Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Why Craig? Old, and having behaviour problems. I don't know. I only know that we needed another striker or as he can play wingman. He maybe good option for one or two seasons.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

i don´t think so, our bigest problem is to have good players on bench...if you look at arsenal or united, i don´t need to continue..

Mireles imo stayes..he was one of best players this season, even if used not on his true position
What a visionary
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

fuckin hell,absolutely gutted.letting our player of last season leave for peanuts,letting one of our most talented midfielders in aqua leave for nothing and signing a couple of overly hyped english duds for ridiculous prices makes us look like absolute mugs!this will bite kenny in the ass.rite then,come on chelsea,have suarez,we just want sky hyped up english players.suarez +20mill for sturridge next window.fuckin joke!dalglish narrow minded british mentality is plain sickening.

Pipa,you have to be the most blinkered fan ive seen in 40yrs.Meireles was dropped for adam and henderson.suarez was even dropped for carroll(arsenal game) as those two were being saved for the mighty exeter.its just a slap on meireles face.know very well you wont agree which is fine by me,lets just leave it at that....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Has Dalglish now officially removed all of Hodgson's signings
and also Rafa's questionable ones...
- Meireles
- Aquilani
- Poulsen
- Cole
- Konchesky
- Jovanovic
- Insua
- Ngog

- Carroll
- Suarez
- Downing
- Adam
- Henderson
- Bellamy
- Coates
- Enrique
- Doni

That is a pretty impressive clearout....
Meireles is the biggest loss....but with Gerrard coming back
it would be tough for him to get a game..
I think Henderson will really improve...he has shown flashes
of why we paid so much....

I think Bellamy has something to offer .... down the right
wing or as back up to Suarez....
It's not a bad signing.

I think I am pretty happy......our squad looks good.

Arsenal suddenly looking a bit more dangerous with
Arteta, Benayoun....

This could be an exciting season for the top 4 battle
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Gosh I thought Bellamy given the chance is quite a handful when he was here. All pace and pressure, maybe not the right age but he'll be a very good sub in our team. I love him.

I'll put up Tik's squad again while adding some he's missing.

GK: Reina - Doni

RB: Johnson - Kelly - Flannagan
CB: Mrtn Sktrl - Carra - Agger - Coates - Wilson
LB: Enrique - Aurelio - Robinson

DM: Lucas - Spearing
CM: Gerrard - Adam - Rodriguez (or SM) - Shelvey
SM: Downing - Henderson

ST: Suarez - Carroll - Kuyt - Bellamy

I think we're in a better position overall than last time.

Re. Meireles
The problem with him being sold is yes he's a very good player, and the comparison with our new players in his position (henderson, adam) would not favour the latter. But those are Kenny's NEW recruits, Kenny feels they have a part in his plans, while Meireles isn't his buy despite being a great player.

Besides, after Gerrard's back later in the season, I don't think they'll be enough playing time for ALL of the CM. AND suppose (let's imagine here), who's possible to make way if one of the CM is to be sold? Gerrard's not being sold, neither the new boys, It's either Maxi or Raul, and Maxi don't have too much of a market while Raul's supposedly fetching 15 Million IF the market is normal (not 30 minutes before deadline).

Enough playing time that is IMO we can only have 4 CM's (including DM) that we can adequately share the playing time. More than that then the 5th player won't play at all (this is where Shelvey supposed to come in). So he can be back in the reserves until an injury comes to the top 4 CMs.

So I think, as with Aquilani's, Raul wanted to play as much as he can at his age, and everyone can see that seeing our team sheet, there's a big chance he won't get as many games as he likes if he stays with us. And with Chelsea's interest running high, and his transfer request, we had to let him go.

And I agree that with Adam & Henderson signing, we know that Kenny:
- Not that high on the player (Raul and Aquilani) despite the talent.
- Can't convince Raul to stay with his vision of a depth in CM.

Gutted but in King Kenny we trust.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Gosh I thought Bellamy given the chance is quite a handful when he was here. All pace and pressure, maybe not the right age but he'll be a very good sub in our team. I love him.

thats the thing aint it?he was here a couple of years ago.since moving on,other than the spell at city,he has been injured.last year he wasnt exactly lighting up the lower division.matter of fact he's been injured or very poor.half of his enormous wages on a 32yr old washed up,dodgy knee,club swingin player.brilliant.absolutely brilliant.smells of keane,joe cole all over again.

