Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He's in free in summer but along with Alex will probably be sold in January.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Tevez has become trouble because he wants to be closer to South America. Liverpool is about 35 miles closer to South America than Manchester, so that should shave about 30 minutes off the journey time. He should be happy with that and become the model professional.

Haha :D
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'm happy for Spearing to step up as he's a good little player. No need to shell out millions for anybody when they aren't going to stand out much more than him ie. Aquilani. Spearing has done much more than he did in the games they have played in the past.

I'd take Anelka on a free any day. He's still a good player. Tezez, could player but wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. Way too much hassle.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I've got no problems with Downing, Maxi, Kuyt and Henderson on our wings. It's not like there's tons of choice that are available and the players we have are good enough rather than spending crazy money.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

With Johnson and Enrique I think the wings are pretty well balanced atm. If anything it's an AM that can quickly join Suarez up front as none of the CM's (Gerrard included these days) tend to join in early.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

With Johnson and Enrique I think the wings are pretty well balanced atm. If anything it's an AM that can quickly join Suarez up front as none of the CM's (Gerrard included these days) tend to join in early.

Yep, those two are very good options. If anything, they possibly offer more than our actual wingers. That could be because the wingers are being marked so much that it's freeing up the FB's to get into space though.

But certainly agree with needing someone to support Suarez, as I've said here earlier. It'll happen again tonight (unless Bellamy or Maxi play maybe) where Suarez will keep finding himself up there alone and with no Liverpool players remotely close to help him out.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think this first half has shown Andy Carroll isn't on the same wave length as a few of the players. Needs more game time to "get with it".
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

So a perfectly good goal disallowed and then a ridiculous red card. I like to think that, even with poor officiating, you should be able to finish a game. But when you're scoring an onside goal and the officials deny it, what else can you do?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We need a midfield dynamo and another striker, quickly.

Too many games we've missed out on due to lack of finishing/intelligent play in the final third.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We need a midfield dynamo and another striker, quickly.

Too many games we've missed out on due to lack of finishing/intelligent play in the final third.

Agreed. Again we didn't really seem to do much in the final third, we just look completely lost when we get up there, panic, give the ball to Suarez ... and stand where we were and not move. Only Suarez is wanting to run behind players and risk being offside.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

So that's only the 3rd match this weekend decided by refereeing incompetence.Makes you wonder why you should even bother watching this "sport". Game was pretty even throughout, with Fulham shading it with the extra man in the end, Liverpool being the better team before but could have gone either way with 11 v 11.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

So a perfectly good goal disallowed and then a ridiculous red card. I like to think that, even with poor officiating, you should be able to finish a game. But when you're scoring an onside goal and the officials deny it, what else can you do?

What is up with red cards and Liverpool matches? Seems like a disproportionate number of them in the past few seasons.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

So that's only the 3rd match this weekend decided by refereeing incompetence.Makes you wonder why you should even bother watching this "sport". Game was pretty even throughout, with Fulham shading it with the extra man in the end, Liverpool being the better team before but could have gone either way with 11 v 11.

Yeah, totally agree with officiating lately. Teams are so close now in terms of ability, and because they're all better athletes than historically, games are just really tight.

Hence a single decision makes a huge difference.

But nothing will change, this is how football 'is' to the men at the top.

The only argument seems to be 'swings and roundabouts' but it is hard to swallow sometimes.

What's MOST worrying for the league is that the one team not getting poor decisions at the moment is City...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Suarez was never ofside on his goal, hope this referees will never get a game again...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Red card count is pretty consistent for a long time.

Really? I remember digging into it the year Pool almost won the league (bitterly) and finding that literally a third of their league matches had been against 10 men.

Feels like that this season too tbh.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's just an increase in crap refereeing Ryan. You only have to look at the Bellamy yellow to see how utterly shit they are! Bellamy is being "headbutted" by Dempsey and doesn't react and gets a card for it. Or last week your lot got done aswell. Spurs got the benefit this weekend when a player gets sent off near the halfway line...for a clear goalscoring opportunity? Luiz get's to stay on the pitch after the ref bottles the decision when he should have gone. And today a player gets sent off for winning the ball, clearing it and momentum catching the other player quite a bit later....with the same incident happening about 2 sec. earlier but Adam managing to keep clear of the player.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

"Liverpool dropping points against average team" shocker

Always game raisers against the best sides but bottle it against the cannon fodder.

Spurs or Arsenal to get 4th, Reina and co. to leave Liverpool in summer because they're fed up of winning fuck all every season.

