Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

That's a very blinkered post, even by your pro ManU standards. If you say the comments he said against Italians or against Germans then it's insulting the Italian and the German people. Your manager was such an ignorant moron that the players he accused of "being typically German" were actually Dutch, yet he was so myopic he just came out with crude racial slurs.

If you (or the FA ,or whoever) are clamping down on racism you cannot be selective. It's similar to when England played Bulgaria a few months ago, Bulgarian fans were racially abusing English players, but also English fans were racially abusing Bulgarians (and Roma people who live there) by singing songs about them being "gypsies" and living in caravans. So if you're calling for Suarez to be punished then also Ferguson should face punishment for uttering racist things.

No it's not f*cking blinkered because of my footballing allegiance.

It's a simple definition thing. Racism refers to race, not nationality. I've done tons of work on this as part of the long healing process my country is going through due to our past. Racism is a very specific thing, because of the incredibly horrific nature of what it means and how it has influenced an entire continent (and their diaspora).

So, for that reason, please charge Fergie with prejudicing against a nationality, displaying ignorance, rudeness and offense. But do not call it racist, because it isn't.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Sudaca isn't just calling him a South American, it's a highly derogatory term referring to him being an immigrant and is taken offensively in South America.

But we wouldn't know that because we're not from South America. Funny how you don't know that certain terms and phrases are different in different continents, isn't it?

FFS, I agree with you! If Evra really called him a derogatory word then charge him with the proper thing! Which isn't frigging racism. That's all I'm trying to say.

(I also find it hard to trust this whole bit of the story - since the only 'source' appears to be the same internet gurus that have peddled Evra 2 times accusing others of being racist towards him - none of which are true, but do of course fit the Liverpool way. Oh and the Daily Mail. That bastion of truth.)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yeah I don't understand that post at all.

This isn't about being caucasian or not (and you know what if you wanna get technical, a lot of Italians aren't necessarily what you'd call a typical 'caucasian' anyway but that's besides the point), this is about singling out a group of peoples and stereotyping. So saying something about Germans or Italians as a group, as a nation, as a culture SHOULD be just as looked down upon as a racial slur.

But anyway this is getting way off topic now. I for one don't mind the ban and think:

1) If the FA have done it, they must have had some compelling evidence. This is not one man's word against another. They've been researching and investigating this for months. They must have found evidence and perhaps we shall soon hear/see some of them ourselves.

2) Whether 'negrito' is a racist term or not, it really doesn't matter. You can be rest assured, in the CONTEXT it was said in, in the heat of the battle, with all the little personal one-on-one battles those two had and the pictures taken (where both look LIVID especially Evra), this was meant in a racist way. Why else bring someone else's dark colour into this, especially for a country like Uruguay who despite what some people want to say is along with Argentina the most racist country in South America and has a lower "Black" population than most. It's also a very small country and primarily white. Hell, it took them till year 2011 to bring a Black guy to national team. Alvaro Pereira. Actually there was Dario Silva before and a couple others I'm sure but the nation is primarily white/hispanic (Italian/Spanish immigrants much like Argentina) and they're certainly not as used to or as accepting of Black people as let's say in Brazil, Ecuador or Colombia where a much larger percentage of population are coloured and have been for decades.

In the heat of the battle and those two hating on each other and doing anything they can to win, I highly doubt as some blinkered Liverpool fans want to believe, Mr. Suarez was saying something like: "Oh hey, my dear slightly coloured friend, best of luck!". Why the hell would he call Evra an endearing 'friendly' term in the middle of that intense battle? What Suarez is suddenly a f'n saint?! It just makes no sense to use Negrito like friends apparently do in South America as in calling someone a 'mate' in the middle of that match! So don't be so naive.

Also I do believe, this whole 'Oh, I'm new here! I don't understand this culture, it's a misunderstanding, please excuse me' is the card Suarez is playing where as in the heat of the moment, he knew DAMN WELL what he was saying and he was hoping it'd affect Evra's performance and get him mad which it did him being the emotional/temperamental type. We know Suarez will do ANYTHING to get an advantage and a victory such is his competitive nature, what's wearing to a guy or being racist? Nothing. Just another action needed to get 3 points. But NOW he can play this card about oh... I didn't know... it's a good defense lol but only naive gullible people would fall for it.

