PES 2011 Discussion thread

Agreed. I think that's one of the reasons why I love PES5. It forces you to defend properly i.e. track an attacker's run and time your challenge, not just sprint around running into players.

Agree 110% I did like the stop/start effect when you didn't know how to play the game! Constantly holding the tackle button down and committing foul after fouls! Noticed how different refs would be stricter or more lenient and let the game flow. It's pretty much the only proper Football game to have tackling as a skill.
Agree 110% I did like the stop/start effect when you didn't know how to play the game! Constantly holding the tackle button down and committing foul after fouls! Noticed how different refs would be stricter or more lenient and let the game flow. It's pretty much the only proper Football game to have tackling as a skill.

Not only is the tackling great in PES5/WE9, but the defensive covering & player positioning is superb compared to the nonsense we've been handed since.

In that game, you can't just pass the ball around so easily in the midfield, thus limiting chances on goal greatly. Which makes it more realistic. But probably not more "FUN" for the casuals. $$$$
Marvin Ronsdorf of Prorevo's review, in German and translated:

Prorevo PES2011 plays in London [Review] # 1

Published 23rd July 2010
Created in PES2011


by Marvin Ronsdorf (mrbasket) from London

It has finally worked. Play a good five hours of intense PES2011 are behind me and I got a first, a very good overview of what we will expect in October. As I summarize here my notes and try to give you a good overview as possible and to collect my impressions, it tingles still belong in the fingers.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 is the game that we wait for PES fans for some years. Since the jump to next-gen in my opinion there was not really impressive version more and gaped after PES6 for me personally a big gap in the series.

In this PES6 footsteps now enters the new part, and I can sum up: The game is not perfect. But it is incredibly well and you will love it.

Me could you even as your comment to a PES-column edge change, or via Twitter aspects on their way to the eighth, I was special. I did that and so I will now describe in the following part my impressions on each sub.

First of a few conditions: the version I've played, is much more recent than the code that was presented at E3. Nevertheless, it will be up in about four weeks to gamescom once a much more developed version. 19 teams were playable. Including seven national teams (including Germany and the Netherlands), 6 club teams (including Real Madrid and Manchester United) and six clubs in the Copa Libertadores. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to show you videos. We were asked to make any video or screenshots targeted because the version is simply a presentation for the trade press and in a few places still just hooks. This is normal practice for games, which are still under development and no later than the gamescom, there's a wealth of video material.

We have played on the Playstation 3


Part # 1 (tomorrow it will then continue with Part # 2)

1) The referee

The referees have been improved. While you are distributing are still many tickets, but balanced between the player and computer, and with a little more sensitivity. Physical exertion is run well. The red card will not be distributed quite as often as we still know from past parts. The red cards are brandished, although again, but then even for actions that warrant the most.

The advantage rule is applied only in part. It's not that it really lacks, but once the ball gets into the open space and our own players to the ball does not directly bring under control, the advantage whistle blows. This unfortunately happens very often, so the advantage rule is rarely useful.

Off is detected sound. My observations lead to even distinguish between active and passive offside, so the attack is not immediately whistle blows, where one of their player is offside, but not directly to do with the attack has something.

2) The 360 ° - control

Well at last. While possible in PES2010 no real control was 360 (up to 16-way), this is implemented in PES2011 really excellent. The control is precise and the player is in all actions of the direction of her well controlled. Especially with the dribbling and the new pass system this accuracy is absolutely necessary. At the two points later.

3) The new pass system and the power indicator

"Engineered for freedom" - this is the motto of Pro Evolution Soccer 2011th And nowhere else in the game, this is clearer than in the pass system. The best way to do that with the words "to describe 360 degrees of freedom." The 360-degree control to convince white and in the new part has to manage one every pass and every flank. It does not put more in one direction and hopes that the computer alludes to the right players and is annoyed when it's the wrong thing. No. Every effort must be komplettbestimmt. Frankly, this leads to hair-raising at the beginning of bad passes. For, combined with the Powerbar, which fits easily into the game, you must regulate a lot of what used to the AI made, though one pass has pressed '. You get used to but with increased playing time in the new system and some delicious ball on the grass, that you are as old PES bunny can only rub their eyes in astonishment, because such opportunities were not simply given earlier. Especially in the 1vs1 is the class one levers and so sometimes an entire defense with a single pass, which is simply played with power and precision in the alley. Without exercise, as well as many balls end up in Aus. It is just completely off of one yourself if you have a good or bad game design.

4) Flanks

The whole system is virtually new flank. Looking at the flank than long, high pass, it was true ever to everything I've written in terms of individualism and Powerbar. Another notable difference is that one is in charge of defending himself for his positional play. The computer is no longer on the ball when you press the button for the header. This is less of the K.I. accepted and if one is bad, then it undermines the flank, which can be quite dangerous.

5) Goalkeeper

While I had been three points at which one falls into raptures just because you have the feeling that Konami has finally managed to implement what we have wished for a long time, the goalkeepers are still a sore point. Here one must mention that Jon has promised me that will work on the keepers with high pressure, but currently they are still pretty crazy contemporaries. Titans times, sometimes fly-catcher. Unpredictable simple.