Oh well there's always next year :APPLAUD: :BOP: :BYE:

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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yeah that year, especially the beginning saw Liverpool win a lot of 11 v 10 matches. But can't remember a huge amount being controversial, the team was just in very very good form and just that bit quicker throughout the matches. Same thing with Utd and their late goals.

But this season seems to be a complete mess tbh, and I don't think a lot of decisions are marginal either. This is just another poor one.

You could also argue that Senderos should have been off as Adam was clear to shoot if he had allowed him to pass without fouling him.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think red card was just , Spearing clean the ball first but after hes trackle can broke fulham player leg

im agree with kevano22

also Adam i dont really like , if he give the ball more speed and dont show us that hes same as Lionel Messi we can finish actions better

Johnson ? its strange how he do one amazing performance and after fail

Reina did some great saves but with that wrong he broke all
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Referee mistakes or not, Man City, Man Utd, and Spurs are clearly better than Liverpool. I'm not sure if Liverpool is stronger than Arsenal and even Newcastle. Newcastle was very good in the 3 matches against the best teams.

Considering referee mistakes: in the end it all evens out...remember the sending off in the match against Everton...that was also a match with plenty of referee mistakes. Fans tend to forget the matches where their team gets advantage.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's just an increase in crap refereeing Ryan. You only have to look at the Bellamy yellow to see how utterly shit they are! Bellamy is being "headbutted" by Dempsey and doesn't react and gets a card for it. Or last week your lot got done aswell. Spurs got the benefit this weekend when a player gets sent off near the halfway line...for a clear goalscoring opportunity? Luiz get's to stay on the pitch after the ref bottles the decision when he should have gone. And today a player gets sent off for winning the ball, clearing it and momentum catching the other player quite a bit later....with the same incident happening about 2 sec. earlier but Adam managing to keep clear of the player.

There have been so many poor decisions this season. Rodwell's red against you guys was a joke, that Newcastle penalty was the definition of a good tackle, Vidic got sent off in the UEFA CL for a nothing challenge on the half way line. Last season in our Chelsea match Luiz committed about 4 yellow card challenges while on a yellow, but stayed on the pitch.

I know some of it is the media coverage, but some are just terrible, terrible decisions.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Who said we're forgetting the mistakes that favour other teams?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Referee mistakes or not, Man City, Man Utd, and Spurs are clearly better than Liverpool. I'm not sure if Liverpool is stronger than Arsenal and even Newcastle. Newcastle was very good in the 3 matches against the best teams.

Considering referee mistakes: in the end it all evens out...remember the sending off in the match against Everton...that was also a match with plenty of referee mistakes. Fans tend to forget the matches where their team gets advantage.


It's same old shite, different season for Liverfail. Always with the excuses as well i.e. refs, weather, colour of the ball etc.

Get over it - you're not a top side anymore.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Referee mistakes or not, Man City, Man Utd, and Spurs are clearly better than Liverpool. I'm not sure if Liverpool is stronger than Arsenal and even Newcastle. Newcastle was very good in the 3 matches against the best teams.

Considering referee mistakes: in the end it all evens out...remember the sending off in the match against Everton...that was also a match with plenty of referee mistakes. Fans tend to forget the matches where their team gets advantage.

Mate again you say somethig you base on this result, we lost, but HOW DID WE lost.. were you watching the match, referee fucked us over, Dempsey should get red for attack on Bellamy with his head, The goal should be allowed and this could have been our 1:0 that United for example, far superiour team than us achieved against Villa... we hit the bar 3 times just that i remember..maybe even more.. we were the better team untill this:


How can the team pick up themselfs if the ref is like that? Don´t start with Carroll or any other player again, we should not lost tonight and we definetly were not worse than Fulham...we just have bad luck again... i´m sick of this league referees, even if we won 5:0 i would have think the ref did a bad job tonight..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Remember at the start of the season when we were concerned we had too many central midfielders? :LOL:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

How can the team pick up themselfs if the ref is like that?

See, you lot are always blaming refs! Liverpool supporters with their conspiracy theories! :LOL:

You need to score goals to win matches Friend. You can't keep blaming refs for Liverpoo's failings every year.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'll give the advice that I tried to give United fans after the Newcastle match - if your team plays well enough, the referee won't be able to determine the outcome.

We had chances to win that match and didn't take them. Just have to move on.

More worrying for Pool is the Opta stat - you've only scored 17 goals in 14 games. That's pretty terrible given your attacking options (and spend).
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