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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

WENB Leipzig reactions

Well this is weird. I’m watching the videos, with Suff on the phone, and wondering whats going on. Seriously.

We’re being harsh, I know, but I’m stunned with the way the game is being presented. It’s a repeat of last year. Same teams, same set up, same things being said. The build being shown, at first glance, is easily comparable to PES 2008. The advancements me and Suff talked about in all our content released looks missing, and had us questioning ourselves whether we played the correct version!

I know for some the words ‘we played a different build’ will send shivers down some folks spines especially after I personally said the same thing last year, but I’m afraid I’m saying it again. This time with Suff’s backing though, as we both are positive the demo being shown is doing the game no justice at all.

Things like ball physics look off, as well as player movement and speed of the game. The graphics also are hard to praise, and the fact the game is being shown on the same tiny LCD monitors used last year makes criticism an easy option.

As I’ve said many times this year already, the way the game is being shown is dong them no favours. They should be championing the ball physics, and demonstrating the slow considered gameplay. This demo, obviously made especially for the show, doesn’t show these things at their best and was always going to be met negatively.

I know many will be reading this and be shocked at how critical we are being, but it comes from the fact that me and Suff spoke positively about the game when testing it, and all the videos released have contradicted everything. That in itself infuriates us, and leaves doubts in peoples minds. It something we’ve worked hard to do this year, and that’s gain the viewers trust.

So while I’m condemning the showing, I do want to reassure the fans that PES 2009 is so much better then this snippet demo. If what you’ve seen so far has pleased you then you’re in for a serious treat. For those who want to remain critical, however, I cant blame you. Like I said in the podcast I was worried that people would jump to conclusions when seeing the game, because that’s exactly what I did. I’m very confident that when you guys do play the game you will see what me and Suff were trying to say. I just hope by then Konami don’t continue to release content that is open to criticism, and start to show things that show only the positive.

The way it SHOULD be done.

Rant over, see you on the forums VERY soon…
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

They're being very clever there. That's them trying to stop the views here from spreading.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I don't believe the final game will be much improved from what they're showing at the moment.
Why would they show a crippled version?
Fuck that, everyone knew PES2009 would be a fixed 2008, and that's what we'll get.
I'll buy it day one as usual and probably enjoy it.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I believe adam and suff all the way. I beleive what ther saying is completely true and im just glad to be one of those who thought it looked quality because it sounds like its going to get better.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Wasn't there an improved, journalist-only demo version last year?
I can't believe people are falling into the same trap again.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I can't see why Konami would show an inferior build of PES, especially at a huge games show like Leipzig of all places. It would be madness. Unfortunately, WENB is going to attract the same criticism as last year over this.

The PES2008 shown at Leipzig last year was the same as the final build, so those, like myself, that are not impressed by PES2009 are entitled to fear the worst.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

lol they're full of bullshit, they said the leipzig build wouldn't differ much from the build they played, now they come saying this? Haha.

Convenient that their forums are still down huh? What a coincidence.

No we're not shocked Adam, we do recognize bullshit when we see it, we didn't need you or Suff to tell us anything lol.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Wasn't there an improved, journalist-only demo version last year?
I can't believe people are falling into the same trap again.

I dont think their lying. They seemed to be quite sure about what was missing. C'mon positive man.

You just gotta picture it. With better graphics than the demo, snow falling causing ice patches, with commentators commentating, whilst the crowed chant to your mp3's as all the while your trying to tactically brake down an intuitive AI which is now more attacking, defendsive and shifts the ball quickly to openings all over the pitch. And its only half time baby. Then there is like 4 new modes to play with and edit mode back where can get all the latest boots not forgetting the new possible CL license or Europian Cup license they have. How can you be unhappy!

All those things are in the game and will happen and it wil be heaven.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The only thing they're saying is give it a chance before u lot start criticizing, I don't see any reason why WENB would say that without being aware of the amount of trust they would lose this time around.

Basically they're just telling us that game vids from Leipzig aren't doing the game justice and wait till we try the demo first(they're not telling us to buy the game, so those who blindly accuse them of promoting the game for KONAMI should piss off)
the demo wouldn't cost a thing and will help us decide whether what they're saying is completely true or not. Maybe it will be down to personal opinion whether we end up liking it or not.

Personally I see the current events as an opportunity for people here to jump on the hating bandwagon on KONAMI's PES and anything affiliated with it. And I'm not against criticizing the game, but at least tell us what makes u lot pissed so much on a game you have yet to pay for.

My impressions on the vids:

1. Gameplay slowed down, pace of the ball looks good.
2. Baywatch running animations still there. But player gestures are added which is good.
3. Turf looks good, also the kits and lighting. However everything else looks like its been taken from PES2008.
4. Collisions and tackling looks improved.
5. A.I looks better than PES2008, defensive positioning is much better, and looks like the high-scoring matches are gone based on the vids.

