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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I tbh cant see how not only you can be a football fan and not buy pes but how can sign up to a forum and slate a game. If your not thinking about buying it then i cant get my head around it.

This is what the internet is all about. I mean, this is the oil that keeps the cogs turning.

I've done it myself in my younger days. When Mischa Barton single handedly brought down The OC I went onto a Mischa Barton fansite and told them that she was shit and her "acting" poisoned the greatest TV show of all time. I mean, of course they weren't best too pleased but I was proven right. What's old Mischa done these days?

She got her tits out in some shit film and now has to manufacture photo ops. I am glad she has frittered out into the nothingness of terrible actresses, she will join the likes of Ali Dia for her ability to con people into giving her a job.

edit: It'll be like this next year and the year after. Evo-web is all there is in terms of serious PES discussion and this is what it's like. If the Fifa folks could actually start a site and gain a following then things would flow a lot better, but as it is we're currently all lumped into one and it's not working.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

This is what the internet is all about. I mean, this is the oil that keeps the cogs turning.

I've done it myself in my younger days. When Mischa Barton single handedly brought down The OC I went onto a Mischa Barton fansite and told them that she was shit and her "acting" poisoned the greatest TV show of all time. I mean, of course they weren't best too pleased but I was proven right. What's old Mischa done these days?

She got her tits out in some shit film and now has to manufacture photo ops. I am glad she has frittered out into the nothingness of terrible actresses, she will join the likes of Ali Dia for her ability to con people into giving her a job.

one of the best single posts i've read on the interenet. :LOL: nailed every point. "california here we come..." she killed it :((
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

ThomasGoal swear they took stuff out from the build he played last year and made pes 2008 worse

Konami could be pulling a fast one by doing these secret showings of a game that is being used for the next versions development so they will think its the latest version and hype it up.
Whilst having to show the real version at these events and hoping the hype of a future version will sell more units

I know it sounds too far fetched but at the same time it would make sense

I have the same suspicions!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Brief history: Started off on International Soccer (NES), played every fifa game, was introduced to WE8, brilliant, then WE9, super brilliant, never looked back at fifa. WE9 made me realise how horrible fifa was, period. It is my fave footy game ever. Then came Fifa 07 on 360. I said ok, Ill try it, nice grfx, next gen, why not? It was horrid, but you can definately see potential, then came Fifa 08, much much better, from one year to the next, lots was improved, really like it. Then tried PES2008, WTF?, horrible "next gen game", now this PES2009? :LOL:

Just stating I am not afanboy but play the better game. This PES debacle is unacceptable. Konami are clearly either not embracing or not capable of delivering on next gen. Not only that but their planning for next gen was too late. If you know, it takes x amount of years to build a new engine, start on time. They didn't. Why? Probably because they were waiting for the release of the PS3.

Now, this forum is to express pyour opinion on PES games so why are people expecting everything to be rosy around here. This energy around here is being mirrored from Konami's presentations/lack of innovation and ambition. Really, sometimes it is very hard to talk about this game without mentioning the other (Fifa), but it's pertinent to the subject. If you compare fifa 07 to 08 its like day and night. You can see the effort, the work that has gone into it. And so far from what I see and read about Fifa 09, it is truly ambitious, truly innovative and exciting.

I log on today to see if the company that gave me my favorite football title has returned to glory, and so far it is far from it. I can point out afew things but the most obvious are #1, the overall look/presentation is abysmal. It's the first thing you notice. Looks like a schoolkids arts and crafts project. And yes, presentation is important on next gen, especially when it's not so hard to do, but obviously there are some very amateurish people designing at Konami. 2nd, gameplay! The whole look and feel, physics is very dated. I want a faster smoother framerate @60 fps, not 45. The way players run. It's choppy and robotic. They way they turn. I can go on and on.

For those of you saying "Oh stop complaining...bla bla bla..." , I partly blame you for allowing Konami to be complacent and resting on laurels that are 5 years old!

