Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

That is debatable, but it doesn't matter because Skrtel touches him...if this would have happened in the Wigan box, it would have been a penalty.
This was a penalty as clearcut (or not) as the one Liverpool got. Caldwell touches the ball with his arm, but he is very close and never does it on purpose. Both are debatable...

PS: it's not that important.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

You really believe the Caldwell penalty is debatable? :SHOCK:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

That photo is clear: very close and not on purpose. You can give that, nowadays they always give me there is much more intent in Skrtel's action then in Caldwell's...Caldwell's is a reflex, Skrtel did that very conscient.
There is something wrong when a reflex is punished and a well deliberated action to foul a player not.... I would have said exactly the same if it was the other way round. You guys wouldn't.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I wouldn't call that very close, and he's got no excuse for jumping like a starfish in the area like that. Sorry, going to have to disagree completely with you regarding the penalty decisions.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Gerd, Caldwell hand was a penalty without a single doubt..

Skrtel was reflex, but not intended, the oposite was Caldwell, who prevented the ball with intention, i don´t belive you question that... even the player had no protest´s after that call... not sure what´s a clearer hand than Caldwell´s yesterday...oh yea, maybe Suarez in World cup against Ghana..

as for Skrtel penalty..first view i thought it should be, but in replay i think the Wigan player went down to easy + the ref saw this from close view and he had a great match yesterday i think... it was not a penalty.. obviously it´s easy from my perspective to disagree with penalty claim but come on?! you think Caldwell didn´t touch the ball on purpose...?

i´m surprised as well as Dags is..
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

gerd with all respect ur doing rediculos here talking about that CLEAR penalty that even child 4 years old can see it one penalty , I dont even know why others are talking so much about this !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

To me the Moses penalty had more contact than Ferdinand on Adam in our match earlier this season - which you all told me was a foul as this was some semblance of contact...just saying ;)

Caldwell though..that's some good goalkeeping son!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Conclusion of this discussion:

every penalty against my team is doubtfull at best;
every penalty for my team is absolutely clearcut and without a doubt.

Oh and for some of you:

everybody who disagrees is an idiot...or hates my club.


Merry Christmas and Happy New year, i hope Liverpool will get lots of penalties and none against next year.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Merry Christmas and Happy New year, i hope Liverpool will get lots of penalties and none against next year.

I hope too but we dont need them as we score just 1 of 5 we get ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Conclusion of this discussion:

every penalty against my team is doubtfull at best;
every penalty for my team is absolutely clearcut and without a doubt.

Oh and for some of you:

everybody who disagrees is an idiot...or hates my club.


Merry Christmas and Happy New year, i hope Liverpool will get lots of penalties and none against next year.

see that´s why i was thinking if i should react.. i don´t want to start a talk of how many penalty´s should or shouldn´t be or not be..i´m just saying that the ref yesterday had a great match and didn´t made any mistake..

i hope you don´t take my words bad Gerd.. i think sometimes the ref´s make bad mistakes, also for giving penalty for something to LFC players...for example i hate Suarez dives sometimes...but it´s up to the ref to book him.. and other who dive..just for example.. i wouldn´t say any word if a ref would give a diving player red card.. to any, LFC or non LFC players...i make no difference..

Merry christmas to everyone
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

AnfieldKop92 Justin
@dani37pacheco Dani, please reply to this, is the word ''Negrito'' racist?

dani37pacheco Daniel Pacheco
@AnfieldKop92 is not. Negrito is a nice term of call someone! Is like when we say "gordito" is a nice term of call someone a bit fat.

dani37pacheco Daniel Pacheco
Negrito is never a racist word. Negro is so different and could be dangerous to say it, but not Negrito.

dani37pacheco Daniel Pacheco
Don't ask more about the news. I said what Negrito mean here in spain, as you all can see i call it to my best mate. But decission is there
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Conclusion of this discussion:

every penalty against my team is doubtful at best;
every penalty for my team is absolutely clearcut and without a doubt.

Oh and for some of you:

everybody who disagrees is an idiot...or hates my club.

lol so true..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

AnfieldKop92 Justin
@dani37pacheco Dani, please reply to this, is the word ''Negrito'' racist?

dani37pacheco Daniel Pacheco
@AnfieldKop92 is not. Negrito is a nice term of call someone! Is like when we say "gordito" is a nice term of call someone a bit fat.

dani37pacheco Daniel Pacheco
Negrito is never a racist word. Negro is so different and could be dangerous to say it, but not Negrito.

dani37pacheco Daniel Pacheco
Don't ask more about the news. I said what Negrito mean here in spain, as you all can see i call it to my best mate. But decission is there

Guess he was saying; "Calm down mate, stop acting like a tw@t" ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'm not going to keep pushing this, cause it's seriously getting old, but fine what Suarez was saying, translated into English is:

"Hey you goshdarned slightly darker good friend of mine"
"Why hello there my loveable afro-originated pal"
"What a jolly good day ethnically different fellow professional"
"Top of the morning bestest best greater pigmented bud."

