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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

r.i.p konami

That would be terrible. EA would have no competition if Konami ever stopped making the PES series. I dont play american football games but I hear the Madden series has stagnated

I'd love there to be a dent in game sales in Japan. May be then Konami will shake things up a bit
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

If we could avoid the death to konami/i'mma rape seabass stuff then we could save on a lot of scrolling.

My finger is hurting from scrolling so fast without having warmed up.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Its the little things like how snow, wet and icey pitches affect your passing etc + The time of day looks spot on.

Most people who cant see how this game looks very good must be forgeting alot of things such as the above becuase i cant believe you dont think it looks better. It looks slower and there are dozens of things which all add up to a great game.

Not 1 playtester has come back expressing their huge dissapointment like you lot. Maybe that 1 review from 00:00 this morining where he was 1% dissapointed but thats it. Every other playtester has said how good it was and most of them arnt sucking up to konami as they dont have a releationship to loose with them so they are saying truely what they feel.

To put it bluntly this is the only pes site ive ever seen where quite alot of people arnt happy with anything. I cant see why because this game looks and sound grat. Oh and dont forget mp3's
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Why? Because they are negative about your beloved PES game? :((

What a fucking shame, most people have enough intelligence to know a shit game when they see one... Pointing that out does not make their post "plain crap".

It's PES 2008 with some very minor improvements and a few bug fixes, pathetic next-gen game.

Woah there. Why so much hate? I'm not about to qoute every post that I thought was crap over the pages that were covered in the last 24hours. I remember a few classics from world_soccer though.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I don't get the "you can't form an opinion until you play it" statement - we can see a lot of things which are shit about the game from the videos, the only thing that would change would be how the game is played (your input), not how it plays (the engine).

I don't get why some people defend Konami and come up with all sorts of excuses and clutch at straws, such as "it's a demo/early build", "the people playing it suck", "it was a one off incident" etc...

@zeemeister - Sorry mate, I was a bit harsh there ;).
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

After having read through this thread in it's entirety, I hope that Russia starts a nuclear war and ends us all. Only here would I suspect a generally good day, especially after the shitfest of last year, for the general populace to act as if their parents had died.

It's obvious, but some people here want it to fail and have declared the death of the series, for the 14th month in a row, without playing it. We went through a number of talking points today but the one about the scoreboard being arcade-like was when it started getting a bit farcical. The arguments I accept are the lack of development and bugs, that's fine and dandy because these are genuine issues, the stuff inbetween seems to be from bizarro world.

Honestly if you've moved onto Fifa and the transition is making you vomit blood, then just avoid anything PES related and see how you get on. There's obviously something keeping you folks about so if you want some free therapy then holla.

I like writing words on the internet.

By the bys, embraceuk is the biggest fanboy of them all.
I agree with you. In fact, I start finding those posts you are talking about a bit depressing. I think I for some days put my attention to other sites where people are not so heavily anti-PES. Don't say people on other sites say the same. Evo-web is by far the most negative of all. It's still bitching for the sake of bitching.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You all sound like idiots. You watch videos of some noobs playing, and you say the game sucks??? OMG!
You haven't played the game, what do you know? All those testers like, WENB,, and many more, today released their thoughts and EVERYONE of them say it's a big improvement and reminds of PES5. They've played the game. Even one of the previews said they tested the game 10 hours. They should know what the game is, because they played it. You say it sucks, because you see a video made by a noob, playing Arg vs Port, and mistaking the buttons for shoot and pass......

So you say, that people from sites which main job is to monitor PES games are noobs at playing those same PES games? Or did I miss something? If you cant see that PES has stagnated even with its latest edition, then you must be blind or something mate ;)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Its the little things like how snow, wet and icey pitches affect your passing etc + The time of day looks spot on.

The little things like that are great but I think people are disappointing with the gameplay not innovating to their standards. A lot of people are hoping for drastic changes but are only getting tweaks and small improvements

The thing that always gets me is the japanese market must somehow love the current ML system. If they didn't there would surely be some sort of change. Year in year out the mode stays the same. No drastic changes, dogs on the screen, better layout of menu options is about as much as we get.

I moan too much about the ML and I should really stop. People know its flaws
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Its easy to pick faults if you have been predicting its downfall since Jan 08.

I think I must have funny glasses on, or my brain is more in touch with my arse...........I dont know, but i cannot see why there is so much shit flying about stating that its pure crap, RIP konami, Lazy Seabass etc etc, its clearly not.

You can see its improved, not massive but its better and that will be good enough for now but not forever.

Just enjoy it, if you like it, stay miles away if you dont and then move on.The constant piss taking and worthless repetition is just a waste of human and electrical energy.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Jamezinho, do you think it's a cooincidence that people who PLAYED the game ( = got the feel of it ) are pretty positive and some people who only watched the video sometimes did think it was like PES 2008??

In fact, I become a bit tired from all people who said it's like PES 2008. They obviously did not read ( or heared from the podcast ) that the game certainly does not feel as arcadey as PES 2008, rather as simulation-like the PES 5, which is a BIG difference, almost the opposite!