thought every one was goin on about how we need speedy wingers in our team?kenny will sort it out.while elija left for juve at 7 odd mill,nzogbia at villa for 10 odd,we splash on a speed demon,intelligent world know,the world player of the year,henderson.steven defour is at porto for 8 odd.we blow a chunk on fatty adam.yeah,he'll sort it out.mark my words,suarez wont be here for long if kenny keeps "resting" or giving him the hook during games.chelsea will snap him up for a measly 15-16mill.but we'd probably say sumthing stupid like "no,we'll give you 5mill plus suarez for sturridge"you know its gonna happen soon.....

ps:thank fuck we've got no gingers in our team....
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

thats the thing aint it?he was here a couple of years ago.since moving on,other than the spell at city,he has been injured.last year he wasnt exactly lighting up the lower division.matter of fact he's been injured or very poor.half of his enormous wages on a 32yr old washed up,dodgy knee,club swingin player.brilliant.absolutely brilliant.smells of keane,joe cole all over again.

ps:thank fuck we've got no gingers in our team....

Please forgive me for not following him post-LFC, but there must be something Kenny sees in him that we don't. What do you mean by half of his enormous wages on a 32yr player? Who's wages? I don't think there's any mention of his wages in LFC this time around so don't make assumption just yet. He might just yet be a good buy, and it will be a different motivation here then if he's in the lower division.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

thats the thing aint it?he was here a couple of years ago.since moving on,other than the spell at city,he has been injured.last year he wasnt exactly lighting up the lower division.matter of fact he's been injured or very poor.half of his enormous wages on a 32yr old washed up,dodgy knee,club swingin player.brilliant.absolutely brilliant.smells of keane,joe cole all over again.

thought every one was goin on about how we need speedy wingers in our team?kenny will sort it out.while elija left for juve at 7 odd mill,nzogbia at villa for 10 odd,we splash on a speed demon,intelligent world know,the world player of the year,henderson.steven defour is at porto for 8 odd.we blow a chunk on fatty adam.yeah,he'll sort it out.mark my words,suarez wont be here for long if kenny keeps "resting" or giving him the hook during games.chelsea will snap him up for a measly 15-16mill.but we'd probably say sumthing stupid like "no,we'll give you 5mill plus suarez for sturridge"you know its gonna happen soon.....

ps:thank fuck we've got no gingers in our team....

You are kidding? He was on fire at City and Cardiff.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Two seasons ago IMO he was absolutely outstanding for Man City, i never understood why he had to go to Cardiff...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Why Craig? Old, and having behaviour problems. I don't know. I only know that we needed another striker or as he can play wingman. He maybe good option for one or two seasons.


Seriously though my problem with Bellamy is his attitude,he can be a very good footballer when he wants to be but he has a nasty side to him. I always remember him playing for newcastle against wolves in the FA cup and newcastle got knocked out. At the time Wolves were in the championship and Bellamy was mocking the fans by pointing to the premier badge on his sleeve, what a unprofessional thing to do.

Hopefully i would like to think he as wised up through age. The fact we got him on a free is ok & i can see his value in being a squad player, i just hope kenny or Clarkey dont upset him.

Also remember when he played for us the 1st time around when we played Newcastle, he had a fracas with Terry Mac (Liverpool legend) in the tunnel, FFS i hope he proves me wrong.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

thought every one was goin on about how we need speedy wingers in our team?kenny will sort it out.while elija left for juve at 7 odd mill,nzogbia at villa for 10 odd,we splash on a speed demon,intelligent world know,the world player of the year,henderson.steven defour is at porto for 8 odd.we blow a chunk on fatty adam.yeah,he'll sort it out.mark my words,suarez wont be here for long if kenny keeps "resting" or giving him the hook during games.chelsea will snap him up for a measly 15-16mill.but we'd probably say sumthing stupid like "no,we'll give you 5mill plus suarez for sturridge"you know its gonna happen soon.....

ps:thank fuck we've got no gingers in our team....

Have you seen Defour's appearance record for the past two seasons? The guy has potential but if he was worth a punt he'd be at United. Henderson is just as good as Defour.

You know what Aquilani is technically a better player but I prefer Adam so far what i've seen in a red shirt from him has impressed me. A goal and two assists.

Suarez has been playing non-stop world cup/copa with virtually no rest there's a long season ahead we don't want to burn him out.

Dissapointed in Raul leaving the guy is a quality player so what if our midfield is congested, never hurt Chelsea in the past, won't hurt man city being overstocked. Tottenham have someone like Kranjcar on the bench might not play very often but he is a very talented player.

Dunno how Raul will fit at chelsea, they so desperately wanted an playmaker and Raul is quite simular to lampard.

