Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Its a shame that the press try to make advantage of this situation, and i don't care if he said negro or not, all this is really exagerted, he's a football player not a president, why so worried about him? Is easier to stop Suarez with words than in the field, probabbly that is the explanation
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

THE ONLY CONTEXT IS THAT this took place in England, not in Uruguay. You cant use your own culture as ignorance, Bebo i have no idea what the fuck point your making. If you think its ok to walk down a street in america and call a black guy a negra, cause its ok to do it somewhere in central or south america, then your ignorant as well. Suarez wasnt in Montevideo, he was in england. All of you are asking everyone else to respect the culture of south/central/latin americans but then your being hypocrites when in fact suarez was disrespecting the culture in England.

Ok ! I`ll be very selective I`m aware you don`t read thoroughly I was accused by you 4 yrs ago. When, I said hispanic don`t consider themselves American you took high offense to that . You had a mob on your side and at the time my grammar was horrid so today it`s different.

I come across many different ppl and in largely I find Americans think only 1 language is needed and refuse to learn any other. My point is you can`t add "o" nor "a" to an English word and make it spanish. If, I go to the UK and say around English "Cuño" will they take it as the word "Cunt"? by your standard it seem yes. Do you think the female form of negra is the equivalent to the N-word ? That`s my point you assume African-Americans will take offense to it w/o considering the context. Calling a black person black is that offensive? I find it offensive because i don`t describe ppl by their skin color like the media does everyday on the evening news I address ppl by their name ,but that`s not the point either.

This situation is hard to swallow because a player took offense and turn the context as a racial slur. What is the translation to the N~word ? anybody know? then why invent one is my point. wiki says it`s the color of dark skinned ppl. How ignorant is that and guess who invented it American slave owners not that cleverest of ppl.

I support Arsenal and this is good news to force Liverpool to spend on another player that the chances are 50/50 it will better them. Making the top 4th finish a bit easier now, but I don`t want it like this to destroy a player`s career 8 matches mentally it could derail him. i want a strong Liverpool to help the competition more exciting.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

If the pair have admitted insulting each other with pejoratives then both players are as bad as each other, and it should be both players punished. Regardless of the word Suárez used being "acceptable" in Uruguay, in the UK would be perceived as being offensive. The culture thing. Likewise for Evra to call Suárez a "South American" something would be regarded as being prejudicial. In these politcally correct times, calling someone a name in a derogatory manner by prefixing their nationality (or continent of origin) is a slur. But like I said before, I don't condone racism in any way and it has no place in football or any other walks of society, but the prejudice appears (in the media at least) to only work one way, and not both.

The FA's action has set a dangerous precedent, and one that could have the potential to be exploited in the future. Now that John Terry has been charged by the CPS with a racially aggravated public order offence, will he get the same treatment as Suárez? Going by the form book, I seriously doubt the FA would have the balls to do so.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

THE ONLY CONTEXT IS THAT this took place in England, not in Uruguay. You cant use your own culture as ignorance, Bebo i have no idea what the fuck point your making. If you think its ok to walk down a street in america and call a black guy a negra, cause its ok to do it somewhere in central or south america, then your ignorant as well. Suarez wasnt in Montevideo, he was in england. All of you are asking everyone else to respect the culture of south/central/latin americans but then your being hypocrites when in fact suarez was disrespecting the culture in England.

a friend of me who move at USA on 1999 in time of war at Kosovo he was on Atlanta and he start one work speed , he work with almost all black persons and 2/3 other albanians , he listen them (black guys) saying nega nega to them (coz they were friends) and one morning he call on of them nega but he dont know mean of that word and he was susspend from work lol but he didnt know english and dont have idea what that word mean

whatever I think Suarez isnt saint and HE KNOW what hes saying so he need to pay for what he said , all thought this ban will be more down something like 3/4 matchs out !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

just heard friend on phone who is in Liverpool told me, that Henry (owner) want´s to sue FA, and other MAJOR stuff..

CNN reported Suarez case is first in history when a player was found guilty of racism..not sure if this is true..

Wigan coach will talk about it as well after match..

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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Adam's offered nothing tonight. His set pieces are continuing to be awful, despite some calling him "Free Kick Adam". And that penalty was garbage too. One of his poorer games and he needs to be taken off ASAP.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We were crap after the first 20 minutes.