My advice would be to look for an entire new team to be in charge of future iterations. Look at Seabass in that interview! The man looks so bored, uninspired and stagnant, just like the game itself. Konami needs to inject new ideas and new talent to take over the reigns. IMO, Seabass is one of the main problems. Him and the absurdly huge community of die hard fanboys who protect inadequacy at every turning point.

Guess who will be the leader this year, Fifa. yes, I said it. So what. Watch and see.

In closing I will say that I dream of the glory years of PES to return. When it does, Ill certainly throw a bash!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The following quote hits the nail on the head and captures many of my feelings on what I see so far:

"People just need to understand a few things here, the pessimits who own next-gen systems realise this is the 3rd iteration of Pro Evo, the 3rd time it has come to a next-gen system yet it has stalled so bad whereas EA have made large improvements year by year, that PES2009 is being hailed and praised for pretty much being everything PES6 should have been, or PES2008 should have been. That's how the standard of some have dropped. And I'm glad Adam on the podcast said the same thing, PES2009 is only being praised because its an improved version of last year but in comparison to FIFA09 is still a generation behind."
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Lots of good information here folks, but try and keep it a bit more civil. Disagreeing with other people's opinion is fair game (pretty much necessary for a web forum "conversation") but let's try to keep the personal attacks out of it (i.e. try not and start off posts with "Look idiot, blah blah blah").

Also, someone is allowed to prefer the "other" footy game... I think it's fair to say that both Fifa and PES are fun to play on some level, so it's certainly fair for someone to prefer the "other" game for their own reasons.

And finally, don't forget that no one needs to run out and purchase either game tomorrow based on these pre-release impressions. In my experience in the 360/PS3 era, demos are not always a fair representation of the final product, whether they are public demos or press only. So hold on to your money (NEVER, EVER, EVER, pre-order something unless you truly think that it's an obvious purchase) until you make up your mind.

Based on what the PES and FIFA news I've seen so far (thanks Evo-Web Forums and FifaSoccerBlog), I think this year's best footy iteration may belong to EA Sports. It's certainly been a long time coming, as a Konami footy game has been purchased in my house every year (available in the USA) since ISS on the N64 and PS1. (Side note, my favorite SNES footy game was "Champions World Class Soccer" released by Acclaim in the USA... I have no idea what the EU equivalent was, but it was very similar to ISS on the SNES). I haven't purchased FIFA for a console in a long time (bought RTWC 98 for PC) but this year will likely break Konami's stranglehold on my wallet.

However, the influence of the PES series on FIFA should not be overlooked. If it wasn't for PES's growing dominance in the footy realm, FIFA would likely have not committed to such a radical redesign in it's gameplay mechanics (mechanics it had used since the PS1/3DO days... some 10 years). Now that EA has responded so well, I expect that Konami will make some changes to their core gameplay as well over the next few years. It seems that people are no longer pleased with PES simply being refined from year to year and are looking for a more substantive upgrade.

Remember, Konami used to be so good at making footy games that they used to beat EA Sports TWICE every year with both ISS games and PES games... so it's not like Konami is short on talent.

Also, I don't see what the big deal is with people switching from one game to another each year. As good as PES has been over the years, there is little to zero challenge in playing the single player mode anymore due to my familiarity with the series, I don't see the harm in people switching games simply to shake things up a bit when things get stale.

Keep it clean, people.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Eaton, nice post. EA has "ripped off" Konamis gameplay (somewhat. More like, inspired by it's past gameplay) and a few other things but that is agreat thing. How awesome is it that they prefer to do what it takes to create a great game instead of worrying about their egos! Now, that's just awesome. I dont care how anyone makes agreat game, who they were inspired by and what they copied. I care about having the best possible football experience I can. I can list a page of reasons why i think Fifa will come out on top. 10 vs. 10 online interactive leagues, online leagues, Be a Pro, much improved gameplay, response time, graphics. They even implemented aweekly download that changes your players attributes depending on how well in form they are that week. So, if Raul is having a rut of a run in real life, this will be mirrored in Fifa 09 via the download, which in turn, changes the way you play and strategize and choose lineups, etc. Now that is innovaton, it's genius actually!

