Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

haha.. i know how to get on dags's nerves from now on.


Seriously though, how can a Liverpool fan be so unbelievably negative nowadays? We were close to being in administration, run by clowns, had Purslow making crazy signings, Roy Hodgson managing the team, Reina on the verge of leaving.

Now we appear to have good owners along with a manager who knows what he's doing. But some people are still not happy and want to moan because their favourite player might be leaving and a British club is signing British players.

I'm going into this season hopeful for our future. Things are looking a lot better than they were not long ago. We've got some good BRITISH (OH NO!) youth talent coming through so our future looks like it could be interesting as well. I want to go into this season with hope that we can start to become a great team again, not read everyday about how such-and-such is Kenny's fault for selling a single player.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He is not negative.
I think he has a point.
On the one hand it's very good for Brittish football that Dalglish gives Brittish players the chance to play at a big club. If he succeds: hat off to him.

IMO opinion there are two reasons why Liverbird is right.

1 (and this is not he important reason) foreigners like Liverbird and me are attracted to foreign players in England. I think all the players Dalglish bought this transfer window are good players (i particularly like Henderson), but a couple of foreign players would be more attractive (Suarez, Drogba, Modric, Cesc and Nasri, Tevez with the exception of United all the big clubs' stars are foreigners).

2 This is more important. Benitez was a fantastic manager because he added some Spanish flair to the fantastic mentality of English players. This was a very good mix and made that Liverpool team fact that mix makes every English team succesfully. I know Liverpool has Suarez, but IMO that is not enough...

Only my two cents, but believe me, Liverbird is not an unreasonable guy. IMO he does not deserve to be ignored...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

After years of negativity, I've got the chance to be optimistic for a change. I don't want that optimism ruined by reading negative post after negative post.

It's fine for someone to have an opinion. It annoys me to have to read that same opinion over, and over, and over again each day. We get it. Liverbird doesn't like us seeming to prefer English players. He's Aquilani's biggest fan. We don't need to be told this every single day.

Just my personal opinion but it's not going to be a big loss to me visiting the forum. Whenever it says Liverbird has posted, I already know what it's going to be anyway. It's better for my blood pressure not to see it constantly clogging up the forum though :)

Just my opinion, like you have yours, and he has his.

Time to move on and try to keep this smile on my face now :)
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Does Dalglish know that football is played outside England? Or am I missing some magical advantage of being british?

I´m pretty sure he does..but again (and i written about it in my big post) there is Comolli and owners who want to build a team buying PL proven it was officialy anounced in our official website before the transfer window in big interview with Comolli, have you read it? i doubt that ..

Our new owners appointed SPANISH coach for reserves who pick the most talented players for first team, not according to their nationality but their quality.

It´s just coincidence the only PL proven and young players who vere avileable for us and wich we could buy are all british as i said..

we bought Suarez, is he British again? Is Bueno, the young Mexican lad we are linked to replace he British?

If we had more money and we would have played in CL, we would go after players like Aguero, Bale, Modric etc with succes. But again we are no Real Madrid to sign players who will then later want to go to other big team...we are signing players who are young, quality and who consider LFC for the best team and for wich it is dream to play here and not to fuck off to Spain in year or two...

sorry for being rude...but DID ANYONE HERE READ MY BIG POST from yesterday...??? :(
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

weell did Liverbird read it...he wanted Aguero.. instead of that fucking Andy Carroll..who cost us 35 mil. pounds..

well dear Liverbird let me tell you something, we have totaly oposite phylosophy than Man. City who (and that´s no surprise) managed to get Aguero...why? not becouse they are biger club than we are, but becouse they are backed by healty multi milionairs who can pay him 200 000 pounds a week! LFC owners are not that crazy rich and they certainly won´t pay that crazy money to a single player..


They build to future, they invested the money in players who have the potential to be good for long term.. and to serve this club without "making problems" and with the posibility for us to make money of them if they fail to deliver..

You are not a normal fan in my eyes...becouse you look at one single thing (Aquilani staying or not staying) and you totaly ignore EVERYTHING else in between..

The only reason our new owners appointed Kenny for this 3 years is becouse they saw he can win with a team full of injured players against Man City or Chelsea for example.. they would appoint another coach, but there was no right person for us at that time avileable, so they gave their trust to the legend of this club..

but as i written before, this owners also apointed many other people responsible for transfers, there is not just Kenny FFS, he is the motivator, the coach who spots qulaity and who make the decision for lienup etc.. but there is also other people who advice him and our owners and who are responsible for everything behind closed doors, so dont moan about our living legend anymore as if he was responsible for everythig bad Aquilani suffered since joining..

read my damn big post from yesterday and if you won´t understand nothing after that then it´s lost case in my view..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

He is not negative.
I think he has a point.
On the one hand it's very good for Brittish football that Dalglish gives Brittish players the chance to play at a big club. If he succeds: hat off to him.

