Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Terry is currently a police issue, as such the FA can't do anything.

But would have to imagine he won't be England captain anymore, at the very least.

Personally I'm pleased that the FA are 'walking the walk' with regards to how seriously they take racism. Lots of chat from the English about this, so it's good that they're actually doing something.

The fine on Suarez is more than any I can remember FIFA doling out to national FA's when clear racism is heard from the stands....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'm sorry, but I would simply be disgraced if this was the 'official' line from my club.

Liverpool FC, not a fan site, or a fan reporter, or a fan are calling Evra's previous unfounded claims into question. That is so deliberately misleading that I'm repulsed.

For the record, Evra has NEVER accused another player/ coach/ groundsman of racial abuse in the past. He has been invovled incidences, but it was always other people who brought up the racial aspect.

Liverpool FC know this. They're deliberately damaging his character because it doesn't suit what happened to their player.

As I said, I'm fine with fans, players etc acting like spoilt children, but for an official channel to do that is simply disgraceful.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

This almost to be a windup: "We would also like to know when the FA intend to charge Patrice Evra with making abusive remarks to an opponent after he admitted himself in his evidence to insulting Luis Suarez in Spanish in the most objectionable of terms."

Most objectionable of terms? He called him "South American". Is that really the most objectionable thing that the LFC people can come up with?

I'm sorry, but this is just a joke.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Not surprised at all...

agree with Dags

EDIT: Wonder what EVIDENCE they had against Suarez.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

That whole statement is very odd Ryan. Completely agree. They also accuse the FA of wanting to ban Suarez irrespective of whatever issue's were brought forward. Would expect that to be removed very soon tbh so for those who might miss it;

Liverpool Football Club is very surprised and disappointed with the decision of the Football Association Commission to find Luis Suarez guilty of the charges against him.

We look forward to the publication of the Commission's Judgment. We will study the detailed reasons of the Commission once they become available, but reserve our right to appeal or take any other course of action we feel appropriate with regards to this situation.

We find it extraordinary that Luis can be found guilty on the word of Patrice Evra alone when no-one else on the field of play - including Evra's own Manchester United teammates and all the match officials - heard the alleged conversation between the two players in a crowded Kop goalmouth while a corner kick was about to be taken.

The Club takes extremely seriously the fight against all forms of discrimination and has a long and successful track record in work relating to anti-racist activity and social inclusion. We remain committed to this ideal and equality for all, irrespective of a person's background.

LFC considers racism in any form to be unacceptable - without compromise. It is our strong held belief, having gone over the facts of the case, that Luis Suarez did not commit any racist act. It is also our opinion that the accusation by this particular player was not credible - certainly no more credible than his prior unfounded accusations.

It is key to note that Patrice Evra himself in his written statement in this case said 'I don't think that Luis Suarez is racist'. The FA in their opening remarks accepted that Luis Suarez was not racist.

Luis himself is of a mixed race family background as his grandfather was black. He has been personally involved since the 2010 World Cup in a charitable project which uses sport to encourage solidarity amongst people of different backgrounds with the central theme that the colour of a person's skin does not matter; they can all play together as a team.

He has played with black players and mixed with their families whilst with the Uruguay national side and was Captain at Ajax Amsterdam of a team with a proud multi-cultural profile, many of whom became good friends.

It seems incredible to us that a player of mixed heritage should be accused and found guilty in the way he has based on the evidence presented. We do not recognise the way in which Luis Suarez has been characterised.

It appears to us that the FA were determined to bring charges against Luis Suarez, even before interviewing him at the beginning of November. Nothing we have heard in the course of the hearing has changed our view that Luis Suarez is innocent of the charges brought against him and we will provide Luis with whatever support he now needs to clear his name.

We would also like to know when the FA intend to charge Patrice Evra with making abusive remarks to an opponent after he admitted himself in his evidence to insulting Luis Suarez in Spanish in the most objectionable of terms. Luis, to his credit, actually told the FA he had not heard the insult.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

When is Andre Marriner going to be called in for being racist then?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The statement is a bit odd for such an 'Official' Source! This is something more I'd expect to see from a fan website. It sounds bitter and a bit unprofessional.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It literally looks like something written by a fan on RAWK. I mean go through the checklist:

1. He has black friends - hell he's even like one sixteenth black himself!
2. He has played with black players his whole career
3. Evra has 'played the race card' before - CATEGORICALLY NOT TRUE
4. The FA are corrupt and out to get Liverpool
5. Evra said something even worse, the most objectionable thing we can think of, so why isn't he charged?

It's like it was written by a juiced up 12 year old that has never left Merseyside. John Henry will be firing someone shortly...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

What's "sudaca" mean? Apparantly that's what Evra called Suarez, and Evra admitted using insulting language to Suarez in his official report so surely Evra should get some punishment? Won't happen though.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Wouldn't be surprised if it is a "fan" that works there that got ahead of himself. But the damage is done, the BBC even removed the Evra allegation in their report which is odd aswell really.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

When is Andre Marriner going to be called in for being racist then?

It's a good point. I'm all for Suarez getting banned for offensive/racial comments. But really I would imagine that players make/hear these comments every week, half the league would be banned by the end of the season.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

In the BBC report originally it said Evra called him a South American cheat didn't it? That's what I heard.

Anyway, none of us know what happened. But if LFC honestly believe the FA would charge him with no evidence, they're more deluded than I thought. Well more deluded than I thought before reading their official response anyway.