I am "patienttly" waiting for more PES info before making a final decision but the only thing for sure now is that I will definately be getting Fifa 2009....and hopefully PES as well. Fingers crossed!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I will get to try out this game today I saw a few others playing it and alot of people were not that happy with it but I am sure it will be alot of fun!

as for your comments Eaton they made a new engine for the PS2 and then a new engine for the 360/PS3 so its pretty much every new console generation they have also upgraded their engine! as for them copying PES yes in certain aspects like konami have copied fifa but who cares.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I will get to try out this game today I saw a few others playing it and alot of people were not that happy with it but I am sure it will be alot of fun!

Thank you, but be careful what words you use, because they might tell you that you're promoting Fifa, or that the people outside the internet are so enthusiastic about PES! :LOL:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

haha I am stating what I saw which is actual fact :) if someone doesn't like it tough luck there were people moaning about fifa also so its not just a pes thing if thats what people are worrying about.

anyway 1 hour of pes for me today and I will see if it as good as Suff and Adam think.(its not enough to form a true opinion on the game but a taster)

what does everyone else think of their podcast I think Suff prefers fifa 09 this year but Adam is in love with pes2009
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

sweetkilla, just read your fifa 2009 impressions posted on fifa blog! Sounded awesome! Is it safe to say that if you had to bet your left arm, youd put it on fifa 2009 taking the crown this year? Don't hold back, it's just your opinion, if so.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Ok this is what I think and believe.

The Big Media outlets and magazines will still favour Pro Evo IGN and PSM for example.

FIFA 09's metacritic score overall will actually be better.

FIFA 09 will be the more popular choice for gamers. And I think it will take the crown this year but not in the form of the journalists in the form of overall forum/fansite opinion!

And Yes I would bet on fifa 09 although I know there is a massive massive fanbase that will never consider fifa and the same for PES so its safe to say PES v FIFA is not the closest it has ever been that was last year! but the most vicious it has ever been as there are 2 sets of people and they both believe the other game is better than the other :) with fifa edging it with sales again.

I dunno its really split but I just think the overall package of fifa is better!

when you factor in

Online Play
Sound Track
Adidas Live

and all for the same price as PES you do have to question why some things in PES do not have the same effort/attention to detail when we have to pay the same price...

I don't want to start a war and I am sure many people could atleast agree EA takes alot more effort in providing an overall finish.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Thanks sweetkilla. Im sure everyone here will respect your opinion so don't worry. Fifa does seem highly ambitious this year. I just finished watching a Chelsea - Arsenal HD footage of it and I can see huge strides from last year. all I needed was a few minutes of watching that to see the improvements in physics, collisions, passing, animations (new ones), grfx, even the commentating. By the way, I think Andy Gray is the absolute best commentator, imo. You can definately get a sense of how it will play just from looking at the video. One of the guys from the podcast actually said that watching the video doesn't do the game justice. If this is true, Im in for a huge treat. The following weeks should be fun as they reveal more info (i.e: what new stadiums, features, etc). I also expect to hear more goodies from PES too.

I don't understand the whole fanboy (fanbase) phenomenon. I actually read on another site, one guy said that he doesnt care if PES is total crap and Fifa awesome, he will never touch fifa. I scratch my head at this and wonder, is backing a company more important than your love for the beautiful game? Wouldn't any sane minded person want to play the best game? I switch sides all the time depending on what iteration of each respected game is best, no problem. I wanna play football not play Konami or EA. LOL! I guess Ill never understand
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I will get to try out this game today I saw a few others playing it and alot of people were not that happy with it but I am sure it will be alot of fun!

as for your comments Eaton they made a new engine for the PS2 and then a new engine for the 360/PS3 so its pretty much every new console generation they have also upgraded their engine! as for them copying PES yes in certain aspects like konami have copied fifa but who cares.

