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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I just had the strangest idea ever....
Maybe Konami makes tests with new gameplay, and in GC they show us the exact opposite gameplay, and then they release the one which was more liked by the public. I dunno, everything is very very confusing...
And what's with that video, 600 MB??? Fraps?

Ok so it's the Titanic, with me, WENB, IGN, Gamespot, etc..., big boat



Thomas have you played that test like WENB? Just curious.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I am enjoying reading the Fifa folks complaining about a biased analysis of Pro Evo.

Please, keep it up.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Ok so it's the Titanic, with me, WENB, IGN, Gamespot, etc..., big boat



Thomas in a way i can understand why some people are having a hard time of it

WENB: Been solid as a rock this year, but last year, and even they admitted, they followed the wrong sources, not their fault it was their first year. They built a hype based on word from sources that was wrong. This year though ive no reason not to trust them

IGN: Gave pes2008 a good rating

Gamespot: Never been known for their football reviews, ever, i personally pay no head to them

Not sure about jeux

Having said all of this im still happy, not with anything ive seen from leipzig but for the fact i think the seabass vid shows there is another more advanced code which promises alot
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I just had the strangest idea ever....
Maybe Konami makes tests with new gameplay, and in GC they show us the exact opposite gameplay, and then they release the one which was more liked by the public. I dunno, everything is very very confusing...
And what's with that video, 600 MB??? Fraps?

Thomas have you played that test like WENB? Just curious.

Its pretty darn good quality, for some reason i cant take a screenie on wmp, wont let me
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Thomas have you played that test like WENB? Just curious.
No, but one friend try the game during 4 weeks (still one for few weeks again), because work on Piggyback official PES2009 Magazine.

Thomas in a way i can understand why some people are having a hard time of it

WENB: Been solid as a rock this year, but last year, and even they admitted, they followed the wrong sources, not their fault it was their first year. They built a hype based on word from sources that was wrong. This year though ive no reason not to trust them

IGN: Gave pes2008 a good rating

Gamespot: Never been known for their football reviews, ever, i personally pay no head to them

Not sure about jeux

Having said all of this im still happy, not with anything ive seen from leipzig but for the fact i think the seabass vid shows there is another more advanced code which promises alot

Pviews, Adam and co don't follow a wrong source, believe me, i repeat again the beta of PES2008 are much much better than the final game ! why i don't know, i just know Konami are in big retard, not this year.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

There's a button on the keyboard , next to the F9-F12 buttons, called Print Screen Sys Rq. You press it and Ctrl+V in Paint, and hopefully, you'll have a screen

Yes i have tried that, the picture doesnt show up on paint
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I am enjoying reading the Fifa folks complaining about a biased analysis of Pro Evo.

Please, keep it up.


This thread sure has shown intelligence!! Blaming WENB for bringing us information they want too is just childish. Surely if wanted to ignore them you just could, without them we wouldn't have had much info in the past few weeks. They're serving their purpose as a PES fansite and now have also been a part of a FIFA site as well.(FIFA Soccer Blog).
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

No, but one friend try the game during 4 weeks (still one for few weeks again), because work on Piggyback official PES2009 Magazine.

Pviews, Adam and co don't follow a wrong source, believe me, i repeat again the beta of PES2008 are much much better than the final game ! why i don't know, i just know Konami are in big retard, not this year.
I'm sorry, I didn't understand the last sentence. Konami screwed in the final game, but not this year? Or something completely different?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I'm sorry but its misinformation so therefore it's useless.

And since when have Fifa reviews been biased? They usually always score lower than Pro Evo games, and especially last year it wasn't merited.

Perhaps the build everyone has been playing is PES2010 instead.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

That makes it +2 haha, the intelligence in this thread is beyond belief, I mean like how Campey manged to change Seabass into Seatrout, its a laugh riot and so genious at the same time. :D

Im surprised why so little videos are up, I would of expected a mass amount of footage, also is the demo at liepzig only 6 teams?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Same excuses I'm hearing...

"We played a different build, a more advanced build," then the game comes out and it's crap. Sounds eerily similar to last year.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

No, but one friend try the game during 4 weeks (still one for few weeks again), because work on Piggyback official PES2009 Magazine.

Pviews, Adam and co don't follow a wrong source, believe me, i repeat again the beta of PES2008 are much much better than the final game ! why i don't know, i just know Konami are in big retard, not this year.

Why on earth would konami do that?

Well if they put the leipzig version of pes2009 out i wont be happy this year
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I wish I'd have your optimism, Thomas!

I was playing WE/PES, NO other video game, for the last 6/7 years. I was slightly dissapointed with PES6/360, but I kept on playing. 2008 has ruined my love:
- no online (broken)
- gameplay (too fast, broken balance)
- slow down (fixed in the meantime, at least in-game)
- all the small things missing (Camera pan, edit mode,....)

