnt react and let it go by for an easy goal,im starting to think this game is alot closer to pes 2011 with all these little nuances rearing their ugly heads

Wow, that single video manages to show so many things that have made me relegate my PES 2012 to the bottom of the game pile - after only 2 weeks:

1. Defenders inexplicably failing to poke the ball away, despite it being 1 inch from their toe (I know it's because the CPU has decided the attacker will win the ball, but it looks terrible)

2. Bunching together as you try to auto-switch to the useful defender, leaving gaps everywhere

3. Goalkeeper diving about a second late, in a manner that wouldn't have saved a shot straight at him anyway

If we're honest, the game in its current form is just not very good, I'm afraid.
The critisisum pes is getting is just annoying me, why it annoys me is that there are many people out here who will LOVE this game, not everyone but some people want a realstic game. If they give it a chance, if they simly play on -2 and zero or 1 assing assistance and download a good opition file preferbly with the tactics i'm developing with others. This is a very, very good game.

I want to help people, i want to if i can imporve the game, since the game is built to be moddded and patches and editied. Some people only play the game a bit but LOVE to edit. Should we all just pack up and league and act like some of the people who just want everyone to be as miserable as they are?

but we have some trolls who just want us all to stop and bang our heads against the wall. Seriously. You see why i put iluvnintes on ignore. people like him say.


I mean, should i listen to these people. should i give u these tactics and work within the community? really we should all just fuck and leave the game to rot?

There's constrcuctive critisisum and honest opinions like i've seen from sincover and that dude with the pink panther in his advatar but others, really!

Aslo great post ctruppi, it's true, people did moan about the great pes5 a huge amount but that game was and still is legendary. Some peoles ego's need a check!
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YouTube - defender error.mp4

im sorry this was my 1st game tonight,top player 15mins on -1 speed. look that defending is straight out of pes 2011,i know its a shamrock rovers defender but the ball was there for me to intercept but the player just didnt react and let it go by for an easy goal,im starting to think this game is alot closer to pes 2011 with all these little nuances rearing their ugly heads

-1 speed is shit :)
YouTube - defender error.mp4

im sorry this was my 1st game tonight,top player 15mins on -1 speed. look that defending is straight out of pes 2011,i know its a shamrock rovers defender but the ball was there for me to intercept but the player just didnt react and let it go by for an easy goal,im starting to think this game is alot closer to pes 2011 with all these little nuances rearing their ugly heads

The ball literally goes through the defender's right leg!
Is the pc demo still available?,ive made a executive decision,im going to hack the pc version of the demo and just play that for a year.Also is the pc full version better then the console versions or are those horrible flaws in the console versions plaqueing the pc too....honest answers on a postcard please,i have a vista home pc with a radeon hd 1g graphics card and 4 gig of ddr ram.

So gutted i deleted the ps3 WE demos also,had so much fun with them.At the moment id happily play ten minutes for the rest of the year with limited teams.
Is the pc demo still available?,ive made a executive decision,im going to hack the pc version of the demo and just play that for a year.Also is the pc full version better then the console versions or are those horrible flaws in the console versions plaqueing the pc too....honest answers on a postcard please,i have a vista home pc with a radeon hd 1g graphics card and 4 gig of ddr ram.

So gutted i deleted the ps3 WE demos also,had so much fun with them.At the moment id happily play ten minutes for the rest of the year with limited teams.

or get the whole game for pc and apply gameplay patch that suits your liking*
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The critisisum pes is getting is just annoying me, why it annoys me is that there are many people out here who will LOVE this game, not everyone but some people want a realstic game. If they give it a chance, if they simly play on -2 and zero or 1 assing assistance and download a good opition file preferbly with the tactics i'm developing with others. This is a very, very good game.

I want to help people, i want to if i can imporve the game, since the game is built to be moddded and patches and editied. Some people only play the game a bit but LOVE to edit. Should we all just pack up and league and act like some of the people who just want everyone to be as miserable as they are?

but we have some trolls who just want us all to stop and bang our heads against the wall. Seriously. You see why i put iluvnintes on ignore. people like him say.


