Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I don't think that's what they're saying tik. That'd be retarded.
Refereeing mistakes SHOULDNT influence the games outcome as they are there to make fair decisions so we can really know who the best team is. I don't think they are debating that, nobody would.

I think what they were saying is what we've all been saying in the sense that, hey, referees because they are HUMAN BEINGS make mistakes! Just like any other human being in any other occupation including the players and the managers, they make mistakes. Problem is, they shouldn't as it can ruin the game, influence the match and make the wrong team win/champion. But as long as there are no replays, the human eye and judgement as it is not perfect even the best ref will make mistakes. I think that's what Ryan's saying. That the system is fundamentally wrong as we are relying on referees to be perfect when they never have been, never can be and therefore never will be!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

so Tottenham run is ower, we still have chance to fight for 4th spot!!!

we are just 3 points behind it right now... i would say it´s very good for us!!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think it is amazing that we still have a chance
even with our lacklustre home record...

The fact is that we need a proper striker to take the load
off Suarez.....we need a technical player who is good at
combining with quick passes and has a decent record scoring goals..

Thierry Henry is'nt he...I heard that Everton are sniffing
around.....he would not be bad....since he is still a great finisher
and is technically superb....maybe take him on loan for 6 months....
He always loved to play at Anfield.....
And in the summer we can splash out on a younger striker who matches
the LFC way of playing......sorry but I just can't see Carroll doing it.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

so Tottenham run is ower, we still have chance to fight for 4th spot!!!

we are just 3 points behind it right now... i would say it´s very good for us!!

Yes but Spurs are a much stronger team than Liverpool this season. Of course Spurs tend to be mentally weak, but i have the feeling something has changed. I also have the feeling that they will do a couple of good transfers in january, because right at the moment Spurs are a very attractive team for players...

@ tiktiktik:

I simply don't agree with you. If a forward misses 5 sitters and a team loose 0-1 due to an error of the referee and if the manager blames the ref...then he is a very bad manager. Of course most managers will blame the ref in the media, but do you honestly think that in private that manager will have a good word with his striker? Of course he will...

And yes, waht disturbs me is that we expect refs to be perfect while we accept that the 22 players and the managers can make mistakes. Well, i should have written 'while we accept that 20 players make mistakes'. The only player comparable with the ref is the GK. If he does something wrong, people blame him...

I saw Genk-Lierse in the weekend. Lierse's GK is Kawashima, the GK of the Japanese national team. He is the only good player in a pathetic team. Saturday Genk totally outplayed Lierse. They scored after 6 minutes but the second goal came only after 75 minutes. Kawashima did miracle after miracle, stopped a penalty and had lots of fantastic saves...and then in 75th minute he let a ball slip through his hands...this goal will end up on You the end his team lost he to blame? No, the team is to blame. It's excatly the same for referees.

On top of that players and managers don't make things easier for referees. People constantly speak about soft penalties or that you can't give a penalty when a defender holds the shirt of an attacker...those things were always given 30 years ago....every foul in the box (no matter how tiny) should result in a penalty. Diving should be punished post factum. And about diving: i honestly think that when a player dives, his manager is also to blame. I still remember Ronaldo and Ferguson. Ronaldo made blatant dive after blatant dive and every single time Ferguson raised his arms in was almost a choreography...poetic in all his beauty. But both should have been sanctioned by the FA...and of course that is were things go wrong.

Sorry for this rant.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

That the system is fundamentally wrong as we are relying on referees to be perfect when they never have been, never can be and therefore never will be!

Precisely, and a manager trying to show it with facts gets sarcastic comments from all over while nobody else does anything about it.

It's all very well moaning about it, but atleast Dalglish is trying to do something about it. We all agree that referee's aren't helped by players and managers, but they are also being screwed by their own organisation. They are the scapegoats....but imo the decisions need to be shown up so something will get done about it.