I'm nitpicking, but I wasn't trying to say that EA has been using the same game ENGINE (as one could argue they had/have been doing in Madden since going polygons) but that EA had been using the same game PLAY MECHANICS.

It wasn't until recently (FIFA 07?) that EA scrapped a lot of the scripted gameplay mechanics and fully dived into the world of more realistic physics that PES/WE players had been enjoying for years.

I have great suspicions that EA's purchase of Criterion, the makers of RenderWare (PES/WE's physics engine), in 2004 has been the driving force behind the massive change in the FIFA series... and to some extent, the stagnation of the PES/WE series. No longer does Konami have Criterion making and updating the backbone of their physics engine for PES/WE, something that I'm sure was a major factor in driving the PES/WE series to it's golden era of the last 10 years or so. Instead, FIFA has exclusive of this particular physics engine (there are others out there, i.e. "Havok", "PhysX", etc.) and it gave EA Sports the freedom to make such a substantive change in their game play mechanics.

So yes, EA has been using different game engines over the years, trying to match the critical success of WE/PES (as they should be doing) but it wasn't until they completely ditched their scripted gameplay mechanics (IMO) recently, that they've started making a real competitor to WE/PES. As I said before, hopefully this will spur a major improvement in WE/PES, otherwise I may be playing EA's FIFA for the next few years.

Either way, footy games are looking pretty good. Hopefully much of the advertised changes will make it into the final product from Konami. It's a very weird trend lately, (Since Peter Moore took over, maybe?) but EA seems to have finally started to deliver what it's been promising lately in many of their new games. Very spooky.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Hi Everyone,

EatonTJ - excellent posts - sensible and well thought out, unlike so many on here I'm afraid to say.

OK I have been a long time of the PES series, but have been outraged by Konami over PES2008. No one needs to be reminded why (I’m sure) but really a game ought to be functional straight out of the box and PES2008 was not (I’m a PS3 owner). I actually sent the game back as it is unplayable and not fit for purpose in it's current state and was just not acceptable as an ‘any-gen’ game (let alone as a ‘next-gen’ game). I urged others to do the same, as the developers conned the community, fleecing them for a game, that didn’t even work as it should have. I was delighted to find that Fifa08 was a good game – unlike the previous utterly dismal efforts from EA.

Even with all of the issues around PES2008, overly loyal consumers seem to defend PES2008 to this day (with many fansites very hostile to critical commentary on the game).

Again anyone with a memory will recall all of the hyperbole around PES last year. Everyone should also recall certain people’s claims to have seen, somewhat mysteriously, a much more advanced version of the game and so on. And what is happening this year – the same people are saying precisely the same thing. There is a saying – fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me – I really cannot believe the naivete of people falling for this evasive, evidence deifying, illogical trope again.

The only publicly available evidence so far are some game-play videos – in my view they look awful. The reasons why have been covered by others in the thread.

I do wonder why cheerleaders for Konami such as Badgerboy seem to enormously enjoy telling people in a condescending and entirely facetious manner not to believe the evidence of their own eyes?

Badger’s tired excuses for Konami remind me of the ontological argument for theism; only in his case it's PES to be worshipped – e.g. "there is nothing greater of which can be conceivable than a PES game".

Perhaps we should reverse this into a negative ontological argument – is there any conceivable PES game, no matter how awful, that Badgerman and his acolytes would conceive of criticising? (For some sad people it will always be 'PES good, FIFA bad' no matter what games are actually produced.)