Anyone who thinks we'll achieve anything other than a fight for Channel 5 with Adam, Downing and Carroll is deluded.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

just heard friend on phone who is in Liverpool told me, that Henry (owner) want´s to sue FA, and other MAJOR stuff..

CNN reported Suarez case is first in history when a player was found guilty of racism..not sure if this is true..

Wigan coach will talk about it as well after match..


And Mr. Henry would be suing the FA for what exactly? Putting together a commission comprising of people approved by both clubs. Deliberating over an issue. Finding a verdict, issuing a punishment in line with precedence.

Look, I don't like the FA any more than anyone else (lord knows they've had fun taking the piss in decisions involving my team) but how on Earth could John Henry sue them? They've just done their job - regardless of what you think of their ability to do that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Adam is great cmon guys whats happen now ?

hes great but to be in wigan not on LFC , same for ALL other daglish tranfers who were ALL FAIL , someone need to pay for this fails and for all this money we spend for NOTHING

need 3/4 players if we want to be in CL if not we should keep going with this adam's the 7-9 possision its our ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Liverpool has no winning consistency, and that was proved tonight.
Suarez is a great player, but his one-touch pass doesn't seem to work with other Liverpool players (Suarez would fit perfectly at Barca, just sayin').

We need to bring in some new faces in January if we want CL next year, if not we'll have to stick with Channel 5 and even an Europa League spot will be difficult, if we drop points against teams like Wigan, Fulham etc.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

You're missing Lucas a lot, you dont have anyone to keep and gain possession in the middle of pitch.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

You're missing Lucas a lot, you dont have anyone to keep and gain possession in the middle of pitch.

Yep, Adam and Henderson were far too focused on trying to force attacks and kept forgetting that they actually needed to defend at times too.

I expect us to make a few changes in January, we're just not creative/lethal enough up front. Defensively we're sound, but up front just isn't working as well as it needs to.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Kenny bottled it. Because Wigan looked good on the break, Johnson and Enrique didn't bomb on as much as they could have. A top team goes for it, scores goals and then defends it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yep, Adam and Henderson were far too focused on trying to force attacks and kept forgetting that they actually needed to defend at times too.

I expect us to make a few changes in January, we're just not creative/lethal enough up front. Defensively we're sound, but up front just isn't working as well as it needs to.

Carroll, Downing, Adam, Henderson - 4 players who were bought precisely
to do that.
I am not sure how Dalglish can go and ask for more money TBH
after the relative failure of these players to do much. (Except Adam to some extent)
But with Suarez being banned and Lucas out....he may have a chance.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Dalglish said last week that there's money there if he wants it.

Henderson is looking better and better with each game, I certainly wouldn't class him as a disappointment. And the fact he's only 21, as is Carroll. Not many players are the finished article at that age. And it's not their fault they were bought for X amount, before that arguement is used. Those players were bought to learn and grow at Liverpool to help us now AND in the future. Or did we all know Lucas was going to be this good a few years ago? I'm pretty sure a lot of people here (probably me included) wrote him off in his early years.

What do people want? Us to challenge for the league? At the start of the season, some said they'd be happy with European qualification. Halfway through and now the dummies are being spat out for some reason. We're a team in transition, we were never going to win the league so why do people expect us to beat every team we play?

And if you want to use the money spent arguement, Man City spent a FORTUNE on players when they were taken over. Where did they finish that season? Fifth.

I know it's Christmas but really, miracles don't happen overnight.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Dalglish said last week that there's money there if he wants it.

This is what I'm scared of....Dalglish given more money to sign
some more players that will not take us forward.

He gambled big time on Downing, Carroll and Henderson....
and only Henderson *may* turn out fine....

He did his best to take us to 6th or 7th.....and thanks to him
we did not finish in the bottom half last year with Hodgson

But that is the best we can hope for....5th or 6th....

But if we want to get back into the top 3 or 4....
we need a better manager and better signings...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We simply need matchwiners and leaders, we have NO leader atm, except maybe Reina.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Dalglish said last week that there's money there if he wants it.