A positive feature is that the gatekeepers enormously more animations are available. Hardly a parade are the same. But you get the feeling that they know how to handle it yet so right.

Many balls bounce off or be completely calculated incorrectly. Especially with high balls and distance shots, they sometimes misjudge you. Since flies past the goalie, or simply shot on durable. This drives a case of close matches partially true in the madness. Another point is the behavior in 1vs1. For the goalie can be of illusions to impress quickly. Even if the attacker still a good five yards away and shot an illusion makes the Keeper submit willingly to the pants and the striker only needs to insert yet.

Something better is the discharge behavior. Although it is unnecessary to the Keeper in my opinion is still too long of catching a ball to throw, but there is always something faster than in PES2010.

What should I Rauslauf of behavior (Missed-Pass-key), I still do not know exactly. The keeper run quickly and directly to the outside. When they play long balls so with great. In the duel with the attackers but they are really exaggerated good. Since the lynx Casillas Messi just the ball of the foot. Such scenes were there about five times and each time the keeper has had the better end in itself. So the defensive play was a bit too exaggerated.

Here waits definitely still a lot of work to the guys from Konami.

6) Trick-system

I'm not a big trickster. I try not to engage 1vs1 duels and therefore rarely need tricks. However, my opponent could very well deal with it and knew clearly how to use them. There, the response was quite positive. In any case, the application was quite effective.

7) Animation

Large Konami has announced that they have incorporated more animations and it must be said clearly, that one even notices. Everything is several numbers of liquid and looks simply better, eg the running animations look good and everything looks much smoother. However, it is still not perfect, and Jon Murphy has also announced that work is mainly at the transitions between the different animations yet. The larger number of animations, along with the 360 controller makes the whole game very much more variable and individual.

8) Tactics menu

The tactical menu has it done to me absolutely. It is really very clear. Drag and drop is excellent. It draws the player simply to the position to play on anything. With the analog stick you can simply surf through the formation field. So you can adapt within seconds, all player positions and players change without jumping between screens or inventories must be. For a change you put the appropriate player just to the bank. In changing the player position is shown at the bottom of the page the new player value, which is really convenient.

To test the various tactical settings in detail, I had too little time. I noticed this is mainly that for example Change in Holland Robben and Kuyt sides in the game again and again when taking the value for position change to the maximum, which supports the assault waves and individually designed.

9) Battle system

The defensive play is characterized primarily by the fact that they no longer have to annoy.

Finally the defender has a chance to act themselves and to respond not only to the striker. As you can well represent the body of man and ball, without immediately foul is whistled. That is really important and a good extension of the possibilities.

The slide tackle has become more complicated and beginning to get with the old timing but often times too late, which has some entries on the cards of the match officials to follow.

Morning, followed in Part # 2 then inter alia Graphics, AI, ball physics, fluid game, free kicks, penalty etc.

Such actions as the trip to London are very expensive and we have eg extra for the trip and the upcoming gamescom us a suitable elektronischhe equipment with HD-Cam and many other small things grew. We would appreciate genuine when it helps us to fund this project. Thank you!

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WOW look at the Menu screen, PES IS BACK !!!

just kidding...

all the previews sound promising but you really can't tell how good or bad it is until you play it for yourself!
Nice write-up from Prorevo, google did it's best but I still understood most of it. All of the hands-on previews so far are very consistent in reporting the good and the bad.

The new menu looks sweet.:APPLAUD:
Menu looks nice.

Was it PES3 that had that original menu, the one with Collina on the cover?

I remember buying that game from CEX in Oxford St five days before it official release, good times.
Menu looks nice.

Was it PES3 that had that original menu, the one with Collina on the cover?

I remember buying that game from CEX in Oxford St five days before it official release, good times.

looks like the same scrolling system as pes4,nice and sharp:APPLAUD:

where is the best place for me to preorder pes2011 and get it early? ,im in ireland
PES-Kings Q&A

Q. Have player stats changed?
A. I wrote down some stats for C.Ronaldo and W.Rooney from PES2011 and comparing them they seem to be the same. Stats maybe something that is worked on later not sure.

Q. Are attacking players making enough runs into space to make use of the free passing?
A. Yes they make a lot more runs compared to PES2010. Also the Team Style settings make more of a noticeable difference so if you set player support high then you will see a lot more runs.