It's all just a cultural misunderstanding.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Exactly, Ryan. Which makes it ridiculous, that the FA want to give someone such a hefty punishment because of a cultural difference/misunderstanding. Basically it doesn't matter if you're foreign, you better forget about those habits, phrases and sayings you used back home from now on. It's the English way or you're banned and fined.

In a roundabout way, their interpretation of another culture not being "right" is racist in its own way. Why can't England embrace other cultures? If anything, the FA are punishing foreign players for having their own culture and bringing it to England.

Anyway, as you say, it's getting old now. Especially after the match last night where Martin Tyler barely went a minute without referring to Suarez.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I tell ya what would look worst is... FA going back on the ready made decision. PPL in charge can make a mistake ,but for the association in whole ouch!

Liverpool gave a penalty n a red card that doesn`t fit the foul. Is what best describe this situation unlucky :COAT: When will the evidence be made to the public?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

What I wonder is will this become retrospective. For instance if a famous manager had said phrases like, "typical Germans" or "I dont trust Italians so I always look under the sauce for pasta", would he then get a 2-3 game ban, because some could consider both of those phrases to be racist.

And which races would Sir Alex have insulted there?

The caucasians or the caucasians?


Look, it's a very simple issue. Liverpool fans believe a Liverpool player deserves to be stuck up for regardless of what they do/ are accused of doing/ are caught on video doing/ are found guilty by a tribunal of doing. In a way it's almost admirable.

Fans of every other country except Uruguay and every other club except Liverpool accept that Suarez probably didn't meant to say a racist term in a derogatory way, but he did, and he is being punished because of it.

It really is that simple.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

And which races would Sir Alex have insulted there?

The caucasians or the caucasians?


Look, it's a very simple issue. Liverpool fans believe a Liverpool player deserves to be stuck up for regardless of what they do/ are accused of doing/ are caught on video doing/ are found guilty by a tribunal of doing. In a way it's almost admirable.

Fans of every other country except Uruguay and every other club except Liverpool accept that Suarez probably didn't meant to say a racist term in a derogatory way, but he did, and he is being punished because of it.

It really is that simple.

It seems 60% of English fans are like that, not only Liverpool fans.
Oops on second thoughts, it seems i probably didn't meant to use a racist term in a derogatory way, but i just did and i don't know if i will be punished for it.

And about those Ferguson quotes: racism is not about race, it's about stereotyping in a way that put something or somebody in a bad for some people what i just said is maybe racism although i never meant it to be. Should i get punished for it? If i don't maybe Suarez shouldn't either...
Yesterday Alan Hansen said something very good; the Fa should explain the sanction... I add to that: they don't because they cvan't explain this in a convincing and objective way.

PIPA: you are a nice guy, you don't hurt people and i wasn't really criticizing the ref...their job is the most difficult in football.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

And which races would Sir Alex have insulted there?

The caucasians or the caucasians?


Look, it's a very simple issue. Liverpool fans believe a Liverpool player deserves to be stuck up for regardless of what they do/ are accused of doing/ are caught on video doing/ are found guilty by a tribunal of doing. In a way it's almost admirable.

Fans of every other country except Uruguay and every other club except Liverpool accept that Suarez probably didn't meant to say a racist term in a derogatory way, but he did, and he is being punished because of it.

It really is that simple.

Sigh indeed.

No. Negrito is not a racist term. Where is it defined anywhere that it's a racist term? Because it starts with "neg"?

How are Liverpool fans sticking up for someone regardless? Because he's accused, we should condemn him? He wasn't caught on video doing it, so why say that? Found guilty by a tribunal using what evidence?

Again, no. It's certainly not a case of "sticking up" for Suarez. It's the fact Suarez is being branded a racist because he used a term which he's grown up as using as a friendly term. But he comes to England, a different culture, and is branded a racist because he dared to use his own culture's term.

It really is that simple.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

"Fat Spanish Waiter" would also be an 8 game using template of FA rules in Suarez verdict.

Rule E3(1) would be a 4 game ban for "insulting words" while the nationality aspect would double it under the "aggravating" E3 (2) rule

Therefore, under FA guidelines, I'm brandishing a load of the Utd fans who've used that phrase as being racist.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We couldn't win. I think we did everything possible. These last days have been very difficult for me and I want to thank the great support received by all of you!!

