Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Definitely think a draw was fair. You guys were a lot stronger at the very end, but rest of the match was even.

Would question why a tiny touch on Adam's left heel caused his right foot to give out, but hey, if Giggsy had stood his ground it would have been a sh*t free kick.

as i saw Adam falling i thought he dived..but then in replay i saw a slight touch of his left feet by Ferdinand.. i think it was fair free kick..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Definitely think a draw was fair. You guys were a lot stronger at the very end, but rest of the match was even.

Would question why a tiny touch on Adam's left heel caused his right foot to give out, but hey, if Giggsy had stood his ground it would have been a sh*t free kick.

Could also question why he didn't get a (second) booking for fouling a player in a very dangerous area. ;)

Fair enough result, although if Henderson had scored it wouldn't have been undeserved. If for nothing else than because Utd played like a small club and parked the bus with their tactics. :P
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Wish we would've taken our chanches and been more adventurous. Adam impressed
me today I guess within a 3 man midfield he looks less vulnerable but I like he's drive goals have came about him doing that this season him scoring one aswell.

Henderson looked good through the middle aswell. Shame kenny didn't bring on another attacker united's defence was quite shaky.

Great free kick from Gerrard thought utd would of seen that coming.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Did anyone else notice Suarez dancing about like an idiot trying to keep De Gea pre-occupied? LOL.

I notice that LOL

but i dont notice Suarez calling evra a n####er 10 times! According to evra

if this is true he'll be out for long time i think !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Definitely a foul by Ferdinand on Adam. Only a Man Utd play will not get a second yellow for that foul...
It wasn't the best of games. First half was really boring.

I think Henderson was good, although he should have scored the winner right at the end of the match.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I thought there was contact but minimal, he got a little part of Adam's foot. And not that worthy of a yellow card. Henderson was great as a sub, almost got the goal until that De Gea guy clawed away his dipping goal bound shot.

Suarez a racist? We'll see about that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Tbh it wouldn't surprise me if he did say something like that, anything to try and get the advantage. However that is crossing the line and he should be fined and banned if it turns out to be true. Hope not, but I can't see Evra being stupid enough to report something like this if it isn't. It would only, sadly, strengthen a stereotype.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Definitely a foul by Ferdinand on Adam. Only a Man Utd play will not get a second yellow for that foul...
It wasn't the best of games. First half was really boring.

I think Henderson was good, although he should have scored the winner right at the end of the match.

Mate what is your issue with United lately? You're normally a pretty balanced poster - but even Liverpool fans are saying that a yellow there would have been harsh (particularly given the first was incredibly soft, and that was only his second foul all match).

I still argue that contact isn't a foul, and Adam could have stayed on his feet had he any interest in doing so.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

lol so not only is suarez a diving over-reacting whining little cheating cannibal goalkeeper wannabe. he is also a racist?

i didnt see it though tbh..
but evra did look pissed so he might of said something..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Obviously we'll never know what was said, but I think it's clear what Evra thought he said, 10 times or so.

The only time I've seen Evra so upset was when he beat up a Chelsea gardener ;)

I love Suarez coming out and saying he always plays honest. Mate, do me a favour. You bit someone on the pitch.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Mate what is your issue with United lately? You're normally a pretty balanced poster - but even Liverpool fans are saying that a yellow there would have been harsh (particularly given the first was incredibly soft, and that was only his second foul all match).

I still argue that contact isn't a foul, and Adam could have stayed on his feet had he any interest in doing so.

:LOL: Contact isn't a foul...unless you're sticking your leg out for the ball and miss the ball...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

:LOL: Contact isn't a foul...unless you're sticking your leg out for the ball and miss the ball...

That's just not true. You're allowed to touch the opposition player. In fact, probably half the challenges in a match involve both players using their strength against each other, in full contact.

I'm not saying it wasn't a foul - but only because of what the game has become. Adam could have just as easily stayed on his feet. You cannot tell me that the nick on his left toe caused his right leg to collapse. It simply isn't possible. He was looking for contact, felt it, and went down.

I'm not saying he's the only one. Obviously all teams do the same thing. But doesn't mean I have to like it.