Now it's said: PES2009 will be what 2008 should have been.
I say: then release this as a patch, as I've already paid for this !

And you still don't feel being cheated, Thomas ? I do. They've ruined our game. I don't wanna switch with the WENB guys. I'd feel completely pawnd by KONAMI.
Let's see what we'll get in October.

I wish I'd have your optimism....
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

IGN are no longer a reliable source for me. Since seeing them give PES 2008 such a high score, then seeing they were a sponsor in the game, I've lost all confidence in them.

Clearly paid off.

Totally agree.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

"‘Become a Legend’, a mode that charts a single player’s rise up from the youth team all the way to International glory". - Sounds like you can get called up to your national team.:))

"alongside the majority of other National teams, and Konami have also pulled off a licensing coup it’s currently unwilling to disclose that should finally appease the many who despair at the lack of official kits". - Sounds like the Europian Cup is licensed with all national teams from it.

Pretty good stuff if true.

Pes 2008 fun stuff to do:


Pes 2009 fun stuff to do:

-CUPS (possible Euro cup licensed)

^^ All that with quality gameplay. :BY:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I'm sorry, I didn't understand the last sentence. Konami screwed in the final game, but not this year? Or something completely different?
I remember a PS2 beta floating around a few days before release (PES4 or 5, don't know which year). The final version indeed played different (worse) then the beta. There's been a huge discussion on this board...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Someone just said something that worried me

What if they do do the same thing this year, and the code WENB played isnt released?

....Perhaps ill rent this one first
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I remember a PS2 beta floating around a few days before release (PES4 or 5, don't know which year). The final version indeed played different (worse) then the beta. There's been a huge discussion on this board...

I remember that as well. Final version was way worse.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Perhaps there is two versions and the build that was good had too many bugs to make release?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

All this silly talk about builds and so... Please let's consider the facts:

Things missing and considerations regarding ALL the videos I've seen thus far (including the poor chat of seabass, poor in terms of marketing, conception and most possibly translation...):

- Proper AI, proper movements off the ball. The AI is horrible. Any sign of professional players covering an area in a given formation is an illusion. As always, you can simply run the wing because sidebacks are missing again and again. The receiver is most of the time completely unmarked, no signs of man marking / zone marking at all. Don't start tlaking BS with the players, the AI should be doing all that automatically. Player movement off the ball is reduced to minimal and most of the times player reactions are absurd, they even go in the wrong direction.

The problem is that defensive AI is still worse than anything in this game, they look like zombies in defense.

- Passing in general looks a tad better than last year, but still short. I can't see any trace of "manualness" in the actions, the same scripts we've played millions of times judging who gets the ball and deciding those railed movements and passes. Passes go to the feet or to the opposition most of the time. Only 8 directional and automatic-scripted passing really starts to look very primitive.

- Shooting seems as bad as passing, it's about time they put a MANUAL way of controlling direction, power and so. It seems, by the looks of it, totally "SCRIPTED", and you all know what I mean. The same to crossing, the ball goes automatically around one of your players. I haven't seen any blatantly missed cross yet...

- Physics are still far from the physics I expect from them. Far better than last year, yes (it was a must!). But the ball rolls as in a jupiter gravitational field. Rebounds of the ball sometimes are really awkward. Collisions between players are still PS2-ish, very primitive.

- And lastly, animations. Bloody awful. That's not acceptable for a game selling 6 million copies. That's unacceptable for a whole year of work. Where's their mocap? Can they show how they produced this animations? because they seem the exact awful animations of last year, plus some new (and still bad) ones.

So, I would like to know, from all the people that finds the game so good, and point per point, what they think about all this.

Because maybe they like a footy game where you simply press "cross" and it crosses perfectly and you press shoot and your player scores. Maybe people doesn't want more depth into gameplay. Maybe they're only focusing on tucked shirts / untucked shirts, star faces, and scissor kick goals.

I can't understand what's new in this game judging by the looks of it, nor I can understand how is it supposed to be better when controls are almost the same (I know they introduced that kind of run when CPU-mate has the ball but it really doesn't change things very much in the general view) and AI is almost the same. Controls and AI are 2 of the main factors into gameplay.

Now please people like Badger and Thomas goal please answer me with depth, not with "you have to feel it", "it produces magic in the final third" (I've scored with Fifa and Euro as many different goals as with my Pes 2008, so maybe you're lacking some months of practice with manual controls), "let's waity for a newer build". Why do you think this game should be susbtantially better than last year's or PES6 or any previous PES installment.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Most of your AI stupidness points can be solved by 3 words.


Honestly i could say about 20-40 things that i am looking forward to but i cba to.
Few things are how weather conditions are back and effect play and gameplay has slowed down and its more of a ' hold onto the ball and pick your passes carefully' type of game now.

I thought i'd say aswell that when your doing slow dribble your can now turn quickly and sharply in all directions.

The only good gameplay vid which makes it look good is the seabass interview.
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