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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

well guys im not impressed at all by all the vids i've seen. The goalkeepers seems poor as usual and why would konami show a pre-build of the game and show the WENB team a different game? I mean konami know that they messed up the 2008 version so they should promote and show of pes2009 to the fans. Aki Saito (dont know the spelling)shows whats new in the game playing arg-por, i just laughed, he had nothing to say, nothing to show concrete either...i saw a video of fifa where they showed to the press whats new in fifa09, they really pointed out the new stuff by showing it. The dribble by Aki hahahaha..... well i love the pes series so i will buy it and play it to xbox360, hopefully it is not as bad as it looks....

Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The latest WENB podcast mentioned that the right analog stick was, and I quote, "360 degree control" as far as passing goes.

Somehow I doubt it. We still have people who claim PES5/6 etc has manual passing on the right analog stick, when in fact they've done no in-depth studies on how it actually works.

So WENB mention the manual passes now being 360 degree controlled, but they don't mention doing 10 minute so of passing in various angles to see if the ball tends to only go in 8 directions.
Sounds more like they just used it a couple of times, managed one decent throughball (1 of the 8 directions happened to coincide with where they actually wanted to pass), and deemed it "analog".

In the past they've commented on the (completely automatic) X-passing, saying how it seems "more manual" and stuff like that. Their track record for judging these types of things (or perhaps rather, comunicating it properly to me) isn't the best.
Also why wouldn't KONAMI plaster "FULL 360 PASS CONROL" on every available press release etc?

We all know their PR isn't the best though.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

So far i'm pretty indifferent to the videos.

It looks touched up over previous incarnations but not the leap that should be coming to a PS3.

I'm very familiar with the whole ''subtle gameplay tweaks'' phenomenon in games being a big 2D fighting fan and snapping up all kinds of ''Streetfighter 5 Super Impact Striking Resurrection Plus Alpha Hyper Edition'' type games due to them adding a new character and new animation to my favourite characters ''Yabbadabbadooken'' special move but it gets to the point where you start to feel a mug. A willing mug all the same but....well.

I'll be buying PES 2009 this year because i know my mates will, i suspect it will play like my PS2 versions and i geniunely feel i will enjoy myself with the game; not PS3 standard enjoyment but more ''Well it's a step in the right direction'' kind of enjoyment.

It's telling though, the reason i'll likely be purchasing the game this year is so i have less things plugged into my setup, i'll likely be buying this for the actual convenience of playing a PES game without having to change plugs and mess with amp switching inputs. Like a mug i'll justify it by having a fri/sat in that weekend and save more than i spent on the game...but still....

I hope it will actually be a more worthwhile purchase though, instead of essentially £35 worth of not messing with HDMI and Component cables.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

BTW the nets do remind me of those i use to make in my garden when i was 10 years old.......

What about penalties?? any new camera or anthing new like power bars???

Problem being the ball feels so scripted that it ruines the experience.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

So far i'm pretty indifferent to the videos.

It looks touched up over previous incarnations but not the leap that should be coming to a PS3.

I'm very familiar with the whole ''subtle gameplay tweaks'' phenomenon in games being a big 2D fighting fan and snapping up all kinds of ''Streetfighter 5 Super Impact Striking Resurrection Plus Alpha Hyper Edition'' type games due to them adding a new character and new animation to my favourite characters ''Yabbadabbadooken'' special move but it gets to the point where you start to feel a mug. A willing mug all the same but....well.

I'll be buying PES 2009 this year because i know my mates will, i suspect it will play like my PS2 versions and i geniunely feel i will enjoy myself with the game; not PS3 standard enjoyment but more ''Well it's a step in the right direction'' kind of enjoyment.

It's telling though, the reason i'll likely be purchasing the game this year is so i have less things plugged into my setup, i'll likely be buying this for the actual convenience of playing a PES game without having to change plugs and mess with amp switching inputs. Like a mug i'll justify it by having a fri/sat in that weekend and save more than i spent on the game...but still....

I hope it will actually be a more worthwhile purchase though, instead of essentially £35 worth of not messing with HDMI and Component cables.

i agree with you about purchasing the game. Because its the only footie game I know my mates will pick up and play without second thoughts despite how good FIFA 09 could be.