Based on the vids that we've seen thats the only thing I could come up with, we haven't seen edit mode, be a legend mode, etc in action but that'll probably come soon.

And there's a whisper of CL mode but we have to wait for further confirmation.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Something seems a bit off with their argument to me.

They claim that us having negative reactions to the videos from Leipzig is because they are showing an older build than what Adam and Suff played, and supposedly it is far inferior, atleast that seems to be what they are implying.

Next, they repeat that they initially had the exact same initial reaction when they saw the presumably much better and later build. Only once they actually played it this negativity went away.

So if the WENB guys had a negative initial reaction to the (much better/different) later build they playtested, and some of us here are having a negative initial reaction to the Leipzig build, then what makes these 2 builds so different?

Based on the reactions to the 2 builds (Leipzig = Negative, Playtest = Negative untill they played it) it would be more likely that the 2 versions are pretty similar, rather than being so radically different as they claim.

If this Leipzig version is so horrible in comparison to the playtest version, and even Adam and Suff were initially concerned about their much better version, then I'd reckon the lot on here would be demanding Seabass' head on a platter right about now after seeing the inferior Leipzig build, and being perhaps slightly less "fanboyish" (sorry, I hate using that word, but I needed to get the point across, I don't use it as a derogatory term) than the guys who run their own fansite.

Lots of text I know, and it probably is way too over analyzed, but I thought the logic in their argument was slightly flawed.

Also, I find it sort of amusing that they think the Leipzig build "looks alot worse than the playtest build" (paraphrased). I seem to recall them saying that the playtest build also looked bad, before they actually played it. So what is to say that the WENB guys wouldn't love the Leipzig version aswell once they actually play it? Or did the Playtest build only look "moderately bad", and this Leipzig build looks "severely bad". How low on the "looking bad" scale would you need to go before the game stops being "nice to play"? Also how deceiving can the "looks" be? Maybe the Leipzig version looks awful, but is absolutely fantastic to play, even better than the playtest one.


Time to bed I think, I'm getting lightheaded... :)

Good night to all, take care!
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Adam and Suff are not spending their own time and money with the sole purpose to promote Konami and Pro Evo.

Read between the lines and they're a briliant source.

Take it at face value and paint them as some cog in an evil conglomerate then you're missing the point. They aren't Konami, they're working on limited knowledge. Shout down Konami, yeah, but wenb are actually providing a service for us folks who spent years demanding news first. They have to jump through hoops, which you expect, but apart from that we're pretty lucky to have them. For all the flak they take, they sure are referenced a lot here.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

ThomasGoal swear they took stuff out from the build he played last year and made pes 2008 worse

Konami could be pulling a fast one by doing these secret showings of a game that is being used for the next versions development so they will think its the latest version and hype it up.
Whilst having to show the real version at these events and hoping the hype of a future version will sell more units

I know it sounds too far fetched but at the same time it would make sense
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

just a quick question

is the pc version the same version as the ps3 version(e.g. gameplay)?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The only thing they're saying is give it a chance before u lot start criticizing, I don't see any reason why WENB would say that without being aware of the amount of trust they would lose this time around.

Basically they're just telling us that game vids from Leipzig aren't doing the game justice and wait till we try the demo first(they're not telling us to buy the game, so those who blindly accuse them of promoting the game for KONAMI should piss off)
the demo wouldn't cost a thing and will help us decide whether what they're saying is completely true or not. Maybe it will be down to personal opinion whether we end up liking it or not.

Personally I see the current events as an opportunity for people here to jump on the hating bandwagon on KONAMI's PES and anything affiliated with it. And I'm not against criticizing the game, but at least tell us what makes u lot pissed so much on a game you have yet to pay for.

My impressions on the vids:

1. Gameplay slowed down, pace of the ball looks good.
2. Baywatch running animations still there. But player gestures are added which is good.
3. Turf looks good, also the kits and lighting. However everything else looks like its been taken from PES2008.
4. Collisions and tackling looks improved.
5. A.I looks better than PES2008, defensive positioning is much better, and looks like the high-scoring matches are gone based on the vids.

Based on the vids that we've seen thats the only thing I could come up with, we haven't seen edit mode, be a legend mode, etc in action but that'll probably come soon.

And there's a whisper of CL mode but we have to wait for further confirmation.

Go a couple of pages back and u'll see a seabass interview. 2/3 of the way through there is some making a logo footage.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

EDIT: and look at 3:34 right after the red player receives a 1-2 pass back, and runs and turns to avoid an opponent, notice how he runs slightly in an arch after he kicks the ball out slightly to the left. It looks completely real. Seriously, this is like porn to me.

