Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'd have given it to Silva myself, I think he's the best player in the league and possibly the best creative midfielder to play in England since the start of the Premier League. Suarez has been good, but I would say he's not quite of that same level. In a way it's harsh to judge Suarez's ability since he would be better playing with an out-and-out striker (like with Cavani at Uruguay) but at Liverpool he's often been a bit isolated in the center of the attack. Personally I think Lucas has been as good as Suarez for you in 2011, but the injury and also the fact defensive midfielder is not a galmerous position tend to count against him. There are also a few other players at lesser teams who have also been good. Demba Ba was one of only two decent West Ham players at the end of last season and has already looked as impressive with Newcastle. When you look at how well he's done in two teams with very different systems and not a lot of service to strikers I would say he could be in contention for best player of the year. The other decent West Ham player was Parker and again he could be in contention for player of 2011 as his form has been good with Spurs too.

Nani's a strange inclusion I dont think he's been near the top 5 players in the league, unless it's a poll for cumulative pointless stepovers. He'd struggle to be in the top 5 ManU players for 2011 let alone the whole league. Vidic, Hernandez, Rooney and even Giggs have made more telling contributions over the last 12 months.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Nani's a strange inclusion I dont think he's been near the top 5 players in the league, unless it's a poll for cumulative pointless stepovers. He'd struggle to be in the top 5 ManU players for 2011 let alone the whole league. Vidic, Hernandez, Rooney and even Giggs have made more telling contributions over the last 12 months.

Sorry for non-Liverpool post, but don't really know how to move this comment to the United/ EPL thread. But have to take exception here. Alongside Tevez and Drogba, Nani had the highest combined total of goals and assists last year in the league.

So, erm, yeah. He also has 8 goals already this season in all comps. And has been United's most consistent performer in a year that saw them win the league, get to the CL final and be the only team close to keeping pace with City this season.

Not sure if you're watching footage from 3 years ago, but Nani is a great player.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Merry christmas to all reds.. not just those who live in Liverpool and have the money to buy tickets to home matches ;)

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Sorry for non-Liverpool post, but don't really know how to move this comment to the United/ EPL thread. But have to take exception here. Alongside Tevez and Drogba, Nani had the highest combined total of goals and assists last year in the league.

So, erm, yeah. He also has 8 goals already this season in all comps. And has been United's most consistent performer in a year that saw them win the league, get to the CL final and be the only team close to keeping pace with City this season.

Not sure if you're watching footage from 3 years ago, but Nani is a great player.

Just quote it in your club's thread, and then you can discuss how or why you think he's your most important player.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Merry christmas to all reds.. not just those who live in Liverpool and have the money to buy tickets to home matches ;)


haha, there are people who live in Liverpool and don't have money to buy tickets :P
And probably there are more Liverpool fans outside Liverpool, so Merry Christmas to everybody who lives RED and NEVER WALKS ALONE.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

haha, there are people who live in Liverpool and don't have money to buy tickets :P
And probably there are more Liverpool fans outside Liverpool, so Merry Christmas to everybody who lives RED and NEVER WALKS ALONE.

Well said, merry Christmas to all Liverpool fans both home and abroad, as well as to all football fans who visit the thread in general.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

haha, there are people who live in Liverpool and don't have money to buy tickets :P
And probably there are more Liverpool fans outside Liverpool, so Merry Christmas to everybody who lives RED and NEVER WALKS ALONE.

I never said there aren´t :COOL:

but your whole post proved my hidden point ;)

Merry Christmas again!!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


@ vs Wigan Athletic Football Club
by Kops

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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Disgusting. All Liverpool fans are scum. No other clubs have a minority of "fans" that are idiots, of course.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

great post i found about this case:
So let me get this straight.

You think the fact that Liverpool Football Club, its manager and players standing strongly behind a player they believe has been persecuted and wrongly labelled a racist is embarassing?

You would rather they sit back, see the newspaper headlines yelling RACIST, hear the crowds screaming abuse at one of our players and just bow their heads and do nothing.

As far as I am concerned, if they had taken that course of action it would have been embarassing, in fact it would have been disgraceful.

This is a ridiculous statement. I got some t shirts printed for Christmas - was that wrong? Should I have been told by the shop that they only deal with natural disasters? The players obviously feel deeply that what is going on at the moment is wrong. Their statement and show of support couldn't have made that plainer, and if people want to throw their hands up in horror over that, I would suggest that they are pandering to the newspaper headline writers and TalkSport journo's rather than examing the events of the past few weeks.

Ok, lets have a look at what has happened, and the punishment meted out.

As far as I am concerned Suarez has been made a scapegoat and is paying the price for a series of events that have built up together.

** England get badly mauled at the World Cup bidding and accusations about illegality in the bidding process are made that cause great embarrassment and trouble for Sepp Blatter and his cronies.

The FA oppose Blatters re-election.