But due to the advance development of modding and kitservers I reckon I'll just get the PC version(cheaper) and plug it to my 42' inch tv whenever I feel like playing it.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Leavin' for Leipzig now, will report back this evening. Its only an hour drive so got nothin to lose.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The problem with this footage is that Gattuso should never be that far forward, yes it may happen every now and then in real life but it happened all the time in PES 2008 were DM's would be so far forward and it looks like they haven't addressed it, disappointing
Are you serious ? You must be really running out of ways to criticize the game... :LOL:
You got any proof that he isn't playing LM ? Look at De Rossi where is he ? Come on man :DD

EDIT: What do you know? Look at 0:30 there is his name and guess what LMF !!! hahaha
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

the user who was playing with Italy also could have changed formation settings and changed the position of Gatusso,
anyway from the last 2 vids....the game even looks outdated to me,
i need to see something new
and ppl taling about that the game is 70% done....... trust me it wont look any different when its 100%,
otherwise Konami would not reveal the game.
The last 30% is only for the other modes and some ajustments in GFX(like colors and backgrounds)
because at this version u only can play with like 8 teams and some standiums.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Trance_Allstar, would you consider the manual selction for passing on fifa, actually manual and how it should be or what?

I for some reason I believe WENB, well atleast I hope they are right, as then atleast it will be better than the game we have seen, they weren't allowed videos of the one they played though did they?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Trance_Allstar, would you consider the manual selction for passing on fifa, actually manual and how it should be or what?

I for some reason I believe WENB, well atleast I hope they are right, as then atleast it will be better than the game we have seen, they weren't allowed videos of the one they played though did they?
Yes and I don't know why. I thought they would've used their HD cam to record videos of their games and release it when the NDA is lifted, which was the 20th.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yes and I don't know why. I thought they would've used their HD cam to record videos of their games and release it when the NDA is lifted, which was the 20th.

Yeah I would of thought that too, why didnt they record the game they played and release after NDA as well as recording the one at liepzig, then they could compare better and would be better for us, maybe they was too wrapped up in the one they had to record anything, well atleast I hope that is the case.

Unless their NDA for their game is longer or something.

*edit* LemonJelly, haha I better start running a football gaming blog and get both PES and Fifa free :D Anyone want to join?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Lami, most of the time when a game looks like it plays crap in videos, it usually does, when a game looks like it plays good in videos, it usually does - from my experience anyway. I find that my opinions of game videos usually stay the same when I come to playing the game.

About the "early build" comments, why would Konami display a version of PES 09 which is a lot worse than what the final version will be like at such a bit event like Leipzig? They should be wanting to put out something which will impress people, and make them want to buy the game.

If they can only come up with that in a year, what makes you think they can transform that crap into a good game within a few weeks, as epic fail guy said? It won't happen, it's just clutching at straws if you think there is a chance of that.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

seeing from the current review i might as well invest in fifa this year....the vids look the same to me only graphics touched up...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Trance_Allstar, would you consider the manual selction for passing on fifa, actually manual and how it should be or what?

Hey mate. :)

I've played both FIFA08 and Euro08, and when set to manual, the passes are manual/analog in both aiming and power. I've noticed nothing to indicate they are nothing but completely in your control. I've seen people complain that the manual passes are not manual, or that the aiming is screwed up and similar things. I've never noticed anything of this.

In FIFA/UEFA I usually play with Assisted passing on X/A and Manual on the through ball button. That way I can do quick passing, and use the throughball button whenever I need to aim precisely.

IMO they're not perfect. The powerbar needs to be quicker to fill up (half the time it currently takes or something like that), and I would still like the stats of players, and how pressured they are, to have a bigger influence on the aiming, so that your passes don't always end up exactly where you are aiming all the time (there seem to be indications that being pressured in FIFA09 has a bigger influence on the accuracy of passes, which would be nice).
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Cmon guys the amount of effort the guys put in on WENB is fantastic, if you dont agree with them fine but they simply dont deserve the criticism, you dont need to agree with them but i dont think its right to lambast them so

Those reacting to the footage, look at the leipzig footage then look at the footage shown behind seabass, personally i hate the leipzig footage, but the footage i see in the seabass interview has me really really excited
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I agree that this WENB bashing is a little harsh. As I said earlier everybody has different expectations on this new Pes. Of course mine may be lower or realistic, but I realy think that you should wait until you have had the game a few weeks before making a proper opinion. Ive a feeling this game will actually end up being very popular.

