PES 2011 Discussion thread

loving how the community are enjoying it, great show of confidence from Konami to have this event. Looking forward to some detailed impressions.
positive stuff. I officially hate everyone that's played this already.

I can't wait to hear the impressions when the dust settles.

10 bucks says they are concerned about the goal keepers. Konami better fix it as it's been talked about since day 1, you must either be blind or incredibly stupid.
positive stuff. I officially hate everyone that's played this already.

I can't wait to hear the impressions when the dust settles.

10 bucks says they are concerned about the goal keepers. Konami better fix it as it's been talked about since day 1, you must either be blind or incredibly stupid.

From Jon Murphy's twitter:

@AsimTanvir Wish you could see the code I've seen. Big improvements. Gameplay is fantastic

@Dand3vil Keepers in post E3 code still an issue, but preview code sorts them. Expect feedback on that early August

@KAS259 Penalties will be altered and keepers improved.

@JonMurphy_PES Hey jon :) I asked a while about about Online BETA Demo for PES 2011, is there any further news about this :)? about 2 hours ago via web in reply to JonMurphy_PES

@adamneaves Not yet, but keep your eyes peeled for more info soon. Online tests are going very well btw about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck in reply to adamneaves

@JonMurphy_PES Hi Jon!! In recent videos, were linking animations between movements implemented?many people say it didn't seem very fluid... about 4 hours ago via web

@jfdeza Linking animations are being improved all the time about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck in reply to jfdeza
I would love but very much doubt it. The return of mixed kits from PES5. Not holding much hope because of liscencing costs but.............

He mentioned something about edit mode?
expect some impressions from marty later

he tweeted this

Sorry for not tweeting as often as I was planning. Back home. PES2011 is looking good so far. More of a report later of the good and bad.
Impressions from someone going by the name of 'Trowel' on the Eurogamer forums:

(Link -

Evening all.

Gameplay - a noticeable step up from PES2010. The pass system is so natural you wonder how you did without it. Makes play feel far more fluid and natural, rather than the old routine of feet-to-feet passes until a gap emerges. Jon described the passing build-up style as the target they're looking for with the gameplay, and it's still being worked on.

CPU players will look for space (and more often than before will point ahead of themselves or otherwise gesture for it), however I saw a few instances where they'd start to make the run, but then by the time you'd made space for the pass, they were heading back.

Game speeds - as you probably know, there's a choice of 5 speeds, from -2 to 0 to +2. We mostly played on 0, but I'd liken +1 to PES4 and -1 to PES5 - definitely something for everyone.

Plenty of new animations (eg. several new ways for players to fall over after being fouled), seems to be a few new celebrations too (I saw Ronaldo do a weird one where he ran to the crowd with an angry look, the jogged backwards a little and stood statue still - hopefully that's him intentionally antagonising the fans rather than screwy code, as it was pretty cool!)

Skills - I'm sure most of you found the majority of skills redundant, but that may change. What has changed is they're far easier to pull off - generally combinations of the right stick with R2, though the trick moves aren't finalised yet - and still incredibly useful at the right time, even for someone of my limited ability. Unfortunately after years of playing 360, I found the L3 and R3 buttons on the PS3 pads a little sensitive, and so picked up several yellow cards on my way to confirming there is most definitely a way to dive...

Defending - this is the aspect I noticed the most, and what impressed me the most: defenders are given the respect and ability they're due. Centre backs really physically muscle their opponents off the ball, and hold them off to gain space to clear. Plus very rarely will you see a winger brush past a full back with ease. When the ball reaches the last third, it finally feels like a fair fight.

Plus full backs are definitely full backs, and centre backs definitely centre backs - I didn't notice any drifting out of position unless I'd called a player over for pressing.

Goalkeepers are currently worse (way worse) than in PES2010, but Jon assures us they have been specifically improved in the latest code (which we definitely did not see). I don't think I saw a "good" save, and I saw plenty of shots from angles go in high at the near post, and scored a mildly swerving 30 yard shot where the keeper didn't even move. The 'cheat' free kick bug is still there, beating the keeper at the near post (the Germans are good at that one). Their animations are improved for things like one-on-ones however ('starfish' saves), and they release the ball a little quicker after they (finally) save the ball too. Definitely an area to keep an eye on.

Referees are too strict (again, being worked on). Penalties are the same angle, but with the emphasis on placement over power.

It doesn't look as though replays will be fixed from the perspective of date/difficulty details, or the ability to upload them (I forgot to ask Jon about uploading - will try to get an answer), but the new motion blur looks nice... if an acquired taste.