I mean, should i listen to these people. should i give u these tactics and work within the community? really we should all just fuck and leave the game to rot?

There's constrcuctive critisisum and honest opinions like i've seen from sincover and that dude with the pink panther in his advatar but others, really!

Aslo great post ctruppi, it's true, people did moan about the great pes5 a huge amount but that game was and still is legendary. Some peoles ego's need a check!

Bit harsh klash,even you must see some of the blatant holes in the mechanics of the game.You would of thought konami would of learned,its not like these issues are blatant as goalgerds video demonstrates or were they pointed out heavily in feedback to konami as issues in pes2011.

What sickens me and many is that these issues spoil all the good work done in other areas of the game and any gamer worth his salt will find it hard to ignore or be able to palette these issues over extended periods of play.

I admire your defense of pes and believe me ive defended pes for years now,but sooner or later somethings got to give.Theres a growing number of fans getting fairly tired of enduring these flaws every year and living in hope that patches that normally make the game worse improve these issues.

People arent being miserable for the sake of it,they build there hopes up based on solid concrete demos with the final product not delivering on the early promise.I would of taken the first demo as it was with the dodgy keepers over the final version ive had to fight for over a month now.Its not on klash,or is it fair to consumers as its misleading.Ive been raving on about pes2012 since the first demo too friends who have converted to fifa,and konami have made me look like a right prick,as they have many others.

And why oh why should a game have to be heavily edited by the community to get it to work and play well.Know other developer would get away with this.We all know the tactical side of pes is spot on(well i do)but this doesnt mean shit if the most basic elements of the game are so flawed and broken.
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i dont know dude, why dont you grab a friend or three and play 2 v 2, or join the evo web community and play some humans, the gmae is pretty good when this happens...
Bit harsh klash,even you must see some of the blatant holes in the mechanics of the game.You would of thought konami would of learned,its not like these issues are blatant as goalgerds video demonstrates or were they pointed out heavily in feedback to konami as issues in pes2011.

What sickens me and many is that these issues spoil all the good work done in other areas of the game and any gamer worth his salt will find it hard to ignore or be able to palette these issues over extended periods of play.

I admire your defense of pes and believe me ive defended pes for years now,but sooner or later somethings got to give.Theres a growing number of fans getting fairly tired of enduring the flaws and living in hope that patches that normally make the game worse improve these issues.

this is correct, i think the same way
they managed to improve some elements of gameplay in Pes 2012 but made some other worse than in pes 2011

i'm losing the little faith restored in Konami after Pes 2011 release
floaty shots - what I noticed is that like in PES 2011, if you give the sprint button a couple of taps to knock the ball on slightly and then hit the shot, you generate a good amount of power and NO FLOAT!

What I think is the real problem sometimes, is that PES re-creates some elements of football TOO realistically and people don't get it and don't WANT it in a game. This is partly why FIFA is so popular. It makes stats slightly relevant but not enough to take away from the fun factor that a pick up and play game can have.

Whereas on PES, if you don't take every factor into consideration properly, the ball can go anywhere (watch a real life game to see how far shots go high and's quite awful sometimes lol). But people can hate this after having their REALITY skewed by FIFA.

FIFA is more predictable in it's outcomes for any given button press/input. This can be great sometimes but exploitable in others. I think shooting on the full game of PES is better than demo 2, where it was way too easy to hit the target with every shot.

Go to the training ground and practice shooting by getting small lay off passes or by running then tapping sprint to create a small knock on. Plenty of power in the shots now? ....I thought so :P
Is the pc demo still available?,ive made a executive decision,im going to hack the pc version of the demo and just play that for a year.Also is the pc full version better then the console versions or are those horrible flaws in the console versions plaqueing the pc too....honest answers on a postcard please,i have a vista home pc with a radeon hd 1g graphics card and 4 gig of ddr ram.

So gutted i deleted the ps3 WE demos also,had so much fun with them.At the moment id happily play ten minutes for the rest of the year with limited teams.