EDIT2: And look at the inferred weight of the ball at 4:41 when the white players knocks the ball long upfield. Great sound effect aswell. I would kill to strike Freekicks with those physics and animations. It is perfect.

EDIT3: And at 5:15, red player on the near side of the field, does a little stepover as he moves. Jesus it's beautiful.
I could do this all day, but I'm not gonna.

I know what you want to say about Football Kingdom.
The AI for Football Kingdom is really really great.
When I mean great, I mean its really great, its better then the next-gen PES. (for the AI)
I really can feel that the developers at Namco really love soccer from playing the game.
The off-the-ball is amazing. Look at how the players make an open space,
and other players running in to that space. You can really do complex stuff.

But for PES, you still can't do those things.
For PES, its like the players don't have any brains...
I really hope that Konami has improved the AI for PES2009...
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Have fun when you end up with the same crap. Fifa anyone? YAH FIFAZ! lulz.

Wait for it...

Wait for it.....


You are as bad as world soccer.

You can seppuku yourself for saying "lulz" as well.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

just a quick question

is the pc version the same version as the ps3 version(e.g. gameplay)?

Should be, obviously you'll need a half decent PC if you want it running at full whack but the differences shouldn't be too drastic.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

basically if you were able to run PES2008(with all its slowdown issues) on high settings, I reckon you'll be able to run PES2009 with no problems.

Its been most obvious that LOGANise is only here to promote FIFA. \o/
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

:((I dont see how im going to wait a month and a half for this game althought on the plus side this game will stop me going suicidle. You see i need this game more than you can imagine.

1. My best m8 is going to loughborough university for 3 years!
2. My other best m8 is going to live in cyprus
3. My other best m8 is going to greece for 6 months
4. There are loads of other m8s i have but they only seem to become m8s when my best m8s are there with me orelse we just dont hang out.
5. My dad is forcing me into the Army, i wanna go but still.
6. Apart from this Rock band is the onl game i want so i need this bad.
7. These mates of mine have been m8s of mine for roughly 10-15 years so i will feel like dying.

Basically i am going to be mateless and girlfriendless by christmas so my life WILL BE OVER. This game will help keep me company till something comes up. Oh plz god say something comes up lol.

Anyone else need this game to badly work?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I dont think their lying. They seemed to be quite sure about what was missing. C'mon positive man.

You just gotta picture it. With better graphics than the demo, snow falling causing ice patches, with commentators commentating, whilst the crowed chant to your mp3's as all the while your trying to tactically brake down an intuitive AI which is now more attacking, defendsive and shifts the ball quickly to openings all over the pitch. And its only half time baby. Then there is like 4 new modes to play with and edit mode back where can get all the latest boots not forgetting the new possible CL license or Europian Cup license they have. How can you be unhappy!

All those things are in the game and will happen and it wil be heaven.

The game doesn't look that bad imo, I just don't imagine the final game to be vastly improved from the footage we've seen.
Instead of the WENB guys lying, maybe it just felt good to play, and the videos are just videos and don't give them the same feeling.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I thought KONAMI were the ones doing that. :LOL:

Its obvious yer just a prick who enjoys seeing PES being bashed, at least other members here expressed their disappointments due to the fact they want KONAMI to make a great game for all of us.
But its clear you enjoy seeing PES being criticized not for the sake of improving itself but for making FIFA look good.

Just get out of here already.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Leave it out ladies.

The twats get singled out eventually, Loganise has already joined the illustrious ranks of the likes of world soccer. He has now reached the darkest of the darkest abyss, of which there is no return.

Just wait for the refuse collectors to remove him.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Haven't you realized yet that nobody's listening to your crap?



You are

Badgerman 1:0 Internet nerd.

I will call ahead at the burn ward to make sure they've got a bed free for you.

edit: I mean damn son, I laid the smack down at 3 in the morning.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Dont say everybody loganise cos i among many think it looks pretty good.

I tbh cant see how not only you can be a football fan and not buy pes but how can sign up to a forum and slate a game. If your not thinking about buying it then i cant get my head around it. I have never even considered not buying pes. its just a given that each year no matter what you get it and as bad as pes 2008 was it was still worth having for a few months like most games.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I dont know what kind of a person comes on to a web site and slates a game. Whats the point? Im sitting here and just thinking bad thoughts about games and slating them in my mind gets boring. Why do it? It get boring after about 1 second. At least us enthusiasts can get hyped about something but thats hard when you and your FUN POLICE roll in and brake up the fun.

Its not even positive critisism. Its just that annoying type that is completely a waste of time.

Dont like it, then fuk off. peace out
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