** Suarez hits the Prem and teams find him a nuiscance.

Ferguson labels him a diver, TalkSport devote a programme to debate 'Is Louis Suarez the dirtiest player in the Prem, some no mark goalie calls him a diver.

** Suarez starts to get the wrong end of decisions in games, and little if any protection from referees.

** Blatter makes a comment about how racist remarks on the pitch should be dealt with by a handshake, causes fury (mainly in this country) and is forced to apologise.

** Evra makes a post match complaint about Suarez making a racist remark, and the FA investigate.

They do not subsequently investigate or punish Evra for using a pejorative word even though he admitted the offence.

** The FA hand out an unprecendented ban and fine, to make Blatter and his cohorts see how this sort of offence should be handled, a great excuse for some more FIFA bashing.

** Daily Mirror has a bold banner headline saying simply RACIST. Talksport spend days focussing on pulling one of our players to bits, while every time he now sets foot on the pitch he is subjected to boos and abuse.

** John Terry (subject of a Police investigation into racist comments) plays and gets the following headline in the papers -"John Terry a heroic Leader", "The caring side of John Terry" (picture of him with a black baby).

** Even if found guilty in a Court of law, Terry can not be awarded a ban for 8 games, or a £40,000 fine. Instead, he can be given a maximum fine of £2500. A bit of a difference there isn't there?

and despite ALL of this you think the club should have sat back, accepted what the FA have done without any protest or sign of discontent?

You say that Liverpool fans should make up their own minds about all this, well believe me I have done a lot of reading, a lot of listening, and I have made my mind up.

The treatment of Suarez stinks. I know it, the players know it, the manager, who I happen to think is a fairly decent chap, knows it and an awful lot of decent Liverpool supporters know it.

Shame you don't feel the same.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He is from other part than me, he speaks a lot of in semi-dialect and half closed mouth :D even for me it´s hard to understand if he talked faster lol..

Vesele (Merry) Vianoce (Christmas) všetkým (to all) naším (our) členom (members) na Slovensku (in Slovakia) a (and) na celom (all around) svete (the world)

It´s just about learning words, the sentences are then very good to understand.. ;)

btw, good Q-A video with Agger
YouTube - Daniel Agger answers your Tweets
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He is from other part than me, he speaks a lot of in semi-dialect and half closed mouth :D even for me it´s hard to understand if he talked faster lol..

Vesele (Merry) Vianoce (Christmas) všetkým (to all) naším (our) členom (members) na Slovensku (in Slovakia) a (and) na celom (all around) svete (the world)

It´s just about learning words, the sentences are then very good to understand.. ;)

It sounds as a mission impossible to learn this language :S
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

basicly it´s not so difficult if you know words, we have the same sentence setting as any european language, but what´s very very difficult is the morphology ;) phonetics are ok, becouse we read everything the same way, in english it´s you need to take care about intonation much more ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

guys anyone can tell me if suarez can play today ?

I read Steve G can play today , cant wait to see him back ! many our player have to learn from him !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Didn't see it so my comment is with a pinch of salt but we REALLY need to sort it out if we can't even beat an out of form Blackburn. Very poor.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We're just not clinical enough, these draws are killing us, I would've swore for Dunn to score his goal to wake up Kenny and the whole Liverpool lineup, cause they're not doing enough. See I told you Kenny should've shut up about Suarez's issue but he kept yapping we're not causing any problem whatsoever, it's distracting the team. Oh and did I mention Carroll being a step behind everyone during open play? Not winning headers?

On the positive side, Enrique with another great game. Good to see Gerrard back but obviously we asked too much of him.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Oh and did I mention Carroll being a step behind everyone during open play? Not winning headers?

he had many crosses and never get the ball WTF ?

its not lucky why united won vs wigan , vs fulham ? they have lucky ? no they have better team and so much better strategy ,

oh someone notice me what kenny said in hes interview after match pls

we need new players inside of adam ,henderson, carroll so about 3 in middlefield and 1-2 forward
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Carroll is slow and doesn't real fit in the team, we need to get another Suarez/Aguero like player on January if we want to somehow get rid of those boring draws against bottom table teams.
Adam and Henderson were not at their best today, they lost so many balls, Enrique is a beast but his shooting is horrible, Maxi is outstanding, his first touch is great I can't believe Kenny is not giving him much playing time, Downing was superb today too, as for Suarez no comment really, I wish we had more players of the same caliber as him...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Same old problems, problems that come from signing even more average players. Even without cl football we had the opportunity to buy top quality attacking players but oh no we flushed near to £60m on downing and carrol alone. Even a very weakened utd side have enough cutting edge to put the bottom teams to the sword. Still can't shake of the labourious and static nature of our play that has dogged us for many years.

I can only hope whoever we do sign come january are either near Suarez level on it or above it anything below that and forget about finishing in the top 4.

I've heard people say we're doing better than expected after what happened 12 months ago, and finishing outside the top 4 won't be such a bad thing. Well say that does happens what are our expectations for next season and the future? Serious questions will have to be asked towards the manager and the new signings.
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