IMO opinion there are two reasons why Liverbird is right.

1 (and this is not he important reason) foreigners like Liverbird and me are attracted to foreign players in England. I think all the players Dalglish bought this transfer window are good players (i particularly like Henderson), but a couple of foreign players would be more attractive (Suarez, Drogba, Modric, Cesc and Nasri, Tevez with the exception of United all the big clubs' stars are foreigners).

2 This is more important. Benitez was a fantastic manager because he added some Spanish flair to the fantastic mentality of English players. This was a very good mix and made that Liverpool team fact that mix makes every English team succesfully. I know Liverpool has Suarez, but IMO that is not enough...

Only my two cents, but believe me, Liverbird is not an unreasonable guy. IMO he does not deserve to be ignored...

1. With exception of Premier League champions, there - you said it... why nobody moans about Manchester united spending CRAZY money in past and present for English or British players...??? They must be doing something right no? they are PL champions.

Is Dalglish so different from Ferguson except he was long away from football?

They are both Scotish, they are both former players, both know the english game, of course Ferguson won everything, but Dalglsih won PL so he knows how to do that..he won it longer ago but he won it as player and as a coach.

United bought Phil Jones, Ashley Young, in past Wayne Rooney, Michael Owen, Ferdinand, etc etc..this were all PL proven players or future stars.. they bought also foreign players, but this was not Ferguson buys... this were buys from his assistent, or from lots of tips of their amazing talent spoters around the world... Ferguson never saw Bebe play yet UNITED bought him becouse of a tip or something.. Ferguson would maybe never buy Ronaldo if there was not this portugal connection and that famous Sporting match where he saw him first time...

EVERYBODY moans about LFC but nobody see why we are doing this and that other british managers in fact do the fact the most succesfull one FERGUSON doing this SUCCESFULLY for years.

prove that wrong.

2. Benitez was succesfull manager not becouse he bought players who vere spanish, but becouse he bought quality players... the core of that almost winning team was not Spanish at all mate, there was just 3 spanish players and Mascherano, who i don´t consider technically a wonder at all.. he bought a Slovak, Skrtel, he bough Israel player Benayoun, he bought Dane player Agger, he bought many many other players but the fact they are latin does mean nothing that they will now play like Maradona each of them..

he bought some realy lame spanish players like Josemi, Nunez, etc..who were not worse than our current british boys...

Benitez bought lots of latin and british and players from around the world, for me only Alonso, Arbeloa , Masche, Torres and Reina were the realy quality ones. But there was many of them who were not.. Morientes, Josemi, Nunez, that chilean winger...

but he bough players from everywhere..he bough Johnson, Crouch, Pennant, Bellamy, Krompkamp, Skrtel, Sissoko, Kyrgiakos, Leto, Benayoun, Agger, Keane, Aquilani...he wanted Barry, Alves, Simao,

also nobody talks about Benitez and his backing that days..that LFC needed to sell, before he could buy.. he made an amazing profit and spended net spend for a season was 13 milion pounds.. in his 6 years.

many of the players he bought were for free in fact.. Benitez is so underrated in his transfers it´s unreal.

i´m off. :BRICK:
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Pipa, i don't know if you read my post, but you clearly did not understand it. I've never said that Raffa did not buy bad Spanish players..that was not my point...
Raffa"s succes IMO was the mix between Spanish flair players and English mentality players...i could also point out that not all the English players he bought were a sucess. That would not prove a thing...

As for United: they had Hernandez who was vital for the title and Vidic who is their most important player. Van Der Sar was also pretty important, just like Berbatov...Rooney is MUTD's star, but last season he was less important than the foreign players i mentioned...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

i know, but my point was that this spanish players consider LFC not as their home clubs..

ask Tevez for Boca.. usualy no other than English players understand the values or the history of english teams..there were many so called adopted players with other nationality who grow to a team like Cantona, Henry, Zola etc.. but now days the non-english players are just looking on money or consider english teams as step up in later move to home big teams.. that´s how i see it..

Also my point was the fact we didn´t almost won the league becouse of spanish flair as you say..but becouse having a compact team and having good goal scorer in Torres.. Arsenal didn´t won the league in early noughties having french flair, but having amazing team of individual talented players.. who had amazing tactics and Thierry Henry with Bergkamp..

i don´t like this nationality talk, for me the world is to multicultural this days and looking at player nationality is useless.. there is many talented players abroad, and many talented home grown players.. Fabregas might be spanish, but he learned and grew in England, the same Hernandez.. there is nothing to do with his nationality..he simply was good and grew.. the same thousands of players..