For example, I remember a fair amount of criticism for a certain Berbatov penalty on here in the FA Cup...and there was more contact in that...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Beachryan, i agree with you that the first yellow was a very soft one, but a good ref never compensates.
It was clear that Ferdinand fouled Adam just outside the box, to me that is always a yellow card, always. Some refs might even have given a red card (and that would be a soft one). Just like someone pointed out, even a tiny contact is a experienced defender like Ferdinand is intelligent enough to make tiny litle fouls in the hope to get away with it...he did and credit to him...but he should have had a red card.

As for the racist thing: both Evra and Suarez are idiots, but in this case i tend to believe Evra...Suarez needs a harsh talk, he is a fantastic player but behaves like an idiot this season. I've seen him in Holland and his behaviour has deteriorated there too...It could well be that his team mates are gonna be fed up with him. This is the sort of behaviour that isn't appreciated in England.

If it's true that he was racially abusive he should get a fine and a rather serious ban...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

So "I go to the field with the maximum illusion of a little child who enjoys what he does"
Well that explains the hair pulling, biting and throwing himself to the floor at every opportunity then.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

United fans getting on their high horse? How ironic.

It's not the first time Evra has claimed he was racially abused, and that allegation was found to be false. Why didn't he say anything at the time? Maybe because he was too busy feigning injury and trying to wind up the Liverpool fans.

Please stop acting like Evra is the perfect gentleman who's word you believe just on the fact that he plays for your club. And the witch hunt of Suarez is getting tiresome. What's the point in coming in a Liverpool thread so say how annoying he is, or he's a cheat etc?

And saying Adam went down too easily after being touched? I've never seen United players do the same thing. The thought of a United player getting a slight touch but falling down like he's been shot makes me think of one ex player and one current player who regularly do that. Or am I mistaken? I must be because United fans surely see that their own players do the same, if not worse, and wouldn't go into another thread so complain so much about something their own do.

So, again. It's a bit hypocritical to come in here calling all kinds when your own players do the same things. It's part of the game, all clubs have players who annoy other teams and no club are cleaner than clean.

I know the teams have just played each other and you're probably upset that you didn't play better and get the win that you feel that youre entitled to in the Premier League, but to come in the Liverpool thread and moan about Adam and Suarez so much, what are you trying to achieve? Surely not a wind-up of the Liverpool fans? Otherwise you'd just stick to the United thread to discuss the game.

Some things never change on this forum.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Sky Sports can't find any truth of Evra's allegations, surprisingly.

Andre Marriner has said he didn't hear one of these comments that were supposedly made 10+ times

And United have now left Evra to support himself, despite Fergison frog marching him to see Marriner after the game.

Liverpool are definitely right to report Evra if he backs out of these allegations now. You can't justgo around calling someone a racist just because you're in a bad mood. Of course, if somehow some footage does turn up of Suarez being racist then he should get the longest ban possible, the whole season even. I like Suarez but that would be completely wrong and it's be wrong to not ban him for a long period.

But I was inclined to not believe Evra at the time, more so now. Nothing to see here, move along. Until the next time Evra spits his dummy and calls someone a racist because he doesn't like them.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Dags, you can't deny that Suarez is at least a litle bit a cheat...ask any Dutch football fan and he will tell you...look at the match against Everton and the Rodwell sending off...that was pretty obvious to all neutrals and even to fair Liverpool fans.

Suarez is a fantastic player, but it's time Dalglish has a good talk with him because he is somewhat of a liability and when he moans, he is not playing any better...he is a player who will have lots of stupid yellow cards and now and then an even more stupid red card. Liverpool can't miss him...look at it from that side.

As for Suarez-Evra. It's obvious that one of both players is lying...the liar should get punished. I agree with you that Suarez should get a long ban if what Evra says is true, but if it isn't true, Evra should get a ban. I'm pretty sure we will never know what happened.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'm not denying he's a cheat at all, he clearly is. He is over-theatrical, goes down too easily (although a lot of fouls come from him shielding the ball and defenders being typically "English" and going through the back of him), he certainly plays dirty and they're not nice traits.