And this guy isn't some 19 year old kid like Coates just coming out of Uruguay and not speaking the language at all. He spent years in Holland where it's the same thing, you don't call a black guy, a negro, a negrito or ANYTHING similar! You just don't. He's not new to Europe and he's old enough and SHOULD be wise enough to know what's right and not and what CAN be said and not. But he lost it and made a mistake (which is okay, we all do) but now they've got this silly 'Culture excuse'. For me it's no excuse at all, we all do certain things in our culture but then we know what's allowed or not allowed elsewhere. Especially if you've been in Europe as long as he has. Coates would have a MUCH better case of saying what they've been saying in his defense than for Suarez.

My conclusion: I honestly think he was being racist and not because he's necessarily a RACIST person but we all have prejudices and in the heat of the moment, he lost it and did use it as a racial slur to provoke the opponent and maybe get him sent off (or off his game). As for Evra, he's no saint either! I'm sure he said similar derogatory (even racist) things to Suarez and it was a back and forth, two way things. So in that sense, I do agree with Gerd that they're both silly, spoiled, rich men who are bad role models and bring the game into dispute.

Though I don't agree with Gerd about the penalty. Caldwell basically became a GOALKEEPER! C'mon, reaction or reflex or not, it DOESNT matter! You stopped the ball by your hands which are all the way up in the air where they shouldn't be (as if you were a keeper lol), it's a PK. No doubt.

My 2 cents.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yeah I don't understand that post at all.

This isn't about being caucasian or not (and you know what if you wanna get technical, a lot of Italians aren't necessarily what you'd call a typical 'caucasian' anyway but that's besides the point), this is about singling out a group of peoples and stereotyping. So saying something about Germans or Italians as a group, as a nation, as a culture SHOULD be just as looked down upon as a racial slur.

But anyway this is getting way off topic now. I for one don't mind the ban and think:

1) If the FA have done it, they must have had some compelling evidence. This is not one man's word against another. They've been researching and investigating this for months. They must have found evidence and perhaps we shall soon hear/see some of them ourselves.

2) Whether 'negrito' is a racist term or not, it really doesn't matter. You can be rest assured, in the CONTEXT it was said in, in the heat of the battle, with all the little personal one-on-one battles those two had and the pictures taken (where both look LIVID especially Evra), this was meant in a racist way. Why else bring someone else's dark colour into this, especially for a country like Uruguay who despite what some people want to say is along with Argentina the most racist country in South America and has a lower "Black" population than most. It's also a very small country and primarily white. Hell, it took them till year 2011 to bring a Black guy to national team. Alvaro Pereira. Actually there was Dario Silva before and a couple others I'm sure but the nation is primarily white/hispanic (Italian/Spanish immigrants much like Argentina) and they're certainly not as used to or as accepting of Black people as let's say in Brazil, Ecuador or Colombia where a much larger percentage of population are coloured and have been for decades.

In the heat of the battle and those two hating on each other and doing anything they can to win, I highly doubt as some blinkered Liverpool fans want to believe, Mr. Suarez was saying something like: "Oh hey, my dear slightly coloured friend, best of luck!". Why the hell would he call Evra an endearing 'friendly' term in the middle of that intense battle? What Suarez is suddenly a f'n saint?! It just makes no sense to use Negrito like friends apparently do in South America as in calling someone a 'mate' in the middle of that match! So don't be so naive.

Also I do believe, this whole 'Oh, I'm new here! I don't understand this culture, it's a misunderstanding, please excuse me' is the card Suarez is playing where as in the heat of the moment, he knew DAMN WELL what he was saying and he was hoping it'd affect Evra's performance and get him mad which it did him being the emotional/temperamental type. We know Suarez will do ANYTHING to get an advantage and a victory such is his competitive nature, what's wearing to a guy or being racist? Nothing. Just another action needed to get 3 points. But NOW he can play this card about oh... I didn't know... it's a good defense lol but only naive gullible people would fall for it.

And this guy isn't some 19 year old kid like Coates just coming out of Uruguay and not speaking the language at all. He spent years in Holland where it's the same thing, you don't call a black guy, a negro, a negrito or ANYTHING similar! You just don't. He's not new to Europe and he's old enough and SHOULD be wise enough to know what's right and not and what CAN be said and not. But he lost it and made a mistake (which is okay, we all do) but now they've got this silly 'Culture excuse'. For me it's no excuse at all, we all do certain things in our culture but then we know what's allowed or not allowed elsewhere. Especially if you've been in Europe as long as he has. Coates would have a MUCH better case of saying what they've been saying in his defense than for Suarez.