Sad day for English football in general though - we shouldn't lose sight of that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

That whole statement is very odd Ryan. Completely agree. They also accuse the FA of wanting to ban Suarez irrespective of whatever issue's were brought forward. Would expect that to be removed very soon tbh so for those who might miss it;

Good call, already gone off website. Au revoir website employee/ whoever penned that and gave it permission to go live...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

For an 8 game ban, there must be a DAMNING piece of evidence which leaves no doubt, surely. So what's this evidence?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I feel like this is going to be the downturn for Liverpool, I must buy a striker in January and I hope we don't make a panic buy ...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Dags it´s hopeless...

Besarti, why should this be downturn? we can score without Suarez and i see it in different way, i think this pissed of moode will help us win next game and further..

luis16suarez Luis Suarez
Today is a very difficult and painful day for both me and my family. Thanks for all the support, I'll keep working!...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I feel like this is going to be the downturn for Liverpool, I must buy a striker in January and I hope we don't make a panic buy ...

I imagine we'll have been expecting the FA to be idiots and do something like this so we'll probably have a couple of strikers who we've scouted already.

Not sure it's going to be a downturn. Kenny will probably use the siege mentality tactic that Fergie has used time and time again. It'll bring the squad closer together if anything, in my opinion.

On the other hand, this very likely could be the end of Luis Suarez in England. Think how much abuse he's going to get from opposition fans now, even players having sly words in his ear and winding him up.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

For an 8 game ban, there must be a DAMNING piece of evidence which leaves no doubt, surely. So what's this evidence?

I have to agree with you. 8 matches is a statement, and can't be handed out without proof. Personally I expected 4 matches, to show that it's more serious than a general red card, but nothing more.

Anyway, the evidence will become available to both parties I assume, in order to decide if they want to appeal.

I just can't get over that statement, you're right it's back up at a different address. Just wow.

I can't get over them playing the 'Evra has a history' thing. It's not true, it's been shown to be untrue and any actual educated football fan that cares has read enough to know this. They're pandering to what, the RAWK-ites? Is that what they should be doing?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

404 page not found

and LOL at 2. He has played with black players his whole career

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

On the other hand, this very likely could be the end of Luis Suarez in England. Think how much abuse he's going to get from opposition fans now, even players having sly words in his ear and winding him up.

I wouldn´t see it so dark..he´s a strong guy backed by the club and fans (who i can imagine will sing their heart out tomorow), i think in Holland everyone except Ajax fans hated him.. i think it will push him forward, besides he realy needed rest, not 8 games rest though...

The club will play Carroll or sign another striker to back up in January..

Bellamy is a good option on left wing with Kuyt/Carroll up front and Downing at right..besides, Stevie is training and likely to return soon:

we have to move on, Adam this year had more to do with our goals than Luis ;) our defenders also can score lol..
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I expect the FA to call Liverpool FC in and punish us for bringing the game into disrepute by insulting the FA and then hit us with a 50 point fine. Or something stupid like that anyway. What our statement is is far worse than the kinda comments that Fergie always comes out with and gets fines/bans for. So I can't see them being pleased about an actual club going at them like that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

then we can take whole thing in to the court...double standarts are not making this FA more serious...on´s a joke...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I imagine we'll have been expecting the FA to be idiots and do something like this so we'll probably have a couple of strikers who we've scouted already.

Not sure it's going to be a downturn. Kenny will probably use the siege mentality tactic that Fergie has used time and time again. It'll bring the squad closer together if anything, in my opinion.

On the other hand, this very likely could be the end of Luis Suarez in England. Think how much abuse he's going to get from opposition fans now, even players having sly words in his ear and winding him up.

Well Suarez will be missed and I think now it will be even harder to score without him.
I don't really think this is going to be the end of Suarez in England, he'll come up stronger than ever I believe and this was a good lesson for him.

PS. Apparently we're being linked with Gyan Asamoah, that could be a straight reply for all those racism claims. I hate the fact that Liverpool is being constantly provoked because we don't have black players.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

then we can take whole thing in to the court...double standarts are not making this FA more serious...on´s a joke...

I think it's quite likely it'll all go to court anyway, to be honest.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well Suarez will be missed and I think now it will be even harder to score without him.
I don't really think this is going to be the end of Suarez in England, he'll come up stronger than ever I believe and this was a good lesson for him.

PS. Apparently we're being linked with Gyan Asamoah, that could be a straight reply for all those racism claims. I hate the fact that Liverpool is being constantly provoked because we don't have black players.

how do you mean it? Now we will buy only dark skin players to prove we are not racist? :) i mean one of the first famous top players with dark skin made his name in this club... we don´t have to prove anything and Gyan? He is Sunderland player who might be called back from by their new manager..

We don´t have black players? what´s that supose to mean? :CONFUSE:

Johnson, Sterling, Wisdom, Eccleston, Amoo...? hell we just bought a dark skin player today...this has nothing to do with Suarez case what so ever, even if we played with full Iceland National team squad...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

but reserve our right to appeal or take any other course of action we feel appropriate with regards to this situation.

I wonder what the "other" action could be referring to.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The most idiotic ban ever... 8 matches?! daft to the core I don`t trust this sort of punishment . Racist tag is so dangerous racially motivated maybe ,but racist!! Suarez should of kept it in spanish can`t really use a word that would demoralize as in English such a cheeky language especially how in America they always seem to invent new ways 8 parts of speech into 14 parts lol

Liverpool must appeal!!! hopefully it will be like Eduardo thing although he left the country :CONFUSE:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Reading more of the FA's stuff now - it reads a lot like a 'f*ck you' to FIFA and UEFA for their joke punishments on racism in the past. Wonder if there was more to that agenda that meets the eye...
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