My point is, though, that United (or any other team) aren't exactly angelic either and they all have their players who bend the rules to how they can. We can go through all of the teams in the Premier League and you'll see at least one player who's dirty, who dives, who overreacts to tackles, that sort of thing. To make out that Suarez is the villain of the act is keeping your eyes away from your own, and other teams.

His moaning does have to stop, no doubt. It annoys me to see him throwing strops a lot, it's like having Torres back except at least Suarez still offers a threat whilst moaning. But if he learnt to control his tantrums and concentrate on the game, his game would improve even more. And that's pretty frightening for any defender.

I think a lot of his frustration is to do with our team, as was the case with Torres. He wants the team to play a certain way and we're not doing that yet. But I think that as our players continue to play together and learn how to work together, that'll come and Suarez will be happier.

Ronaldo was the same, complaining a lot. I think that if you're a certain skill level, you expect other players to be as good as you. And it frustrates you to see things happen that you think you would've done better had you been in that situation and I think that's where the anger and temper comes from with the likes of Suarez and Ronaldo. That's not a blanket generalisation, obviously. Messi doesn't act the same but not everybody has the same levels of aggression in them. It's just the ones that play more aggressively seem to expect others to be up to their level and it can cause anger to see mistakes.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

As for the racist thing: both Evra and Suarez are idiots, but in this case i tend to believe Evra...Suarez needs a harsh talk, he is a fantastic player but behaves like an idiot this season. I've seen him in Holland and his behaviour has deteriorated there too...It could well be that his team mates are gonna be fed up with him. This is the sort of behaviour that isn't appreciated in England..

I believe it'll take a long year before a change is expected of Suarez. That kind of habit kinda stays and you can argue one of the reason he was successful until now, he's getting free kicks for his teams. Remember, diver is very different than over-reacting to a foul.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's not the first time Evra has claimed he was racially abused, and that allegation was found to be false. is.

In the 2006 case of claimed racial abuse by Steve Finnan, the accusation was levelled at Finnan by a deaf fan who claimed he lip-read the racial slur. Evra declined to complain. A rather odd thing to do for a man with a supposed inclination to play the race card, I’m sure you’ll agree.

In the case with involving Chelsea groundsman, Tony Bethell, it was Mike Phelan and Richard Hartis of Manchester United’s coaching staff who claimed they heard the abuse. As the FA report says “The two witnesses who say they heard those words directed by Mr Bethell at Mr Evra are the Manchester United first team coach Mr Mike Phelan and the goalkeeping coach Mr Richard Hartis.” It later goes on to say “Even if we disregard the fact that Mr Evra has never claimed to have heard such a remark on that day, it is notable that there were several other people far nearer to Mr Bethell at the critical point in time than were either Mr Phelan or Mr Hartis.”

So in reality, Evra accused neither Finnan nor Bethell of a racist remark. The claims were done by others. These are the cold, hard facts.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Okay, it's not the first time he's been involved in being targeted with racial abuse apparantly. Why Evra? Why not Ferdinand? Smalling? Young?

Evra just seems to be trying to get under Liverpool's skin. His behaviour in general wasn't great against Liverpool, constantly whinging away, pretending to be injured when he heard a whistle go for a foul but then realising the foul wasn't again him so he recovered immediately, kissing the badge towards the Liverpool fans to cause anger. He's not exactly a role model and model professional with his general behaviour there.

Innocent until proven guilty ... unless it's a Liverpool player against a Man Utd player. In which case we might as well ban him from the game straight away as Evra's word is taken as gospel. Despite no evidence. Despite him not mentioning it during the game. But it must be true because Saint Evra said it.

Look at it from a non-United perspective and realise that you're judging Suarez just based on some aftermatch comments and nothing else.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

the thing with Suarez racist remarks is bullshit imho... he is tempered player, maybe this could came from his mouth in the action..or when he was nervous...but common...10 times? i honestly doubt it, giving the fact he played many many times with many dark skin players in Holland and even his national team... i don´t think he´s that stupid to insult Evra 10 times or so...

anyway, about Gerd post..i think Holland fans hated him, but on the other hand AJAX fans loved him, becouse he was one of their best players from recent years..a CAPTAIN, well respected and his farawell only proves it... i don´t think they would made him captain knowing he is a wrong person to take this responsibility...