I SINCIERLY hope you where playing PES 2012 or WE 2012 using -2 and 0 ass assistance.

Anything else and i'll jump off a cliff.

I not defending the game for defending sake. its just a VIDEO GAME, who cares, it's the PEOPLE i care about! 'People' who like 'realism', this game offers this when using -2 and 0 pass settings. Most importantly -2 game speed! -1, and +1 are rather poorly balanced. 0 Is fine if your not really bothered about super simulation etc.. and +2 is fun.

I gurantee you, people who love simlation, many will love this game if layed on -2 and 0 pass assistance. Not this is why i get annoyed. People are missing out and getting put off from trying!

Also, yes there are flaws. Thats the WHOLE point. Just like last year the flaws come in area's you would expect and most importalty the games strong points override the flaws! You don't need to tell me them. I seen quite a few and i have a very good picture of what to send to Konami to fix. I also truly understand the whole cheating 'feeling' people are getting which i will explain in detail later.

When i play FIFA, i play it for fun, great fun with my mates. We demand as well all of us it's played in arcade style. Since tatcis are as per usual crap and redundant on that game since every player has a perfect 1st touch, every player dribbles with pretty much the same accuracy, every player can take multiple men on using Precision dribbling (i mean i was swerving through Bayerns players using random guys from Austria Vienna). I tried to extract realsim from FIFA for a long time, this year i tired for a bit and realised with the huge lack of individuallity as usual. best play the game to it's strengths.

Yes i know all about the sliders, but NO, none of them fix the perfect 1st touches and perfect dribbling, not even pass error or slowing accelration down. It's simply how the game is programmed! Sexy animations first and formost, everything else added in after. trust me, the perfect control and ways you can take people on mean you barley need to bother passing much, whatever slider settings!

So you want me to drop PES, go back to that and as per usual, end up banging my head against a wall! Or do the sensible thing and just play it to it's strengths and play it for fun :)

believe me it seems with PES people are not seeing the best aspect of the game, instead they only see the flaws.

You liked PES 2011, so did i, i loved that game. I really doubted PES 2012 when the demo came out, it was good but seemed arcadey but this game has made me almost foget about PES 2011 totally. It does everything that game did pretty and more and brings simulation to a new level. The important factor -2, i said -2!!!! they have reworked the game speed to be arcade/simulation modifiers, rather than last year where they where rather badly implemented speed tweaks which didn't work too well.

I'm getting sick and tired of people taking sides with PES and FIFA. FIFA has annoyed me in the pass, i still refuse the buy the game really unless on the very cheap! VERY, very cheap out of priciple but i have made my peace with it! I very much enjoy it playing agianst mates!

Finally it makes sense they put -2 as the setting for the upmost realsim. Who the fuck is going to play a game slow for to sake of being slow like with -2 in PES 2011?
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I SINCIERLY hope you where playing PES 2012 or WE 2012 using -2 and 0 ass assistance.

Anything else and i'll jump off a cliff.

I not defending the game for defending sake. its just a VIDEO GAME, who cares, it's the PEOPLE i care about! 'People' who like 'realism', this game offers this when using -2 and 0 pass settings. Most importantly -2 game speed! -1, and +1 are rather poorly balanced. 0 Is fine if your not really bothered about super simulation etc.. and +2 is fun.

I gurantee you, people who love simlation, many will love this game if layed on -2 and 0 pass assistance. Not this is why i get annoyed. People are missing out and getting put off from trying!

Also, yes there are flaws. Thats the WHOLE point. Just like last year the flaws come in area's you would expect and most importalty the games strong points override the flaws! You don't need to tell me them. I seen quite a few and i have a very good picture of what to send to Konami to fix. I also truly understand the whole cheating 'feeling' people are getting which i will explain in detail later.