Bellamy is a good signing, far better than having Ngog as backup.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

from other forum:

Regardless of what our net spend is I am wrapped with the business we've managed to get done. But with Rory Smith's article I think it is something we could discuss. I think he's made a few incorrect assumptions.

He wrote: "High-earning players such as Joe Cole, Milan Jovanovic (both reportedly on £90k per week), Alberto Aquilani and Christian Poulsen have been sold or loaned out."

I think this is misleading as I don't think we were able to offload their wages entirely. In Cole's case estimates seem to be Lille are paying only 30k of it. He is also claiming 15m for Meireles which I suspect is the Euro price.

Here are my estimates (which require a hell of a lot of guess work)

Downing 20m
Henderson 13m rising to 16m
Coatez 7.8m
Adam 7m
Enrique 6m
Spend = 53.8m rising to 56.8m

Wages In:
Downing: 75k
Adam: 40k
Coates: 40k
Enrique: 65k
Bellamy: 50k
Doni: 25k
Henderson: 40k
335k or 17.4m per year

Meireles 12m
Ngog 4m
Kyrgiakos 2m
Konchesky 1.5m
Ayala 0.8m
Mavinga 1m
Recoup = 21.3

Wages Out:
Aquilani: - 80k
Jovanovic: - 50k
Poulsen: - 40k
Cole: -30K
Meireles: -30k
Ngog: - 30k
Konchesky: -30k
Kyrgiakos: -25k
Pacheco: -20k
Insua: - 20k
El Zhar: -10k
Ayala: -5k
Mavinga -5k
The rest: 20k
395k or 20.5m per year

And if you include the potential Aquilani fee along with our January dealings it's even less. I think NESV have done a shrewd bit of business. We've gotten players that really wanted to play for us, of a very high quality for a very modest amount of money. Because of this I think there is still room for us to spend heavily in January and next summer if needed.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Seriously though my problem with Bellamy is his attitude,he can be a very good footballer when he wants to be but he has a nasty side to him. I always remember him playing for newcastle against wolves in the FA cup and newcastle got knocked out. At the time Wolves were in the championship and Bellamy was mocking the fans by pointing to the premier badge on his sleeve, what a unprofessional thing to do.

Hopefully i would like to think he as wised up through age. The fact we got him on a free is ok & i can see his value in being a squad player, i just hope kenny or Clarkey dont upset him.

Also remember when he played for us the 1st time around when we played Newcastle, he had a fracas with Terry Mac (Liverpool legend) in the tunnel, FFS i hope he proves me wrong.

From what I have heard/read the LFC players actually really liked him during his time at the club. Yeah he is a bit of a tw#t to everyone else, but from all accounts he's a good guy within the camp. Time will tell, but I think it could be a really good signing. And from his statement(s) about being a big fan and looking up to Kenny I don't think he will get it in his head to make Kenny angry....hopefully.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

again from other forum

Charlie Adam (from Blackpool)
Jordan Henderson (from Sunderland)
Stewart Downing (from Aston Villa)
Doni (from AS Roma)
Jose Enrique (from Newcastle United)
Sebastian Coates (from Nacional)
Villyan Bijev (from California Odyssey)
Craig Bellamy (from Manchester City)

Alberto Aquilani
(loaned to AC Milan)
Joe Cole (loaned to Lille)
Dani Pacheco (loaned to Atletico Madrid)
Stephen Darby (loaned to Rochdale)
Peter Gulasci (loaned to Hull City)
Villyan Bijev (loaned to Fortuna Dusseldorf)

Raul Meireles (to Chelsea)
David Ngog (to Bolton Wanderers)
Sotirios Kyrgiakos (to Vfl Wolfsburg)
Christian Poulsen (to Evian)
Milan Jovanovic (to Anderlecht)
Paul Konchesky (to Leicester City)
Emiliano Insua (to Sporting CP)
Daniel Ayala (to Norwich)
Nabil El Zhar (Released)
Thomas Ince (to Blackpool)
Gerard Bruna (to Blackpool)
Chris Mavinga (to Stade Rennais)
Philippe Degen (Released)
Deale Chamberlain (Released)
Dean Bouzanis (Released)
Steven Irwin (Released)
Alex Cooper (Released)
Nicola Saric (released)


Everyone happy then?

For all you net spend fans. From the excellent here's Kenny's business -

Ins - £111.7m

Outs - £75.15m

Spend - £36.55m
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I love Liverpool fans' approach to club finances:

1. Use gross transfer fees like everyone else
2. Uh oh, Liverpool doesn't look good in that light anymore
3. Switch to Net spend, Liverpool look good (under Rafa) in that
4. Uh oh, even on net spend now Liverpool aren't looking good now
5. Create a footballing inflation index, that shows Liverpool favourably
6. Crap, even that doesn't work now that we've bought so many players recently
7. Throw in wages too, for the first time...