My conclusion: I honestly think he was being racist and not because he's necessarily a RACIST person but we all have prejudices and in the heat of the moment, he lost it and did use it as a racial slur to provoke the opponent and maybe get him sent off (or off his game). As for Evra, he's no saint either! I'm sure he said similar derogatory (even racist) things to Suarez and it was a back and forth, two way things. So in that sense, I do agree with Gerd that they're both silly, spoiled, rich men who are bad role models and bring the game into dispute.

Though I don't agree with Gerd about the penalty. Caldwell basically became a GOALKEEPER! C'mon, reaction or reflex or not, it DOESNT matter! You stopped the ball by your hands which are all the way up in the air where they shouldn't be (as if you were a keeper lol), it's a PK. No doubt.

My 2 cents.

Well said....

If the FA have declared Suarez guilty....then it was not some
easy decision.....there is proof....and Suarez himself admitted
using the negro/negrito word....

For Liverpool to wear the T-shirts and publicly condemn the FA
WITHOUT even seeing the Investigation baffling.

They could have just said
"we will wait for the report from the FA, but we continue
to support Suarez and will take a stand after we see the report".

And quietly gone about their business...

The FA does not have any bias towards Liverpool...
but with Dalglish constantly complaining and pointing the finger...
I guess we are getting what we deserve.

To be honest...I have not been too impressed with Dalglish's
handling this season.....he has constantly complained about
- referees going against LFC (makes a DVD !!!)
- LFC not having luck ...hitting the post....
- LFC always facing good goalies
- FA being biased towards LFC and Suarez
- don't blame LFC for Carroll's debacle.
- blaming opponent team supporters (wigan)

When will he just keep quiet and let the team's football
do the talking ?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

(Just so were clear Suarez probably isn't a racist but he DID say something which was offensive and racially offended Patrice, theirs nothing to defend. if he had apologized and said it was all a misunderstanding it wouldn't be such an issue )

I might agree with the second part of what you say here, but the way Evra treated this makes it impossible for anybody to apologize sincerely.
As for the first part: you don't believe a second that Evra feels offended do you? The man used much more racist terms againstg Irish than the very naïve and innocent "negrito"...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I like your sensible posts mathewsss. In this thread, we have some who are just TOO NEGATIVE and no matter how a player performs or what Dalglish does, they criticize and we also have those who believe their players can no wrong or when they do, they try to justify it in whatever possible way. As if they're on trial and not the actual player or Dalglish both of whom are hardly perfect. You're a nice balance in between. A real Liverpool fan, but a human being and a FOOTBALL fan FIRST. So you tell it as it is and if Dalglish does well and players do well, you praise and if not, opposite. I'm the same as a neutral.

Anyway, in regards to my post above, I just thought of Abel Hernandez. He's a Black Uruguayan and there's been a few others I can't remember right now I'm sure but they really are an exception! Every other South American country except Argentina (And this is one reason Uruguayans and Argentinians feel closer to each other and a little brotherly relationship as opposed to other South American countries) has a lot more black population and mixed and hence also more tolerant of different ethnicities/cultures. For Uruguay, Black is still a fairly 'new' thing. The opposite of Brazil let's say.

Suarez was being racist in that moment no matter how people want to spin it. Doesn't exactly matter what he said negro or little negro or negrito or whatever, he meant what he meant and he did it to provoke a direct opponent in arguably the biggest match of the season. And racism/prejudice of any form must be eradicated from the game COMPLETELY! (Luckily, we've come along way and these examples are far less frequent now than even a decade ago) But I'm all for FA and I wished FIFA too, taking an extremely STRICT STANCE on this. They should do the same with Homophobic chants/insults. Then EVERY player knows he risks something HUGE by committing something like that. Everyone would be forced to clean up their act and be much more 'aware' and alert and vigilant. So 8 match-ban? For me, No problem. As long as they do the same to anyone else found guilty of a similar circumstance. There must be consistency. The harshness and the strictness of the penalty, I have no problem with and even applaud. If we want to truly clean up the game completely, there must be harsh penalties for lewd acts and poor sportsmanship like this. And Suarez is actually the perfect example of everything unsportsman-like. If it was up to him, he'd also say, he didn't know in 'Dutch' Culture you can't 'bite' another player and that in Uruguay, it's pretty common playground stuff between mates. But as that sounds absurd, he can't do that like his current laughable 'cultural differences' defense.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well said....

