I played FIFAa12 and although the graphics(as always) were fantastic, along with the animations, however the gameplay, though improved, is light years behind what it should be. Shooting is fine, but the sound of the ball reminds me of kicking a large beach ball. Also, heading is non-existent, and if if you do manage to time a header, it does it with no power at all. Players still seem sluggish on quick turns. And more importantly, players have no individual attributes as in PES.
Good Try EA.
thats harsh the more you play the game more you relaise individuality of players is big. Just try playign with Neymar if you dont beleive me.
Anyway its not as good as indivulaity in like pes3 etc...but for fifa better than ever.
Is Pes 2012 any better? though fifa may only be decent if pes 2012 is not better then its the best unless you gonna play some dated old PES game instead?