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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

My view:

Ball physics, faces, lighting

animations, nets, lack of untucked shirts, lack of licensed boots, balls
where is CL and the big announcment, etc..
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Wow I cant believe all the crap I had to read through today. All in all I am happy with what I see.

Well, if you refer to other peoples' opinions as crap, maybe an internet forum isn't for you. ;)

If you are referring to the fairly large percentage of posts that are flames or such, then I agree with you. But if that were the case then you probably should have made that clear in your post rather than seemingly attacking every person who has posted before you. :)

EDIT: quoted alot of people accidentally.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

My view:

Ball physics, faces, lighting

animations, nets, lack of untucked shirts, lack of licensed boots, balls
where is CL and the big announcment, etc..

untucked shirts, boot licenced, balls licensed and CL are not the demo mate
sound like a perfect game to you
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

hmmm ok this vid looked ok
but wtf was up with that goal he made ....from 40 meters.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I also genuinely can't believe that guy is trying to make it all sound good, stop talking out of your arse mate.

I don't think he had actually played the game prior to this instance. He talks about being able to dribble with just the d-pad, but the moved the player does is just simple direction changes and such that was always in PES. He doesn't even do anything as "advanced" as drop shoulder moves or 2-foot feints to show what he means with "d-pad dribbling", or show any of the new more "automatic" dribble system that Adam and Suff referred to in their reporting.

Also the ball passed under the keeper from a 30-ish meter fairly slow shot. Obviously it could've been a million-to-one goal.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Hands on preview from gamespot;title;1

Konami's next iteration of Pro Evolution is nearly here, and we polished our boots for a first play.

While it's still the best-playing football game on the market, there's no doubt that last year's Pro Evolution Soccer disappointed many fans of the series. Unimpressive visuals, annoying gameplay tweaks, and a myriad of bugs (particularly on the PlayStation 3) saw the game slip dangerously close to relegation. However, Konami has gone on record saying that this year's iteration will fix the problems with last year's game, taking more advantage of current-generation technology while restoring the gameplay to its former glory. We got a chance to play the game for the first time to see if its promises look set to be delivered upon with the 2009 version.

First impressions of the game are good. Konami has upped the ante and created a menu system that's easy to navigate and makes better use of imagery and animations. The same awful J-pop music remains, but at least some effort has been made to improve the visual presentation. On the pitch, the player likenesses are now even better, particularly with star players such as Cristiano Ronaldo. That said, the game is still some way off the visual fidelity of FIFA, so we'll have to see how much more it can be polished in the run-up to release.

The noticeable changes to Pro Evolution 2009 come in the form of feature enhancements and new gameplay modes. In the former category, there will be an expanded player-editor mode in which you'll be able to add logos to kits by importing them from an external device. The PC and PlayStation 3 versions will offer USB data drive support, but it remains to be seen how this will work on the Xbox 360. The thorny issue of licensing remains in Pro Evolution 2009, and with EA eating up all the official data through its exclusive deal with FIFA, there's no end in sight for the made-up teams in Konami's game. Two teams from the English Premiership will feature official names and sponsors, but we couldn't get Konami to tell us who they are. However, Konami did tease us with the news that a major European competition will be officially licensed in the finished game. We're not allowed to announce which competition, because of an embargo, but we expect that fans will be pretty excited by the news.

The big new gameplay mode for Pro Evolution 2009 is Become a Legend mode, in which you'll pick an individual attacking player and take him through a professional football career. If you perform well as part of a team, you'll attract offers from other clubs, but if you lose the ball and fail to set up goals, you'll receive a low mark at the end of the game. Cynics might suggest that this closely resembles FIFA's Be a Pro mode, but Konami assures us that the Pro Evolution equivalent has been around for some time in the Japanese Winning Eleven series. Unlike in FIFA, though, you can't call for the ball when you want it, which makes the mode more challenging than we initially expected. If you're playing for a lowly club, you're limited by your teammates, while your lack of tactical input means that you'll end up sitting on the bench for some games.

The gameplay is where it's at, and Konami says that it's using Pro Evolution Soccer 5 as its benchmark in this regard. Pro Evolution 2009 certainly feels slower paced than last year's effort, with more on-the-ball control than ever before. Konami claims to have made the ball even more physically independent, meaning that it will even react to certain grass types and wet conditions. While we didn't get to play a game in the rain, we did notice some of the new individual tricks from certain skillful players. As in last year's game, certain top-flight players will be able to pull off moves all their own, and they move from tricks to standard animations very smoothly.

Konami boasted about its Teamvision AI system last year, but it really seems to be coming through in the 2009 iteration. We were impressed with how reserved your teammates are about passing the ball if you're not in a strong position, which encourages you to make more-intelligent runs. Some elements of the game seem slightly dated. For instance, your salary in the Become a Legend mode is paid in "P" points, though overall the new mode should be a welcome challenge for those bored by the master league.