YouTube - Luis Suarez Ajax Farewell

i will repeat myself, FINALLY LFC has such player...i hope we will get at least 2 simillar of his attitude and talent.

@DagsJT, NICE to see you back!
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

And us Liverpool fans agree that Suarez is no angel and if found guilty deserves harsh punishment.

I'm not sure what fans of other clubs want from us, really.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's a no-win situation for both sides, If left unproven it doesn't mean Suarez said it, it also doesn't mean he didn't and Evra made it up. The media and LFC coming out and saying Evra has a history of making untrue allegations is a dangerous and inflammatory comment which is factually inaccurate.
Dags Looking at it from a non LFC perspective, how are you judging Suarez's innocence on his word alone?
In the words you used to describe Evra, Suarez is not exactly a role model and model professional, 2 sides to every story and coin my friend.
The one thing it has done is make a dull match, front page news.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Thanks Pipa :TU:

I do quite miss posting and chatting in here, and it seems that a couple who've done nothing but complain about Liverpool (despite being "supporters") seem to have stopped posting as much lately. Odd.

So I'll probably stick around. I just wont post as much or get involved in pointless discussions trying to justify why a supporter should support their club.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's a no-win situation for both sides, If left unproven it doesn't mean Suarez said it, it also doesn't mean he didn't and Evra made it up. The media and LFC coming out and saying Evra has a history of making untrue allegations is a dangerous and inflammatory comment which is factually inaccurate.
Dags Looking at it from a non LFC perspective, how are you judging Suarez's innocence on his word alone?
In the words you used to describe Evra, Suarez is not exactly a role model and model professional, 2 sides to every story and coin my friend.
The one thing it has done is make a dull match, front page news.

Innocent until proven guilty, mate.

The fact that no other players heard it, Evra himself didn't mention it and there's no video footage which shows any racism surely points towards innocence rather than guilt though, no?

But no, Suarez is FAR from a role model. His biting saw to that. But because he's got that past and he's a bit of a nutter at times, it doesn't mean he's a racist. And the facts so far point to there being no base to what Evra is claiming.

As I've said, if Suarez is proven to have said it then he needs to be punished big time. He needs to be kicked out of Liverpool FC, fined and banned. No place for that in society in general, moreso in sport where kids are looking for role models*.

*Note to kids, biting people isn't acceptable either.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I honestly don't know what to think about this one mate, In the interests of the game I'd like it not to be true, but why come out and accuse him if he hasn't said it?, Evra's had far harder run ins with other players,Kevin Davies and Ballack spring to mind yet he has never accused them or any other opponent of Racism.
Chris Kamara said on Sky yesterday it had happened to him on a few occasions, but seeing as it was just his word against the other player, there wasn't any point complaining about it.So much for the kick racism out of football campaign Kammy.

On a side note, Good to have you back in here, one of the more sensible posters, well for a Scouser anyway.;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


It's a fair point about why would he say it, maybe it's a tactic to unsettle Liverpool? It's perhaps a harsh tactic but it's certainly putting unwanted attention on Suarez and putting him in a bad light. It could end up resulting in Suarez just completely losing his form and losing his temper if he keeps being targeted by media, other managers and players as a perceived racist?

I dunno, I doubt anything will ever happen over it as nobody else can back either player up.

As a side note, I actually thought the match was decent. Not a classic by any stretch but it showed good defence by both teams really as neither forward line had much joy really. If anything, I thought we should've won it as we had a few chances where we should've closed the game off. As it was, I saw Hernandez come on and :ROLL: , I just knew it was going to be him.

Adam played well, Henderson looked good when he came on. Lucas looked a liability a lot of the time. Downing was missing in the first half but did better in the second, and a disgraceful dive from him as well.

Kinda pleased with the point, although I think Ferguson will be happier than Dalglish. Still, it's more progress from us and I think it's clear that we're getting better as time goes on. Still hopeful that we'll finish in the top four if we keep improving as we are doing. I'm hoping the likes of Downing and Carroll progress that bit more because it's clear that they both have a lot to offer but neither has really hit their stride yet. I think when Carroll does hit his stride, it'll be a fantastic partnership with Suarez. But as it stands, I'd rather see him on the bench and Kuyt start ahead of him.
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