The fact Barcelona is winning stuff is not becouse the players are spanish, but becouse they pick the most talented ones.. and they have best tactics in world to play their style..

We can win the league with the team we have now, we just need to be a compact team..

If you talk about Vidic as foreign and not spanish or with that flair...look at Liverpool, we have players like Agger, Skrtel, Lucas, Meireles, Suarez who are the core of the team right now.. they are not just spanish, but the most quiality of those we had and could buy.. is Lucas better DM than Essien in his better days? certainly not.. but we have not the power to buy Essien, Drogba..etc..

The key is not the fact this players are foreign, but their quality, adaptations, and ability to fulfill the needs of the team and to play according to manager tactics.. nothing else..

i still don´t understand how you deciede between who are foreign and other playes..becouse Vidic is also not british, Drogba, Essien, Modric, Nasri, Fabregas are not british as well.. are spanish players the ones that we need to win the league or mexican? or Argentina..?

i say we need a compact team... nationality aside.. we need top players, but their nationality has nothing to do with it.. just their aibility to fit in the team and do everything they can to win the games..
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

according to Wikipedia

LFC currently has 13 british and 20 non british players
EPL champions United have 16 british and 17 non british players

does this numbers matter, not at all imo..

what matters is the team work.. i don´t mind us having less british players if we manage to win the league..

but what i mind us having is players who can win long term, who can stay at the club for long, not just short term, who won´t betray the club.. currently we can´t attract most famous foreign playes becouse we are out of europe..and as said we won´t overprice the players if the won´t perform..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Tbh I think Liverpool are doing a similar tactic to City from two summers ago (but investing more in youth). City bought quite a few proven prem players who didn't make anybody's heart race any faster (Barry, Milner, Johnson, Adebayor, Lescott, K.Toure, Tevez), however it gave them steel and a very high base level of quality to get results. Ofcourse they had a couple of very good imports (de Jong and....not sure who else) but the majority of their 1st team came from premierleague sides, or atleast that was the impression. Liverpool are doing a similar tactic, buying proven* young(ish) players to get a very solid base in the team and squad and will mix it with foreign talent (Suarez, Kuyt, Lucas, Meireles, Agger...and maybe even Aquilani). Get CL qualification and you can buy some more top class foreign talent (without having to pay a ridiculous none CL premium) and maintain a good base level with the british players already here.

*Proven may be a strong word, but they have all performed well so far and is the risk you take if you want younger players.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Why does nationality matter to you? Benitez was criticized for signing too many foreigners, now you want to criticize Dalglish for signing too many British?

I'm honestly beginning to think you're a Man Utd fan on a wind-up job. I've never in my life come across anyone with such negative views as yours and it's just depressing to constantly read your complaints about everything and anything that doesn't involve a certain player, and you only ever post positive posts when it does involve that player.

I can't understand why you support Liverpool when you don't really seem too bothered about the team apart from one player. You've got no understanding of how we're building up our team, no faith in a manager who deserves more respect and trust than anyone who could ever be our manager, no faith in our new signings in case your favourite player leaves.

Time for the ignore button to come back out I reckon! Especially if Aquilani is sold. We concede a goal? It's Kenny's fault for selling Aquilani, he'd have stopped it. We don't score? Aquilani would've scored. I don't win the lottery next week? Aquilani could've told me the numbers if he was still a Liverpool player.

Ignored from now on, otherwise I'm going to go crazy having to read rubbish over the next season.
So because I dont follow Kenny´s decision blindly and I dont celebrate everything he does, Im not a true Liverpool supporter ?
The fact I find Kenny ´s signings overpriced and overrated and I have my doubts if they have the necessary quality to take Liverpool back to where belongs, have nothing to do with Aquilani, so I dont understand why you mentioned that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Tbh I think Liverpool are doing a similar tactic to City from two summers ago (but investing more in youth). City bought quite a few proven prem players who didn't make anybody's heart race any faster (Barry, Milner, Johnson, Adebayor, Lescott, K.Toure, Tevez), however it gave them steel and a very high base level of quality to get results. Ofcourse they had a couple of very good imports (de Jong and....not sure who else) but the majority of their 1st team came from premierleague sides, or atleast that was the impression. Liverpool are doing a similar tactic, buying proven* young(ish) players to get a very solid base in the team and squad and will mix it with foreign talent (Suarez, Kuyt, Lucas, Meireles, Agger...and maybe even Aquilani). Get CL qualification and you can buy some more top class foreign talent (without having to pay a ridiculous none CL premium) and maintain a good base level with the british players already here.

*Proven may be a strong word, but they have all performed well so far and is the risk you take if you want younger players.

