PES 2011 Discussion thread

This video is not e3 code,the e3 code was more buggy and the animation transitions where worse.This is the same as the preview build doing the rounds.

I certainly hope it isn't the e3 build. Why would people want to see anything old when the preview build is out and played by some already?
You cannot give any definitive opinion on the many degrees of movement without playing it. I thought you need the analogue stick to test it, not your eyes?

I most certainly can give a definitive opinion.

Sure if it plays well then great, but 50% of my experience is seeing my control inputs expressed on screen. 360 dribbling is useless to a blind man surely?

If I make a smooth control input, what is wrong with wanting that expressed on the screen? Isn't that the point of high fidelity analogue controllers so that you have the definition to move how you want, but it would be odd if that isn't conveyed on the screen proportionately?

I don't want to test it, I want a game that allows me to move as I want, and I need eyes to do that and the screen to back up my intentions.
I most certainly can give a definitive opinion.

Sure if it plays well then great, but 50% of my experience is seeing my control inputs expressed on screen. 360 dribbling is useless to a blind man surely?

If I make a smooth control input, what is wrong with wanting that expressed on the screen? Isn't that the point of high fidelity analogue controllers so that you have the definition to move how you want, but it would be odd if that isn't conveyed on the screen proportionately?

I don't want to test it, I want a game that allows me to move as I want, and I need eyes to do that and the screen to back up my intentions.

Please bold both words because they come together. There's a difference between an opinion and a definitive opinion.

360 is movement. You input movements using your analogue stick for "360". Meaning you should physically play it. That's how you can tell if it's well implemented or not. Not with your eyes. If the player does go to the directions you wanted him to then you can say it certainly has more freedom or directions or whatever, but if the player doesn't, then we have a problem, and we can moan.
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Very nice video....Im confident lots of thing will be ironed out come release.
However I would NEVER, I stress NEVER sacrifice player attributes in order to have 100% accurate input.
Im a football fan not a gamer.
I really dont know what people expected over 1 year. This looks like a huge step in the right direction. It clearly needs some polish but there is lots to be positive about far more than there is to be negative about thats for sure.
The graphics are absolutely amazing, most notably the player models, kits, lighting and grass as is the camera angle. The tactics system looks great. The passing looks much improved and there is more use of space. The animations look far better than any previous PES however there are some areas that need to be fleshed out more. I also like the replays and the national anthem.
I really dont know what people expected over 1 year. This looks like a huge step in the right direction. It clearly needs some polish but there is lots to be positive about far more than there is to be negative about thats for sure.
The graphics are absolutely amazing, most notably the player models, kits, lighting and grass as is the camera angle. The tactics system looks great. The passing looks much improved and there is more use of space. The animations look far better than any previous PES however there are some areas that need to be fleshed out more. I also like the replays and the national anthem.

Not one year but four:JAY:
No its ok thanks, I'm smart enough to tell it is your opinion and not your dog's.

I'm not sure what I have done wrong, I have been polite, constructive and posted my opinion on a forum.

I'm a little confused, I would of PM'd this to you but there is no PM option when I select your name.

I don't want to argue with a mod over my opinion when quite frankly it was a fair and balanced one.
If it's released as i is, I'll be ok, better than PES 2010 and an improvement.

If the game is ironed out however i think this could be the best football game ever as long as the tactical depth of PES 2010 is still there :)

For the first time, strangely after not a 'great' video i''m excited about PES 2011 :) . Before i was cautious, now I'm looking forward to it!
I really dont know what people expected over 1 year. This looks like a huge step in the right direction. It clearly needs some polish but there is lots to be positive about far more than there is to be negative about thats for sure.
The graphics are absolutely amazing, most notably the player models, kits, lighting and grass as is the camera angle. The tactics system looks great. The passing looks much improved and there is more use of space. The animations look far better than any previous PES however there are some areas that need to be fleshed out more. I also like the replays and the national anthem.

In this department the competition had a HUGE problem....Lets see if the design criminals will stay at EA for another year...
To clarify, I meant it looked like real life when not moving. When it moved, it snapped back to game fairly sharply at points.

And of course you can tell if players move with 360(ish) freedom with your eyes. The only caveat is that the human player might be using the dpad but the CPU doesn't seem any freer.

Edit: Lami, you're a mod FFS. Leave responses like that to the idiots.
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Seriously, no idea what some of you are getting wound up about.

Think it's been mainly positive in here from what I've seen. Think the majority of the criticisms have been accurate too (IMO :P), doesn't mean they're game breaking, but if you're aiming for the perfect football game, they should be taken on board. Get a suggestion thread up if you're that bothered by it in here.
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I really dont know what people expected over 1 year. This looks like a huge step in the right direction. It clearly needs some polish but there is lots to be positive about far more than there is to be negative about thats for sure.
The graphics are absolutely amazing, most notably the player models, kits, lighting and grass as is the camera angle. The tactics system looks great. The passing looks much improved and there is more use of space. The animations look far better than any previous PES however there are some areas that need to be fleshed out more. I also like the replays and the national anthem.

Don't mind what people expect over any period. Problem is when people like to give their opinion as forced and solid fact. Couldn't care less if its positive or negative opinion, as long as it's in its place.
Don't mind what people expect over any period. Problem is when people like to give their opinion as forced and solid fact. Couldn't care less if its positive or negative opinion, as long as it's in its place.