When i play FIFA, i play it for fun, great fun with my mates. We demand as well all of us it's played in arcade style. Since tatcis are as per usual crap and redundant on that game since every player has a perfect 1st touch, every player dribbles with pretty much the same accuracy, every player can take multiple men on using Precision dribbling (i mean i was swerving through Bayerns players using random guys from Austria Vienna). I tried to extract realsim from FIFA for a long time, this year i tired for a bit and realised with the huge lack of individuallity as usual. best play the game to it's strengths.

Yes i know all about the sliders, but NO, none of them fix the perfect 1st touches and perfect dribbling, not even pass error or slowing accelration down. It's simply how the game is programmed! Sexy animations first and formost, everything else added in after. trust me, the perfect control and ways you can take people on mean you barley need to bother passing much, whatever slider settings!

So you want me to drop PES, go back to that and as per usual, end up banging my head against a wall! Or do the sensible thing and just play it to it's strengths and play it for fun :)

believe me it seems with PES people are not seeing the best aspect of the game, instead they only see the flaws.

You liked PES 2011, so did i, i loved that game. I really doubted PES 2012 when the demo came out, it was good but seemed arcadey but this game has made me almost foget about PES 2011 totally. It does everything that game did pretty and more and brings simulation to a new level. The important factor -2, i said -2!!!! they have reworked the game speed to be arcade/simulation modifiers, rather than last year where they where rather badly implemented speed tweaks which didn't work too well.

I'm getting sick and tired of people taking sides with PES and FIFA. FIFA has annoyed me in the pass, i still refuse the buy the game really unless on the very cheap! VERY, very cheap out of priciple but i have made my peace with it! I very much enjoy it playing agianst mates!

Finally it makes sense they put -2 as the setting for the upmost realsim. Who the fuck is going to play a game slow for to sake of being slow like with -2 in PES 2011?

Bud,i loved pes2011 despite its shortcomings and i play pes2012 on zero pass assistance(im old school).I prefer the default speed because i feel reaction times and the animation transitions are comprimised in the slower speeds.
Someone needs a reality check just stick with pes2012 for a few more weeks your see.

Arrogant and completely speculative into the bargain.


It's just a game, man but folk don't say that they feel it captures elements of the sport really well just through blind ignorance. Something makes us players believe that this is the case.

I actually wish I really cared enough about animations, physics, western game development superiority and *....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* that much as it would make life a whole lot easier and I would just play FIFA. Unfortunately I demand more from my footy games than tech, physics and licenses and can live with some rough edges technically (though happy to embrace improvements) so long as the key aspect, the game play, delivers. Oh, how shallow of us all to simply want to enjoy our games and look beyond pretty exteriors.

Western game development regards sports titles is arguably guilty of taking itself too seriously and looking to over-sim via muddled mechanics that we are meant to believe equates to simulation. Having a ball at your feet is actual a very simple thing and 5 different running speeds and multiple dribble functions (FIFA) isn't really simulating that raw simplicity. The complexity in football lies elsewhere but not in control, so for me FIFA misses the point completely.
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Bud,i loved pes2011 despite its shortcomings and i play pes2012 on zero pass assistance(im old school).I prefer the default speed because i feel reaction times and the animation transitions are comprimised in the slower speeds.

YouTube - 2 local Jamaican guys jump off the cliff



You love realism, i know you do, it's THERE in PES 2012. Just put it on -2 to see it!

The game speed has totally changed. last year it just slowed reactions and animations for the sake of it. I agree, last year i played mostly on 0 speed! This year things have drastically changed. they decided game speed is a 'realsim modifier'. -2 is slower, but TRUST me, it's in NO WAY too slow. On -2 it simply takes time to build up the mometum just like in real life. Like you said last year, get the ball moving, let it do the work and you'll see the magic.

Jeremy menez totally destroying me in the europa league with his pace and power just confirmed to me that you could run at layers and use pace to great effect on that speed setting. so it wasan't slow of the sake of it. Just a simulation :))

I tried the game on -1, thought it was very unbalanced. On 0 speed it's seems to be a general 'casuals' setting which is responsive, most players feel 'quite' similar in ball control in that most players can sprint well and dribble closely. -2 changes all that! it goes back to PES 2011 philosophy and improves on it.