If the FA have declared Suarez guilty....then it was not some
easy decision.....there is proof....and Suarez himself admitted
using the negro/negrito word....

For Liverpool to wear the T-shirts and publicly condemn the FA
WITHOUT even seeing the Investigation baffling.

They could have just said
"we will wait for the report from the FA, but we continue
to support Suarez and will take a stand after we see the report".

And quietly gone about their business...

The FA does not have any bias towards Liverpool...
but with Dalglish constantly complaining and pointing the finger...
I guess we are getting what we deserve.

To be honest...I have not been too impressed with Dalglish's
handling this season.....he has constantly complained about
- referees going against LFC (makes a DVD !!!)
- LFC not having luck ...hitting the post....
- LFC always facing good goalies
- FA being biased towards LFC and Suarez
- don't blame LFC for Carroll's debacle.
- blaming opponent team supporters (wigan)

When will he just keep quiet and let the team's football
do the talking ?

is it right to call it complaining to summarise the match in some words in post match interview and say that we are unlucky? becouse i also think we are unlucky this season.. but that don´t mean he blamed fact Dalglish spears a lot of words in his post or pre match interviews and usually talks less than any of our previous managers together...

Not sure when Dalglish openly said or blamed our poor record in some matches talking about great GK form or what exactly is the thing with Carroll debacle..

The FA thing is fresh, and i didn´t expected our club to stay calm if the FA made our player racist just becouse of misunderstanding.. in fact what fairness is there if players who ACT and actually HURT someone or racially abuse someone with clear EVIDENCE are not being punished by the FA..? i don´t see a lot of fairness in this whole process... OK suarez said the word, but the background to that - neither the reason or other views are being investigated much by them..

Blaming other fans for booing a player just becouse whole english media labeled him RACIST is something to be wondering about? i mean what should he say, that it´s ok, he deserves it? imho he doesn´t deserve this at all.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I also agree with some points both Matthews and PLF make. Liverpool as a club should not have supported Suarez the way they did.

PLF, as for reasoning why this can only be racist, this is very circumstantial and with plenty of your own conclusions that are very subjective. You could be right, but you could also be wrong.

To a certain point this is not relevant. I don't think a person (Evra) who has said racist things himself (about the Irish people), has no right te complain about racism...With the same sort of reasoning as yours (one that isn't necessarily the right one) one might wonder if Evra understands what racism is sinced he did something similar. What Evra does here is roughly the same as the way Suarez reacts after every physical contact. I honestly don't see Evra as a victim. Are black people here victim? Perhaps, but i'm not convinced. I would like to ask that to black people, if they feel offended.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Some four per cent of the country's three million population claim African descent, a proportion double that of the United Kingdom and not including those of mixed heritage, believed to number around 10 per cent. This group have been settled and integrated in Uruguayan society for up to 400 years, and have left an indelible imprint on the nation's culture, music and language. Suarez himself has an Afro-Uruguayan grandfather, and he is carrying on a grand tradition of multiculturalism in the Celeste football team.

Uruguay withstood strong protest to field black players in the 1916 Copa America, a full 63 years before Viv Anderson took the pitch to become England's first black international. The history of the country's football success is littered with great players of African or mixed descent; and many, such as 1950 captain Obdulio Varela, are still remembered fondly as 'El Negro'.

PLF Argie are racist mainly the old ppl like most old ppl around the world. My grandpa once said so you like your friends Dark eh? I was like what papa! he said nothing carry on. Makes me wonder though I`m sure he had a moment that leak out! :JAY:

I wouldn`t mind being called by my skin colour, Don`t call me something worse than the word "Coloured" or "Boy"... .Seeing Hanson saying the best players in the league are colours...I took high offense ,but that`s just me. I live in America where our president is semi- mix and became the president because white American voted him in lovely stuff I didnt vote for him though I`m a proud conservative republican .