Wahey! It was good business!

Sometimes you just have to salute the sheer bloody-optimism.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

:LOL: So true. There are so much other things included.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I love Liverpool fans' approach to club finances:

1. Use gross transfer fees like everyone else
2. Uh oh, Liverpool doesn't look good in that light anymore
3. Switch to Net spend, Liverpool look good (under Rafa) in that
4. Uh oh, even on net spend now Liverpool aren't looking good now
5. Create a footballing inflation index, that shows Liverpool favourably
6. Crap, even that doesn't work now that we've bought so many players recently
7. Throw in wages too, for the first time...

Wahey! It was good business!

Sometimes you just have to salute the sheer bloody-optimism.

haha ok, not sure where you aim on this but with the window i´m very pleased.. some players were expensive, some bargains, we managed to clear out the dead wood and loaned players who can be back next season when we hopefully play in CL..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I love Liverpool fans' approach to club finances:

1. Use gross transfer fees like everyone else
2. Uh oh, Liverpool doesn't look good in that light anymore
3. Switch to Net spend, Liverpool look good (under Rafa) in that
4. Uh oh, even on net spend now Liverpool aren't looking good now
5. Create a footballing inflation index, that shows Liverpool favourably
6. Crap, even that doesn't work now that we've bought so many players recently
7. Throw in wages too, for the first time...

Wahey! It was good business!

Sometimes you just have to salute the sheer bloody-optimism.
Agree. Plus every article refering to wages is pure speculation. Only the implicated would know how much we pay for the salarie of the players on loan and the compensation we gave to the one we terminated their contract.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I love Liverpool fans' approach to club finances:

1. Use gross transfer fees like everyone else
2. Uh oh, Liverpool doesn't look good in that light anymore
3. Switch to Net spend, Liverpool look good (under Rafa) in that
4. Uh oh, even on net spend now Liverpool aren't looking good now
5. Create a footballing inflation index, that shows Liverpool favourably
6. Crap, even that doesn't work now that we've bought so many players recently
7. Throw in wages too, for the first time...

Wahey! It was good business!

Sometimes you just have to salute the sheer bloody-optimism.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I love Liverpool fans' approach to club finances:

1. Use gross transfer fees like everyone else
2. Uh oh, Liverpool doesn't look good in that light anymore
3. Switch to Net spend, Liverpool look good (under Rafa) in that
4. Uh oh, even on net spend now Liverpool aren't looking good now
5. Create a footballing inflation index, that shows Liverpool favourably
6. Crap, even that doesn't work now that we've bought so many players recently
7. Throw in wages too, for the first time...

Wahey! It was good business!

Sometimes you just have to salute the sheer bloody-optimism.

We are just ahead of our time. Next season everyone (well in Europe anyway) will be talking about wages, amortisation and net spend! ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Adam apparently injured. First test to this "great squad depth" some were talking about.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Seriously though my problem with Bellamy is his attitude,he can be a very good footballer when he wants to be but he has a nasty side to him. I always remember him playing for newcastle against wolves in the FA cup and newcastle got knocked out. At the time Wolves were in the championship and Bellamy was mocking the fans by pointing to the premier badge on his sleeve, what a unprofessional thing to do.

Hopefully i would like to think he as wised up through age. The fact we got him on a free is ok & i can see his value in being a squad player, i just hope kenny or Clarkey dont upset him.

Also remember when he played for us the 1st time around when we played Newcastle, he had a fracas with Terry Mac (Liverpool legend) in the tunnel, FFS i hope he proves me wrong.

He didn't have much of an attitude last year when down here playing for The City (The City means Cardiff to me, not those rich Manc gits).
Happy he's signed for Liverpool. People can say what they hell they want about him. End of the day, he's a good player... and yes, he appears to have grown up a bit since things mentioned from 5+ years ago.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

as Gerrard said, he should never leave us... he had two of best seasons after that in city and Cardiff.. hope he can repeat this form in next two seasons with us.. :)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It looked very good but with Merieles and Aquilani both leaving it won't have the same quality.

Still looks ok to me tbh, if Adam drops out then Kuyt goes back to the right wing with Henderson going into the middle and Bellamy starting up front with Suarez. Or Bellamy could play on the right wing with Kuyt up front. Or Carroll could play and any combination of Lucas, Spearing, Downing, Henderson, Kuyt, Maxi, Bellamy and Shelvey could make up the midfield.
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