Trust me, give -2 a few games and you won't look back! When i say PES 2012 is PES 2011 but evolved, i meant it, and i'm happy konami didn't take too much away from 2011.
The one thing I'm having an issue with on Xbox 360 is how sometimes players seem to super cancel themselves. Hard to explain without seeing it but I saw this on the 2nd demo and also last night in an online game against a mate.

Basically you can sometimes have the ball and go to turn or move or sometimes you're trying to move for the ball and the animation either stops or it breaks off part way through as if you had cancelled it but without using anything other than the left stick. Not sure if it's an animation bug or a responsiveness/auto cursor change issue but it's the only really annoying problem I'm finding. I'm on semi-assisted settings/default game speed if that makes a difference.

And does anyone know why Live Broadcast cam is not available online? I can only find it for offline on that cam are fantastic!

Also, I'm kind of confused with the buttons used for speed burst. I re-map my buttons so LT(L2) = special control, RT(R2) = sprint and RB(R1) = manual modifier. I thought speed burst would now be done with LT and RT, like super cancel, but command list shows RB and RT as the two buttons I have to use but I thought they were default buttons if you HADN'T re-mapped anything. Strange because normally command list picks up the remapped buttons.

Also, on PES 2011 I could hold LT to pull away from the ball before I received it but trying it out in free training and it doesn't seem to move the player at all?
which is best game for single player?
which is best game for online?

I find FIFA 12 to easy on semi-pro and quite frustrating at advanced levels.

I find FIFA 12 defending online annoying and counter attack ''cheat''.

PES idea dotn own
floaty shots - what I noticed is that like in PES 2011, if you give the sprint button a couple of taps to knock the ball on slightly and then hit the shot, you generate a good amount of power and NO FLOAT!

What I think is the real problem sometimes, is that PES re-creates some elements of football TOO realistically and people don't get it and don't WANT it in a game. This is partly why FIFA is so popular. It makes stats slightly relevant but not enough to take away from the fun factor that a pick up and play game can have.

Whereas on PES, if you don't take every factor into consideration properly, the ball can go anywhere (watch a real life game to see how far shots go high and's quite awful sometimes lol). But people can hate this after having their REALITY skewed by FIFA.

FIFA is more predictable in it's outcomes for any given button press/input. This can be great sometimes but exploitable in others. I think shooting on the full game of PES is better than demo 2, where it was way too easy to hit the target with every shot.

Go to the training ground and practice shooting by getting small lay off passes or by running then tapping sprint to create a small knock on. Plenty of power in the shots now? ....I thought so :P

But with demo 2 it was a brilliant game, right now the full game to me feels totally broken. Demo 2 was VERY FLUID the full game feels as robotic as PES 2011. :RANT:
I played FIFAa12 and although the graphics(as always) were fantastic, along with the animations, however the gameplay, though improved, is light years behind what it should be. Shooting is fine, but the sound of the ball reminds me of kicking a large beach ball. Also, heading is non-existent, and if if you do manage to time a header, it does it with no power at all. Players still seem sluggish on quick turns. And more importantly, players have no individual attributes as in PES.

Good Try EA.
Arrogant and completely speculative into the bargain.


It's just a game, man but folk don't say that they feel it captures elements of the sport really well just through blind ignorance. Something makes us players believe that this is the case.

I actually wish I really cared enough about animations, physics, western game development superiority and *....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* that much as it would make life a whole lot easier and I would just play FIFA. Unfortunately I demand more from my footy games than tech, physics and licenses and can live with some rough edges technically (though happy to embrace improvements) so long as the key aspect, the game play, delivers. Oh, how shallow of us all to simply want to enjoy our games and look beyond pretty exteriors.

Western game development regards sports titles is arguably guilty of taking itself too seriously and looking to over-sim via muddled mechanics that we are meant to believe equates to simulation. Having a ball at your feet is actual a very simple thing and 5 different running speeds and multiple dribble functions (FIFA) isn't really simulating that raw simplicity. The complexity in football lies elsewhere but not in control, so for me FIFA misses the point completely.