So you are saying that the way the game "feels" and the way it looks on videos is something completely different?

I can only speak for myself here, but very little of my criticism for PES2008 had anything to do with how my button pressed translated into the action onscreen (what would constitute the "feel" of the game).
The complaints I did have in that area were for example:

1. Passes would sometimes not be aimed at the player you wanted but instead went into nomansland.
2. Players would be sluggish in certain situations to react to the input
3. Players would sometimes run between the opponent and the ball, and not attempt to contact the ball at all, but just continue running as if he isn't aware he could have easily intercepted the ball.

Other than that, all my complaints had to do with the way the game looked, what animations were executed in certain situations, the way the players looked to be shuffling a heavy rock with their feet whenever they made a slight direction change with the ball, the way the goalkeeper animations looked like, etc.

I am one of the people who love PES5/WE9LE, and that has surprisingly little to do with the pace and small things (that supposedly have changed in PES2009, causing some to proclaim it's like PES5).

What I like about PES5 is the look of the animations for players, goalkeepers, shots, passes, crosses, etc etc. I also have very few complaints about animations being wrong for the situation they are used in. In PES2008 they had soft, worthless shot animations when facing 90 degrees from goal, when in reality (and in PES5) you would just twist in the shot animation and easily get a good hard laces shot off, which simply didn't happen in PES2008). Someone posted a Youtube video from Sneijders Euro08 goal which was a good example).

I just don't like the look of PES2009, the way players do the basic movements like running and changing directions, passing, shooting.
A good example would be in PES5, if you were running full speed and turned 90 degrees. The player would shuffle the ball in the direction with his foot, but then would take a couple of steps to turn himself and fight against the momentum pulling him in the direction he was running, before being able to control the ball again. I miss those types of realistic touches. Now if you run full speed and turn 90 degrees the player just turns 90 degrees flat without loosing much speed, and without even drifting to the side slightly as he fights the centrifugal force when turning. The animations seemingly have been designed without considering realistic aspects, and instead are designed to be not too slow or bothersome for the gamer.
I don't like that kind of thinking, and it's got little to do with the general pace of the game, or how accurately the game executes your gamepad inputs.

So, for me when I say I would like a touched up PES5 with next-gen graphics, I mean just that.
I do not mean I want a game that plays sort of the same tempo as PES, but with different animations, simplified kinetics when moving, goalkeepers that are animated entirely different, etc. Insinuating that is the case, would be to oversimplify the subject quite a bit in my honest opinion. :)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I'd love there to be a dent in game sales in Japan. May be then Konami will shake things up a bit

The problem is there won't be a dent in the sales. That is the main issue thats been haunting the last 4 titles of the series. Alongside the fact that Konami don't take any feedback from their customers ( which, quite frankly, is shambolic to say the least ).
The main issue here is lack of motivation on Konami's part and there is fuck all we can do about it. Last years release was a tragedy and they have still not compensated for that poor excuse of a footy game. No, I haven't played it and yes gameplay is the main concern, but if you spend alot of money on a highly powerful game console you'd expect the (overpriced) games to look stunning and offer a surplus. And unfortunately, Konami missed the boat again. Animations are very very poor. Players run like 80 year old David Hasselhoffs with blatter control issues.
They implements tweaks and improvements every itteration but also sacrifice other things in the process. I like the way they are heading with the CL license and all but they need to focus on the core things such as animations, engine and what not.
No, they won't feel the dent in their sales in Japan, but if they carry on like this they will see European sales crumble within 2 years. Shame that they will have brought it on themselves and that in the end the fans will have to pay the price....
I'm not saying that PES is dead or Fifa is "teh sexxor", all I know is that it doesn't look like a PS3 title and yes that is also important to me. If gfx and animations didn't mean anything, then a Ps3 or 360 would be wasted and we could all get back to playing Amiga or Commodore games.
In a nutshell; gutted. Utterly, utterly gutted
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

why should i pay another 70euro for a game i already have?if i wana play pes 5 il play it on my ps2. also if pes2009 is like pes5 then surely pes2009 on the ps2 is a waste of time
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

And just to add something, the skill of the person that is playing the game on videos has absolutely nothing to do with how the game looks to gamer, noob player, whatever, the main point of videos is to show engine, graphics, animations, cut scenes, pyhsics can do that with pro or noob skills..In my opinnion, konami fails to deliver once again, sorry to say that, cause I played it until last year..
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

How is gameplay a main concern. Its so much better in every way imaginable. There are so many things that happen like players making runs which add to the gameplay. I bet once you've gotten about 10 years into your ML your team will be top doller and you'll have a great gameplay experiance. I know some of you hate people making exuses but no. Playing Croatia v Portugal is not flattering the for the game and makes the gameplay look way worse than it is.

I bet if there was a match between two teams with high stats throughout, a 10 min match and they had players who actually took some fuking shots the gameplay would look cracking.