Henderson is looking better and better with each game, I certainly wouldn't class him as a disappointment. And the fact he's only 21, as is Carroll. Not many players are the finished article at that age. And it's not their fault they were bought for X amount, before that arguement is used. Those players were bought to learn and grow at Liverpool to help us now AND in the future. Or did we all know Lucas was going to be this good a few years ago? I'm pretty sure a lot of people here (probably me included) wrote him off in his early years.

What do people want? Us to challenge for the league? At the start of the season, some said they'd be happy with European qualification. Halfway through and now the dummies are being spat out for some reason. We're a team in transition, we were never going to win the league so why do people expect us to beat every team we play?

And if you want to use the money spent arguement, Man City spent a FORTUNE on players when they were taken over. Where did they finish that season? Fifth.

I know it's Christmas but really, miracles don't happen overnight.

Because it's Wigan. Because we created enough chances to win it. Because we missed a penalty. Because it's embarrassing to be dropping points to such average teams.

We should have won so many games this season and haven't. If we performed as bad in our day jobs as some professional footballers do, we'd be sacked. Why are they never EVER punished for playing crap?

Adam was embarrassing in the first half, why wasn't he subbed? Why was he allowed the pen? Why do we never looked dangerous or even bothered at corners? Why do we never have anyone dashing into the box to try and score? Why do so many players lack passion? Why does Stuart Downing have to take 100 touches before passing it? Why do players who are closing down the opposition, always think it's wise to touch, push or attempt to foul a player going NOWHERE and giving away a needless FK instead of waiting for them to mess up? Why can't Dirk Kuyt finish his dinner?

The list is endless and leads to much frustration.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

tides turning now i see.adam has been piss poor with dead balls in his liverpool career its not even funny anymore.without the ball,porky is completely useless.suarez wanted the penalty but porky took it off him.suarez took one freekick and it nearly was a!porky's selfishness has been evident in previous games as well.henderson is another joke!he is almost non existent in most games he's played in.downing is nothing better than upgrade form anyone we let go in the summer.and we have a our most expensive striker when on the field does fuck all,when off it,i dont know what to read into it.why is he even here???im sorry but as i have previously mentioned,dalglish has thrown good money away on non liverpool players.somebody please explain the carroll situation to me?why is our most expensive striker not playing?if he's not good enough,why was he bought?is being on the bench gonna make him better???we will and i repeat WILL NOT qualify for the CL which was our target this season.was dalglish target,our owners target,players enough of the "our fans are only expecting european qualification" bullshit.if dalglish fails to get the CL spot after the money he's spent,he should leave and take all em players he's bought.preferably on another concert date.......
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Because it's Wigan. Because we created enough chances to win it. Because we missed a penalty. Because it's embarrassing to be dropping points to such average teams.

We should have won so many games this season and haven't. If we performed as bad in our day jobs as some professional footballers do, we'd be sacked. Why are they never EVER punished for playing crap?

Adam was embarrassing in the first half, why wasn't he subbed? Why was he allowed the pen? Why do we never looked dangerous or even bothered at corners? Why do we never have anyone dashing into the box to try and score? Why do so many players lack passion? Why does Stuart Downing have to take 100 touches before passing it? Why do players who are closing down the opposition, always think it's wise to touch, push or attempt to foul a player going NOWHERE and giving away a needless FK instead of waiting for them to mess up? Why can't Dirk Kuyt finish his dinner?

The list is endless and leads to much frustration.

That's a bit of an arrogant suggestion, in my opinion. Are we also supposed to beat every team that doesn't challenge for the top six? If that was the case, we'd be in title contention.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

tides turning now i see.adam has been piss poor with dead balls in his liverpool career its not even funny anymore.without the ball,porky is completely useless.suarez wanted the penalty but porky took it off him.suarez took one freekick and it nearly was a!porky's selfishness has been evident in previous games as well.henderson is another joke!he is almost non existent in most games he's played in.downing is nothing better than upgrade form anyone we let go in the summer.and we have a our most expensive striker when on the field does fuck all,when off it,i dont know what to read into it.why is he even here???im sorry but as i have previously mentioned,dalglish has thrown good money away on non liverpool players.somebody please explain the carroll situation to me?why is our most expensive striker not playing?if he's not good enough,why was he bought?is being on the bench gonna make him better???we will and i repeat WILL NOT qualify for the CL which was our target this season.was dalglish target,our owners target,players enough of the "our fans are only expecting european qualification" bullshit.if dalglish fails to get the CL spot after the money he's spent,he should leave and take all em players he's bought.preferably on another concert date.......