Speaking of which, the master league has also been updated to more closely follow modern business dealings. If your players want to leave your club, they'll perform poorly on the pitch. The multiplayer elements have also been improved. You can now have a total of four players online, in standard ranked and unranked matches, and in the Become a Legend mode. Konami is aware that players didn't think the multiplayer element of Pro Evolution Soccer 08 was up to scratch, so it has promised more-advanced features, such as the ability to upload replays from within the Become a Legend mode.

We managed to coax more good news out of Konami: There will be a demo of the game for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in the week of release. Make sure you stay tuned to GameSpot for all the information as we get it.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The more videos I've seen now the less its impressed me.

I'm not sure these tiny tweaks here and there in the gameplay side of things are going to be enough to justify me buying the game.

Fifa hasn't impressed me either. The shooting, crossing, and goalkeepers all look like they need work
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

untucked shirts, boot licenced, balls licensed and CL are not the demo mate
sound like a perfect game to you

If it's not in now, it's not gonna be in at all, you know that.

I've also just noticed something. At one point in the video, the AI as Portugal get the ball to one of their players, about 30 yards out, and you think, shoot...surely?

They don't do it.

Now thinking about it, in all of PES and FIFA history, its a very rare sight seeing the AI shoot from distance.

That should happen much more often.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Amazing how year after year no matter how bad PES is the press give it good reviews! As if they were living in thepast.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I hope that goal has something to do with the "Amateur" difficulty he picked.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Jamezinho, do you think it's a cooincidence that people who PLAYED the game ( = got the feel of it ) are pretty positive and some people who only watched the video sometimes did think it was like PES 2008??

In fact, I become a bit tired from all people who said it's like PES 2008. They obviously did not read ( or heared from the podcast ) that the game certainly does not feel as arcadey as PES 2008, rather as simulation-like the PES 5, which is a BIG difference, almost the opposite!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

So, I thought I'd pop in just to give my thoughts.

I hate to say I told you so, but....I guess I can't take much pride in being right, I mean, it was plainly obvious to everyone except fanboys and Badgerman. Where is he by the way? I bet he's crying his self to sleep tonight because there is too much negativity for even him to fight against. Don't worry Badgerman, I'm sure everyone is just over-reacting here and the game is going to put PES back on the map. (Yeh, right.)

The WENB guys have lost the plot I'm afraid, exactly the same bullshit as last year, they've played a later build and we shouldn't judge the game on the videos because you have to play it to feel the difference? Who the in the hell do you think you are fooling? Do I look like a mug? Do I have white fur and go baaa? Please, you are an insult to the Pro Evo community and an insult to the web community. I didn't think they would be as foolish to make the same mistakes again but they have, and that is the last straw for me, where are the big announcements? Where is the Champions League mode? Where are the new licenses? (Oh and good bye La Liga...)

As for the videos themselves, I do not think I need to go into any great detail on explaining why this is a desperate, desperate let down. Anyone with a brain cell or two can discern that this is unacceptable for a current-gen game. Animations, awful. Player physics, terrible. AI, tactics and movement, pathetic.

Positives? Well, it does look marginally better than PES08, but ANYTHING, and I literally mean anything would have been better than that abomination of a game. If they had just released a video of someone poking a turd on a pavement with a twig it would have been a marked improvement over last year. The animation system is archaic, the nets, improved? They've basically made the animation slightly more accentuated, how on earth does that constitute "more european"? Where are the different styles, where are the square type nets, why are there still breeze blocks holding the goals down? Why have they not even tried to add more than two or three superficial animations? Why is one out of every three passes a stupid looking toe punt? Why is every pass the same speed and completely flat along the ground like a bowling ball? Why do all the players still run like Baywatch actors? Why do we still not have proper manual passing and shooting? (No not having to click the RAS any more doesn't constitute full manual).

Why are the goalkeepers still disgracefully bad? Not a single new goalkeeper animation. They are still completely woeful, look at the goal the Konami guy scores in that last video, what the hell! What are the chances of that! A goal from 40 yards and a complete keeping disaster, I mean if you wanted a good way to sum up modern day Pro Evo you just did a pretty damn good job. When you compare that presentation to some of the stuff Fifa has been doing, my god. Men versus boys.

There is barely a single positive to take from it, the grass textures (FINALLY) are a lot better, congratulations it only took you ten years. Unfortunately I don't think I will ever get to sample those improved textures because there is no-where near enough in those videos to represent a years work and justify me spending a single penny on it.

I actually had a shred of hope, you know, this morning I woke up somewhat excited, I couldn't help it. I guess there was still a bit of a PES fan left in me, but that today was completely extinguished. Do not hold out hope for PES10, mark my words, that is it guys. Let's just hope FIFA can deliver something playable.