Q. Is using tricks with right analogue as intuitive and easy to use as in previous FIFA games?
A. Im not a big player of FIFA or tricks tbh. But I did try using the tricks in PES2011 and they was effect but not all the time. If timed right and you lean to use them correctly then they are awesome. Only down side is all players seem to be able to do them. I pulled of a trick and went past a player with Vidic. But they were a lot easier with the likes of Messi for sure

Q. What are your thoughts on the keepers, ref's, shooting from distance, use of outside of the foot for shooting and passing, free kicks, chip's/lob's, lofted through balls and also see if there is a curling button (like R2 for curling shots etc)
A. Keepers made a lot of mistakes and got beat easily quite often. But I did see quite a few new animations that looked awesome and my keeper and opponents keeper did pull of a few good saves. The refs made quite a few mistakes calling fouls when it was a clean challenge and no foul when a clear foul, with regards to animations the refs look a lot better. Both the above Jon Murphy spoke to use about before we started playing and explained in the latest code he has they are vastly improved and they are still working on at the moment. Shooting from Distance seems very good and you seemed to be able to get a lot of power behind the ball. I managed to score 2 FKs one was poor GKing and the other there was nothing the GK could have done. I only tried one or two chip shots and seemed very similar to PES2010 to me. Lofted through balls seem improved and when you got the correct power and direction would fall exactly where you wanted it to go. R2 shooting also seemed improved and seemed to curl more like old PES.

Q. What’s the advantage rule like and offside situations. Do the refs stop the game, although you have the ball and the opponent can't get to it?
A. The ref played advantage a few times and also missed a few opportunities to do so overall it is a improvement over PES2010 but I feel still needs some work.

Q. How does volleying feel?
A. I had a few volleys. Some went in or on target others was skied but down to my own fault trying to smash them. If you get the correct power then you will see some beautiful goals this year

Q. Do players still header the ball instead of volleying?
A. This is a thing that annoyed me very much in the latest PES instalments but today I did not get annoyed and feel the players always make the correct decision weather to volley or header

Q. Please compare PES to FIFA, and who you think will take the crown?
A. Tbh I’m not a big FIFA player and have always stuck by PES. Also would not be fair to judge PES2011 against FIFA10.

Q. What is the atmosphere like?
A. I saw the crown react a few times when getting near the opponents goal by standing up and such. Also I heard the crowd shouting things out a lot more. It’s hard to judge the overall Atmosphere as the code we played did not include any commentary.

Q. Watch out for any imperfections and comment on what you feel Konami need to do to have a perfect game this year?
A. The only real problems I have with the game are the same as most people who have played it have those being Keepers and Refs and a few dodgy animation transactions and of course the penalty system.

Q. Do players still hover in off side positions?
A. I did not notice that in this code and there was not many off sides called.

Q. Can you use more than one player in Master League?
A. The main focus with ML this year is in the Online version as offline had a overhaul last year for PES2010 so I would say not but ML was not available for us to play so maybe a question that you should put forward to Jon Murphy.

Q. Is the penalty system fixed this year?
A. Not as of yet no. But Jon Murphy confirmed that it is currently been worked on but expect the Camera angle to remain the same as PES2010

Q. How long did it take to get use to the new passing system?
A. To get use to it not that long to be honest. After the first half you start to understand what it is all about. But to master well that could take a while. I started to pull of some nice passes towards the end but there was also some lose passes in there to through no fault of the AI just my poor passing.

Q. Was the shooting more free like the passing
A.The shooting has improved over PES2010 with the added help of the new animations and is more free to make it feel more realistic than last year but I would not say as free as the passing. But it does feel great to score again in PES like the emotions of the PS2 days.

Q. What master league improvements is there this year?
A. As above Konami main focus is online ML this year as the offline ML got a overhaul last year. There maybe a few changed and improvements but none confirmed as of yet.

Q. What was weather effects like, does it change during a match and have they bought back snow?
A. PES2011 will not feature dynamic weather conditions and wont feature snow. Jon Murphy said they want to get normal game play spot on before they start messing with it to reacted to different weather conditions.

Q. Do low skilled players for example a lot of defenders do that slow 90 degree turn. Which often leads to losing the ball?
A. No did not see that once today. Thank god

Q. Do players try to keep the ball in by stretching or sliding like PES on PS2 back in the day and like I believe FIFA does?
A. I did not see that happen no.

Q. In the trailer we have seen a number of times players jumping over a pass so it goes to a player behind or so on. Is this automatic or do you press a button to make the player jump?
A. That did happen a few times today to me looks good but it is automatic as far as I know there is no button to trigger it.

Q. The photographers etc, Around the sides of the pitch, Are they still 2D holograms?
A. Very similar to PES2010 but more detail.

Q. What Cup Libertadores Teams are included?
A. In the code we played only 5 but lots more expected in final build.
Odd answer about not being able to upload chants to the 360. It's not a problem 'elsewhere'.

Has anyone read how, for the tricks that even Vidic can do, the game differentiated between different abilities of player? That report up above says tricks were easier for Messi - how does this easier/harder factor actually manifest itself?
Odd answer about not being able to upload chants to the 360. It's not a problem 'elsewhere'.

Has anyone read how, for the tricks that even Vidic can do, the game differentiated between different abilities of player? That report up above says tricks were easier for Messi - how does this easier/harder factor actually manifest itself?

The tricks situation is odd. What is consistent from the previews is that they can be defended against using the various defensive options. This is huge for me as if online is fixed and I come up against some guy who just uses tricks, I want to be able to defend them. I personally will not use them. I'm an R2 dribbler, stop and go, more of a Messi than Ronaldo. Maybe throw in the odd step over.
Has anyone confirmed whether we can do step overs with :r2:?
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