No hemos conseguido la victoria , creo que hicimos todo lo posible . Estos últimos días han sido muy difíciles para mi y quiero agradecer el gran apoyo recibido por todos !!!!

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Therefore, under FA guidelines, I'm brandishing a load of the Utd fans who've used that phrase as being racist.

Under the rule making reference to a host of different things is indeed capable of being called up on under that rule.

But not as racist.

I don't understand why this is difficult. Calling someone South American is not racist, because South Americans are not a race. Calling someone English is not racist. Or German, or Spanish, or Italian etc and so forth.

Using terms like White, Asian, African etc are racist, because they refer to race.

It is still stereotyping, still insulting and still wrong (and falls under that rule) but it is not racist. Please stop using the two as interchangeable.

For reasons I don't have time or energy to get into on here, being derogatory towards, say a Black American by calling them a "Stupid American c*nt" is not viewed the same as calling them a "Stupid Black c*nt".
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Im slightly baffled by all this, has football lost it? So if I was to call a black person "whats up Negrito" down the road would he brush it off? I doubt it. Evra going to the press or doing whatever is a none issue (this could be any black player) even though its stupid it's a non issue.

The whole "were backing Suarez" campaign from Liverpool is borderline insane? I mean what are they exactly defending? that its ok to say things like "negrito" in England as long as you don't mean to offend and considering this was in the middle of a Liverpool V Man Utd football match I don't believe it was anything other than something to offend.

Liverpool are basically supporting Blatter's shake hands debacle from the other month.

(Just so were clear Suarez probably isn't a racist but he DID say something which was offensive and racially offended Patrice, theirs nothing to defend. if he had apologized and said it was all a misunderstanding it wouldn't be such an issue )
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Under the rule making reference to a host of different things is indeed capable of being called up on under that rule.

But not as racist.

I don't understand why this is difficult. Calling someone South American is not racist, because South Americans are not a race. Calling someone English is not racist. Or German, or Spanish, or Italian etc and so forth.

Using terms like White, Asian, African etc are racist, because they refer to race.

It is still stereotyping, still insulting and still wrong (and falls under that rule) but it is not racist. Please stop using the two as interchangeable.

For reasons I don't have time or energy to get into on here, being derogatory towards, say a Black American by calling them a "Stupid American c*nt" is not viewed the same as calling them a "Stupid Black c*nt".

Sudaca isn't just calling him a South American, it's a highly derogatory term referring to him being an immigrant and is taken offensively in South America.

But we wouldn't know that because we're not from South America. Funny how you don't know that certain terms and phrases are different in different continents, isn't it?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

And which races would Sir Alex have insulted there?

The caucasians or the caucasians?

That's a very blinkered post, even by your pro ManU standards. If you say the comments he said against Italians or against Germans then it's insulting the Italian and the German people. Your manager was such an ignorant moron that the players he accused of "being typically German" were actually Dutch, yet he was so myopic he just came out with crude racial slurs.

If you (or the FA ,or whoever) are clamping down on racism you cannot be selective. It's similar to when England played Bulgaria a few months ago, Bulgarian fans were racially abusing English players, but also English fans were racially abusing Bulgarians (and Roma people who live there) by singing songs about them being "gypsies" and living in caravans. So if you're calling for Suarez to be punished then also Ferguson should face punishment for uttering racist things.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Sigh indeed.

No. Negrito is not a racist term. Where is it defined anywhere that it's a racist term? Because it starts with "neg"?

How are Liverpool fans sticking up for someone regardless? Because he's accused, we should condemn him? He wasn't caught on video doing it, so why say that? Found guilty by a tribunal using what evidence?

Again, no. It's certainly not a case of "sticking up" for Suarez. It's the fact Suarez is being branded a racist because he used a term which he's grown up as using as a friendly term. But he comes to England, a different culture, and is branded a racist because he dared to use his own culture's term.

It really is that simple.

I'm from Bermuda. Our country is about 70% black. So I grew up calling all kinds of my friends all kinds of acceptable names that wouldn't fly elsewhere - as they did to me.

I worked in London for a long time. If I'd called one of my colleagues there by the same endearing term while we were having an argument I'd of been fired.

I kiss my wife all the time in public, and we almost always hold hands when out and about. I think this is perfectly acceptable behaviour. But were we to visit Abu Dhabi, I wouldn't do it.

Just because Suarez didn't mean the term to be racist, does not mean it isn't. And it doesn't make Suarez racist.
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