Hold up curdstar,youre picking a fight with the wrong man and when did you become the leading voice of all things gaming.

Bit of history for you son,ive been a devoted konami fan since the early 90s and a vocal supporter of all things pes.I know the difference between fifa and pes so i dont need to be educated by you,nor do i need to be educated about the differences between western and asian gameplay values.My earlier post in relation to the state of japanese gaming did state that nintendo still are head and shoulders above western developers and there fixation with eye candy and FPS shooters,however the west is currently a generation ahead of the japanese interms of there knowledge and skill base.

I never said animation is the be all and end all but it helps, and considering konami themselves were leaders in this feild back in the early ninties with ISS on the n64,it boggles the mind how this area has taken such a backwards step.

As for your closing statement,its not fact its personel choice and your opinion,it doesnt make you right or the authority on this subject and this isnt WENB,you cant bully people like your mods and adam does on WENB,if people voice a opinion that differs from the WENB ideology.

Arrogant and speculative,pot calling the kettle black!

And yes WENBs credibilty and integrity has been exposed this year.

Have a read of this also is not every word of this true-

- The offense behaviour of CPU teammates is improved compared to PES 2011. That means many more intelligent runs, and less such things as sudden stops during counterattacks.
- At the same time, the opponent defensive AI is improved, too. My 2011 standard goal, the low cross (3x tap long pass button) from near the corner flag is getting caught by defenders or the goalie much more often. Generally, your attacking player with the ball is covered better, and less space is given for you to exploit.
- I personally have not used it, but if the new feature of sending your teammates to a certain direction via the “R”-stick really works, this should give even more flexibility and freedom on the attack. And a big challenge in learning it, I suppose.
Trouble is, I will hardly bother with this new feature, because of the massive

- Defense: On a regular basis, my CPU teammates are being run through by attackers, and I mean that literally. Same issue as with PES 2011 really.
- The ball can be as close as one or two inches to a defender’s foot and a foot or two away from the opponent’s: Guess who will get the ball? Unfortunately again, this is hardly an exaggeration. My CPU teammates can just not be bothered with the ball. They sometimes have even problems to pick it up when no opponent is around.
- Ball Physics: I have two issues with that: First, often the ball bounces off my players in a weird angle, and way too far and fast. Also, when I build the game slowly up from behind and pass the ball around between my defense players, the ball seems to be slowed down a lot. When I tap the short pass button only quickly, the ball will slowly, slooooowly, move and just about reach the 5 yard distance before it stops. It is then getting picked up by an opponent attacker, or, if I am lucky, one of my teammates just about gets there first, under extreme pressure from a CPU opponent’s striker, of course. The simplest of passes thus often become a real challenge. Main issue here is that it is not consistent: In other situations (mainly in the opponent’s half, I have the feeling), a quick tap can mean a quite fast pass to a player up to 30 yards away!
- Change of defender: A great new feature that you can choose the defender you get via the “R”-stick. In theory. In practice, most of the time you get the defender closest to the ball only with a lag of a second or two. But hey: Once the attacker in possesion passed your defence line, you can get the chosen one, and witness the goal from up close!

Well, CPU Opponents going THROUGH players and keeping posession, passes bouncing off players in awkward angles and ridiculously fast, slowed down passes (especially in your own half!?!), CPU teammates who cannot be bothered with the ball and well-positioned defenders I cannot choose:
The game has HUGE potential, the attacking play I find really good and much improved, but with these most basic screw-ups in the defense it is just another big letdown by Konami. What a pity!

One last thing curdstar,in this industry money talks and bullshit walks,gameplay doesnt mean shit nor does real innovation anymore or originality.The shits in suits run this business and its all about the marketing bull and keeping the money coming in.I know things about this industry that would make your eyes water and the internal politics of konami.Dont play clever with me son,your out of your league.
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I just realised why i've not been enjoying the game as much, turns out it was on regular, wondered why i was getting bored, anyway switched back to professional and starting to see improvements already
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