Have fun with Fifa09 people – you know deep down in your hearts it will be the better game this year. Perhaps this is why people are so extraordinarily defensive if anyone makes any negative comment towards Konami/PES – NO MATTER HOW WELL THOUGHT OUT AND VALID IT MAY BE!
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

3 questions, please answer if you can
• No La liga license, but will the player namnes, club names and kits be correct? I don´t care about the actual La Liga-logotype
• Will you be able to "tilt"/change the camera, as you could in previous versions. Not being stucked with the same angle?
• Will you be able to take control of CPU-teams when playing a league. This was removed for pes 08 and when playing with a friend we couldn´t just choose one team each - we had to play EVERY single game
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Thanks for the videos, I didn't notice any "new" off-the-ball movements at all in any of the videos.

I understand that this may fall under the issue of "things not in the demo version", but for this to be the "one important change" this year to PES as indicated by Konami it seems to be a pretty big missing piece.

Game still looks good as it always has, but the problem is that it looks exactly as good as it did before. Thanks for the vids.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I don't get the "you can't form an opinion until you play it" statement - we can see a lot of things which are shit about the game from the videos, the only thing that would change would be how the game is played (your input), not how it plays (the engine).
You're telling me you buy a game based on how it looks? Its the experience. You can't completely judge a game by looking at it. There are numerous games out there that look fabulous but play shit. And vice versa.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You're telling me you buy a game based on how it looks? Its the experience. You can't completely judge a game by looking at it. There are numerous games out there that look fabulous but play shit. And vice versa.

I don't think you understood the original poster. He is saying that he can tell a lot about the game by watching video of other people playing the game (I agree).... and in his opinion (from watching said videos) the game doesn't appeal to him.

He isn't saying that the game will play well or not based on how fabulous the graphics are.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I just had conversation with my friend on ICQ, he was in Leipzig yesterday, he played NHL 09 ( crap as hell, same buggy goals ), Fifa 09 ( he said it haas some flaws from FIFA08 ) and PES09 - graphic almost the same, moves almost the same as PES08, still very speedy game , he had problem to find 3 differencies with PES08, it plays a little better then PES08 , thats all, time has stopped with this football game - thats his opninion
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I don't think you understood the original poster. He is saying that he can tell a lot about the game by watching video of other people playing the game (I agree).... and in his opinion (from watching said videos) the game doesn't appeal to him.

He isn't saying that the game will play well or not based on how fabulous the graphics are.
exactly. well said..

i just saw this video and well umm i thought the pace of the game was good but it aint. its still a bit too fast and the animation is a fucking joke. i never realized how much of an impact animation can have in a footy game till i played fifa08.

they run exactly like in pes08 flapping there arms all over the place looking so fake and it seems as if they call can run as fast as walcott, if not faster.

there are soo many things you can judge from actual video gameplay footage.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

3 questions, please answer if you can
• No La liga license, but will the player namnes, club names and kits be correct? I don´t care about the actual La Liga-logotype
• Will you be able to "tilt"/change the camera, as you could in previous versions. Not being stucked with the same angle?
• Will you be able to take control of CPU-teams when playing a league. This was removed for pes 08 and when playing with a friend we couldn´t just choose one team each - we had to play EVERY single game

1. Probably not no. They have the FIFPro license I suppose so you'll get the correct player names, but without the La Liga license, the team names and kits will have to be edited correctly yourself I'd expect. That's if any La Liga teams are in the game to begin with of course (I wouldn't put it past Konami to just get rid of them).

2. Again, probably not, no.

3. Again, probably not, no.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I don't think you understood the original poster. He is saying that he can tell a lot about the game by watching video of other people playing the game (I agree).... and in his opinion (from watching said videos) the game doesn't appeal to him.

He isn't saying that the game will play well or not based on how fabulous the graphics are.

And i clearly said
You can't completely judge a game by looking at it.

Also you can't completely judge a game from "watching video of other people playing" as well. First impressions count obviously. The numerous times i've watched gameplay videos and was impressed, then playing it was just totally different. Some games appeal to the eyes and some don't. The fact Rob judged it only by looking it at is my point. If he played it then that's a different thing.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I'd like to see PS2 videos, as that's the format i'll be going for again this year. But i don't think we'll see any.

PS I wish they'd get rid of the UPPERCASE letters.
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