Kompany ;)

the thing i wanted to say is if we had similar owners, we would do exactly the same.. we would not have Kenny at helm and i would not support this team anymore...

but we have owners who are not going to pay crazy money to get players play for us, players who never would play for City 3 years ago..

what LFC are doing most active is revitalising youth, with a foreign manager there and Kenny is doing something Rafa didn´t and that´s making this young players a part of first team and give them hope..

players like Spearing, Coady, Kelly, Flanagan and Robinson are in fact the same or similar case as Ferguson had in mid 90s with Scholes, Beckham, Butt, Neville brothers..

this players are necessary to grow more in our team and to take responsibility for the team after Gerrard, Carra...

our new owners instead of spending milions on players in future are tring to build from the academy...this is the most important chainge since they took this club few months ago...give them time...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

So because I dont follow Kenny´s decision blindly and I dont celebrate everything he does, Im not a true Liverpool supporter ?
The fact I find Kenny ´s signings overpriced and overrated and I have my doubts if they have the necessary quality to take Liverpool back to where belongs, have nothing to do with Aquilani, so I dont understand why you mentioned that.

:D do you even read other post or you continue with just saing the same all over again? do you know how our team works, how many people work there? do you know who owns our club now? How they work and what long term strategy they have? :D
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

hey lads,


Let's bring on the new season with optimism and watch us win the league :)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

mate i agree, we should not argue.. but at the same time i am very optimistic.. as you could read in my post after the Valeranga friendly..

i don´t expect us to storm the league..but almost a year ago..i was not even bothered looking at our matches - first time since i support this club..

so we should take it easy and not want everything very quick like this new so called big teams.. like Malaga, City etc..

i´m convinced with youth and our strategy we will succed.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

:D do you even read other post or you continue with just saing the same all over again? do you know how our team works, how many people work there? do you know who owns our club now? How they work and what long term strategy they have? :D
Funny you say that. You have been talking over and over about long-term strategy, cooperative work, succesful owners, profesionals and using all those words since last January.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think the idea is to create a new British core (which is very important IMO) something you didn't have prior to this. 4-5 English players and then slowly add the foreign talent to support that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Funny you say that. You have been talking over and over about long-term strategy, cooperative work, succesful owners, profesionals and using all those words since last January.

and yet you continue saying as if Dalglish was paying for the new players himself..from his own wallet..

no need for the separate thread, even if it´s good idea.. :D

i said all i wanted, let people support both ways..normal and fifa manager mode way..

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think the idea is to create a new British core (which is very important IMO) something you didn't have prior to this. 4-5 English players and then slowly add the foreign talent to support that.

yes, but anyway.. i realy don´t think the new players we bought this transfer window were bought to replace the ones we had..they were bought to make better squad depth as i said..

it´s just the way our academy currently has mainly british boys coming in..but we also have other nationality guys playing in reserves...Ayala, Suso are spanish and some other guys will be definetly chainged or bought etc..

we obviously need a leader for future like Gerrard or Carra..but we maybe already have this guy in our squad..among those who took the chance from Dalglish and played well, or earned themselfs contract..

but as i said, we still have Lucas, Agger, Reina, Skrtel, Meireles, Suarez, Kuyt, Maxi who will start and continue playing most matches anyway... the fact we bought Downing, Henderson and Adam don´t mean that Lucas will not start etc.. it´s just to make our squad depth better and to make all players happy.. with enough playing time and what´s most important with a healthy competition for places.. wich is neccesary in every team..

i think with this transfers and the young players we have, we have now much more ways to chainge our game during season.. we can use Carroll in other matches than Suarez for example.. and so on..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Matt_Lawton_DM Matt Lawton
Impressive spending spree at #Liverpool set to continue with Cahill. #Arsenal out of the top four this season?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Joe Cole's house up for sale, still strong rumours that he's off to QPR on loan and we'll be funding a part of his ridiculous wages.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It is preferable to pay 30 % of his wages, as it is said, than to pay he full 90k he is on.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

i belive Joe will move and he should, QPR is good team for him becouse he failed here.. he had more chances than Jovanovic and Dalglish was patient enough with him, not to mention Hodgson...

Cahill? i realy doubt..but it would be necessary for us to buy a CB, since media here in Slovakia are reporting about Skrtel injury today that he might not play matches for us becouse his injury is worse than they thought.. he might not start the season for Liverpool as well..

with Agger injury record..we are currently left with Soto and Carra as backup.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Downing and Henderson, especially Downing, look very promising. Adam and Aquilani cant play together.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

guys I know it was "just a friendly" , but im soooo happy we won it , 2-0 we dont take goal amazing no ? or its the same like we lose 3-0 vs hull JUST A FRIENDLY
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Rumours that Enrique will be a Liverpool player next week for 5,5mil. Decent transfer imo, if it happens. Ngog wants to go to Bolton.
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