I went to the mall and saw a mulit-culture sale rep. I ask her "do you carry this in ...(whisper form) that colour?"...she starred and said "come again?" I said "the Evra colour ? Do you?" . Nonetheless it wouldn`t work n was force to say black. Maybe the UK can change the name of that colour and call it chai...something to think about. At least no more footballers would take their color description as offense. I will go to a stranger and call him " Hey white guy" I bet he`ll say yes w/ pride .
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

As much as I hate the way he went about leaving, I do think Torres is the kind of player we need right now. Not the out-of-form Torres, obviously, but if we had him and could keep giving him games then I think he'd come out of his poor spell soon enough. It can't be helping him only playing the odd bit now and then at Chelsea.

Hindsight and all of that but I do think both he and Liverpool would've been so much better off if he'd have stayed.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

As much as I hate the way he went about leaving, I do think Torres is the kind of player we need right now. Not the out-of-form Torres, obviously, but if we had him and could keep giving him games then I think he'd come out of his poor spell soon enough. It can't be helping him only playing the odd bit now and then at Chelsea.

Hindsight and all of that but I do think both he and Liverpool would've been so much better off if he'd have stayed.

I agree.....what we could do with a proven goalscorer...
it seems so odd to see him in the blue shirt.
He also looks lost.....

Torres actually said that he was lied to by FSG, and
that is why he quit.

So I don't think he will come back as long as FSG is here....which seems
a long time.

FSG's policy of investing heavily in young talent probably did
not gel with Torres' demand for successful and established players...
(like Alonso, Masch, etc)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Three points behind fourth place, just under half of the season played. If we can start putting away those chances and keep going, then the CL isn't as remote a possibility as some are saying.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Three points behind fourth place, just under half of the season played. If we can start putting away those chances and keep going, then the CL isn't as remote a possibility as some are saying.

Nicely said, I still think a CL spot is a realistic objective as long as we don't drop points against lower ranked teams(This is one of the things I hate most about Liverpool). We always give top EPL teams some very tough matches but when it comes to teams like Norwich, Swansea we f%ckin' blow. I feel like we never take them seriously, we depreciate those teams and that is why we keep dropping points week in, week out.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I agree with PLF about Suarez's intention of when using that word, so I hope Kenny puts some sense in his head and handle the crucial boxing day game instead of this problem.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well i don't agree with PLF and it seems Barnes does not either. Yesterday i wondered what black people thought about it. Well, now we've got one reaction. I would like to hear the reaction of balck people who have no ties with Liverpool too...

But koolaje, i agree that Dalglish should put some sense in Suarez' head...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Fergie Time seems to apply to fan polls as well. A Sky Sports poll was run asking for the best player of 2011. Yesterday afternoon, Suarez was at 65% when I checked and had been leading for a few days. At midnight, when it was due to end, there was a surge of Nani votes but Suarez still led by 5% or so.

But the poll didn't close and stayed open until the morning due to a "technical error". In the meantime, people were getting blank pages for a few hours when trying to vote for Suarez whilst Nani's votes continued to increase. By 7am, when Sky got around to closing the poll, Nani had "won" the poll. Sky have confirmed that, regardless of the poll being meant to end at midnight, they'll take the result as it stood at 7am and give Nani the award :LOL:

It's a daft poll but it shows the things people will do to try and stop another team/player winning if they can help it.

Fergie Time at its best :D
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

a post from former employee

[quote author=Semaphore link=topic=284297.msg9648700#msg9648700 date=1324608529]
I'm a former employee there and I can't believe they'd make this decision.

To be honest, I don't really care about this silly web vote. I'm more interested in Sky's decision making process here.

I didn't really believe it, so I opened up 5 computers in my office. None of them would accept a Suarez vote, but they all accepted a vote for other players.


Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

If that poll for the best player is a race between Suarez and Nani, that shows how daft those polls are...they don't even should come close.

Silva (especially him)
Van Persie

all much better than those two...and that concerns only players from the big clubs...

A poll about the best player should go between Mata, Silva and Van Persie...these 3 players are very far above the rest.
Suarez might come in the top ten...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Gerd i would say a lot of personal performance depends on the team mates.. Silva and RVP in top two places definetly, but you have to admit Suarez has less profile players around him than Mata or Rooney..

i would say Suarez shines at LFC everytime he playes, but sometimes he has nobody to play with unfurtunately :(
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

This whole discussion is pointless, nobody knows what the hell happend and yet are having a go at each other for it.