However one thing I do agree with on some of these posts is how terrible Konamis marketing of the game is. It seems ridiculous that they would not show the most up to date version of Pes at Leipzig but let WENB play it? Just dont understand the logic??
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

the footage behind seabass is good because they have set the level to amature...thats why eveything the do (e.g. skills, the runs, the crossings, the passings) are pull off effectively
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Cmon guys the amount of effort the guys put in on WENB is fantastic, if you dont agree with them fine but they simply dont deserve the criticism, you dont need to agree with them but i dont think its right to lambast them so

Those reacting to the footage, look at the leipzig footage then look at the footage shown behind seabass, personally i hate the leipzig footage, but the footage i see in the seabass interview has me really really excited

I agree that the video playing behind Seabass looked better, the little they showed. I am wondering if KONAMI are just f*cking with us, to be honest. It does my head in, it really does.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The demo is coming in the week of release. Luckily i get the game 5 days befor release date:DANCE:

The game looks really, really good imo. I dont see how some of you can find faults like players not running off the ball making runs. Are you blind? I dedicated 8 minutes of watching a vid just to see if that feature was there and withing 30 seconds i managed to spot about 20 different occasions where players where running off the ball.

You must be going out of your way to bring this game down or something. This game does look fun to play and most are looking forward to all the modes and features. To critisize this installment over a couple of things that arnt true from a bloody leipzig video you cant call yourself a pes fan.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

All I know is that PES 09 hasn't done enough for me to justify spending 59.99 on it. Sorry I just won't. I might get the PC version just cause there is so much you can do with it. Konami have done a piss poor job of marketing there game. I know some of you will say that the game sells it self but that just isn't true. With the competition really out doing themselves Konami have just sat back like smug fucks and released another what seems to be piss take game. They want evolution rather then revolution but my god they have reverted back to pes 5/6. That is no evolution. The videos they show are terrible, I hear teamvision is non existent and from watching some highlights the ball physics just don't look class.

As far as Next gen looks ok they get it but I'm just not sold they have done enough for me to spend that kind of money on a game. I hope I'am so wrong cause I want Pro evo to be what it used to be but Konami feel they are still king when I just don't think that is true. Hope the demo will paint a better picture for me.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

This year really do believe that leipzig and the final product are two very different mistresses, i wouldnt play the leipzig game, i would the one behind seabass

Very very poor show by Konami to go to leipzig with the build they showed
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Why dont you just trade in a couple of game for it to cut 50% off the price. Thats what i always do. Ive only ever spent top doller on about 3 of my 500 games ive ever bought.

I agree about the seabass video. I think its because it daylight which helps the lighting affects. Also watch the goal from 2:00 - 2:06 the weight of the ball looks different from leipzig vids and the nets look amazing. They will make every tap in and screamer look great.

I remember the days when i scored a great goal i would jump up and down and shout like Liverpool had just scored. This aspect looks alot better
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Lami, most of the time when a game looks like it plays crap in videos, it usually does, when a game looks like it plays good in videos, it usually does - from my experience anyway. I find that my opinions of game videos usually stay the same when I come to playing the game.

About the "early build" comments, why would Konami display a version of PES 09 which is a lot worse than what the final version will be like at such a bit event like Leipzig? They should be wanting to put out something which will impress people, and make them want to buy the game.

If they can only come up with that in a year, what makes you think they can transform that crap into a good game within a few weeks, as epic fail guy said? It won't happen, it's just clutching at straws if you think there is a chance of that.

I don't know about the early and near finished builds to be honest. I don't even know how that works. I also have no idea why would Konami show game sites and mags a better version of what is shown to the public. They should be the same.

I do believe games get their bugs fixed and look better when they're finished. That is what I learned watching/playing other games too. But transforming from bad to good is what i'm not sure of.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

IGN Hands On

PES 2009 Hands-on From IGN!

Thanks to HundredProofSam for sending this one in. have got their hands on PES 2009 and overall the preview is quite positive for a game that’s getting a bit of backlash from PES fans based on the Leipzig videos.
Also a big thanks to all the PES fans sending videos,images, and info in, it’s all much appreciated. Send them in to the usual address-

UK, August 20, 2008 - It’s fair to say that those expecting PES 2008 to deliver the first truly next gen iteration of the series were left wanting, and while it was undoubtedly still an enjoyable football title, it still felt mired in its PlayStation 2 roots. Seabass and the team have clearly benefitted from the critical mauling it received last time out, partly due to the stasis in which the series had found itself, and largely due to the huge advancements made in the FIFA games that were beginning to win over football fans.