You have to remember that for example in 1 vid luis fabiano, who has about 1 stats in the 80s, is running with the ball and takes a crappy shot. Now if that was 1 of your ML players who is well developed then the same thing fabiano did would look 10 times better. I dont like making exuses but this 1 is blatently there.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The little things like that are great but I think people are disappointing with the gameplay not innovating to their standards. A lot of people are hoping for drastic changes but are only getting tweaks and small improvements

The thing that always gets me is the japanese market must somehow love the current ML system. If they didn't there would surely be some sort of change. Year in year out the mode stays the same. No drastic changes, dogs on the screen, better layout of menu options is about as much as we get.

I moan too much about the ML and I should really stop. People know its flaws

Maybe if the Japanese Media stated to score this low and call for bigger improvements we might then see a change from Konami. EA should release FIFA 09 around the same time as WE 2009 and see what reaction they get instead of releasing it months later.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I agree with you. In fact, I start finding those posts you are talking about a bit depressing. I think I for some days put my attention to other sites where people are not so heavily anti-PES. Don't say people on other sites say the same. Evo-web is by far the most negative of all. It's still bitching for the sake of bitching.

I stay because it's such a unique place. Of the 4 original PES sites, PESFan has been completely neutered, PESGaming is more of a general board these days, ISSExtreme is dead and is fucking depressing when you look at the forums and then you have evo-web. The original and the grooviest, where all the editing folks hang out and the people with contacts fed us information that we boogied down to. The changing of the tide was a very gradual process. With evo-web being the place to be, it attracted the hardcore who expect the very best every year. These people then bounce the same ideas off each other year after year regarding what Konami should work on, which inevitably doesn't get included, leading to folks weeing the bed at a Japanese company not listening to them.

It's still a nifty place if you know what you're looking for, it's just that this is a site for people with opinion x that is full of people with opinion y. We might as well turn it into bra and underwear support (hurr see what i did tharrr) forum, at least then we could all have a fun creepy time stalking topics about womens problems and fondle ourselves.

Also, I'm a unique and beautiful flower that enjoys being a dirty slut going against the view of the majority.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Another Preview (German) PC!


- For fans of Pro evo is the start a bit disappointing
- Game mechanik is very similar to 08
- The menu looks fresher

- Be a Legend a bit frustrating at the start, because the evolution of your player is very slowly

- Master-league unchanged

- Graphics improved, much better lightning,
- LED boardings

- Animations seems to be equal as in PES08
- Running animation is a bit better
- Shootsystem reminds of older PES Games(more balls going over the bar etc)

- Goalkeepers mixed

- Penalty kick: Goalkeeper-cam like in PES6, not like PES08


- Small Changes, the author is not sure if this is enough for the PES-Fans.

Thats a much better preview that most of what I see. Sums up my thoughts pretty much exactly. Apart from the running animation being a bit better, which it just isn't.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

These people then bounce the same ideas off each other year after year regarding what Konami should work on, which inevitably doesn't get included, leading to folks weeing the bed at a Japanese company not listening to them.

Thats me alright. Although I don't necessary wee the bed, I just cry myself to sleep and write angry letters to Seabass asking him to listen to me
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I sent him a letter in my blood after he didn't respond to my request to put me in the game as Portsmouth's striker.

Then again, it was probably because I also sent him a DNA sample in the form of a stool.

I did not know why I thought that he could get extrapolate my appearance from my poo.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Did I miss it a new fad to bash PES/Konami. I thought the gameplay vids looked good and seems that they're going in the right direction (back to their roots). But in the end it's personal taste.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I remember lots of people from differnt sites all saying how good 'Football Kingdom' was when they saw that and imo Pes 2009 looks similar to it in terms of nets and ball weight.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Did I miss it a new fad to bash PES/Konami. I thought the gameplay vids looked good and seems that they're going in the right direction (back to their roots). But in the end it's personal taste.

No it's not a new fad, shitting on PES will only be turned into an Olympic sport if we can prove we're the best at it by 2012.

I remember lots of people from differnt sites all saying how good 'Football Kingdom' was when they saw that and imo Pes 2009 looks similar to it in terms of nets and ball weight.

I remember people saying that whilst it looked like a dream, it didn't have the gameplay to back it up.

Hopefully PES can nick the code and combine the two.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I sent him a letter in my blood after he didn't respond to my request to put me in the game as Portsmouth's striker.

Then again, it was probably because I also sent him a DNA sample in the form of a stool.

I did not know why I thought that he could get extrapolate my appearance from my poo.

That's disturbing and yet slightly erotic on the same level. The fact Seabass has come face to face with your poo is exquisite
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

i expected more after a year of dev time. i expected way more incdental animations. players still turn on a time and run like cartoons.

as you can tell from my sig, i was a huge Pro Evo5 fan, so the news that it plays like Pro Evo5 is good to me.

i think it should have moved on way further than that by now though.

i think, once they sort out the players movement (running, turning passing), making it more fluid and life-like, that's when people will start to warm to it as a next gen pro evo. right now though it simply looks like more of the same (pro evo 5 with pro evo 2008's skin).

i've watched all the vids, in HD on my 42" tele to get a better idea of how it will look btw.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

That's disturbing and yet slightly erotic on the same level. The fact Seabass has come face to face with your poo is exquisite

I also came face to face with his poo.

But he made me sign an nda.

And his prostate.

With my tongue.
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