I think the common agreement is that if Suarez is guilty beyond reasonble doubt he should get banned, if Evra said what is reported he should get banned and in future whoever does it should also get banned.

Untill the report is published it's just a back and forth from whatever news is posted that day.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Found this part of the interview amusing, and probably why he hasn't found form since the WC;

"I am going to try to be very humble and get back into the Chelsea starting line-up," he added. "My form has not been good but I am world and European champion and I deserve more respect."
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think Silva has been the best EPL player so far, the 2nd best is Van Persie, Mata .... Suarez' form has been inconsistent imo, that's why I think he shouldn't be among top 5 players, maybe in the top 10.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Fergie Time seems to apply to fan polls as well. A Sky Sports poll was run asking for the best player of 2011. Yesterday afternoon, Suarez was at 65% when I checked and had been leading for a few days. At midnight, when it was due to end, there was a surge of Nani votes but Suarez still led by 5% or so.

But the poll didn't close and stayed open until the morning due to a "technical error". In the meantime, people were getting blank pages for a few hours when trying to vote for Suarez whilst Nani's votes continued to increase. By 7am, when Sky got around to closing the poll, Nani had "won" the poll. Sky have confirmed that, regardless of the poll being meant to end at midnight, they'll take the result as it stood at 7am and give Nani the award :LOL:

It's a daft poll but it shows the things people will do to try and stop another team/player winning if they can help it.

Fergie Time at its best :D

The only reason that they stopped the poll was because all of RAWK made it a policy to vote for Suarez the maximum number of times per person, per IP address. As gamblers say - they saw 'suspicious activity' and looked at it.

I mean, if any neutral football fan really believes Luis Suarez was the best player in the league over the past year...well yeah. Robin Van Persie is better in every single facet of the game, plays more or less the same position and has about 3x as many goals.

All the poll showed me is that Liverpool fans are more likely to get obsessive about a poll...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

beachryan not all of them, for me personaly this polls and even golden ball or any individuall players awards are just stupid.. and never objective ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think Jones will get the Young player award ,but maybe Henderson will come close . Polls are so misleading those % percentage are never accurate . Nani nor Suarez are having a great season. RVP and Silva are playing their best ever season to date. Rooney is having a bad run ,but has much more goals than Suarez and Rooney has no one to provide him service :P
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The only reason that they stopped the poll was because all of RAWK made it a policy to vote for Suarez the maximum number of times per person, per IP address. As gamblers say - they saw 'suspicious activity' and looked at it.

I mean, if any neutral football fan really believes Luis Suarez was the best player in the league over the past year...well yeah. Robin Van Persie is better in every single facet of the game, plays more or less the same position and has about 3x as many goals.

All the poll showed me is that Liverpool fans are more likely to get obsessive about a poll...

ah right, what about the rush of Nani votes near the end? That's not suspicious behaviour and they were all legitimate votes? Behave. Sometimes I swear you argue just for arguings sake.

There were enough votes by Man Utd fans to outvote Suarez despite Liverpool fans being "obsessed" and those votes taking days to get that high. Then, within a few hours, Suarezs votes are outnumbered? That's not obsessive at all is it?
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

RAWK ran a post telling fans how to record multiple votes for Suarez, by clearing their internet cache, many posters responded by saying how they had spent days re-voting and how this would show the corrupt F.A. and those mancs. A member of a utd forum, managed to cough "manipulate" cough the votes and Nani overtook Suarez, which then led to RAWK claiming sky to be corrupt along with the F.A. and Ferguson and wanted to report them to OFFCOM :LMAO:
Then calls for cancelling their SKY subscriptions, even though most of them said they had done that when Gary Neville began working there and also the fact it's owned by Mr Murdoch who happens owns The boycotted Sun newspaper.The outrage at a utd forum undoing two days of Liverpool vote rigging in a less than a couple of hours was to much to bare for some members who wanted T-shirts and banners printed. The audacity of those dirty mancs outcheating our cheating.

You could not make this shit up.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Dags, do yourself a favour and stop coming in here. Within a week its decended into a sh!thole again.

I know, getting pretty tired of it already. The annoying thing is RAWK has too many idiots and the Liverpool fans here are (generally) interesting and knowledgeable. Then the Utd fans come in and the arguments begin and it just becomes a chore to visit here.

Some things never change.
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