@ Gerd, a manager blaming a ref for a result based on a single decision is another matter. However he shouldn't get the oppertunity to do it imo, and better help for ref's is the way to do that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think we agree more on this than we both presumed.
What Dalglish is doing is a good thing. The only gripe i have with it, is the fact that he only shows images about Liverpool. Of course he knows these best because he actually was present at these matches...and i also know that Dalglish is not to blame because in football acts of altruïsm are rare...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

If he would actually show the poor decisions going against the opposition it would only strenghten his claims....but then the effect is weaker towards the media and would highlight how equally bad Liverpool / the players are aswell.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Which is why it can't be a single manager from a team doing the presenting.

Again, I would love improving the quality of refereeing and obviously it upsets me as much as anyone when a critical decision is wrong. But having managers sending tapes of decisions they feel have hurt them is not going to help anyone.

If Kenny was after improving officiating, he would invite all the other 19 managers over to his house, tell them to bring materials and then they could all submit something together as part of the LMA or something.

That's not what he's doing. He wants to put pressure on officials to give decisions to Liverpool. It really is that simple.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

@gerd i meant it point wise, i think other teams will also drop some point´s wich makes the league even harder to predict..

...also apparently Raheem Sterling signed a professional deal with LFC today...great prospect for the future!!!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I don't see what's wrong with having referees interviewed after games to explain their decisions. They seem to be very protected.

Fergie got charged for complimenting a referee's performance last season, strangely enough. The old man can't win it seems. :P
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

If that is true, it's so stupid...

It is true - he was charged by the FA for saying 'As per his appointment in the World Cup, Howard Webb is the best ref in England', or something like that. It was before a match too.

You can't win with the FA. As per Suarez crap, they're only consistent in the inconsistency.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yep, was amusing/infuriating. He got warned to not comment on the ref before the Chelsea match and stated the above and Ancelotti commented on Webb in a more manipulating way. Fergie got the fine, Carlo got nothing.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It is true - he was charged by the FA for saying 'As per his appointment in the World Cup, Howard Webb is the best ref in England', or something like that. It was before a match too.

You can't win with the FA. As per Suarez crap, they're only consistent in the inconsistency.

did he get a fine for saying a ref was out of shape couldn`t keep up w/ the game. Arsenal had a ref switch counter ref due to too much movement. I Love when Wenger said The FA has his debit card so they could just fine him and send him the bill :LOL:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

did he get a fine for saying a ref was out of shape couldn`t keep up w/ the game. Arsenal had a ref switch counter ref due to too much movement. I Love when Wenger said The FA has his debit card so they could just fine him and send him the bill :LOL:

Yep - worth noting that the ref retied that season...

It was funny seeing the media point out that the ref had 'run' further than most outfield players. That's the kind of idiocy that gets you far in UK media. Of course he had run more than most players - the ref is always moving. However, anyone who watched the game could see tha the didn't even bothe rwhen United counter attacked. Hence he was 45 yards from the action and missed the key call. But hey, whatever, Fergie said it so charge him and 95% of the country will be happy.

When did Wenger make the comment about the debit card? That's class
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yep - worth noting that the ref retied that season...

It was funny seeing the media point out that the ref had 'run' further than most outfield players. That's the kind of idiocy that gets you far in UK media. Of course he had run more than most players - the ref is always moving. However, anyone who watched the game could see tha the didn't even bothe rwhen United counter attacked. Hence he was 45 yards from the action and missed the key call. But hey, whatever, Fergie said it so charge him and 95% of the country will be happy.

When did Wenger make the comment about the debit card? That's class

it was after a post match interview think 05/06 season...during the voyeur attacks from Mourinho :LOL:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Toronto FC Goalkeeper Stefan Frei to train with Liverpool for a week.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He's a good keeper. Nothing special but solid. Probably our most consistent and reliable player over the last couple years.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He´s not good enough i´m affraid, i wonder what make´s all pro Torres fans think he will start to suddenly score again as if he was doing three years ago, he was bad for us his last season, he won´t magically return his skills just becouse he will return...He might have better first touch than Carroll, but i would not want Torres back..he f...d us..