This forum isn't for me.

I made sensible and considered responses, wasn't rude once. Was positive but subjective.

I stated reasonable opinion and get lamented from a mod for what?!

Please delete my account. I just came to talk football games and having no real experience with PES thought here would be a good place to start.

This forum isn't for me.

I made sensible and considered responses, wasn't rude once. Was positive but subjective.

I stated reasonable opinion and get lamented from a mod for what?!

Please delete my account. I just came to talk football games and having no real experience with PES thought here would be a good place to start.


I have a question why dont you want any statistics to play role? In passing that is. Do you want ferdinand to pass as you like and where you like?? Same as Xavi?
No insult just a question.
To clarify, I meant it looked like real life when not moving. When it moved, it snapped back to game fairly sharply at points.

And of course you can tell if players move with 360(ish) freedom with your eyes. The only caveat is that the human player might be using the dpad but the CPU doesn't seem any freer.

Edit: Lami, you're a mod FFS. Leave responses like that to the idiots.

Yes, obviously you can tell. But what you can't do is be 100% sure. What if it moves in more directions, but limited to 16 for example? Surely I can't be positive unless I play and test it.
This forum isn't for me.

I made sensible and considered responses, wasn't rude once. Was positive but subjective.

I stated reasonable opinion and get lamented from a mod for what?!

Please delete my account. I just came to talk football games and having no real experience with PES thought here would be a good place to start.


Well it's clear what your doing wrong!

You haven't played the game yet you write off PES 2011's 360 degree dribbling animation as useless and say you have a definitive opinion?

What so everyone must see the world as you do because you 'feel' it won't be inch perfect for you liking. Sorry but you simply can't write a ggame off until you play it!

From what you said it sounds as if FIFA is perfect for you since you want, FIFA 10 gives you the freedom you seek, you can move in any direction with great response times in 360 degrees. OK that's my advice or should i say definitive advice :)
Not really astonishing, people comment on what they can see. Clearly the 360 animations aren't in that build or at least finished.

So not really an astonishing observation to make is it.

"total freedom" which I assume is the new free pass, wasn't apparent in the video either. I put this down to the players but again a valid comment that it wasn't apparent.

It's only natural that people will comment and it does no harm does it? It creates discussion which is good surely?

This forum isn't for me.

I made sensible and considered responses, wasn't rude once. Was positive but subjective.

I stated reasonable opinion and get lamented from a mod for what?!

Please delete my account. I just came to talk football games and having no real experience with PES thought here would be a good place to start.


Yes. That surely was very, very sensible.
This forum isn't for me.

I made sensible and considered responses, wasn't rude once. Was positive but subjective.

I stated reasonable opinion and get lamented from a mod for what?!

Please delete my account. I just came to talk football games and having no real experience with PES thought here would be a good place to start.


I think you are taking this all a bit personally.

Chill and enjoy the build up:COOL:
I have a question why dont you want any statistics to play role? In passing that is. Do you want ferdinand to pass as you like and where you like?? Same as Xavi?
No insult just a question.

Over on the other board, there is a topic about manual play. I believe that this choice of control choice should put the control 100% in the players hands.

If you introduce stats in the the manual equation you are creating a hybrid.

With manual passing the onus is on you doing the right things, direction, power and reading the play. My issue is that Ferdinand shouldn't be attempting the sort of pass that needs AI intervention and stats being applied in manual control.

Basically, Ferdinand position on the pitch should dictate the sort of pass you want to make, if you think you are accurate enough to hit a 30 yard high ball and can aim accurately then you should try it. That sort of pass doesnt need error on manual because the odds of getting it spot on are very low.

Similarly I would expect every player to be able to make a 10 yard pass to a player, the technique maybe different but the outcome the same.

Under pressured or ambitious pass situations, the concentration and accuracy needed are difficult to do on a controller, or get the right power etc so again there is no real need for stats.

For Shooting, positioning and tackling stats should play apart but in open manual play when you get down to the mechanics, I see it as an oxymoron to specify manual and then have the CPU do some of the work.
Well it's clear what your doing wrong!

You haven't played the game yet you write off PES 2011's 360 degree dribbling animation as useless and say you have a definitive opinion?

What so everyone must see the world as you do because you 'feel' it won't be inch perfect for you liking. Sorry but you simply can't write a ggame off until you play it!

From what you said it sounds as if FIFA is perfect for you since you want, FIFA 10 gives you the freedom you seek, you can move in any direction with great response times in 360 degrees. OK that's my advice or should i say definitive advice :)

I have an opinion and its definitive until I see otherwise, that I formed from viewing the vid with my own eyes.

You also appear to have a definitive opinion.

Yes. That surely was very, very sensible.

Oh do be serious. Shall I reiterate, when I post I do so from my perspective so "clearly [how I see it]" [sic] is reference to how I feel about it.

As I said would it be better if I just leave, or start all my posts "IMO"

I asked this once before and something to do with my dog came up so either I am not articulating myself well enough of there is some hypersensitivity going on.
People shouldn't make assumptions from what they see on a video. You should either trust the word of "previewers" or wait for the demo and try it for yourselves. Just then you can be sure about anything.
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