Match stats weren't yet in the after game screen of the code we played, but a nice touch is that updates to the stats will flash up briefly below the score during game, eg. after the replay of a shot, you'll get an update of shots on/off target, etc.

Err, what else - lots of combinations of untucked shirts/long sleeves for those of you who would die without them. And speaking of matters of life or death, they've made no changes to the nets... ;)

Last but not least, the Game Plan page. Absolutely superb. Drag a player into place, then click a button and set his role. Such a natural way of changing the formation - reminded me of dragging players about in Champ Man.

Great day up at Konami - thanks to them for inviting us, and for the dodgy chicken kebabs.

Your questions please.
more and more confirmations that this year Konami is being very serious about bringing pes back :BOP:
So far it sounds like everything that initially sounded like it could be good - has turned out to be good. Still gotta hope they sort those keepers and the other negative points.
If the refs are strict as PES 5 it is only good, because that's realistic. But then again all kids hate it when they can't defend by just running in to opponents (the FIFA way).
Sounds good. So there are some issues especially with the goalkeepers as expected. Hopefully the penalties will be worked on. Shame the nets aren't getting fixed.
If the refs are strict as PES 5 it is only good, because that's realistic. But then again all kids hate it when they can't defend by just running in to opponents (the FIFA way).

Agreed. I think that's one of the reasons why I love PES5. It forces you to defend properly i.e. track an attacker's run and time your challenge, not just sprint around running into players.
Im happy to hear the refs are strict. PES 5 was fine, maybe a bit too strict lol but at least it will be better than PES 2010. I dont think I have ever been awarded a penalty in it.
The match stats popping up during the game also sounds good too. We need more impressions.
Everything sounds wonderful. Would like to point out that I very much doubt that keepers are worse than in PES 2010. He probably just doesn't remember how bad they were at PES 2010. Still, with the fact that defense sounds absolutely wonderful and that goalkeepers are supposed to be fixed in newer code, what doesn't sound so good end up being insignificant.
The worst things in Pes 2010 were the referees and the goalies. Can't believe they didn't fix them with an update cause they really were broken (which is kind of weird cause in pes 2009 then they were okay).

Even too strict referees would be a huge step forward and they still have time to get the balance right so the referees shouldn't be a problem this year. Just have to hope they can fix the keepers too..
Everything sounds wonderful. Would like to point out that I very much doubt that keepers are worse than in PES 2010. He probably just doesn't remember how bad they were at PES 2010. Still, with the fact that defense sounds absolutely wonderful and that goalkeepers are supposed to be fixed in newer code, what doesn't sound so good end up being insignificant.

Odd comment (unless you were jk). But yes I could imagine them being worse - it's very unfinished code. Things like trapping logic, or in this case, saving logic, are pretty prone to going dodgy during these early stages. If a keeper doesn't dive for a simple shot then that's that.

All sounds good though, really am looking forward to giving that formation screen a go and seeing what they do with game speeds online. More of these balanced hands-on please!
Bad goalkeepers have the potential to be game-breaking, as was very nearly the case with PES2010. They just have to be fixed, it's not something that can be glossed over because the rest of the game is great.
More from Trowel at Eurogamer:

The refs do let a lot more go than in PES 2010 at least - we found ourselves stopping a few times expecting a foul to have been called, only to realise the game was still going on. But the balance isn't right as it stands, and I saw a couple of reds for challenges which might not have even warranted a yellow.

One other niggle that I forgot to mention - kick offs are now automatic, which can several times led to an accidental pass from the button press you thought you needed.

Completely forgot to mention the new swinging camera angle - fantastic to watch, but after years of pure left/right action takes some getting used to with the controls and so a few misplaced passes, particularly on the touchline.

Goal kicks still have that weird moment where everyone is running back into position - so, yes!

Throw-ins are now also controlled by a power bar as with passes which works well for throwing into space, and the area around the throw is free for anyone to run into (as per PES 2010) which means most throws are contested. They still aren't quite right though, as you always have a little posse of players stood around the thrower marked man-for-man (again, as in PES 2010), rather than players positioning themselves for a throw down the line as you'd generally see in real life.

Oh, and we saw two examples of the classic PES own goal, where a centre back controls a bouncing ball with his chest into his own net - embarrassingly for Jon, one happened behind him in his Q&A when the game was left in demo mode :D

Edit: forgot to say on keeper throws, I can't remember if they're power controlled or not, but we saw plenty of short and long throws.
Bad goalkeepers have the potential to be game-breaking, as was very nearly the case with PES2010. They just have to be fixed, it's not something that can be glossed over because the rest of the game is great.

For me at least, keepers was the least of PES2010's problems. There was so much "bad" in it that keepers didn't really matter.
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