Would any United fan want Tevez back?...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He´s not good enough i´m affraid, i wonder what make´s all pro Torres fans think he will start to suddenly score again as if he was doing three years ago, he was bad for us his last season, he won´t magically return his skills just becouse he will return...He might have better first touch than Carroll, but i would not want Torres back..he f...d us..

Would any United fan want Tevez back?...

I'm baffled by this post. How can anyone prefer Caroll to Torres, matter of fact how can anyone prefer Caroll to any other player? He's by far the worst CF i've ever seen...
Torres: that is a matter of confidence. He will get "it" back sooner or later and then he will score goals galore once again...why would he have lost his ability?

I can only see one reason. Injuries. And then i think Liverpool is to blame...the team (or even the club) was too dependent on Torres (don't know if this is correct English). They played him too soon after injuries and too much in general because he was their goal scorer. This is the one thing i like about Ferguson: i have the feeling that he will scarcely play with injured players or with player who come out of injuries.

I don't understand reactions like seems as if Liverpool fans have a grudge against him because he left the club. To be honest i think Torres has more reasons to be bitter towards Liverpool than the opposite and i can't remember Torres having had one negative reaction against Liverpool...You see how big the loyalty to (former) heroes is...the guy was fantastic for Liverpool...give him the credit he deserves.

Pipa, this is not personal...i know you are a nice guy...but sometimes i can't understand English fans. I know you are Slovakian, but is the best proof that you have adapted and have become a real English fan. The way English fans think is beyond me to be honest...
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Torres could be leaving for 20m ??

Maybe just a rumor......

but what if he were available.....should Liverpool sign him back ?
I doubt it would happen.....

But I would take Torres any day soon....and ship out Carroll...

Imagine Torres+Suarez up front.....

spot on!have him back in a heartbeat.even wiiling to swap donkey as part of deal
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'm baffled by this post. How can anyone prefer Caroll to Torres, matter of fact how can anyone prefer Caroll to any other player? He's by far the worst CF i've ever seen...
Torres: that is a matter of confidence. He will get "it" back sooner or later and then he will score goals galore once again...why would he have lost his ability?

I can only see one reason. Injuries. And then i think Liverpool is to blame...the team (or even the club) was too dependent on Torres (don't know if this is correct English). They played him too soon after injuries and too much in general because he was their goal scorer. This is the one thing i like about Ferguson: i have the feeling that he will scarcely play with injured players or with player who come out of injuries.

I don't understand reactions like seems as if Liverpool fans have a grudge against him because he left the club. To be honest i think Torres has more reasons to be bitter towards Liverpool than the opposite and i can't remember Torres having had one negative reaction against Liverpool...You see how big the loyalty to (former) heroes is...the guy was fantastic for Liverpool...give him the credit he deserves.

Pipa, this is not personal...i know you are a nice guy...but sometimes i can't understand English fans. I know you are Slovakian, but is the best proof that you have adapted and have become a real English fan. The way English fans think is beyond me to be honest...

if ya look at most of his post,youd know he's absolutely deluded.this is the same fella who said hazard is not good enough.not worth it but somehow carrol is,best man utd squad ever.doesnt realize that form is temporary,class permanent.same goes for carroll.bought on the back of only ten premiership games.ive given up on him tbh
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

@ Gerd,

Nobody had a problem with Torres wanting out, however it was handing in a transfer request with 2 days to go that annoyed everyone. Atleast that was what was made public (same for Meireles, but that looked far more like a deal was in place and he had to forgo his loyalty bonus.) The fact that the Carroll and Torres deals seemed to come out of nowhere made it look far more likely that very little was happening until the transfer request.

As for him coming back, I very much get the impression that it was Benitez' attention to detail (he would prepare Torres for each match and tell him how to finish a chance (goalkeepers weaker side, tendencies, etc)) that made him as good as he was. I think he isn't getting that amount of attention anymore and has gone back to his "usual" goalscoring record. And ofcourse injuries and the system Chelsea play isn't helping him, Liverpool tailored their system for him. Think he would do great with the players behind him at Liverpool now aswell.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I would try Torres at Arsenal for around 15mill :)) 20million is a bit too much based on the last couple of years I think.
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