Sitting pretty atop the bustling new feature list is ‘Become a Legend’, a mode that charts a single player’s rise up from the youth team all the way to International glory. Our initial reaction is one of unchecked cynicism, seeing as it so closely apes FIFA’s own ‘Be a Pro’ mode that has recently proved so successful – even the Konami rep at hand suffers a little slip of the tongue and calls it ‘Be a Pro’ when guiding us through the addition. But, we’re informed, it’s an extension of the ‘fix’ mode that has featured in many Pro Evo’s of the past. Given that we’re PES stalwarts that have rinsed every title dry since they moved to the PlayStation 2 and we’ve never noticed the mode before, we’d take point with Konami’s insistence that it was ‘popular’, but it’s still a fair addition that works well for its first time out. The camera’s takes a horizontal view on the pitch, zooming in on the player as necessary – which will all be familiar to anyone who’s delved in EA’s take on the single-player focus. Regardless it works, and in taking players from the pits of the youth team up to first team glory it could well have a little more depth than its counterpart.

The Master League, which has eaten up an ungodly amount of our leisure time in the past, gets a few enhancements, with multi-tiered deals as well as players reacting on the pitch to deals they find unfavourable – so field a wantaway force such as Ronaldo for United and you’ll see a performance that’s maybe lacking in commitment.

Following gripes about the threadbare edit options last time out, there’s now a full import mode, so despite the lack of licensing for the Premiership it’ll be a matter of weeks after release that some spod’s imported all the correct logos and made them available for download. Elsewhere, the not-so-new-now Wembley makes its debut appearance in a PES, and England sport their official kit, alongside the majority of other National teams, and Konami have also pulled off a licensing coup it’s currently unwilling to disclose that should finally appease the many who despair at the lack of official kits. A neat touch sees the ability to import sound files, so players can create their own chants – most of which are sure to turn the air blue.

Graphically, it’s perhaps the first time that PES has looked like a truly current gen game, with an enhanced lighting system that moves away from the all pervading sheen that blighted previous games. It’s a few marks short of the out-and-out realism of FIFA, but PES long ago carved its own niche with its visual style, and here it’s buffed close to perfection. There’s also LED hoardings implemented, though in all honesty in the cut and thrust of a game they’ll likely go unnoticed.

Of course what really matters is what goes on on the pitch, and here it seems as if Seabass and crew have looked to some of the peaks of the series, with the revered PES 5 being a clear point of reference. The ping and bounce that’s long marked out PES is intact, and when running in tandem with all the aforementioned improvements, it plays out a compelling game – so compelling that we began to wonder why it had been so long since we last picked up a PES game.

Keepers have been much improved, proving much more resilient and less likely to spill shots. Defensive animations have also been the subject of much work, and now have a whole new set of animations that make challenges for the ball seem much more realistic. The ball is an independent entity – something that’s always been the case with PES, but that’s more pronounced this time out. Completely malleable and reacting in a pleasingly lifelike fashion, it’s one aspect that PES definitely has over its chief rival.

One key addition that could tip the balance in PES’s
favour is Manual control, a mode that allows almost unprecedented control over the play. When PES hit the Wii last year, not only were we excited to see someone finally putting some thought into how best to utilise the Wiimote, but also eager to see what influence the all pervading control would have on the next generation of games on the PS3 and 360, and in Manual control we have our answer. It essentially gives complete control over when to switch players – and that extends to when you’re in possession of the ball. It means you can lay off a ball and continue a run off the ball, allowing some cunning plays for the quick minded. While it stops a little short of the complete control that made the Wii version so special, it’s still an interesting addition, and one that adds another level to an already deep game.

Some of the new features help enhace the game’s realism, with players calling for space and a sense of genuine intelligence from your teammates. The tweening animations have been smoothed out, so there’s a more natural flow, and the newer animations help lend games a more believable physicality. In fact, many of the improvements seem to take the game in the same direction as FIFA, and it’s almost eerie how both have come out with almost the same improvements on the pitch - but that doesn’t detract from the fact that they’re both shaping up to be great games.

It’s genuinely looking like it’s too close to call between both FIFA and PES this year, with Konami seemingly having addressed many of the issues with its last game, and EA consolidating what was already a comprehensive package. We’re looking forward to see which one wins out when the final whistle blows this October.

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