I guess it's kind of funny, we should just sit back and laugh. Laugh at the fact we've wasted so much of our lives on a game and this is what it has descended to. Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.

I've been posting on this forum on and off for about 4/5 years, this will be my last ever. Badgerman, try to be less of a broken record. Winston, Jack B, jflores (will we ever get realistic nets?), Trance, the guys I respect, take care in the future.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The gaming press lost all credibility last year with the glowing reviews they gave PES 2008.
Too right, I used to always look at the reviews from sites like IGN before buying games, to check if they were any good, but after they gave something as diabolical as PES 08 over 9 then I know to ignore them in future, as well as any other site which game PES 08 a positive review.

johnsaunders, great post :TU:.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Another Preview (German) PC!


- For fans of Pro evo is the start a bit disappointing
- Game mechanik is very similar to 08
- The menu looks fresher

- Be a Legend a bit frustrating at the start, because the evolution of your player is very slowly

- Master-league unchanged

- Graphics improved, much better lightning,
- LED boardings

- Animations seems to be equal as in PES08
- Running animation is a bit better
- Shootsystem reminds of older PES Games(more balls going over the bar etc)

- Goalkeepers mixed

- Penalty kick: Goalkeeper-cam like in PES6, not like PES08


- Small Changes, the author is not sure if this is enough for the PES-Fans.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

well here is my 2 cent. or kroners. lol

well im a big pes player. and play it all the time with friends. we are and still a bit disspointed over pes2008. so we hoping biggere changes in pes2009. now the day has arrived, and gameplay video has emerged.

and remember people, first impressions is what matters.
so you either go, whoaaa! wooow! nice"! sick!" or naaa, shit, crap!

so when we saw the videos we were like .............. basically flat lined.

i dont know what to say really. i mean.

1. graphiically, sure polished a bit. better lightning. but did you see any details on the shirts?, grass? nothing. it was like few colors and some blurry addons.

2, gameplay. same shit different title. the way they turn, the way they shot feint. maan still the same. okey they used the pes5 engine to start from. fine. but wth?

3. ball physics. I was kinda impressed to begin with. really- floats nicely and plays like a reall ball. UNTILL i saw this gamespot video with the aiko or sato or wtf his name was, where at the end he shot from 40 meters, and the ball floated like a goddamn 20 kg, balloon, sloooowly into the side of the goal. wtf was that?

but all in all i still wont believe its a total Fail , i mean i have to sit with it myself and try it i guess. for now its nothing new. i just hope the online works. and i also know, no matter how shitty they can make it, we will still play it, why?? coz we just love the gameplay. :)

Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Well, if you refer to other peoples' opinions as crap, maybe an internet forum isn't for you. ;)

If you are referring to the fairly large percentage of posts that are flames or such, then I agree with you. But if that were the case then you probably should have made that clear in your post rather than seemingly attacking every person who has posted before you. :)

EDIT: quoted alot of people accidentally.

I meant I read through what felt like 50pages some were informative and others were plain crap the majority was the latter though.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I meant I read through what felt like 50pages some were informative and others were plain crap the majority was the latter though.
Why? Because they are negative about your beloved PES game? :((

What a fucking shame, most people have enough intelligence to know a shit game when they see one... Pointing that out does not make their post "plain crap".

It's PES 2008 with some very minor improvements and a few bug fixes, pathetic next-gen game.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Aki Saito sounds an awful lot like Tom Cruise. Can it be him? Vanilla Sky?

The Last Samurai?

Like Thomas said, these details and licenses are not on the demo. So please lets try not to judge by these things, but more by the look of it. Have to say that I'm very disappointed, the game looks exactly the same as 2008 with a smoother framerate. Very poor :(
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

"Amazing" dribbling with the D-Pad... :lol:

This was very funny part. :DD "You can just turn and.. turn again.. and dribble with the D-pad" (Ok, not in those words but..) Maybe that was the big announcement.:THINK:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

After having read through this thread in it's entirety, I hope that Russia starts a nuclear war and ends us all. Only here would I suspect a generally good day, especially after the shitfest of last year, for the general populace to act as if their parents had died.

It's obvious, but some people here want it to fail and have declared the death of the series, for the 14th month in a row, without playing it. We went through a number of talking points today but the one about the scoreboard being arcade-like was when it started getting a bit farcical. The arguments I accept are the lack of development and bugs, that's fine and dandy because these are genuine issues, the stuff inbetween seems to be from bizarro world.

Honestly if you've moved onto Fifa and the transition is making you vomit blood, then just avoid anything PES related and see how you get on. There's obviously something keeping you folks about so if you want some free therapy then holla.

I like writing words on the internet.

By the bys, embraceuk is the biggest fanboy of them all.
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