Yor rant is a little ott and sarcastic but I understand your points.

Adam has been poor recently in his decision making when running with the ball. Better otions to his left and right and he ends up crashing into the opposition and losing possesion.
Yes his dead ball delivery is awful in comparsion to his consistent accuracy when he was with Blackpool. Time he was dropped.

I agree Carrol needs a run of games and it would be nice to see him and Suarez/Bellamy together up top. Big man/little man partnership. How Carrol can attempt to prove himself when he's not given a shirt is impossible for him and not his fault.

Downing has been another disapointment so far. Aimless running into dead ends. No goals, few assists.

Defence is excellent and established now. Pepe is the best keeper in the prem and right up there with best in europe/world.
Enrique is superb up and down the left side. Very strong and powerful runner with great control and stamina. Our best buy in last 12 months.

Of course Lucas is a big miss. He held our team together and made us tick.

Gerrard coming back is vital to us. He will go straight in to the team in place of Adam hopefully.

We are in a much better state than 12 months ago.
We are financially sound now with reliable and positive owners.
Football fans have short memories and are notoriously fickle... this goes for every club...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

1/5 All Chances and Assists: MC 249; ARS 228; MU 227;#LFC 225 | Open Play only: MC 228; MU 201; ARS 199; LFC 193

2/5 However if we look at how often a chance becomes an assist: MC 15.3%; MU 13.9%, ARS 12.1%, #LFC 3.6%

3/5 #LFC chance/assist created breakdown (top 5 absolute): Downing 37, Suarez 35. Adam 34, Enrique 24, Kuyt 20

4/5 #LFC minutes per chance/assist created (top 5): Bellamy 32, Downing 36, Suarez 39, Gerrard 42, Adam 43

5/5 #LFC minutes per OPEN PLAY chance/assist created (top 7): Bellamy 35, Suarez 40, Downing 45, Kuyt 47, Enrique 67, Carroll 68, Adam 85

8.5% - Liverpool have the lowest goals-to-shots ratio in the Premier League this season (Best: Man City 21.9%, Average: 13.6%). Wasteful
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Nobody mentioned the fact that Wigan should have had a penalty...Skrtel clearly touched Moses in the first half.
Soft penalty? Maybe.

But not softer than the one Liverpool had (and yes, it was one).

Some of the fans in here are moaners: Adam and Henderson are doing great. it seems as if certain fans want immediate and weekly impact from new signings...keep on dreaming in that case.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Eh? It was far from a penalty on Moses. Not even remotely close, Skrtel pulled his leg away way before he went down. Moses didn't even bother appealing for it, just got straight back up.

Some of the fans in here are moaners: Adam and Henderson are doing great. it seems as if certain fans want immediate and weekly impact from new signings...keep on dreaming in that case.

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Some of the fans in here are moaners: Adam and Henderson are doing great. it seems as if certain fans want immediate and weekly impact from new signings...keep on dreaming in that case.

Regardless of if a player is a new signing or a long servant to the club, if they aren't playing well they should be dropped.

I played many years of Saturday and Sunday league football for various small teams and if I played badly, I was dropped.

An exception should not be made for proffesional players because they are new or need time to settle. That is no excuse for poor form. There is nothing wrong with wanting immediate impact or weekly consistency. That's what they're paid for.

For me it is simple, out of form, out of side.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Adam has been in form though, he had one bad game yesterday. Before that he was putting in very good shifts, tackling a lot, creating chances and getting shots on goal. One bad game doesn't mean poor form.

Carroll is a case of being dropped for poor form.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

First of all i agree with Dags, valuable players should not be dropped after one or even a couple of bad matches. Sunday league football is not comparable to professional football and being a coach myself, IMO your coach was a very bad one or you were a fringe player at best if he dropped you after one bad match.

Adam proved that he is a valuable player for Liverpool, it seems some fans have a very short memory...i've seen outstanding matches from Adam.

Dags, it's nice that you quote and applaud me, but why not the part about the obvious penalty for Wigan?
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